
coolpolygonshi guys00:04
coolpolygonsis wxl here?00:04
coolpolygonswxl, i'm just leaving a note that I have submitted my task, and it is waiting for review  https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4637669881544704/00:13
coolpolygonsi cant believe i forgot to submit :(00:14
coolpolygonsoh and also, wxl, it would be great if you can tell me what time you are online, because i live in a different timezone, and it is a bit complicated for me to decide when to send messages and stuff00:20
coolpolygonsdidrocks there?08:29
didrockscoolpolygons: around, but catching up my morning tasks (so might be slow to answer)08:29
coolpolygonsits alright, take your time :D just wanted to get updates on the boot animation tasks if there are any08:31
didrockscoolpolygons: will is in the UK and will arrive in 30 min. However, I think he will take the day to go through emails and such. I'll probably catch him up on the afternoon08:34
didrockscoolpolygons: basically, what I told you the other day I guess is still valid for a first time launch video, meaning:08:35
didrocks- you need to ensure that the first frame is the last one shown by the plymouth (ubuntu logo with the dots), as in the Dell video08:35
didrocks- you need to provide the video working for multiple monitors resolution08:36
didrocks(at least, the popular ones)08:36
didrocksas the scaling of the logo/dots are different (not just a scaling)08:36
daniellimws[m]didrocks, I have some questions regarding my task (somehow my brain decided to wait until you showed up instead of just asking in the task)08:37
daniellimws[m]if you look at the current screencasts, the instructions are also outdated08:37
daniellimws[m]I should edit them as well right??08:37
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: oh sure, just put to whatever is current. If you do changes that applies to GNOME, we can even extend the task (or create another one so that it counts as a bonus for you) to update it for them08:38
daniellimws[m]I'm not sure if it applies to GNOME or it's just ubuntu though08:39
didrocksremember that the video doesn't show all items, it stays symbolic08:39
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: do you know about the GNOME vanilla session I added for 17.10?08:39
didrocksif you install gnome-session08:39
didrocksyou have a "GNOME" option in gdm08:39
didrocksthis is the upstream vanilla session (if you never changed the theme and such), with upstream behavior and look08:40
daniellimws[m]one example, they say that use super + up to maximize but on our side it should be ctrl + super + up right?08:40
didrocksno, it's super + up on new installs08:40
daniellimws[m]ah ok08:41
daniellimws[m]ok, so I should install gnome-session to get the latest updates right?08:41
daniellimws[m]and sorry no I didnt know about the vanilla session08:41
didrocksyes, remember though that anything you changed though, like shorcuts, themes and such are shared between sessions08:41
didrocks(and so, it's not full "vanilla" anymore)08:41
didrocksno worry for not knowing it, I only published it on planet ubuntu :)08:42
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: if you want more info, I blogged about it here: https://didrocks.fr/2017/08/15/ubuntu-gnome-shell-in-artful-day-2/08:42
daniellimws[m]ok thanks08:42
daniellimws[m]thanks a lot08:42
daniellimws[m]oh, also apparently, the task is completely blender, the scripts are just for adding translations08:43
daniellimws[m]now just being a noob at blender and trying to figure things out :)08:43
daniellimws[m]all these animation/video editting software just have too many things to learn about08:44
AcceleratorAh plenty of tutorials on using blender..even on youtube08:44
daniellimws[m]yea watched a couple of them already08:45
AcceleratorCool...tho a bit difficult08:45
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: yeah, getting into it (especially due to the complexity, their UI isn't straightfoward)08:46
daniellimws[m]didrocks, if I change to vanilla will all my current settings be lost?09:02
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: no, everything is preserved and your settings will be applied to that session as well09:03
daniellimws[m]wait so what's the reason for me to use it for this task?09:04
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: you wanted to see if some changes were ubuntu only or gnome09:04
daniellimws[m]or it's just for my own fun09:04
daniellimws[m]oh ok09:04
didrocksI would say, do the changes you need in the ubuntu session first, then, this is an extra and we can discuss how to do it09:05
