
ikoniaDeihmos: we don't want that content in this channel please00:00
ikoniaDeihmos: please keep it to ubuntu support discussion only00:00
Deihmosit was an error00:00
XXCodertotally a error00:04
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cfochI get this error00:07
cfoch... /usr/bin/ld: main.o: undefined reference to symbol 'dgesvd_'00:07
cfoch//usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libopenblas.so.0: error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line00:07
cfochany idea?00:08
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ikoniacfoch: where are you getting the package that installs that00:23
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Guest34272cannot install vlc, synaptic says it is broken. whats wrong?00:25
ikoniaGuest34272: where are you getting the package from, what repo00:27
Guest34272dunno, the default one in synaptic, last version 2.2.200:28
Guest34272let me check00:28
Guest34272do you think the repo is the problem?00:30
cfochikonia: I wrote it00:30
cfochbut it compiles in Fedora00:30
Guest34272main repo is configured it says00:30
ikoniacfoch: you wrote it - but you don't know how to debug it ?00:34
ikoniacfoch: that seems unlikely00:34
ikoniaGuest34272: what is the exact name of the package00:34
Guest34272just changed repo, and same thing, vlc 2.2.2 is marked as broken00:34
ikoniachanged repo from what to what ?00:35
ikoniawhat is the name of the package00:35
Guest34272main to usa00:36
Guest34272Im in europe00:36
ikoniawhat is the exact name of the package00:36
ikonia!info vlc00:36
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.6-6 (artful), package size 39 kB, installed size 214 kB00:36
ikoniaGuest34272: what version of ubuntu ?00:36
Guest34272the one that shows synaptic is version 2.2.200:37
ikoniaGuest34272: what version of ubuntu are you using00:37
kostkonGuest34272, what's the output of  apt policy vlc00:38
Guest34272xubuntu 16.04-200:39
ikoniawhy is it not on 16.04.500:39
ikoniaI suspect that's why you have broken packages it probably depends on the current 16.04 version00:39
TJ-!info vlc xenial00:40
ubottuvlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-5ubuntu0.16.04.4 (xenial), package size 1470 kB, installed size 4564 kB00:40
ikonia(I'm of course making a blind guess on that without checking)00:40
TJ-Guest34272: what does "apt-cache policy vlc" report?00:40
Guest34272that last one is the one that synactic shows00:41
Guest34272let me check00:41
Guest34272reports there is none installed00:43
satoniohello. i have a problem with my system with a new nvidia card. lightdm seems to work, mate desktop too, but not cinnamon nor unity. also glxinfo gives a weird output. any idea how to fix? https://paste.ubuntu.com/26343796/00:43
TJ-Guest34272: can you pastebin the command and error report you get about it being broken? if you have already, I missed the link00:45
Guest34272this would be vlc first installation on this system, but synaptic doesnt allow me to install it cos its marked as broken00:46
TJ-Guest34272: try "apt install vlc" and show us a pastebin of what you get00:47
Guest34272its not a command, its on synaptics gui00:47
TJ-Guest34272: right, but we want to know if it is installable or not, if it is, it means synaptic is confused00:47
Guest34272dunno, it wont let me install it00:48
TJ-Guest34272: open a terminal, run the command "sudo apt install vlc", pastebin the output00:49
Guest34272it says I must fix the broken packages first00:49
TJ-Guest34272: show us the output, else we cannot help you00:49
satonio_damn firefox crashed after i lost the upper part of the mate desktop00:50
Guest34272by just vlc, will it install the complete graphical version?00:51
Guest34272I know there is a version with no x00:51
TJ-Guest34272: I believe so, there's also "vlc-nox" I think00:52
TJ-!info vlc-nox xenial00:52
ubottuvlc-nox (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer (without X support). In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-5ubuntu0.16.04.4 (xenial), package size 2268 kB, installed size 8994 kB00:52
Guest34272yes, that one00:52
Guest34272ok, gonna try just vlc00:53
satonio_you can use cvlc command00:53
kostkonGuest34272, just use the vlc snap to get the latest version:   sudo snap install vlc00:54
Svetasatonio_: "the upper part"?00:54
ikoniaplease show us the error messsage00:54
ikoniabefore doing anything else00:54
ikoniarandomly trying to work around the error without even seeing the error is a bad move00:55
satonio_the part where is "Applications" and "System"00:55
SvetaGuest34272: ^ this message from ikonia is for you00:55
Svetasatonio_: have you got that back yet?00:55
=== satonio_ is now known as satonio
satonioSveta: yes, doing lightdm restart00:55
Svetasatonio: ok00:56
Guest34272wont install either, reports  there is some broken packages00:58
SvetaGuest34272: --> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com <-- paste the error message here and click submit, it will give you your paste URL, provide that here00:58
Guest34272well, my systen its in spanish, so...00:59
SvetaGuest34272: prepend 'LC_ALL=C' before your command to see its output in English01:00
satoniopaste it01:00
leafybasilI've installed i3 on ubuntu 17.04, and created a '.xinitrc', which I thought was being executed, but I have just discovered it is not,  i3 appears in the desktops list on login, but .xinitrc is being ignored, I wanted to run a modified version of i3, is there an easy way to add it to the list of desktops?01:00
