[01:08] Hi [01:10] Can I get extra time because I didn't time to work on it. [01:10] *get [01:11] 8 [04:41] hii can anybody help me [04:41] i need help [04:42] please help me [04:43] i am doing task so i need your support [04:44] please help me [04:47] plzz help me [04:47] tsimonq2 plzz help me [04:47] as you have said i have done everything [04:48] now what to do [04:48] Please leave. [04:48] i am extremely sorry i will not do it again give me a chance [04:49] I have given you multiple chances. [04:49] i now i have heart your feeling [04:49] Now is your final warning, please leave. [04:49] plzz last chance if i will do then block me [04:52] No. [04:53] if you have a heart just think for some time and i aplozise [04:53] bye [04:55] i think you will not help me now so i have to take help frome other [04:56] RAI, no one here would help you anymore, given your attitude, and you didnt even ask [04:57] sorry i am doing a tasks and its urgent plzz help [04:59] no one will help me [04:59] its urgent [04:59] otherwise all my hardwork goes into water [05:01] plzz help anyone [05:03] i think nobody will help so i have take from god [05:03] gode will help me [05:03] *god [05:08] plzz help [05:08] ubuntu mate is going to install [05:08] just tell me how to do a testuite [06:02] hello everyone [06:02] hello [06:03] i am doing a task so i need your help [06:03] sure, what's the matter? [06:05] UBUNTU Run the Ubuntu MATE image (iso) tests and report your results [06:05] this is the task [06:06] so can you help me [06:07] Are you RAI? [06:07] who is RAI? [06:08] okay that's good, some troll that came in flooding the chat, but asked the question as you [06:08] just wanted to make sure [06:08] Edward___, ok, what are you stuck on? [06:09] i have downloaded the iso and run on vm ware [06:09] and it runs perfectly [06:09] you mean the test cases? [06:09] yes [06:10] If so, you can just mark them as passed [06:10] i need to know where [06:10] And send in the screenshots and links as mentioned in the task description [06:10] you followed the tests here? http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1301/results [06:11] no not now [06:11] huh, then what tests did you run? [06:11] i have run on virtual machine [06:13] You installed Ubuntu mate? [06:13] yes [06:13] Ah, I think you misunderstood the task. [06:13] Don't worry, can you visit the link above? [06:13] ubuntu mate 18.04 [06:14] Yup, the link I pasted above contains the tests for Ubuntu mate 18.04 [06:14] You need to follow them, and report if there are any issues [06:14] i have to download it again [06:17] Edward___, no you don't need to [06:17] You have the iso file download right? [06:17] i have downloaded [06:17] You can just create a new vm [06:18] And reuse the iso [06:18] ok i have understand [06:19] wxl there? [06:19] hey you are talking about RAI who is this persson [06:19] spammer [06:20] well more like, he was asking for help, but he started spamming help [06:20] elopio forgot to review my task 😭😭 [06:20] haha [06:20] oh jeez [06:20] good call guys [06:21] 2220 -!- RAI [2f08fe0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] [06:21] 2220 -!- Edward___ [2f08fe0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. [06:21] Lol [06:21] wxl: can u check my work? thank you! https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5279572339720192/ [06:21] I was using matrix on phone so didn't manage to look at the ip [06:22] kill me someone...i'm way too sleepy to have noticed that [06:22] i wouldn't have unless it hadn't been mentioned [06:22] if he were smart he woudln't have brought it up again XD [06:22] Yea but great that he stopped spamming [06:22] Yeah [06:23] now i will spam in my life [06:23] at least it's your life and not ours :) [06:23] ok [06:25] xD [06:27] wxl: thank you :D [06:27] np :) [06:27] oh and btw, what happened to the kubuntu iso? [06:27] it's gone? [06:27] i'm getting 404 for all the download links [06:28] that's weird, I am able to dwonload [06:28] let me see [06:28] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20180103/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso [06:28] coolpolygons, try this ^? [06:28] you're using http i'm assuming coolpolygons ? [06:29] mhm [06:29] what [06:29] daniellimws[m]: y does that link work [06:29] as opposed to rsync or zsync.. [06:29] I have no idea [06:29] o_O [06:30] thanks anyways xD [06:30] got it from here, http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164100/downloads [06:30] i tried both amd64 and i386 and they both work [06:30] where did you get your link from? [06:30] the first link works [06:30] http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20171230/bionic-desktop-amd64.iso [06:31] i think i see the problem [06:31] could be due to that being old [06:31] 2017 12 30 was a long time ago XD [06:31] time? [06:31] yeah i see 20171230 [06:31] how did you get that link? im curious [06:31] the version numbers generally correspond to the current date [06:31] *generally* [06:31] hmm but why would the http link be not updated? [06:31] (since they are daily images) [06:31] it should be updated [06:31] again, where you getting yours from? [06:32] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/163873/downloads [06:32] the first link is the one i'm using. [06:32] wxl, some of us are facing this problem when trying to install the ubuntu images, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1740657 [06:32] Launchpad bug 1740657 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No Option '(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source'" [Undecided, New] [06:32] should we file a new issue for every different flavour? [06:33] daniellimws[m]: no, just keep adding to the same one [06:33] it *SHOULD* be the same for every flavor [06:33] because the bug description mentions kubuntu and it would be weird linking it to the ubuntu mate test results [06:33] ah [06:33] feel free to change the description to make it more general [06:33] ok thanks :) [06:33] np [06:34] if you want to go all out, go back through old releases and figure out where it broke [06:34] at this point i'm not even sure if that is a bug [06:34] cuz all the images i tested did not show the plugged-in to power source [06:34] wxl, that would be something interesting to work on [06:34] we're on build 164100 right now, coolpolygons. so again, how did you get to THAT link? [06:34] it should show even when I'm on a vm right? [06:35] i'm… not sure [06:35] i never tried playing around with battery/power on a laptop but worth trying [06:35] wxl i have no idea, i just clicked the example link shown in the task description [06:35] ok i'll try it out later [06:35] daniellimws[m] wanna try fixing that? [06:35] coolpolygons: oh there's your problem. that's only an example. it's not meant to be something you use. that's true with ALL of the ISO QA tasks. [06:35] daniellimws[m]: what do you use to do vms? [06:35] oh. OH. [06:36] :) [06:36] would be good to take some time to look at it, but need to make sure that it is not because I am using a vm [06:36] virtualbox [06:36] i used laptops, and that still is a problem... [06:36] i don't think it's supposed to show up when you're inside a VM [06:36] i use HP laptop and a macbook [06:36] but that battery plug-in stuff does not show up [06:37] ah that may be a thing too dax [06:37] you guys can always go digging around in the ubiquity codebase and see what you find [06:37] and that's not the problem with 18.04, but I dont think i have seen that message for versions like 17.10, 17.04, 16.04, blah blah blah [06:37] but coolpolygons, you tried it outside a vm? [06:37] if you need some direction, i'm happy to help [06:37] daniellimws[m] both vm and hardware [06:37] hmm, I recall seeing it though [06:38] that...is weird. [06:38] let's go check it out then :P [06:38] hi everyone [06:38] i'll test that out on hardware later [06:38] hi [06:38] give me a moment to finish running the tests first :) [06:38] daniellimws[m] yep ill do that too [06:38] omairqazi, dont mind if I modify this to be more general? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/1740657 [06:38] Launchpad bug 1740657 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No Option '(If on a 'laptop') Is plugged to a power source'" [Undecided, New] [06:38] because it not only affects kubuntu [06:39] but every OS [06:39] ya [06:39] almost. [06:39] i got an email [06:39] one thing to note is that lubuntu next and kubuntu both use a qt-powered bit in ubiqity and sometimes things are different [06:39] ok [06:40] thanks [06:40] wxl i found that in budgie too, do you think it might be a Qt problem? [06:40] cuz as far as i know, budgie also used Qt? [06:40] yeah ummm hold on there [06:40] daniellimws[m]: you can edit but only this one. not the others. i will do the others by myself :)) [06:40] tbh i'm not sure, but there was talk at one point of moving to qt [06:41] omairqazi, ok sorry for disrupting it, because I'm planning to link it to my test report and it would look weird if it says kubuntu :) [06:41] budgie-desktop is showing a lot of gtk/gnomey things [06:41] (in bionic) [06:42] wxl, what happened to unity though? [06:42] but that might not be the right metapackage [06:42] oh daniellimws[m]: so your test says lubuntu/ [06:42] ? [06:42] im currently on ubuntu mate [06:42] just like rai ;) [06:42] im on windows [06:42] :D [06:42] no no, I meant running tests on mate [06:43] oh kk xD [06:43] ok it would be better to add a note in the description that this problem is on ubuntu mate also [06:43] ubuntu-budgie-desktop is the right metapackage [06:43] again lots of gtk thigns, so i think they're not using qt [06:43] I changed it to "While installing Ubuntu 18.04, or any family of it ", is that ok? [06:43] wxl alright [06:44] ya [06:44] wxl let me test kubuntu and see what i get... [06:44] wxl: is it ok if i try to complete your task and submit it once my current task gets approved? [06:44] yes omairqazi [06:45] in fact several students have been doing that [06:45] thanks [06:45] ok [06:45] and just when i think i'm done with my work, they slam me with more XD [06:45] hehe [06:45] hehe thanks :)) [06:45] wxl but that shows how enthusiastic we are ;) [06:45] it's a good thing! [06:45] ya ;) [06:45] i'm not complaining at all! [06:46] (well maybe a *wee* bit) XD [06:46] we can understand ;) [06:46] perks of being a competitive student dev [06:46] heheh thanks omairqazi i appreciate your empathy :) [06:46] nothing wrong with a little healthy competition [06:46] your welcome hehe [06:47] just ping me if you guys need some help coz i am doing some other work side by side [06:47] sure thing [06:47] mhm [06:47] hey btw i don't know of you folks doing ISO test have noticed but we're doing testing of new artful images [06:48] (to fix the bug that caused us to remove the artful downloads) [06:48] it should be a no-brainer, if you wanted to contribute some extra stuff :) [06:49] alright we will be on it [06:50] here's the announcement https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-January/004263.html [06:56] thank you :D [06:56] No Problem Found During Installation (Ubuntu Mate 18.04) Run Perfectly [06:57] at last i have done it [06:57] one task of ubuntu [06:57] http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/384/builds/164081/testcases/1301/results [06:57] gj [06:58] what is gj [06:58] Edward___ I think you need to run all the tests [06:58] not only one [07:00] ya [07:00] how should i run all [07:01] konrad also run one [07:02] just do all the testcases [07:04] ok [07:06] doesn't it feel awesome and awful to catch bugs [07:06] yea it sure does [07:06] this is my first time doing something like this and gotta say, its interesting being a linux dev [07:07] ya [07:13] what did you guys learn the most from these ubuntu tasks? [07:14] i learnt about snaps and snapcraft [07:14] i didn't even heard snap [07:15] earlier [07:15] it is interesting to package and publish snaps [07:19] hii i need help [07:19] Hi