daniellimws[m]oh, you meant also changing it for gnome vanilla itself?09:06
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: well, pushing upstream the changes that are valid for gnome vanilla itself, if any, indeed09:06
daniellimws[m]so the vanilla is something extra right? sorry was confused I thought I had to match the videos to gnome vanilla and that didnt make much sense09:07
daniellimws[m]my bad09:07
didrockssorry, probably bad on my side09:07
daniellimws[m]but sure I would be glad to implement changes to gnome if needed. I believe by then I'll be efficient with blender already :)09:07
daniellimws[m]or in some way09:08
didrocksyeah, if any is needed :)09:12
daniellimws[m]didrocks, I asked this in the gnome #docs irc but no one has answered yet. Can you help clone the gnome-getting-started-docs repo and look at the launching-applications video in blender?10:54
daniellimws[m]At 0.08 the applications seems to be shown even before the "show applications" button was clicked. I want to check if this is my problem only.10:54
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: let me look at the video rather10:57
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: hum, what is the corresponding video using that clip?10:57
didrockswould be easier, I don't have blender installed on this laptop10:57
daniellimws[m]didrocks, launching applications, but it is ok on yelp11:01
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: ah, it's only in their git repo?11:02
daniellimws[m]yea, but im not sure if I'm just being noob at blender and accidentally hidden/shown stuff11:02
didrockslet me check if any change have to be done to that file11:03
didrockshum, nothing since 201411:03
daniellimws[m]oh hmm11:04
didrocksI would say it's a blender layer hidden (if that exists, not an expert at blender)11:04
daniellimws[m]it's ok I'll check if I did anything wrong here11:04
didrocksyeah, try to render and see the result11:04
daniellimws[m]ok it takes 30 mins to render so I'll work on something else for now11:07
pranavgade20Hi there elopio, kyrofa, sergiusens, popey and flexiondotorg!11:15
popeyGood morning/afternoon/evening!11:15
pranavgade20for this https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/6684453122342912/ task, can i serve thye paje using node11:19
pranavgade20*the page11:19
pranavgade20i tried electron but couldnt do it11:19
daniellimws[m]Mind elaboratijg in the problem you are getting?11:20
pranavgade201. cant snap it using any method i found online11:22
daniellimws[m]Did you look at the provided tutorial?11:22
pranavgade202. when snapped and installed, i keep getting an error when i try to run it11:22
pranavgade20yes, i did11:22
pranavgade20daniellimws[m]: It was quite app specific11:23
daniellimws[m]pranavgade20, ah ok, can you send your full error log through pastebin.ubuntu.com? so that we may be able to find out what went wrong11:23
pranavgade20daniellimws[m]: /snap/doodle/x1/doodle: 1: /snap/doodle/x1/doodle: Syntax error: "(" unexpected11:27
pranavgade20daniellimws[m]:thats all11:27
daniellimws[m]is the original app itself able to run?11:29
daniellimws[m]before you packaged it11:29
pranavgade20and really well11:29
pranavgade20i could even run it in electron11:30
pranavgade20AND electron-build11:30
daniellimws[m]alright, can I see your snapcraft.yaml?11:32
pranavgade20okay, here you go: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26346290/11:37
daniellimws[m]ok give me a moment, I'll try it on my side11:38
daniellimws[m]is this in a github repo?11:40
daniellimws[m]could be easier if I just clone from it11:40
AcceleratorThe built app or his snap?11:41
daniellimws[m]for his snap11:42
daniellimws[m]or her11:42
daniellimws[m]shouldnt assume gender11:42
AcceleratorOk ok11:42
Acceleratori don't think it's on github11:44
pranavgade20i dont have it in a repo, but clone: https://github.com/notwaldorf/doodle, run snapcraft init in same folder and update your yaml11:47
pranavgade20im a 'he', btw11:48
pranavgade20the snap is on the snap store11:49
daniellimws[m]pranavgade20, which tutorial did you follow?11:50
pranavgade20elopio told me to11:50
Daniellivigstonanyone alive?11:54
AcceleratorDo we have permission to access other person's snaps on the snapstore?11:54
AcceleratorDaniellivigston: Something wrong?11:55
Daniellivigstonbut not yaml files11:56
Daniellivigstonjust their apps11:57
Daniellivigstonif its in GitHub then you can view them11:57
AcceleratorU mean the apps have a problem?11:58
pranavgade20ican run the app just fine11:59
pranavgade20now trying: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/electron11:59