SvetaGuest34272: i.e. 'LC_ALL=C <your command here>', for example 'LC_ALL=C iliketrains', replacing 'iliketrains' with your desired command01:00
Guest34272ah, didnt know you could change languages like that. let me try01:01
Svetaok :-)01:01
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Guest34272it doesnt work, no change to english01:10
oerheksapt install -f # to fix things, and run: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # to get to 16.04.401:11
Guest34272can I try an older version of vlc?01:14
SvetaGuest34272: we need to see it in Spanish, then.01:15
SvetaGuest34272: please pastebin it in Spanish now.01:15
SvetaGuest34272: include the command, not only the output. :-)01:15
Guest34272here it is, guys: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26344024/01:22
Guest34272hope you understand it01:22
oerheksi think you need to update properly to 16.04.4 first, run: apt install -f # to fix things, and run: sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade # to get to 16.04.401:23
Guest34272upgrading to 04... you know if vlc didnt work on the previous version? that would be odd01:27
satonioGuest34272: to get that in english is LC_ALL=C not LC_LC=ALL01:28
Guest34272sorry, let me try again01:29
john_ramboHow do I completely remove MONO from the installation  ?01:30
Guest34272done, now the report is in english01:31
satonioyou will get another link when you paste it01:32
Guest34272here it is in english: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26344098/01:33
oerheksjohn sudo apt-get purge mono-runtime01:34
oerheksafter that, apt autoremove ?01:34
satonioGuest34272: which version of ubuntu are you using?01:35
gvvg__Hi - I'm wondering if anyone knows of a good gui ssh connection manager with auto connect and port forwarding over ssh :) Thanks in advance01:37
Guest34272xubuntu 16.04.201:37
oerheks!info info secpanel01:38
ubottu'secpanel' is not a valid distribution: artful, artful-backports, artful-proposed, bionic, bionic-backports, bionic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed, vivid, vivid-backports, vivid-proposed, wily, wily-backports, wily-proposed, xenial, xenial-backports, xeni01:38
oerheks!info secpanel01:38
ubottusecpanel (source: secpanel): graphical user interface for SSH and SCP. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.6.1-2 (artful), package size 42 kB, installed size 301 kB01:38
satoniolibgles2-mesa is in ubuntu xenial main repository it seems it can't find it01:41
oerheksi think there is no portforwarding in secpanel01:41
satoniodo you have used apt update before?01:41
satonioit's the first thing you have to do to install software01:42
Guest34272I use synaptic01:42
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satoniofor synaptic is the refresh button01:43
Guest34272and vlc wasnt installed by default. other apps have installed fine01:43
satoniouse the refresh button from synaptic01:43
satonioso it can download all from the sources01:43
Guest34272refreshing now01:44
satonioyou can also try apt-cache policy libgles2-mesa01:44
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satonioand watch what it shows01:44
Guest34272ok. refreshing synaptic didnt work, it reports vlc again as broken01:46
Guest34272and that mesa command reports there is none installed01:47
satoniodo you have the main repo enabled?01:48
satonioyou can see it with "Configuración" -> "Repositorios"01:48
Guest34272yes, it was by default01:49
satonioand doing refresh didn't you get any error?01:49
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satoniocan you put the output of apt update ?01:54
Guest34272just tried again the main repo after reopening synaptic but same broken vlc error01:55
satoniocan you paste the output of apt update?01:55
Guest34272let me try apt update01:55
satonioalso you can try apt install libgles2-mesa01:56
satonioand paste both together01:56
JonelethIrenicushow can you change the KDE theme on Qt apps in Gnome?02:02
gvvg__hmm - I'll get secpanel a try - thanks very much :)02:03
Guest34272here the 2 commands: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26344284/02:04
oerheksJonmaybe these answers are any help > https://askubuntu.com/questions/910012/how-can-i-get-qt5-applications-to-use-the-gtk-theme-in-ubuntu-17-04/91014302:05
oerheksJonelethIrenicus, ^^02:05
hfpI don't get it. I have my DNS set as, and it's confirmed with `systemd-resolve --status`. But if I `dig somehost`, it can't find anything. However, if I `dig @ somehost`, then it finds it. But I can't `ping somehost` from that Ubuntu machine. If I ping its IP, it's fine. Why does my laptop refuse to resolve that hostname?02:08
kk4ewthfp,  do you have a ?routor02:09
satoniohfp: it seems your laptop are not getting that dns02:09
satoniotry adding "nameserver" at the end of /etc/resolv.conf02:10
kk4ewtcheck your dhcp settings02:10
hfpif I go to the network properties, it shows the dns is
hfpbut when I dig, by default it's
hfpsatonio: /etc/resolv.conf says to not edit it directly02:14
Bashing-omhfp: Maybe ?? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624320 .02:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]02:14
satonioignore it hfp02:14
satonioyou only have to know it will be restored each reboot and even earlier02:14
satoniobut its useful for testing anyway02:14
hfpif I add it, dig resolves somehost02:15
