[00:16] hi all. I updated my nvidia card drivers and my xubuntu 17.10 install is now failing to boot - normal boot just goes to a blank screen (even with nomodeset). I can however log into recovery with networking and get a root shell up [00:16] Can anyone point me in the right direction? [00:17] I should note I attemped to uninstall nvidia drivers and reinstall 340/reinstall nouveau packages, to no effect === rud0lf is now known as test___ === test___ is now known as rud0lf [10:30] ts [11:44] ? [11:48] ! [11:48] hi. is it possible to install python3.6 on xubuntu 16.04? how? [11:50] heed hlelp [11:50] rick_, ask the question... [11:51] good_cookies, if it's not in the repositories, the next easiest thing would be a PPA or if that doesn't work and you really need that version, you can build from the source... [11:52] terminal says me scary things. like system will break when i trying to add PPA. is it ok to go with it? [11:52] language support not open [11:54] good_cookies, PPA's are always at your own risk - it's possible that it can break your system [11:55] good_cookies, you need to consider how much you need that version, how ready you are to fix potential issues with it [11:55] yeah, installing official ubuntu kernel driver can also brick your computer [11:55] can i have both versions of python then? [11:56] flux242, how "funny" - at least ubuntu developers are then doing their best to fix it - PPA maintainers likely not [11:56] good_cookies, if you build it from source, then yes with caveats [11:56] good_cookies, if you install from a PPA, nope [11:57] what is the difference? [11:57] ubuntu so called developers should not fuck up at this scale. Was there any other distro affected? No? [11:57] if you don't know, then i'd say only the PPA option is realistic for you [11:57] flux242, can you take this discussion elsewhere as it's not exactly xubuntu support? [11:58] flux242, also please remember this is a family friendly channel [11:58] language support in xubuntu closed down [11:58] rick_, does not open - closed down - what does that mean? [11:58] #join xubuntu-offtopic [11:59] good_cookies, 18.04 LTS is released on april, it has python 3.x [11:59] 3.6.x i mean [11:59] Loading and directly closing [12:00] rick_, what happens if you run "gnome-language-selector" from the terminal without the quotes? [12:04] ** (gnome-language-selector:3632): WARNING **: Couldn't connect to accessibility bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-1duXL4BPjO: Connection refused Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/bin/gnome-language-selector", line 22, in on_activate options=options) File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/LanguageSelector/gtk/GtkLanguageSelector.py", line 202, in __init__ self.check_input_methods() File "/usr/lib/pyth [12:07] that warning is "fine" [12:07] anything else? [12:07] i have to go though, others are likely able to help as well [12:07] good luck [15:51] hi [15:52] somebody here? [15:53] hello ._: [15:53] hi [15:53] too late [16:22] usually is === genii is now known as barista === barista is now known as genii [23:15] hi there [23:22] xubuntu93i: hi - got an issue? [23:23] no. everything is fine. i'm installing xubuntu in a very old machine... [23:24] aah ok - just chatting is #xubuntu-offtopic if you want :) [23:24] So you're here just in case something happens? [23:26] not really - I just try and pick up the slack [23:27] excuse me sir, slack is down the hall and to the left, this is irc, home of people who don't like new things [23:27] :3 [23:27] Oh that explains why I'm here. [23:27] dax: bah - I've been slack for 50 odd years, I'll not shuffle down the corridor :D