Acceleratorpranavgade20: https://www.snapcraft.io/snaps/doodle-pranavgade20/...u sure the link works?12:02
pranavgade20um... try 'snap install doodle-pranavgade20 --beta --devmode'12:04
Acceleratorhmm interesting12:11
Acceleratorpranavgade20: I should have been able to download it if it had been registered12:16
pranavgade20are you getting the same error?12:16
Acceleratorerror: snap "doodle-pranavgade20" not found (at least in channel "beta")12:16
pranavgade20Accelerator: ?12:16
pranavgade20Accelerator: https://dashboard.snapcraft.io/snaps/doodle-pranavgade20/12:18
AcceleratorNope error 404 again for me12:18
pranavgade20Accelerator: its in the edge channel12:18
pranavgade20sry, my bad12:18
pranavgade20try 'snap install doodle-pranavgade20 --edge --devmode'12:19
AcceleratorSame error here12:20
pranavgade20not again!12:21
pranavgade20how do i upload a pic here?12:22
AcceleratorHi XD12:26
pranavgade20screenshot of my snap store12:26
pranavgade20Hi there!12:26
AcceleratorSure use this link prnt.sc12:26
AcceleratorHmm seems like u registered...12:28
pranavgade20i did12:28
Acceleratoromairqazi: See if u can install download his snap-'snap install doodle-pranavgade20 --edge --devmode'12:29
omairqaziya i will doo12:29
omairqazisnap not found12:32
AcceleratorSame here12:32
omairqazipranavgade20 did you do snapcraft push <yoursnap>12:33
coolpolygonshey wxl, if you are there, can you check my work? https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/task-instances/4652281024741376/ thank you :D12:33
pranavgade20omairqazi: i did12:33
pranavgade20see https://prnt.sc/hxkesr12:34
Acceleratorcoolpolygons: he is not online :)12:34
AcceleratorHmm does order matter in the yaml file?12:35
AcceleratorOk thanks12:36
daniellimws[m]if you are talking about apps and parts12:36
AcceleratorI am talking about the whole part of "apps" actually...can it be placed anywhere in the yaml file?12:37
pranavgade20Btw, guys, i did snap it successfully now12:38
pranavgade20following https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/electron12:38
pranavgade20and, the snap is only for i386 arch12:39
pranavgade20but now i am not getting any errors, but i have to run the snap as root12:41
pranavgade20i think it IS a bug12:41
AcceleratorAsk a mentor before then you can file a bug12:44
pranavgade20 it is already files somewhere12:44
pranavgade20that is why i kney that i had to run the app as root12:45
pranavgade20heber: hi12:46
pranavgade20Accelerator: how many tasks have you completed?12:50
AcceleratorQuality>Quantity...stop worrying about me12:51
pranavgade20oh come on, i too want to get on the leaderboard :)12:53
daniellimws[m]I have 1512:53
daniellimws[m]what about you12:53
pranavgade20btw yeah, Quality>Quantity12:53
Daniellivigstonhow to make the snap to install other progrms while giving the command12:53
pranavgade20only 9 :(12:54
Daniellivigstonhow to make the snap to install other progrms while giving the command12:54
daniellimws[m]Daniellivingston, can you specify what programs?12:55
daniellimws[m]there's a flag but give me some time to recall :)12:55
pranavgade20Accelerator: stop smirking now and tell me the number ;)12:55
Daniellivigstonlike i want to make the snap install an npm program when you give a command12:55
daniellimws[m]didrocks, yup I rendered and it is ok now12:55
AcceleratorAh hahahahahahahaha 😂😂12:56
Daniellivigstondaniellimws: like i want to make the snap install an npm program when you give a command12:56
daniellimws[m]Daniellivingston, https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/plugins/nodejs12:56
pranavgade20Accelerator: come on now my friend, atleast give me a range12:57
daniellimws[m]didrocks, by the way, how am I supposed to submit this? I just make a pr? Or do you want me to render the videos for you, to save you some time :)12:57
pranavgade20daniellimws[m]: are you on the leaderboard?12:58
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: it's an interesting question because the videos are already rendered in the file that GNOME delivers. I would say, just attach the blender files12:58
daniellimws[m]pranavgade20, you can see for yourself12:58
pranavgade20there are two daniellimws in the chat12:58
Acceleratorpranavgade20: Sure...i did more than 1 task but less than 10012:58
pranavgade20so, are you the one on the leaderboard?12:59
daniellimws[m]didrocks, ahh just offering if you would want me to save you some time rendering them because it took half an hour for me to do12:59
daniellimws[m]pranavgade, both are me12:59
daniellimwshi pranavgade12:59
didrocksdaniellimws: no, we will rebuild them anyway as we'll need to ensure we can maintain them :)12:59