hfpso where do I go from there?02:15
satonioso the problem is your laptop is not getting that dns02:15
satoniohow are you configuring the network? dhcp? static ip through network-manager?02:15
satonioor /etc/network/interfaces?02:17
hfpdhcp for my laptop, the router is and the dhcp + dns server is somehost has a static ip and has been amnually added to's dns table02:18
hfpusing networkmanager on the laptop02:18
hfp/etc/network/interfaces only has two lines for lo on the laptop02:18
satoniothe first thing i would try to troubleshoot the dhcp configuration02:19
satonioie removing the static ip in the dhcp server for that laptop, and trying to find a program that shows the detailed dhcp response from the server02:19
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satonioand see if it comes with that dns server or not, and after removing the static ip trying if it gets the dns server or not02:20
satoniomaybe wireshark do it02:20
hfpI suspect it does because other hosts that aren't ubuntu 17.10 don't have any problems resolving or getting as their dns from dhcp02:22
satoniowell, i would check that just to be sure it's not a server issue02:24
Guest34272gotta go. I'ĺl try to fix this vlc prob tomorrow. thanks anyway02:24
satoniowith wireshark you can see it in DHCP ACK line02:25
satoniobehind Bootstrap Protocol02:25
satonioat option (6) Domain Name Server02:25
tubalHello. Does anyone know of a full-featured PDF application, one that allows for annotation, notes, etc. FoxIT doesn't count -- I have it and it is not cutting the muster.02:25
satonioin User Datagram Protocol02:26
hfpBashing-om: that bug is pretty nasty... and severe02:26
SvetaGuest34272 needed/needs/will need to provide their sources.list.02:30
hfpsatonio: I saw it in wireshark, dhcp does give as the dns server02:30
JonelethIrenicusoerheks: thanks02:35
hfpit looks like the bug Bashing-om linked to, if I dig somehost it doesn't forward the request to the dns server.02:38
hfpfwiw, this seems to be the fix until the bug is closed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/1624320/comments/8. I'm going to check if it survives a reboot02:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1624320 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd-resolved appends to resolv.conf alongside existing entries" [Low,Confirmed]02:42
hfpit doesn't fix ping though, still can't find somehost even if dig can :(02:44
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Bashing-omhfp: If that work-a-round resolves .. you be the 3rd that I am aware of .02:44
vin_how do i verify that a package is installed?02:45
Bashing-omvin_: ' dpkg -l <package> ' .02:45
hfpBashing-om: it kinda resolves, but not for every program. dig is fine with the solution from that thread; ping isn't02:46
Bashing-omhfp: :( .. Not good at all . but I do not know of a solution.02:47
vin_ok thank you02:48
vin_how do i verify that a daemon has been started02:48
hfpBashing-om: I tried this: https://askubuntu.com/a/907249 it seems to work02:49
vin_i am trying to run a virtual machine it is saying no active connection in the virtual machine manager02:50
hfpBashing-om: it sounds like it can break vpn resolving, but this is a lot less inconvenient to me than plain broken dns everywhere02:51
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tt41hey, how i can permit user in pureftpd? (default allow all user) ( PamAuth yes UnixAuth no)03:00
Bashing-omhfp: Yup, netplan has some adjusting to do yet :( - one size does not fit all .03:10
jk^i'm trying to download tor browser by lubuntu software center, it downloads and install all packages, but when i open tor browser it ask me to download the software, at the signature verification, it says me there is an error03:22
jk^SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED: You might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem. Click start, try the download again.03:22
oerheksjk^, our factoid says don't use the one in our repos, but use tor site03:23
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en03:23
oerheksmake a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ : deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org xenial/zesty/artful main etc03:24
jk^so difficult for me03:25
jk^i use ubuntu since few days03:25
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jk^oerheks, is there a simple way to install it?03:35
SvetaI guess the relevant command is «echo 'deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org xenial/zesty/artful main etc' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/tor» and then «apt update», both as root.03:35
SvetaSomeone needs to confirm that.03:35
jk^by website is it possible to download and install it?03:36
SvetaActually, no.03:36
SvetaFirst you need to find your Ubuntu version.03:36
SvetaDo «cat /etc/*release*» and pastebin that.03:36
Svetajk^: It is possible to download and install it using the package manager — apt.03:37
Svetajk^: it is possible to do other things, but is not recommended.03:37
Svetajk^: updating via the package manager is easier.03:37
oerheksSveta +1 .. but our factoid says our tor might be behind..03:37
Svetaoerheks: tor being behind is probably not a significant issue.03:37
jk^mmmh speak easier pls :(03:38
jk^behind what?03:38
jk^what's factoid?03:38
Svetajk^: "behind" means "a bit old".03:38
Svetajk^: ubottu is a bot. Anything it says is a "factoid".03:39
