
ubottuThanks for letting us know you are here, someone will be along presently04:27
ubottusscrewer called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()04:27
sscreweri want report someone04:27
sscrewerel is a fucking gross bitch whore, believe me, dont give him/her trust04:28
ubottuKon- called the ops in #ubuntu ()10:48
=== mwsb is now known as chu
daxikonia: same, and his vsftpd doesn't like it either15:53
daxikonia: that error's trivially googleable, so i'm not really inclined to spend a lot of time on it either15:53
ikoniapretty sure he was given the answer16:16
ikoniajust leave him to it, he got there in the end,16:16
ubottuth0rne called the ops in #ubuntu ()18:11

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