pranavgade20so, i think i may have a chance to get up there12:59
pranavgade20yay :)12:59
pranavgade20btw, bye guys, I gotta go study for my Geography test tommorow13:00
daniellimws[m]didrocks, ok then, how more longer would you be around for? I think I will be done soon13:00
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: unsure I'll be able to review today, but probably tomorrow morning13:01
Daniellivigstondaniellimws:  https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26346578/ still the snap program not working plzz help me GitHub https://github.com/DanielLivingston32/dev-time-cli13:01
daniellimws[m]oh ok then I'll just leave it there when I'm done, thanks!13:01
Daniellivigstondaniellmws: Are you checking it?13:02
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: yep! the general idea is to attach the source in gnome-getting-started-docs package and build them in the builder13:02
daniellimws[m]Daniellivingston, sorry I'm in a middle of something right now, is it ok if you wait for a while? or maybe someone else can help13:02
daniellimws[m]didrocks, ok sure thanks13:03
Daniellivigstonya i can wait13:04
daniellimws[m]didrocks, when I try to run in builder, it just builds and nothing opens, is that supposed to be the case?13:05
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: try using autotools to build13:06
didrocksbetter than using an abstraction (like an IDE)13:06
daniellimws[m]I also tried that but I dont see any binary to open13:07
daniellimws[m]unless it builds directly to my system?13:07
didrocksunsure what you mean by "opening a binary"13:10
didrocksit should generate a webm files in the build dir ?13:10
daniellimws[m]oh wait oops I was expecting a built yelp in my directory13:10
didrocksit seems it will create a "gnome-help" directory13:11
didrocksfrom Makefile.am13:11
daniellimws[m]didrocks, there's stuff but the webm files are not there, and also in the readme,13:21
* daniellimws[m] sent a long message: daniellimws[m]_2018-01-08_13:21:19.txt <https://matrix.org/_matrix/media/v1/download/matrix.org/kUcoSlbpjKUdPqGOgkaUXRHC>13:21
daniellimws[m]bad news?13:22
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: no, you should have the C version, if not, not a biggie anyway, we can handle this ourself (but will take more time to ship in Bionic)13:23
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: anyway, if you don't have the time to look at the build system, just attaching the files is fine for GCI ;)13:23
daniellimws[m]didrocks, if it can save you guys some time, I can have a look13:25
daniellimws[m]I am quite free now actually13:25
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: you know a little bit about packaging, correct?13:26
daniellimws[m]I suppose so13:27
didrocksthe package name is surprinsingly gnome-getting-started-doc ;)13:27
didrocksas you can see, in debian/rules, we just copy the webm video13:27
daniellimws[m]yea I cloned it from here as you told me to https://git.gnome.org/browse/gnome-getting-started-docs13:28
didrocksthe idea is to generate the additionale videos you created from the webm files. Ideally, during package build. (don't patch over the current ones, just add a new file)13:28
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: this is the upstream (GNOME) source13:28
didrocksnot the package13:28
didrocks(like debian package)13:28
daniellimws[m]yea ok13:29
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: again, I would say, not mandatory to have the task done, but if you have some packaging knowledge, that would be great to tackle this ;)13:30
daniellimws[m]didrocks, sure, you can let me know what to do first, then I'll see if I can do it13:31
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: ok, the idea thus is to take your source blender file, attach it as a patch in our package and modify the build system to generate webm videos from those source files.13:32
didrockswhen building the package13:32
daniellimws[m]didrocks, ok sure thing, to generate webm videos will still be using the same old autotools right?13:35
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: as it's a distro patch, you can directly do it from debian/rules13:36
didrocksby overriding dh_auto_build IMHO13:36
didrocksthat way, you don't patch the upstream autotools system13:36
daniellimws[m]didrocks, ok, thanks a lot for the information13:37
didrocksyw! good luck and keep me posted :)13:38
daniellimws[m]by the way, why does the upstream source from gnome not allow generating webm files, is it because it takes too long?13:38