jk^Sveta, lubuntu software center give me an error03:39
jk^in verifying signature03:39
Svetajk^: screenshot the "when i open tor browser it ask me to download the software" part?03:39
jk^Tor Browser for Linux (32-Bit)03:40
jk^Version 7.0.11 - Linux (32-Bit)03:40
jk^Read the release announcements!03:40
jk^Everything you need to safely browse the Internet. This package requires no installation. Just extract it and run.03:40
jk^Learn more »03:40
jk^i can't do a screenshot of active window03:40
jk^it says03:40
jk^SIGNATURE VERIFICATION FAILED: You might be under attack, or there might just be a networking problem. Click start, try the download again.03:40
SvetaI'm sorry. I only know how to do the «make a new file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ : deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org xenial/zesty/artful main etc» step.03:41
SvetaI don't know how to install TOR.03:41
SvetaIf you need help with installing TOR, ask oerheks.03:41
jk^but i don't understand :\03:41
jk^Sveta, make a new file?03:41
jk^which kind of file?03:42
jk^mmmh :\03:42
jk^i don't undestand what i have to do :(03:42
SvetaThat file would instruct your package manager to add the torproject debian repository.03:42
jk^if i click the link in website is it wrong?03:42
jk^if i click "Download"03:43
jk^Tor Browser for Linux (32-Bit)03:44
jk^Version 7.0.11 - Linux (32-Bit)03:44
jk^Read the release announcements03:44
jk^Everything you need to safely browse the Internet. This package requires no installation. Just extract it and run.03:44
jk^Learn more »03:44
jk^Tor Browser03:44
jk^by clicking download will it works fine?03:44
SvetaOk, give me about five minutes.03:44
SvetaI will try to rewrite their web site information on one page and link you to that.03:45
bryanfrommacauHi, I'm trying to find the minimum system requirements for Ubuntu Kylin....Does anyone know where I could find that?03:45
vfwbryanfrommacau: What hardware do you have?03:46
bryanfrommacauI can't remember if these computers have 2GB or 3GB of ram03:48
bryanfrommacauold windows xp computers03:48
vfwbryanfrommacau: Are they single core?03:48
vfwbryanfrommacau: Or dual core?03:48
bryanfrommacauThe sticker says Athlon x203:49
bryanfrommacauSo dual core I guess03:49
jk^Sveta, it downloads me an archive03:51
vfwbryanfrommacau: So you're good to go03:51
bryanfrommacauok, I'll give it a try03:51
bryanfrommacauUnfortunately I still have to burn CDs :/03:51
vfwNothing will beat a try but a failure.03:51
vfwbryanfrommacau: You don't have a thumb drive?03:51
bryanfrommacauThey don't work on these old computers03:52
bryanfrommacaufor booting03:52
vfwbryanfrommacau: Will these computers boot from thumb drive?03:52
bryanfrommacauThey're supposed to be able to03:52
bryanfrommacaubut I've spent hours trying to get them to recognize a usb as a boot device....they just don't03:52
jk^mmmhh, i remember for windows the torproject site let me download a portable version by default03:53
jk^it tells me: "This package requires no installation. "03:53
drmessanoI had a motherboard that supported a socket 939 Athlon..  Booting USB was hit and mostly miss.03:53
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drmessanoI can't offer you a solution, just validation lol03:54
bryanfrommacauYeah, I've given, I just bought some cheap CDs and DVDs03:55
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en03:57
Svetajk^: see http://www.webdevout.net/test?01v&raw , I summarised the avaulable options03:58
Svetajk^: available03:58
Svetajk^: sorry, I misread something, after installing 'tor' and 'deb.torproject.org-keyring', the tor browser is only available as an archive, updated instructions at http://www.webdevout.net/test?01w&raw04:09
jk^sveta :(04:18
Svetajk^: if this looks confusing, I can guide you step by step04:19
jk^I give u a big "Thanks" for the work, but i really don't understand what i have to do :(04:19
Svetajk^: ok04:19
jk^i use linux since 2-3 days :(04:19
Svetajk^: first find your ubuntu release by running `cat /etc/*release*` in terminal, let me know what it says04:19
jk^have i to type: `cat /etc/*release*` ?04:20
jk^cat /etc/*release*04:20
Svetathe second option04:20
jk^but isn't there gui way to do that?04:21
jk^i hate terminal04:21
Svetausage of ubuntu does not require using the terminal but unfortunately i am not familiar with its gui, so i'm giving you commandline instructions04:21
Svetapersonally, i have no idea how to find ubuntu version in 201704:21
Svetait is lubuntu right?04:22
jk^yes, maybe i found it04:22
jk^just a moment04:22
jk^"System profiler and benchmark"04:22
Svetathat sounds unrelated04:22
Svetamaybe i'll join #lubuntu now04:22
jk^Sveta, https://pastebin.com/raw/HDnX7YZ004:25
Svetayup let's talk in #lubuntu now, in case someone can talk about gui there04:26
NotMarkWalburghello so I am using ubuntu 17.10 running with kaby lake, anyways when i put my computer to sleep and wake it up it gives me a lock screen sort of thing, but then my mouse freezes (cant move it) then it turns off and when i turn it back on it brings me to the splash screen (mouse still frozen) i can log in and this loop just repeats endlessly04:27
NotMarkWalburgI have tried turning the lock screen off from privacy with no change04:27
NotMarkWalburgany of you know a potential work around for this issue04:28
Svetathis is a hibernate issue, did you try to move your mouse using a usb mouse or a touch pad?04:30