RAI, please leave. [07:19] but i run perfectly ubuntu mate image 18.4 [07:20] wxl guess what... another task completed :D https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4637669881544704/ [07:21] coolpolygons: Sorry he is offline [07:21] just a little bit help so i can complete my task [07:21] just ask the question, don't say I need help [07:21] and end up saying irrelevant things [07:21] ^ [07:21] !ask [07:21] Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience [07:22] daniellimws[m]: For future ref ;) [07:22] Coool [07:22] ah that's very useful [07:22] xD [07:22] maybe can even configure ubot to say that when it sees "I need help" [07:22] Hahahaha [07:22] Nah [07:22] Accelerator would it be ok if i "ask" you to notify me when wxl comes back? [07:22] too robotic? [07:23] I have no idea when he is offline or online [07:23] coolpolygons: Sure [07:23] thank you :D [07:23] coolpolygons: He gets busy on weekends, I'd suggest finding him Monday US time [07:23] Can't we configure the bot to send a message at a later time? [07:23] tsimonq2 got it [07:23] i have downloaded and ran perfectly in vm (ubuntu mate image 18.04) [07:24] Just tell us what problem u have... [07:24] so how to test it [07:24] just do the things on the testcases [07:24] 🤦 [07:24] while using VM to run it [07:25] you are supposed to test the installer [07:25] Edward___: I know you're RAI, pleas leave. [07:25] s/pleas/please/ [07:25] Edward___ here, this will help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/ISO/Walkthrough [07:25] well, he did say he spent 12 hours reading that so, not sure if giving him the link helps [07:26] Another fun thing for y'all, wxl taught me this one, instead of saying *please I can use sed commands, here's the syntax: s/ORIGINAL/REPLACEMENT/ [07:26] oh he did? [07:26] hmmm [07:26] Right [07:26] yesterday [07:26] Oh nice one [07:26] tsimonq2, quite a mentors have used that in the past few weeks, also learnt about it from them :) [07:27] daniellimws[m]: Ah so there you go :) [07:27] nicer than using asterisk, but still used to asterisk [07:27] Some people do s/ORIGINAL/REPLACEMENT with no trailing slash, but that's improper syntax :P [07:27] tsimonq2: Add other features to the bot :D [07:27] daniellimws[m]>:i have not spent 12 hours to read ok [07:28] that's what you said though [07:28] Right, RAI [07:28] or you said "I read from 12 hours", which I think wxl interpreted as for 12 hours [07:28] but doesnt matter anyways [07:28] Accelerator: https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=&order=popularity%20DESC&page=5 [07:29] thanks [07:29] !malone [07:29] Launchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/ [07:29] :D [07:29] https://ubottu.com/devel/wiki can't access the development wiki :( [07:29] what do you guys mean by asterisks and commands? [07:29] srry im new to this irc stuff [07:30] coolpolygons: So when someone makes a typo, like this on I just made, the common way to correct it is: [07:30] *one [07:30] But [07:30] Some people, like me, instead like to use sed syntax and say: [07:30] tsimonq2: (some people do that because omitting the trailing slash works fine in vi) [07:30] s/on/one/ [07:30] i was saying that it takes 12 hours top install just think before writing [07:30] ok [07:30] dax: Oh bah, excuses imho :P [07:31] sorry my bad [07:31] Edward___ so what have you tried? please explain in detail [07:31] He has [07:31] He's RAI [07:31] We've gone through this before [07:31] But he won't listen when I tell him to leave :/ [07:32] thinking of RAI [07:32] since i wasnt there, i want to know more behind this, if it wont offend anyone [07:32] omairqazi, he is RAI [07:32] tsimonq2: There is the kick a user out function? [07:32] why i should leave i think you should all leave [07:32] just insulting [07:32] same on you all [07:33] Accelerator: Nope, but there's this... [07:33] !ops [07:33] Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax [07:33] Cool one [07:33] Alarm system [07:33] coolpolygons, if you want to read the logs, https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/01/06/%23ubuntu-google.html [07:33] not saying you should [07:34] Curiosity is a human's most powerful emotion :D [07:34] True :D [07:35] Whoever asked about ubottu, here's a better link: https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?db=ubuntu&search=&order=popularity%20DESC&page=0 [07:35] .msg NicerServ indentify meow8143 [07:36] omairqazi, not again... [07:36] tsimonq2 thanks :D [07:36] time to change password again ;) [07:36] daniellimws[m]: it is ok i typed the old password (the wrong one) [07:36] oh that's good [07:36] hi sorry network failure [07:37] Np [07:37] ok let me begin where i was [07:37] omairqazi_: Try getting a bouncer :D [07:37] wait do some pple here have credentials to "auth to services"? [07:37] :) [07:37] XD [07:37] coolpolygons yes [07:37] DDDDDDDD: [07:37] thinking of RAI [07:37] * omairqazi_ infinite facepalms [07:38] i think RAI troubles us deliberately. he does know things but he ask us [07:38] daniellimws[m]: I think you got your answer about us being too mean yesterday :D [07:38] omairqazi thats mean :( [07:38] omairqazi_: I just configure my IRC client to automatically auth with my 128 char special-character-riddel password :D [07:38] wouldnt your face be very painful if you infinite facepalms [07:39] s/riddel/riddelled/ [07:39] Accelerator, no one can save him now [07:39] daniellimws[m] he he [07:39] Totally [07:39] C'mon everyone, we may not like someone but that's not grounds to say it publicly :/ [07:39] i am sorry [07:40] tsimonq2: which IRC client do you use [07:40] Ah sorry about that..we will refrain from these comments :) [07:40] omairqazi_: irssi [07:40] ok thanks [07:40] Just keep it in mind for the future, OK? :) [07:40] thanks [07:40] are there better clients than just webchat (im using that rn)? what do you guys recommend? [07:40] yea ok [07:41] a nice one is weechat [07:41] I'm using Hexchat....Riot is also a nice one [07:41] or riot.im