didrocksI guess it's a question of build time, indeed13:40
didrocksif you want to ask, you can maybe poke jimmac13:40
daniellimws[m]is he around?13:41
didrockshe is on #gnome-design on the Gimp IRC network (not freenode)13:41
daniellimws[m]or her13:41
daniellimws[m]ah im so afraid of assuming genders13:41
didrocks;) understandably13:41
didrocksdaniellimws[m]: irc.gimp.org13:42
didrocksfor the network13:42
adityajeppuhi guyss13:43
daniellimws[m]thanks, I managed to join through the gnome newcomer's guide13:43
Daniellivigstonwhat does those /bin... in the command in apps signify13:52
Daniellivigstonshould we copy the commands used in our app into the bin file13:52
daniellimws[m]it is to execute the file in the parts directory13:53
Daniellivigstonlike i have a doubt13:53
daniellimws[m]you dont have to move any files13:53
daniellimws[m]snapcraft should be doing it for you13:53
Daniellivigstonwhat does the command in apps do exactly13:53
Daniellivigstonwhat does the command in apps do exactly13:59
popeyWe have a new task. (elopio may be interested in this). https://codein.withgoogle.com/dashboard/tasks/5004124745629696/15:18
flexiondotorgFresh meat ^15:19
popeyBe good to see those people who are itching for something a bit more challenging than running the tutorials to take a look at.15:19
popeyFeel free to ping me or flexiondotorg about it :)15:19
popey(we have tested this task heavily)15:19
konrad11901yaaaay! :)15:19
popeyIf we burn through the 21 instances, we have more!15:19
elopio21 new apps :)15:19
popeykonrad11901: thought you'd like that :D15:19
* flexiondotorg wait for konrad11901 to complete all 21 ;-)15:20
popeyThat sounds like a challenge!15:20
kyrofaHey folks15:20
konrad11901hi kyrofa!15:21
konrad11901flexiondotorg, :D15:21
popeykyrofa: may also be interested in the above task :D15:21
popey(if elopio or kyrofa wish to volunteer as mentors for it, I will not complain) :D15:22
kyrofapopey, already done!15:23
kyrofaAlthough I'm not an electron pro, I'll admit15:23
konrad11901popey, by the way, will there be anything else until the end of GCI?15:23
popeyNo, but you're pretty awesome with snapcraft.15:23
popeykonrad11901: I would like to come up with some more, for sure.15:23
elopioI'm in too. And with a big backlog today... I'll start reviewing after the weekly meeting15:23
popeymagic, thanks kyrofa elopio !15:24
popeyThe example links in the gist give you an idea of what we have done already.15:24
omairqazikyrofa: hi15:29
omairqazipopey: my snap works with sudo only. why?15:31
Acceleratorkyrofa: Actually i had a question about the changes you requested....Should i remove the statements since it now accepts a filename and an appname?16:05
konrad11901Guys, one question about the python Requests API. There's a variable called "stream" (for example used in https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/storeapi/_snap_index_client.py).16:07
konrad11901What does it do?16:07
daniellimws[m]I think, maybe to make sure the connection doesnt close until you get what you need or you manually close it16:09
daniellimws[m]or in other words, doesnt timeout16:09
daniellimws[m]but im not sure16:09
AcceleratorStreaming of data?16:09
omairqazimy snap uses chown16:27
omairqazihow to disable it?16:27
daniellimws[m]omairqazi, you cant, it's the app, but it also could be snappy-debug giving wrong suggestions16:30
omairqazidaniellimws[m]: but my snap works with sudo16:32
daniellimws[m]hmm, I'm not very sure about that then, sorry16:32
omairqazidaniellimws[m]: but my snap works with sudo16:33
omairqazisergiusens: snapcraft preload returned non-zero exit status 216:34
daniellimws[m]popey, can you have a look at this https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/call-for-testing-uber/3440 thanks? gonna go sleep now, wont disturb you anymore :)16:40
popeyin a meeting, will do after16:40
daniellimws[m]sure thing, thanks, no rush16:40
omairqazidaniellimws[m]: did you fix your snap16:41
omairqazithat need classic confinement16:41
daniellimws[m]um havent got to that yet16:41
daniellimws[m]I was working on other stuff at the moment16:41
omairqazioh ok16:42
omairqazimy snap works with sudo16:42
popeyomairqazi: got a link to the latest snapcraft.yaml for yours that you have trouble with?16:42
omairqazipopey: hi https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26347545/ thanks16:43
popeywill look after my meeting, thanks16:43
omairqaziok fine thanks16:44
AcceleratorUh if chown is a system code..i think if you have the code then u can disable it16:51
omairqaziAccelerator: can you tell me how16:53