NotMarkWalburgtouch pad04:30
NotMarkWalburgthanks for the help Sveta04:30
NotMarkWalburghave not tried a mouse04:31
Svetait is not the end, it is only the beginning; if a mouse doesn't work, specifying your hardware may be useful04:32
NotMarkWalburgSveta I am using a razer blade stealth 2017 laptop04:32
Svetaperhaps hibernate kills the touchpad driver and you need to readd it when you resume04:32
Svetado you have a usb mouse to test with?04:33
NotMarkWalburgi can test a mouse with it04:33
Henk_You can turn off Hibernation.04:33
usrshvhi! I read that for set cpufreq, need to use ondemand driver, because intel_pstate not work with?04:34
en7ropyAnyone ever get a crashing problem when using VLC media player?04:34
NotMarkWalburgI will try turning hibernation of thanks henk04:34
Henk_You know how to do it?04:35
Henk_Pfiew I was unfortunate to upgrade to Lubuntu 17.10 and I have a Lenovo G50-80. The upgrade ruind my computer.04:39
Henk_Lucky enough I got it solved and now I installed 16.04.04:40
asingodbazhang: still being your motherfuckin cock sucking faggot on freenode? have you grow up, staff rights when?04:41
Henk_Only the brother installation script is not oke since 14.10. Now I've been struggling all night to solved. I finally have it solved.04:42
usrshvso, therefor i ask for help. How replace intel_pstate with ondemand?04:44
ClassicBot758the spo has too much fleem04:46
=== gerald is now known as Guest53047
parallel21Is there a way to test unattended installs? I have a computer with no monitor, I'd like to use it on. But not certain if it's working06:01
parallel21Maybe I can try on a VM, but will it work the same?06:02
Svetaplug in an ethernet cable and ssh to it06:02
alkisgparallel21: install to another computer, then move the disk, it will boot fine06:06
parallel21I mean, the ssh part I could do, but right now doesn't seem to be fruitful06:08
parallel21Wanted to try my hand at headless install which is why I'm not using another computer to install06:08
alkisgparallel21: there's no ssh server running in live cds06:09
alkisgAnd no remote access in general, other than maybe a kernel console, if you manage to input that in headless syslinux menu06:09
parallel21I think the idea is the kickstart file should've installed and configured openssh06:10
alkisgThere's no kickstart in ubuntu06:10
alkisgThat's a redhat thing06:10
alkisgThere's dpkg preseeding in ubuntu, but you would need to serve it from somewhere, and pass it to the kernel command line blindly06:11
parallel21ubuntu supports kickstart06:11
alkisgor, setup a boot server06:11
parallel21So I'm rebuilding an iso using a kickstart and preseed file06:11
alkisgIf you're generating a custom .iso, sure, you can even have vnc running there and call it a day :)06:12
parallel21I'll try installing on a vm using the iso06:12
alkisgYou don't need both kickstart and preseeding. Preseeding works without a custom .iso, if you're building a custom .iso you can support anything by yourself of course.06:12
xs2can someone help me configure sshfs and thunar, I have this in my /etc/fstab http://termbin.com/ic96 I want to mount `/mnt/xternalhdd` from remote computer to `/mnt/remote-hdd` onto my laptop?06:20
xs2when I open thunar regularly it's not displayed and when I open it with sudo and try to access it it says http://i.imgur.com/q5h3n6Q.png06:21
hateballxs2: does /mnt/remote-hdd exist and do you have permissions to that directory?06:24
xs2hateball: mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/remote-hdd’: Transport endpoint is not connected06:24
alkisgxs2: that sshfs#root is wrong syntax, use @ instead, read https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/SSHFS06:26
V7Hey all :)06:27
V7Is it possible to get which questin depends on which dialog in debconf when installing package i.e. like phpmyadmin ?06:28
xs2alkisg: it doesn't say to use @ anywhere? I mean it uses spaces?06:28
alkisgxs2, An example mountpoint configuration:  USERNAME@HOSTNAME_OR_IP:/REMOTE/DIRECTORY  /LOCAL/MOUNTPOINT  fuse.sshfs noauto,x-systemd.automount,_netdev,user,idmap=user,follow_symlinks,identityfile=/home/USERNAME/.ssh/id_rsa,allow_other,default_permissions,uid=USER_ID_N,gid=USER_GID_N 0 006:28
alkisgDo you see the @ in that line?06:28
xs2just 1 ?06:29
alkisgYes, just one06:29
alkisgxs2: in general, I don't know which tutorial you were reading, but it's clearly broken, read that wiki page instead06:30
V7So is it possible to know which debconf qustion is for which packeges dialog ?06:33
V7package's *06:33
Deihmosremote desktop to connect to Ubuntu? can't get it working06:36
xs2alkisg: this is what I have now http://termbin.com/1rsk, but it doesn't work as expected, i.e. it's not displayed this time at all06:36
Deihmosanyone use windows remote desktop to connect to Ubuntu? can't get it working06:36
xs2(even with sudo)06:36
alkisgxs2: yeah, it's still wrong, e.g. it doesn't even say sshfs, it says sshf06:37
alkisgDeihmos: do you mean xrdp? I prefer x2go06:37
xs2alkisg: my bad...i changed that...still the same06:38
alkisgxs2: ok, check for more typos etc06:38
jyounghi jay06:39
jay__hello jyoung06:39
xs2alkisg: no more typos, and my ordinary local file system isn't working .. what did you give me >.>06:39
jyoungwhats up jay06:40
jay__Im awesome Jyoung,thanks. What about you?06:41
jyoungme too06:41
jyoungcan somebody explain what qjackctl does? plz06:42
michael2hi, is anyone here running ubuntu 17.10? do you have a xinput command? I read that xinput was replaced in 17.10?06:48