is a nice one too [07:41] which i am using now [07:41] it has an android app too [07:41] O_o interesting [07:42] perhaps we can set up a telegram bridge for next year's gci? [07:42] Woah, hi everyone! Was RAI again here? [07:42] konrad11901: He changed to Edward___ [07:42] :) [07:42] yeah [07:42] :D [07:42] Um i'm not familiar with that term daniellimws[m]...could you explain? [07:42] interesting [07:43] hi konrad [07:43] coolpolygons: I recommend irssi, it takes a bit to configure but it's the best one I've used by far [07:43] But... [07:43] !best [07:43] grr [07:43] LOL [07:43] ok [07:43] lol [07:43] It's on the page :) [07:43] "Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel." [07:44] Accelerator, recently some people started using telegram with irc together, by having a bot to "bridge" the messages [07:44] one example is #lubuntu-devel [07:44] hey we should do that too? [07:44] daniellimws[m]: Oooooooooh I would *love* a Telegram bridge. I have one set up already for some Lubuntu channels and it would be easy to get it here too but I'd like consensus from the OPs before I do that [07:44] telegram is pretty good... [07:44] Right daniellimws[m] [07:44] Oh nvm i googled it [07:45] I use teleirc to bridge #lubuntu-devel [07:45] wow pple here are so techy xD [07:46] and i thought i was the more tech savvy one compared to peers [07:46] :( [07:46] Hmm we learn something new everyday..no worries [07:46] tsimonq2, we can ask popey later? [07:47] daniellimws[m]: Yeah sure [07:47] :D [07:47] Accelerator is right, ya learn something new every day :) [07:48] which is y i use linux [07:48] One thing I'm wondering is if you guys are just here for the cookies (persay, I would provide if I could :P) or if anyone is interested in contributing to Ubuntu after GCI :) [07:48] xD [07:49] yes [07:49] cookies? [07:49] Both is fine, it's great to have y'all here, but yeah :D [07:49] TAKE ME xD [07:49] :D [07:49] i support ubuntu mate through patreon [07:49] tsimonq2: I'm definitely interested in helping Ubuntu after the contest :) [07:49] me too [07:50] dont drop this channel after the contest [07:50] bye have to lunch [07:50] or maybe move to new channel? [07:50] wxl said he has stayed here since the past 2 years [07:50] omairqazi cya :D [07:50] so we all can definitely stay? [07:50] wow he's a monster D: [07:50] coolpolygons: what is cya [07:51] But yeah it all depends on what you guys enjoy doing, if Snaps are more your thing then e l o p i o (so I don't highlight his nick) or k y r o f a might have more info on the current status of that, or if you guys want to help Lubuntu for example, we have #lubuntu-devel (with #lubuntu-offtopic as well :D) [07:51] see a [07:51] see ya [07:51] omairqazi cya = see ya [07:51] daniellimws[m]: Yep, this channel exists year-round :) [07:51] o/ omairqazi_ [07:51] oh [07:51] learn something new every day xD [07:51] Right XD [07:51] ya [07:51] :) [07:51] tsimonq2 /o? [07:52] omairqazi_: It's a person waving ;) [07:52] imagine o is the head [07:52] Right :) [07:53] I really should learn more about written emojis.... [07:53] xD [07:53] Not only you ;) [07:53] how do you guys find the "k/l/xubuntu testing" tasks we all seem to be doing now? [07:53] So if you guys wanna stick around after GCI that would be cool otherwise we have a plethora of other channels too, don't be afraid to reach out if you wanna help :D [07:53] well xubuntu was ok for me [07:53] tsimonq2 definitely [07:54] i did not do any of those because im not using a vm [07:54] tbh I find it tedious if I were to do more than one a day 😅 [07:54] I'll just do one a day [07:54] kubuntu was the buggy one D: [07:54] tsimonq2: I will be glad to contribute more [07:54] daniellimws[m]: I remember when I first started I would do 10 a day for like a week, I got real sick of it real fast :D [07:54] daniellimws[m] ur prob gonna stay on leaderboard [07:54] I'll definitely want to do more testing [07:54] Testing is fun [07:54] :D [07:54] 10 a week?? [07:54] But I also learned a lot about the OS by testing it :D [07:54] coolpolygons: 10 a day for a week [07:54] I want to do some more coding ones [07:55] coolpolygons: I'm not overexaggerating ;) [07:55] Accelerator, I think the only coding ones left are qatracker and phab [07:55] qatracker? [07:55] tsimonq2: You were a winner? [07:55] tsimonq2, I thought of doing 10 a day, but now already decided to stop on my first one [07:55] Can someone link me to that one real quick daniellimws[m]? [07:55] tsomonq2 im a linux noob so...i cant finish a lot [07:55] https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/4837947654275072/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False [07:55] bunch of those [07:56] but no one has claimed that yet [07:56] Accelerator: No actually, by the time I was old enough to participate I was already an active member of Ubuntu and that's against the rules ;) [07:56] daniellimws[m]: I am so lucky XD [07:56] I'll probably work on phab and qatracker next week [07:56] daniellimws[m]: ohhhhhh that's a really cool one actually [07:56] I had some issues setting qatracker up so decided to put it aside :p [07:56] Yeah the QA Tracker can be a real pain sometimes [07:57] Accelerator: there's the autopkgtests task too [07:57] daniellimws[m]: ooh where? [07:57] daniellimws[m]: Same here....i think there is a problem with the task [07:57] https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/5831541185839104/ [07:58] this is really accomplishing imo [07:58] actually not very hard [07:58] but I never knew how to write tests for gui apps and finally know how [07:58] ooh [07:58] Maybe i should give it a try [07:58] yea [07:58] i need to get the boot animation done xD [07:58] Ohh that's cool [07:59] Nice one [07:59] Accelerator, you may encounter issues but I can try to help out from 1 week of pain figuring things out [07:59] prob not gonna get up to leaderboard but still [07:59] coolpolygons, it's your last year here? [07:59] I will do it in school XD [07:59] im an 11th grade, so i