
jambobeo: are they at the same IP address that they were before? you can look at ~/.local/share/juju/controllers.yaml and see if the IP address matches the controller macihne.04:05
jambobeo: the other option is something like "ufw" that was manually stopped on a machine that is now blocking remote access, or something like that.04:06
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gunixstokachu: are online now? :D09:50
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=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
stokachugunix: yep, whats up16:26
stokachuhbogert_: /win 316:28
stokachuhbogert_: sorry, i meant to ask why are you disappointed?16:28
stokachuhbogert_: also logging into IRC as root isn't usually a good idea16:29
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
=== rogpeppe1 is now known as rogpeppe
=== agprado is now known as agprado|lunch
=== agprado|lunch is now known as agprado
=== rogpeppe2 is now known as rogpeppe
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
jose-phillipsany way to check issues on juju charm23:04
jose-phillipsjuju deploy /pathofcharm package23:04
jose-phillipskeeps on waiting23:04
kwmonroejose-phillips: can you tell what it's waiting for?23:13
jose-phillipswhen i do juju status23:14
jose-phillipsi see on application23:14
jose-phillipskeeps on waiting23:14
kwmonroejose-phillips: what are you deploying?23:14
jose-phillipsa custom charm23:14
jose-phillipsthat i do based on solidfire charm23:14
kwmonroejose-phillips: try "juju status --format yaml <name-of-charm>"23:15
kwmonroesometimes the yaml output will give more output about why the charm is waiting23:15
jose-phillips      message: waiting for machine23:15
jose-phillipsbetter :")23:15
kwmonroejose-phillips: where are you deploying? aws/local/etc?23:16
jose-phillipsshould be deployed on cinder container23:16
kwmonroejose-phillips: waiting for machine typically means juju can't find a place to deploy given a set of constraints.  is this local with lxd or maas?23:18
jose-phillipslocal with lxd23:19
kwmonroejose-phillips: the important bit to figure out is why juju can't find a machine to deploy to... maybe the charm has a constraint that can't be fulfilled by your controller (mem=X, etc)23:24
jose-phillipsok question23:26
kwmonroeunfortunately, i need to get outta here like 2 minutes ago -- pastebin a 'juju debug-log --replay' and i can try to help diagnose later23:26
jose-phillipsif on metadatada23:26
jose-phillipshave few tags23:26
jose-phillipsis will going to use these tags rights?23:26
jose-phillipswas a missing relation23:37
jose-phillipsthanks anyways23:37

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