masbergood afternon, I am trying to setup 2 ips on one nic but it is failing, this is my interfaces file content https://bpaste.net/show/203d0158f4d906:53
masberso I put the 2 addresses there. I guess that is wrong and I need to create a sub interface for the second IP, is that right?06:54
alkisgmasber: why aren't you just using the network manager gui to add the 2 ips graphically?06:56
masberim using ubuntu server, no gui06:57
alkisgmasber: there's an #ubuntu-server channel for servers, this is mostly for desktops06:57
NeoFrontierHello, how do I get the Evolution email client to delete emails from the server when retrieved ?07:06
Neo4how to copy files from one folder to another?07:11
EriC^^Neo4: just visible without hidden files?07:12
Neo4I have folder wordpress and want copy to /var/www/site and I do07:12
Neo4cp -R wordpress/ /var/www/site and I got full folder, and I need files inside07:12
Neo4EriC^^: no, hidding too07:12
Neo4EriC^^: before I used it cp wordpress/*07:13
Neo4it doesn't copy hidden files and I always copy .htaccess too07:13
Neo4I can rename folder07:14
EriC^^Neo4: try 'rsync -av wordpress/ /var/www/site'07:15
EriC^^(slash after wordpress is important)07:15
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Neo4EriC^^: thanks, it seems work07:34
EriC^^Neo4: no problem07:34
noob_on_railshey all im trying to install gnome15 for logitech keyboard support , anyone had any luck with it ?07:55
noob_on_railsit actually says to run ./configure inside the cloned repo dir , but there's no such file :(07:56
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ducassenoob_on_rails: there's usually a text file with installation instructions, often named README or INSTALL08:08
noob_on_railsducasse: yea ill read the INSTALL now cause the README is same as git08:09
noob_on_railsya i should run autoconf first , but the darn package has errors :D08:13
alkisgnoob_on_rails: the last ubuntu version they supported was 12.x, and it hasn't been maintained since then, are you sure you want to try that? :D08:15
noob_on_railsmeh , well , i bought a logitech keyboard and it's stuck in full circus mode08:16
noob_on_railswhat you say is true tho08:16
alkisgMaybe giving it back and getting something that is supported out of the box, would be cheaper than wasting a whole lot of hours to bring an unmaintained program up to date...08:16
noob_on_railsahh , so hard , i cant live with normal mechanical switches hahaha08:17
lotuspsychjenoob_on_rails: apt-cache search logitech gives a few tools08:17
noob_on_railson the other hand , maybe it's doomed , cause last supported keyboard goes back to logitech g1508:18
noob_on_railsso , all in all i think it wont work :( , maybe i should try coding it08:18
lotuspsychjenoob_on_rails: whats your ubuntu version?08:20
lotuspsychjenoob_on_rails: doesnt work out of the box?08:21
noob_on_railsnah , it stays in default mode08:21
noob_on_railswhich has this wavey all-color thing going :D08:21
noob_on_railswhy does logitech suck so much , i mean the product is great , but im very close to emailing them a middle finger08:22
lotuspsychjenoob_on_rails: did it work on other ubuntu versions?08:23
noob_on_railsumm , haven't actually checked :( since it came out recently08:24
hsiktashttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/KnowledgeBase/SpectreAndMeltdown does this mean that we xenial users with HWE on kernel 4.10 wont get a kernel update to mitigate meltdown?08:24
lotuspsychjehsiktas: it means they in progress of releasing updates for all ubuntu versions08:25
lotuspsychjehsiktas: a lil more patience08:25
dax"We will continue to update this table as more become available"08:25
oerhekshsiktas, only 17.04 does not get patched, see the test kernels https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/pti/08:26
oerheks4.4.x and 4.13.x ...08:27
Mr_Pan17.04 will EOF on next 13th Jan...  it will not update for Spectre and Meltdown08:28
dax4.13 is HWE edge, my assumption is that they didn't get to uploading regular HWE yet08:28
oerheksand the 11th there will be new 17.10 iso's08:28
daxbut yeah, if you're on 14.04, 16.04, or 17.10, it's coming. just be patient.08:28
dax(this is, i guess, one of the downsides of ubuntu's security folks having to manage 1000000000 different kernel versions)08:28
Buckis there a decent AutoHotKey like program for ubuntu?08:31
bazhangautokey-gtk Buck08:37
lotuspsychje!hotkeys | Buck08:37
ubottuBuck: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net/ - See !Keyboard for changing layouts. A list of keyboard shortcuts for Unity is available at http://www.informit.com/articles/article.aspx?p=2209015&seqNum=308:37
bazhangbuck there are others at the alternatives.to website as well08:37
BuckI don't mean shortcuts, lotuspsychje08:39
Buckthanks bazhang08:39
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
iceyany suggestions on the best way to use multiple drives on a desktop machine? I have 2x256GB SSDs, and 1x512GB NVMe, I'd like to be able to fully consume those but haven't had any amazing ideas about the best way to have Ubuntu put bits on the disks08:49
iceyI'm considering a raid across the SSDs, with bcache on the nvme08:49
mgue\nick Nain-pie08:52
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kkremitzkiicey: have you ever looked into zfs?08:52