still have another year [07:59] great! [08:00] Ah yeah same here [08:00] but itd be great if i can get to leaderboards cuz i can write gci for college apps :P [08:00] fwiw if anyone is looking for something to do, https://codein.withgoogle.com/tasks/5680903613317120/?sp-organization=5133577048031232&sp-is_beginner=False is an awesome task, and could very well lead you towards Bug Squad or even Bug Control post-GCI :) [08:00] but i am in 8th [08:00] WOW [08:00] I'm in 10th, heh :) [08:00] u pple [08:00] so pro xD [08:01] tsimonq2: I think you missed [08:01] tsimonq2: i was looking at that just now, but not really sure what bug to look at yet... will claim that when i finish my current task [08:01] current task is to work with blender, and I totally suck at it, so I've procrastinated until now :( [08:02] Accelerator: Hm? :) [08:02] is this you guys' first year in gci? [08:02] actually, it's my third and last year here [08:02] its my first [08:02] daniellimws[m]: Yes [08:02] it's my first [08:02] daniellimws[m] wow so dedicated [08:02] ahh guess im the most experienced hehe [08:02] xD [08:02] tsimonq2: You can't tell me that you are 15 :D [08:03] why not :D [08:03] how'd you guys get up to leaderboard? [08:03] Soo I never actually looked at the leaderboard for Ubuntu, where are we? :D [08:03] Accelerator: Oh but I am :D [08:03] Accelerator: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/tsimonq2/ [08:03] :O [08:03] wow [08:03] tsimonq2: Saw that...child prodigy :) [08:03] tsimonq2: https://codein.withgoogle.com/organizations/ubuntu/ [08:03] coolpolygons: if you read the rules, it is ranked by number of tasks first [08:04] at this time, I think you need at least 15 tasks [08:04] wow... [08:04] after that, the mentors choose top 5 as finalists and top 2 as grand prize winner [08:04] Accelerator: Nah, although I think the coolest-sounding thing I've earned so far is Master of the Universe XD [08:04] daniellimws[m]: Oh thanks [08:04] what's that actually XD cool name [08:04] tsimonq2: XD [08:04] OH so were you the simon from the ubuntu mate telegram? [08:05] daniellimws[m]: Upload access to the Ubuntu archive, but only Universe and Multiverse :) [08:05] tsimonq2: or this one https://gci-leaders.netlify.com/ which may look nicer [08:05] coolpolygons: Maybe? :) [08:05] wow i wanna be like u guys xD [08:06] i cant code that well but still wanna be part of the community :P [08:06] daniellimws[m]: Hm ok, I know Nick had one for Ubuntu two years ago that was super cool :D [08:06] tsimonq2: oh, really cool name [08:06] who's nick? evilnick? [08:06] Nick Veitch? [08:07] is there a way i can put my github profile here https://gci-leaders.netlify.com/ [08:07] coolpolygons: See but here's the thing, everyone thinks that contributing to Ubuntu is constant coding but tbh there's a lot more you can do [08:07] hmm [08:07] daniellimws[m]: My name is cool or what? :) [08:07] And no, Nick is b a l l o o n s [08:07] man i have to finish my project [08:07] tsimonq2, "master of the universe" haha, but where does the 't' and '2' come from in your nick [08:07] Nocholas Skaggs is ba ll oo ns right? [08:08] t and 2 both begin from 't' :) [08:08] tsimonq2: how do you contribute? [08:08] im legit curious rn [08:08] daniellimws[m]: All I'll say is that tsimonq2 is my initials with "simon" expanded [08:08] ;) [08:08] omairqazi: Right [08:09] coolpolygons: I do a handful of different things ;) [08:09] coolpolygons: launchpad.net/~tsimonq2 or wiki.ubuntu.com/tsimonq2 tells you quicker ;) [08:09] tsimonq2, you have '2' in your name? [08:09] daniellimws[m]: I won't say, sorry. [08:09] Hmm can i take a guess? [08:09] ok xD [08:10] Accelerator: No ;) [08:10] Feel free to PM me if you *really* want to know tho [08:10] Rejected :( XD [08:10] XD [08:10] tsimonq2: wow [08:10] that is so cool tho [08:11] coolpolygons: Here's the thing: I started contributing to Ubuntu when I was 13 [08:11] That could be you [08:11] tsimonq2: I seriously thought you were a middle-aged man...no offense :D [08:11] You just have to put a lot of effort and motivation behind it, and ask tons of questions [08:11] xD [08:12] Accelerator: Nah I get that a lot XD [08:12] tsimonq2: do you know why ubuntu wasnt in gci last year? [08:12] daniellimws[m]: Sorry, not sure. [08:13] Hmm maybe they were late in submitting? [08:13] LOL [08:13] No but seriously, if any one of you wanted to and had the motivation and drive to, once you get in the groove of contributing to Ubuntu, things will become a lot easier, and you could really make an impact. [08:14] Accelerator: We had an application but no we didn't pull a TuxDigital *ahem* XD [08:14] I would defintely be interested to [08:14] daniellimws: ’bout using sed syntax, not only mentors used it XD [08:14] XD [08:14] but always faced the problem of gigantic codebases and unresponsive chats [08:14] (inside joke I have with Michael from TuxDigital, he's *always* at *least* two hours late to *his* *own* regular Saturday stream) [08:14] m4sk1n: yea I know, but mentors always use them, I know you did too [08:14] XD [08:15] lol [08:15] tsimonq2: mind if u mentor me with this stuff [08:15] im kinda overwhelmed :P [08:16] coolpolygons: Yeah that's no problem at all, you just gotta have the willingness to learn and the motivation to keep up, that's all I ask :) [08:16] tsimonq2: Still waiting for those unique tasks...someone stole it 😭😭 [08:16] Ooooh right [08:16] I need to make a unique task... [08:16] and of course I won’t stop contributing to ubuntu after gci [08:16] Hrm... [08:16] Accelerator, I have something to confess, I took away 4 unique snapcraft tasks... :) [08:16] tsimonq2: i also started contributing when i am 13 [08:16] to ubuntu [08:16] tsimonq2: yes. [08:16] Right, I've known m4sk1n from the LXQt project for a *while* now :) [08:16] and another guy took away the other one [08:17] omairqazi: Oh, really? That's super cool :D [08:17] I know that j o s e has a few months on me tho XD [08:17] tsimonq2: it is my first year ing gci [08:17] *in [08:17] coolpolygons: Awesome :D Well ping me after GCI is done and I can help you :) [08:17] tsimonq2: through this chat? [08:18] daniellimws[m]: were you there in gci last year? [08:18] coolpolygons: Sure, or tsimonq2@ubuntu.com or a PM here :) [08:18] coolpolygons: Or Telegram ;) [08:18] omairqazi, 2 years ago I also joined ubuntu, but only did a task [08:18] tsimonq2: sounds good [08:18] but worked with unity, when it was still aloive [08:18] oh [08:18] daniellimws[m]: no worries...ii will find another [08:18] s/aloive/alive [08:19] omarqazi, last year I did with this org called copyleft games, which isnt here this year [08:19] I only did 5 tasks but became finalist XD [08:19] oh cool [08:19] because iirc there was only me there for almost the entire december [08:19] You were on the leaderboard? [08:20] i just want to prove that what i do on laptop is useful [08:20] yeah, but school reopened in january and I got busy [08:20] to my family [08:20] my mom runs away when i show her sudo apt update [08:20] i school repopening tomorrow :( [08:20] me2 [08:20] i will work at school np [08:20] coolpolygons: same with my sister [08:21] in india gadgets are not allowed in schools [08:21] There's more scary things you can show them than just sudo apt update [08:21] daniellimws[m] just got curious, but are you korean? [08:21] im chinese [08:21] small eyes [08:21] sudo rm -rf / [08:21] Same but not chinese [08:21] LOL ok [08:22] tsimonq2: but they are beginners [08:22] just curious cuz lim is a pretty common last name in korea also [08:22] Next time you start up a computer with Ubuntu, try pressing Esc when the boot logo shows up and you'll scare off some people for sure ;) I ended up turning the boot logo off entirely because those messages are useful [08:22] omairqazi: Meh :P [08:22] he [08:22] he [08:22] XD [08:22] coolpolygons, yea [08:22] i will do the esc thing [08:22] lol [08:22] XD [08:23] xD [08:23] my sister gets scared when a boot a device in her laptop's bios [08:23] Like I said, you can actually turn the boot logo off entirely [08:23] And I do that [08:23] i will also do that tsimonq2 :) [08:23] Hope we don't mess up tho XD [08:24] ya [08:24] Nahh, it would be really really hard to mess it up technically [08:24] Well fate hates me? [08:24] Unless you mean your sister's gonna tell your mom that you're a hacker and she belives her XD [08:24] i hack...:D [08:24] s/belives/believes/ [08:24] kali ftw [08:25] Right, if you're talking in Richard Stallman's terms, "hacking" is really [08:25] playing with your computer [08:25] mhm [08:25] (unintentional Enter) [08:25] anyone here interested in hacking? XD [08:25] sudo rm -rf / [08:25] Right, and when you exploit vulns, you "crack" your computer [08:25] i can do basic ones [08:25] Kali linux [08:25] coolpolygons: You forgot --no-preserve-root XD [08:25] tsimonq2 ye [08:26] my sis is gonna cringe at the level of nerdiness of the chat [08:26] coolpolygons: BTW are you using the tab key to autocomplete nicks? [08:26] Accelerator, yea but what about doing it without using automated tools ;) [08:26] coolpolygons: XD [08:26] tsimonq2: OMG YOU ARE A LIFESAVER [08:26] daniellimws[m]: You got my attention there [08:26] metasploit anyone? [08:26] but now my sister believes that i know much about computers [08:27] coolpolygons: Probably the exact same thing I said when I first learned about tab autocomplete ;) [08:27] Still an automated too [08:27] Accelerator: have you heard of capture the flags [08:27] s/too/tool [08:27] daniellimws[m], No [08:27] Accelerator: Hey now, you didn't properly close your sed :P [08:27] XD [08:27] Hey are you guys all on Telegram at all? (Or willing to get an account?) [08:28] hmm maybe i will get an account [08:28] Accelerator, https://ctftime.org/ctf-wtf/ [08:28] Ah thanks [08:28] yes you should, telegram is awesome [08:29] https://t.me/joinchat/DH6s1A3zZNKILb011Otykw - let's have offtopic discussion there :) [08:29] Cool [08:30] Accelerator, konrad11901, coolpolygons, omairqazi, daniellimws[m] ^ [08:30] XD [08:30] yay [08:31] ah wait..i have to sign up for telegram first? [08:31] ye with ur phone number [08:31] ah will join in a few mins [08:31] Yeah unfortunately :/ [08:31] Alright cool cool [08:31] now we can know your real name Accelerator [08:31] unless that's actually your real name [08:31] Nice name? [08:32] xD [08:32] tsimonq2 i will sign up once my school project gets finished [08:32] no rush [08:32] omairqazi: sure np [08:33] I won't divulge my real name XD [08:33] sad :( [08:33] yeah daniel lim wee soong? [08:33] yes [08:33] Make sure wxlrms doesn't catch you using software with a proprietary server though XD [08:34] lol what's with the rms [08:34] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [08:34] He's just... [08:34] RMS [08:34] :D [08:34] And i really have to know that trick of shrugging [08:35] I have an irssi alias and everything [08:35] /shrug [08:38] tsimonq2: Strange....do i have to install telegram on Laptop? [08:38] Accelerator: Laptop or phone [08:39] And when i already did that for phone..i just need to search foor the channel? [08:39] s/foor/for [08:39] https://t.me/joinchat/DH6s1A3zZNKILb011Otykw [08:40] Accelerator: you don’t have to install anything, Telegram web client (it acts as a progressive web app) is great enough [08:40] Oh right [08:40] Ah finally [08:40] \o/ [08:46] tsimonq2: can you help me with snapcraft? [08:47] omairqazi: I can try [08:47] :O [08:47] (I don't really do anything with Snaps or Snapcraft anymore but I was an active contributor a while ago) [08:48] tsimonq2: i need an alias https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/alias-for-backslide/3430 [08:50] Hm [08:50] Not sure tbh [08:50] elopio, kyrofa ^w [08:50] s/w// [08:51] They are not here...i'm waiting for kyrofa myself XD [08:51] and also classic confinement tsimonq2 https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/need-classic-confinement-for-backslide/3446 [08:52] Or popey, whoever :) [08:52] ok thanks [08:53] omairqazi: hmm, iirc there's a `confinement: classic` you can put in the YAML [08:54] tsimonq2: i know but classic confinement now requires review [08:54] omairqazi: Ask popey, it seems he last spoke with you :) [08:55] hmm thanks [08:55] daniellimws: you also need classic confinement? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/request-for-classic-confinement-manticore/3449 [08:56] maybe [08:57] ya i just read on snapcraft classic confinement give access to all the directories [08:57] since user can specify any directory in our snap it need classic confinement [08:57] popey hi ^ [08:58] balloons: r u there? [08:59] but maybe home plug is sufficient [09:00] daniellimws[m]: home plug doesn't work [09:00] it works only with classic or devmode [09:04] oh i see i am unable to snapcraft coz yesterday i removed npm [09:13] Hi [09:14] hi [09:20] coolpolygons: It's 4 AM for ba ll oons right now, I doubt you'll get an answer ;) [09:27] popey: hi [09:29] D: [09:29] popey: yesterday after changing the node-engine i was unable to snapcraft because it was not pulling, shjould i use source-commit to fix this [09:38] Hi [09:38] popey is not online... [09:38] hi [09:38] hmm [09:38] Yeah if i'm not mistaken then it's 1:38 am there [09:39] oh [10:14] . [10:34] hi [10:35] hi [10:36] sergiusens there? [10:37] what to do? [10:40] Hi [10:41] segiusens please take a look https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-backslide/3408/ [10:41] hi Bubble [10:41] Everyone [10:42] hi [11:29] Hi [11:41] wxl there? [11:45] coolpolygons: wait XD [11:46] D: [11:46] gettin anxious [11:47] Another 3 hour 13 mins to go~ [12:10] #1623602 is fixed in zesty, but it’s tagged as affecting xenial. what should I do? [12:28] u mean bug num #1623602 on launchpad? [12:44] yup [12:50] m4sk1n:So what exactly is your problem here? [12:52] I mean you could always change the tag there.... === Daniel is now known as Guest58408 [12:59] hi [13:00] just started my beginner task [13:01] hi there [13:02] Accelerator: it’s not my bug report [13:03] Hi! === Rishabh is now known as Guest23453 [13:04] Hi there [13:05] Am i supposed to introduce myself here only? [13:05] would be great if you do [13:05] nothing wrong if you dont ;) [13:06] Okay then! Hi! i am Rishabh from India [13:06] And i am 13 yrs old [13:06] Hi Rishabh, I'm Daniel from Singapore [13:06] would you want to change your nick? [13:06] try /nick Rishabh [13:07] Okay please do it! [13:07] you just need to enter what I just sent ;) [13:07] "/nick Rishabh" without the quotes [13:08] Can u please send it again i am not able to find it [13:08] "/nick Rishabh", without the ""s [13:09] can? [13:11] i will do it later Thank you! [13:11] m4sk1n: If i'm not mistaken then u can still change the tag [13:15] hi [13:15] hi there [13:17] print(finu) [13:17] i created a website. now what? [13:18] FINUSAM, hi, what website are you referring to? [13:19] about one of my fathers aquarium shop [13:19] .... [13:20] FINUSAM, that's good but, are you in the right channel? [13:20] It's about Ubuntu here... [14:14] hiievryone === SAGAR is now known as Guest56059 [14:14] SAGAR, hi [14:15] if i am installing something in virtual machine and i want to make its video how can i do?? [14:15] Use a screen recording tool like obs? [14:16] hey can you come on private message for 1 min [14:16] Why? [14:16] Everyone here can help you :) [14:16] i want to ask something [14:17] Ok anything [14:17] that can you provide the link for os to download [14:18] are u there [14:19] Oh hi there......................................................... [14:19] Open broadcaster software [14:19] It's on Google ;) [14:20] i have to download the broadcast software [14:20] Yeah [14:20] If you want to record [14:21] i have heard from Shivam that dont ask anything on this freenode [14:22] Who is Shivam? [14:23] he is in my school and we are doing gci [14:23] we are friends [14:23] RAI [14:23] yes his full name is shivam rai [14:24] Oh but everyone is helpul here...dunno why he would say something like that...where else would u ask for help then? [14:25] he was just crying that no one is talking to him [14:27] We are sorry about that, but he was behaving quite rude yesterday [14:27] what [14:28] We all tried to help him, but he doesn't listen at all but still tries to ask more questions [14:28] but he is very good and every teacher likes him [14:28] Um yeah...there is the logs [14:29] i will talk to him and help him [14:29] he was saying i am accepting my mistake but no one is listening [14:31] ok let me go bye [14:33] hii evryone [14:36] why no one is replying [14:39] hello [14:40] i am extremely sorry [14:44] talk to me [14:44] ask me questions [14:45] if i will pass then talk otherwide dont talk [14:50] hii evry one [14:50] i am rai friend [14:51] plzz talk to him [14:55] Hi, this channel is meant for Google code in discussion. We are always happy to help, but that day RAI acted quite rudely. If RAI asks something relevant, we will still be glad to answer. [14:56] Oh nevermind he left [14:56] :D [14:56] he will be back in a few mins [14:57] Well, if he really needs help, we should still help him [14:57] but he usually doesn't [14:57] Because maybe he's just one of those typical internet claimed impatient self centered millennials [14:57] and when he wants some help, he doesn't want to cooperate [14:57] Always ready to help but most of his questions are irrelevant [15:16] Hi [15:17] Hi there [15:17] Can I get extra time because I didn't get time to work on the task. [15:18] Abhi_: who is you mentor? [15:18] s/you/your [15:19] Abhi_ what's the task? [15:19] You can always reclaim the task when it expires ;) [15:19] No need to worry about that [15:20] My mentor is Kyle Fazzari [15:20] That would be kyrofa [15:20] Here is the link to my task [15:20] https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6266209089617920/ [15:21] If I reclaim the task after it expires will still count [15:21] after I finish it [15:21] Abhi_, don't worry, the task is multi-instanced