[03:31] @AlFXLogic, Thats what u wanted to say [03:31] I tried every distro possible but there's ni better than lubuntu [08:05] @carriewst, Exactly [10:00] iPaky was added by: iPaky [10:00] Hello. Can i use Openvpn whit user and pass only? [10:00] Whitout certificate? [10:44] It depends on the VPN. If you're in RiseUp you need. Not in ProtonVPN. [10:48] Where is the Different [10:50] Sorry? You mean what's different between them? As I told, it depends on them, their servers. [10:50] RiseUp gives you a PEM certificate when you join them. [10:55] @iPaky: https://community.openvpn.net/openvpn/wiki/GettingStartedwithOVPN [11:01] I whany only user e pass [11:02] every provider is different [11:03] I can't help you with that. please, read that guide. but this is a Dev channel, we can't give you support for OpenVPN. sorry [11:04] Uff ok tua [11:04] 👍🏻 [11:09] @VikingRedwolf, Can you help me on pv? [11:13] what's pv? O_o [11:21] Private [11:21] we'd get the same result, I'm afraid I can't help much [11:21] Ok [18:18] tsimonq2: you saw bug 1741713 is back in artful dot one? [18:18] Bug 1741713 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu testcases 'Alternate Install': Debootstrap fails due to dependency problems" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1741713 [18:19] i think it's slightly different but [18:19] let me show you what i'm talking abot [18:19] since i'm guessing you don't remember [18:20] wxl: I don't remember [18:21] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/busybox/+bug/1737662 [18:21] Launchpad bug 1737662 in ubuntu-power-systems "Unable to install ubuntu1804 build with Debootstrap warning on witherspoon system" [Critical, Fix Committed] [18:21] no that's not exactly the same i don't think [18:21] we had this early in bionic [18:31] Hm [18:31] wxl: Can you reproduce it? [18:34] just been confirmed tsimonq2 [18:34] *sigh* [18:34] i'm downloading server right now because the last one we had affected them too [18:34] as you know pushing it their direction usually gets things happening [18:34] Alright, let me know how it gors. [18:34] whereas when it just affects us....... [18:34] *goes [19:03] tsimonq2: it's not the same package depends, but a fail none the less http://www.termbin.com/8zda [19:04] wxl: Get attention on it ;) [19:52] bug 1741713 [19:52] Bug 1741713 in debootstrap (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu testcases 'Alternate Install': Debootstrap fails due to dependency problems" [Undecided, Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1741713 [21:22] desktop works fine at least for the one testcase i did, tsimonq2 [21:23] who/where do i talk to re:server?