alkisgicey: I usually prefer simplicity and ease of maintenance over a bit of performance... /home in one disk, / on another, that's all :D08:52
iceykkremitzki:  quite like ZFS (using it right now) but truly want full disk encryption (Coming Soon to ZoL!) but don't want to have separate LUKS on each disk :-/08:53
iceyalkisg: that may be the way I go08:53
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butax42@search Lev Grossman09:16
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=== sgautam is now known as GautamS
Kore__Has anyone here ran into any issues with AMD RX 580 8GB, using Ubuntu 16.04 and a MST hub? It's kinda unique, i need my hub to register so I can connect my other 3 monitors (x6 in total) 3 is plugged in the 3rd DP port is for the Hub but the hub just shits the bed when anythings plugged into it. I assume the company firmware hates ubuntu or xorg? Waiting for their reply. Any further help on the matter would be welcome.09:24
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Checkmatewhy i cant protect folder phpmyadmin with password09:34
=== mg is now known as Guest84583
tomeaton17On my install I don't have the terminfo database installed. How can I install this?09:50
tomeaton17It gives me a problem when trying to use curses09:51
alkisgtomeaton17: apt install ncurses-term?09:51
tomeaton17alkisg: Apparently its already installed09:52
alkisgtomeaton17: well, which file are you supposedly missing?09:52
tomeaton17alkisg: A terminfo file for the 'linux' terminal09:53
tomeaton17I manually installed the one for urxvt so I could ssh and use curses, but when I use the computer directly it doesnt work#09:53
alkisgtomeaton17: locate terminfo | grep linux, should show that you already have plenty09:53
alkisgThen, `dpkg -S file` tells you which package that file belongs to09:54
alkisgNormally you can use curses over ssh without having to configure anything, why is your system different?09:54
tomeaton17alkisg: Not sure, its an odroid which doesnt have a wm so maybe its that?09:55
alkisgtomeaton17: afaik even ubuntu server which doesn't have xorg supports this09:55
alkisgMaybe you're sshing from something with broken environment variables?09:55
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tomeaton17alkisg: Maybe, but when I attach a little monitor to the odroid and use the keyboard directly it doesnt work09:57
tomeaton17Maybe its because of cross compilation?09:57
alkisgtomeaton17: what "doesn't work"?09:57
alkisgUsing curses directly without even ssh?09:57
tomeaton17alkisg: Yeah, it gives an error saying 'error opening terminal: linux.'09:58
tomeaton17And yes directly without ssh09:58
alkisgtomeaton17: try: TERM=xterm your-command-here09:59
tomeaton17When using locate, there is lots of terminfo files like linux-basic but none just linux09:59
alkisgYou should have a /lib/terminfo/l/linux file09:59
alkisgProvided by the ncurses package10:00
tomeaton17alkisg: Yes, I do have that10:00
alkisgtomeaton17: what command are you trying? If it's something weird, try nano10:00
tomeaton17alkisg: Ah I probably should have said, its my own program that I cross compiled10:01
tomeaton17yes nano is fine, so something is wrong with my program10:01
alkisgtomeaton17: right, so it sounds like a bug in your program, not an ubuntu misconfiguration or anything missing10:01
tomeaton17alkisg: Yeah, maybe its because I cross compiled using ncurses6?10:01
alkisgCould be. Try running it with strace -e trace=file program10:02
alkisgSo that you see where it searches for libs, files, terminfo etc10:02
alkisgMaybe you configured some $prefix wrong10:02
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jpeHi. Does anyone know how to get irssi to log channel history and display it again after restarting like hexchat does?10:08
tomeaton17alkisg: Yeah here is the trace https://gist.github.com/tomeaton17/f9596efc97d0e4b4b74cef542935ebad looks like it is looking at a directory where I compiled it10:09
tomeaton17alkisg: Managed to fix it, the TERMINFO environment variable was not being set correctly10:13
=== Coltragon is now known as Traumatizer
TraumatizerMy ubuntu installation boots with the purple graphical boot animatio. But, before it's finished it still shows a console-like screen showing steps of the boot process and whether they fail/OK. I prefer if the boot is completely graphical. Can anyone point me into the right direction for changing this?10:25
ThinkT510Traumatizer: are you using proprietary graphics drivers?10:30
Traumatizer@ThinkT510, I'm only using the standard open-source drivers.10:31
ThinkT510Traumatizer: I believe Plymouth is what controls the graphical boot process. I have no idea how to help you with that though sorry.10:32
ThinkT510Traumatizer: normally you'll see a change when using the proprietary graphics drivers due to lack of kernel-mode-setting. the open source ones do support kernel-mode-setting though so that likely isn't the issue at hand10:34
ThinkT510Traumatizer: that is about the sum total of my knowledge on that subject10:34
elchapowas geht10:44
ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!10:45
elchapohow are you10:45
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:46
pc_magasHello and goodmornign from Greece. Over Libre office impress I am stuck into the view where I put notes over my presentations and I want to switch into predentation edit mode. How can I do that?10:46
elchapohello from germany10:47
elchapoyou nazi10:47
A_ngelascheiß mexikaner10:48