AcceleratorHmm even i don't know...just saying but don't try it :(16:54
AcceleratorMentors can't help you?16:54
Acceleratorkyrofa:Submitted my task....have a look if you are free :D16:59
kyrofaAccelerator, done17:04
Acceleratorkyrofa: Done here too 😅😅17:05
kyrofaAccelerator, you missed some comments17:06
Acceleratorkyrofa: Ok will do....17:06
daniellimws[m]kyrofa, elopio, is this ready to be merged? https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/184917:09
ubot93Pull 1849 in snapcore/snapcraft "tests: add snap not found tests" [Open]17:09
omairqazipopey: please reply on personal messages or on the forum as i am going to sleep17:09
kyrofadaniellimws[m], elopio needs to take another pass17:09
popeyomairqazi: ok17:09
elopiodaniellimws[m]: not yet. I need to take another look and change my review17:09
omairqazielopio: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26347545/ please take a look. my snap works only with sudo. snappy-debug says chown denied17:11
omairqazielopio: please reply on personal messages or on the forum as i am going to sleep17:12
* omairqazi is going to sleep17:13
Acceleratorkyrofa: I'm being a bit selfish here...but have a look yet again if you are free.17:29
konrad11901Does anyone maybe want to try to build etcher on his PC?17:50
konrad11901I'm getting an error :(17:50
kyrofaAccelerator, take a look at the __init__ of each exception17:53
kyrofaAccelerator, take careful note of the parameters required by each17:53
popeykonrad11901: what error?17:53
Acceleratorhmm ok17:53
kyrofaThose parameters must be satisfied when that exception is raised17:53
popey(and are you doing this with the latest node/npm from nodesource, and on 16.04)?17:53
kyrofaAccelerator, if you have an __init__(self, param1, param2), when you call MyException() you must have a MyException(param1, param2)17:54
konrad11901popey: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26348097/17:56
konrad11901using Ubuntu 16.04 with nodejs 9.3.017:56
popeykonrad11901: looks like something further back failed, it didn't make dist/17:57
popeydoes their install guide suggest you have to make it yourself?17:57
konrad11901popey: https://github.com/resin-io/etcher/blob/master/docs/CONTRIBUTING.md - I'm following these instructions, the official install guide suggests to download a pre-made installer17:59
popeyoh, so it's one of the dependencies... i see18:01
popeythis will be a bit painful. not sure how to counter this.18:01
konrad11901so... should I choose another project to snap?18:02
popeylets ask flexiondotorg18:02
popeykonrad11901: did you do npm install first?18:04
popeyto install the dependencies18:04
konrad11901actually, this error occurred while running this command ;)18:05
konrad11901I also tried make electron-develop18:05
konrad11901as specified in their guide18:05
flexiondotorgkonrad11901: Try `apt install libbz2-dev` on the build machine.18:06
flexiondotorgAnd run the build script again.18:06
konrad11901flexiondotorg: the same error :(18:10
popeyok, pause that one and move on to another one, sorry.18:12
konrad11901ok, thanks for trying to help :)18:12
flexiondotorgkonrad11901: Are browserify and uglifyjs installed?18:30
flexiondotorgIf not, `npm install browserify` and `npm install uglifyjs` might help with your Etcher build.18:32
Daniellivingstonanyone alive18:32
popeyEveryone is alive!18:33
Daniellivingstonpopey:i was waiting to see u18:34
Daniellivingstoni just have a doubt18:34
Daniellivingstonwhat does the command in the apps section exactly do??? is it the command to start snap?18:35
popeyIt exposes the application which is inside the snap to the outside world18:35
popeyWithout an apps stanza, the executables in the snap won't be seen outside the snap18:36
Daniellivingstoni have seen a command with /bin... what does that signify?18:38
popeyoften once the build of a snap finishes it puts the built executables in a bin or usr/bin directory18:38
popeywhich are inside the snap18:38
popeytypically we use "command: bin/foo" not "command: /bin/foo" so it's relative18:39
Daniellivingstonpopey:plz help me in this snap https://paste.ubuntu.com/26348330/18:39
popeylooking now18:40
konrad11901flexiondotorg: I'm getting the same error as earlier while trying to install any of these packages18:43
konrad11901ok, this task is definitely harder than it seemed to be :D18:57
popeyhah, true18:59
popeyyou wanted a challenge ;)18:59
Daniellivingstonpopey fount the error?19:02
popeyi have found two errors19:02
popeyincorrect indentation, and the node-engine didn't need a v in it19:02
popeyalso, i think you're missing a few build-packages, maybe python and build-essential19:07