so you can just claim when it expires [15:22] Yea it would [15:22] No worries just take your time [15:22] Ohh [15:23] Thanks for that!!! [15:23] Do you need any help? [15:23] Any problems you faced with the task? [15:25] Ahh he left :/ [15:53] Hi, has anyone tried to install OpenStack (any mentor or GCI participant) using conjure-up? I'm having some issues with it :/ [15:54] Sorry nope, waiting for your tutorial :p [15:54] The video isn't very clear [15:58] The installation process is *theoretically* quite simple... [15:58] yeah, theoretically [16:01] Um no...i think you are the first [16:04] hi guys [16:05] just finished all the school work [16:05] Hi [16:05] Great [16:05] school is repoening tomorrow :( [16:06] daniellimws[m]: i am fixing my snap which works only with classic confinement. if it works with strict confinement i will tell you the solution that you can try on your snap [16:07] Thanks [16:07] welcome [16:07] I haven't got to try anything yet [16:07] ya but i am curios with plugs [16:08] Perhaps tomorrow but we'll see what the mentors have to say [16:08] because classic does not require any plugs [16:08] so i think we are missing a plug in strict confinement [16:09] well i am trying the snapcraft preload plugin [16:09] by sergiusens [16:34] i dont know why i am getting returned non-zero exit status 2 [16:35] Still with strict confinement? [16:35] ya [16:37] Hmm elopio? [16:38] this problem occurs with snapcraft preload [16:38] I think elopio can help you with that one [16:39] elopio hi [16:40] Omairqazi what is the full error [16:41] daniellimws[m]: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26340626/ [16:41] it is a problem whith cmake plugin that snapcraft preload uses [16:42] I don't think preload is necessary, if at all, relevant [16:42] Cmake is a compiling tool, probably not what we need here [16:42] ya [16:45] i don't know if this will work but worth a try [16:45] snappy-debug.security scanlog [16:45] try downloading and running or something [16:45] it suggested mre to use snapcraft-preload [16:47] Hmm but if snapcraft-preload is not working then i guess u can try other things :D [16:51] adjust program to not use 'chown' [16:54] Not use chown? [16:54] That's not anything we can do [16:54] Because we are merely packaging [16:55] Yeah precisely [16:55] * Accelerator is going to have dinner and will be back soon [16:56] * omairqazi is going to sleep and will see you guys tomorrow [16:56] bye [17:13] coolpolygons: Looks like wxl will either be late or won't come today... [17:32] Nvm...think he already fell asleep [18:10] wxl: Hi [18:11] wxl: coolpolygons wanted you to review his task and gave me a reminder [18:11] yes i noticed but just got up so bear with me [18:12] i will mention that google does provide each mentor this nice little way to view which of THEIR tasks are currently waiting for submission [18:12] not to mention the fact they send emails for every single action [18:12] Ah sorry about that [18:12] so the reminder isn't totallly necessary, but feel free [18:12] Sorry again [18:12] no worries [18:13] should you have something important to relay and you can't stay logged into irc to await the reply, you can always use memoserv. /msg memoserv help [18:14] only works on registered users tho [18:14] Awww [18:14] but you can /msg nickserv help and learn how to register. it's painless [18:14] and while we're talking about irc tricks i know, at least on irc, i can /whois whois nick and it will give me idle time [18:15] oh that's not right hold on [18:15] XD [18:15] it's /whois nick nick [18:16] Oh [18:16] so you can see mr. pope has been idle over 23 hours [18:17] while tsimonq2 who has been quiet here for a while has been idle only a minute [18:17] so he's awake and actively on irc [18:17] Ah nice trick [18:18] so we know you're there, tsimonq2 [18:18] i should remind you that tsimonq2 is mentor on a lot of the tasks i am.. *AHEM* :) [18:19] Sounds like someone does not want to share XD [18:31] wxl: while I show as "idle", I do have this window open on my desktop :) [18:31] so happy to be pinged [18:32] it's a general indicator.. [18:32] especially if there's no ping response [18:32] Tru dat [18:33] popey: hi! any news about new tasks? [18:40] elopio: Hi..are you free? [18:51] popey: I’m also waiting [20:02] how to test the result [20:04] tsimonq2 how to test result [20:04] RAI_: Please leave. [20:04] ubuntu mate image 18.04 [20:05] RAI_: Please leave. [20:05] are i have to clear my doubts i ill not tak mr than 1 min [20:06] just 1 thing to asl [20:06] *ask [20:06] RAI_: you need to either ask a very specific question and follow the instructions given or we'll be forced to unassign you from the task [20:07] ok just tell how to do a tesuite of ubuntu mate image 180 [20:08] *18.04 [20:08] RAI_: there are clear instructions how to do every testcase [20:08] step by step [20:08] you follow the instructions in the task. you read the walk through to learn how the tracker works. then you go on the tracker and find the test suite. then you do every step in every test one at a time and report your results. then you follow the instructions in the task description to provide the necessary information. [20:08] tsimonq: has tell all the instruction to do [20:09] thankyou so much [20:09] that's how ALL of the ISO QA tasks work [20:09] in fact they all have the same basic instructions [20:10] if you come here again and ask the same question, i am unassigning you from the task and any other similar tasks. [20:10] i think the fact of the matter is that if you do not get the insstructions given and do not understand enough to be able to ask the right questions, then it may be safe to say that the task is beyond you. [20:11] don't you think that makes sense, RAI_ ? [20:14] woah [20:14] ? [20:14] RAI has quit :) [20:16] popey: when will we see the new tasks? [20:16] My set are being reviewed [20:16] probably tomorrow [20:16] :) [20:45] Hello! [20:49] Hi! [21:21] coolpolygons: you need to submit your task