
=== lan3y is now known as Laney
=== lionel_ is now known as lionel
RhondaWhere is the old releases of ubuntu stored?11:10
RhondaRhonda: old-releases.ubuntu.com, duh11:10
* sladen wants for the punchline11:24
* sladen waits for the punchline11:24
* Rhonda punches sladen, consensualwise?11:27
sladenbest joke I've heard this year11:27
* sladen looks at the date11:27
JackFrostWell...I've made bad jokes.  Those count?11:31
Rhondasladen: It was just that I found the site name directly after I wrote it, myself …11:55
RhondaSo to take out the urge of others responding when they don't see an answer yet I responded to myself.  Is that so unusual?11:55
sladenRhonda: you may also be interested in  http://releases.ubuntu.com/  which has releases that are newer than the old releases.11:56
sladenRhonda: ...except for the latest one, owing to intel-spi knowing better than locking out flash chips11:56
JackFrost(Rhonda maintains packages.ubuntu.com. last i knew.)11:57
sladenbahdum.  Finally we reach the punchline11:57
JackFrostAlso very important packages, like irssi! \o/12:00
* Rhonda hides.12:00

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