konrad11901popey: are you able to build (npm run dist:lin) this: https://github.com/Kilian/messenger-demo-viewer (without changing anything in package.json)?19:11
popeyi will see....19:11
popeykonrad11901: i have run npm install, now trying npm run dist:lin....19:15
popeyDaniellivingston: npm ERR! EINVAL: invalid argument, chown '/root/build_orbitdb-cli/parts/orbitdb-cli/install/lib/node_modules[0/1203]g/invariant-13d1f019'19:16
popeydoes that when i add python and build-essential to build-packages19:17
popeyi wonder if we should build a stable release...19:18
popeyhah, there is no stable release of orbit-db-cli19:19
popeyelopio: any ideas what we can do for orbit-db-cli? It's never had a release...19:21
popeykonrad11901: Error: Exit code: ENOENT. spawn icns2png ENOENT19:21
konrad11901popey: same here19:22
popeykonrad11901: apt install icnsutils19:22
elopioreport a bug upstream probably 😃19:22
konrad11901popey: thanks, I'm trying again19:23
popeykonrad11901: me too19:23
elopioThey are in active development, it might be broken recently.19:23
popeykonrad11901: Error: Exit code: ENOENT. spawn gm ENOENT19:28
popeykonrad11901: apt install graphicsmagick   to fix that one19:29
popeyelopio: what should Daniellivingston do? They've spent time on this snap task.19:29
elopioIf it's blocked by upstream, we can approve the task. Hopefully, our new friends will stick around to help once it's unblocked 😃19:30
popeyDaniellivingston: ^19:31
Daniellivingstonwhats the plan then19:33
popeysee what elopio said :)19:34
Daniellivingstonyes i will stick around to snapcraft no issues so should give review task19:35
Daniellivingstonpopey: no reply?19:37
popeyWe should file an issue upstream that the software doesn't build, and let them know what the error is.19:37
Daniellivingstonpopey: what are the different types of node-packages available for snapcraft?19:40
popeyNot sure I understand the question Daniellivingston19:42
Daniellivingstonpopey: while building snaps do need to specify the commands involved in the program or snapcraft would take it?19:44
popeykonrad11901: it failed again for me, building deb, perhaps change the package.json to build snap before deb19:44
popeyDaniellivingston: yes, typically we specify the commands19:44
popeykonrad11901: i just edited the package.json and inserted snap before deb and it's now building a snap19:45
Daniellivingstonlike can you give some examples19:45
konrad11901popey: ok, will try to do this in a while, it's still building :/19:45
konrad11901popey: it compiles without any problems in my case, now I'll try to add a snap support19:47
Daniellivingstonpopey: if i have two commands in the software for eg: startdev-time-cli and dev-time <user name> should i build two commands in the app section ?19:47
popeyyup, worked here too/root/node/messenger-demo-viewer/dist/messenger-demo-viewer_1.0.1_amd64.snap19:48
konrad11901popey: you've added snap support as specified in your guide, right?19:48
popeykonrad11901: no, i just ninja added "snap" before "deb" in the dist-lin line :)19:48
konrad11901ah, ok then :D19:48
popeyDaniellivingston: exactly, yes19:48
Daniellivingstonso in that program orbitdb there were 3 to 4 command so should i make app section for each commands?19:50
popeyif there are multiple commands in the snap which need to be exposed, and are actually going to be run, then yes19:51
Daniellivingstonhow does the snapcraft program knows what location it should link in the file for each command?19:53
popeyeach command stanza specifies the path to the command. Let me find an example19:53
Daniellivingstonit will be good if there are examples so that i can understand the concept clearly19:54
popeyhas two commands, atom and apm19:55
popeyline 35 onwards19:55
Daniellivingstonpopey: Your office hour videos in youtube were really helpful so plz create more of them in your free time19:55
popeyOh really? Thanks!19:56
Daniellivingstonbin/launcher ${SNAP}/usr/share/atom/atom what does this command actually do link it to any folders19:56
popeylauncher is a script ,you will find it in the repo too19:57
popeyit says "atom is a command which is actually found in bin/launcher, followed by a parameter which is where the atom binary actually is inside the snap"19:57
popeyso launcher is a script, which if you look is loads of environment settings and then the last line launches the parameter which is the atom binary19:58
Daniellivingstonpopey: how does classic confinements differ from strict?19:58
popeyapps which are strict cannot break out and see files outside the various directories snap allows19:58
popeyclassic snaps have full system access19:59
Daniellivingstonso are we alowed to give classic confinements in most cases or only for a few softwares which actually require them?19:59
popeyclassic use is restricted, we'd rather things were strict20:01
Daniellivingstonwhat does the after: do20:03
popeyafter: [foo] means "foo is a part (either defined in this yaml, or defined elsewhere online) which must be done before this part"20:03
Daniellivingstonthen what about prepare20:04
popeyprepare is where you can put shell script commands before the build happens20:06
konrad11901popey: what is a "default" plug?20:06
popeykonrad11901: in electron-builder there's a set of plugs (I don't recall which ones, but desktop, network, pulseaudio and some others) which get added20:07
konrad11901ok, thanks!20:07
popeykonrad11901: browser-support, gsettings, home, network, opengl, pulseaudio, unity7 and x11 is the full list20:07
popeyit's defined inside electron-builder somewhere20:07
Nissaarpopey: hi20:08
Daniellivingstonpopey:does npm run: only has the [build] option or somemore?20:08
Daniellivingstonand what does [build] do20:08
popeynpm run lets you run "scripts" which are defined in package.json20:08
popeythere's a "scripts" section in the package.json20:09
popeyone of them is likely "dist" or "dist:lin" (for linux) and "dist:win" (for windows) - but it's different for every application20:09
Nissaarpopey: have you completed the tutorial of package an publish ?20:09
popeyso you have to learn how they build it from their package.json, but conventionally there is often a dist20:09
Daniellivingstoncan you tell me what package.json is because have heard it but no idea what it is20:09
Nissaarpopey: the questions whci i asked20:09
popeyNissaar: hmm, I was making a tutorial? Sorry, I don't remember. what was the tutorial?20:10
Nissaarpopey: you said you would make notes, sorry not tutorials, to publish to help the publish and package task20:11
Daniellivingstonpopey: what are stage packages20:12
popeyDaniellivingston: debs that get pulled from the ubuntu archive and put inside the snap20:12
popeyNissaar: man, sorry, I forgot. What context was this in? I don't recall this at all.20:12
Nissaarpopey: i was about to convert an app into a snap. the project which we had to choose how to make it into a snap20:14
popeywhen did we discuss this? I will look in my irc logs to check what I said :)20:14
Nissaarpopey: i have screenshot20:16
popeyhah, excellent. paste it to me20:17
Nissaarhow do i do that ?20:17
Nissaarpopey: could you give me more details on this task ?20:21
Nissaarpopey: https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/1846#pullrequestreview-8682533320:21
ubot93Pull 1846 in snapcore/snapcraft "go plugin: remove confusing importpath message" [Open]20:21
popeyimages can be uploaded to imgur.com20:21
popeyi don't know about that task, elopio or kyrofa might :)20:21
Nissaarpopey: https://imgur.com/vLXkA7F20:22
konrad11901popey: I see that in your pull requests you put in package.json '"after: [ "desktop-gtk2" ]'. What does it do?20:22
konrad11901that's probably the last question :D20:22
popeythat's not needed in the latest electron-builder now20:23
konrad11901thanks :)20:23
Daniellivingstonpopey: Thanks for helping me if i have doubts i will ask you... Niw i have to go and work on my PPT... see you20:25
popeyuse ^19.53.0 I think20:25
popeyThanks for asking :)20:25
Nissaarpopey: did you get it ?20:29
popeyyes, got it, not written up yet, sorry.20:30
Nissaarpopey: its okay, cant you help by briefly explaining ?20:31
popeyUnfortunately not right now. I'll have a stab at it tomorrow.20:32
=== Daniel is now known as Guest8460
konrad11901popey: this snap doesn't work while installing normally (it works only in devmode). I've added the "default" plug and still the same. Any ideas?20:39
popeykonrad11901: snap install snappy-debug, then snappy-debug.security scanlog21:00
popeythen run the app and see what scanlog says21:00
popeyit might indicate more plugs are required21:00
konrad11901popey: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26349105/21:11
konrad11901that's the result of this snappy-debug ^^21:12
konrad11901so, popey, any ideas? :/21:18
popeykonrad11901: hmm, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-dbus-interface/2038 for the first one perhaps21:30
popeynot sure what it's trying to chown there!?21:31
DanielLivingstonanyone there?21:46
DanielLivingstonhow to give test results for lubuntu next image when go to that page it asks me to log in to submit results but when i logined that option gone plz help me21:51
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