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:48
cfhowlettelchapo, A_ngela take that mess out of this channel10:48
elchapoicho de puta10:48
pc_magaselchapo, seems like trying to set the channel on fire.10:48
Traumatizer@ThinkT510, adding "plymouth" to my google searches has yielded some results. I've found a webpage saying I can edit the boot animations using a package called super-boot-manager. Ill give that a try10:48
ThinkT510Traumatizer: one of the few distributions where I have experienced a perfect graphical boot (which was using plymouth) was opensuse. Not sure I've ever had a perfect graphical boot with ubuntu regardless of what drivers I use. Thankfully that isn't something too important to me so I live with it.10:51
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TraumatizerThinkT510: It's not that important of course, it's just something that bothers me. Non-graphical boots have major advantages as well of course, as you'll be able to see any errors. Whereas on Windows, if your boot fails for unknown reasons that can be tricky.11:04
=== daniel is now known as Guest36307
tomeaton17With the 17.10 bug is it confirmed that the machine list on launchpad are the only machines affected?11:05
Kon-tomeaton17, if you have a laptop with UEFI, I'd probably avoid it11:09
Kon-If you've already installed with no problems, I think you are fine11:09
Kon-tomeaton17, You could disable UEFI and switch back to MBR if you really need to install 17.10 on the laptop11:11
BaronesHi, is there a way to change the system spell checker wihtout change the system language display?11:26
tomeaton17Kon-: I have a laptop with uefi11:29
tomeaton17I will probably just wait then.11:29
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BluesKajHiyas all11:54
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jpeHmm. I had bluetooth A2DP working earlier with pulseaudio and bluetooth headset. Now I power cycled the device, connected again and it doesnt show up in pavucontrol :/12:01
vfwjpe: rfkill list12:03
vfwjpe: rfkill unblock all12:03
jpevfw: I'm able to connect to the device, but pulseaudio doesnt recognize it. So I don't think rfkill is really the issue (tried it anyway and it didnt help).12:06
BluesKajjpe, probly need to reboot to reload the bt driver12:12
jpeBluesKaj: can i do that without rebooting somehow/12:14
jpeBluesKaj: I tried restarting pulse with 'pulseaudio -k' and bluetooth with 'systemctl restart bluetooth'. Then setting up the connection again.12:15
jpeYeah I'm not sure how to rmmod when the module is being used12:16
vfwrmmod, modprobe12:16
vfwjpe: Are you sure pavucontrol does not see it?12:16
jpevfw yes12:17
jpeok after reloading the modules the device is no longer paired12:17
alkisgjpe: just out of curiosity, why do you avoid rebooting?12:17
jpealkisg: because i dont want to have to reboot every time i power cycle my headset12:18
BluesKajjpe, sudo modprobe "bluetoothdriver"?12:18
alkisgjpe: I would think that making it work comes first, and optimizing the process, second12:18
jpealkisg: it already worked once, then i power cycled the headset and it stopped working12:19
alkisgjpe: right, so making it work consistently would come first...12:19
vfwjpe: Is it a USB device?12:19
alkisgEven if that requires rebooting. Anyway, not important, my curiosity is satisfied :)12:19
jpeits a bluetooth device12:19
BluesKajpower cycling won't reload the driver afaik12:20
jpei mean im using the internal bluetooth of my laptop12:20
jpeBluesKaj: yeah its just that i can still connect to the device with bluetoothctl but pulseaudio doesnt see it anymore12:20
hsiktasjust had a user who had exceed is quota for his $HOME and rm would not remove a big file because that quota was at 100%12:20
alkisgForcibly killing pulseaudio may leave it in an inconsistent state though, that could be an additional issue requiring reboot :)12:20
hsiktasmagik workaround: cp /dev/null ./bigfile12:21
hsiktasand then rm would delete ./bigfile12:21
hsiktaswhy does this work?12:21
jpealkisg: so how do i make it work again without rebooting?12:22
BluesKajjpe, install pavuxontrol and use that to choose your output device12:22
jpeit doesnt show the otuput device anymore12:22
BluesKajpavucontrol rather12:22
vfwhsiktas: Probably because cp /dev/null ./bigfile pretty much already deleted the bigifle12:22
jpethats what i used before to select the output device but now it doesnt show there12:22
hsiktasvfw:  sure, I get why that worked. but why did rm fail?12:23
vfwhsiktas: Not sure about that one...12:23
BluesKajjpe, then you need to reboot the laptop12:23
hsiktasI think that our home directories are on an old Solaris box12:24
vfwjpe: I'll reboot mine if you'll reboot yours.12:24
hsiktasmaybe ZFS and COW?12:24
jpeso basically theres no way to use bluetooth without rebooting my machine every time i switch of the headset?12:24
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hsiktasor would for example EXT4 behave the same way?12:24
vfwjpe: We don't know yet...12:24
BluesKajjpe, leave it on. just turn the volume down12:25
jpewhat if i want to move the headset out of range?12:25
BluesKajin alsamixer12:26
jpeor just save battery life12:26
jpeI basically have to reboot now because reloading the drivers caused the device not to show up anymore... but hopefully that isn't necesarry since the real issue is with pulseaudio12:28
BluesKajjpe, not entirely , you can also xhoose your device in alsamixer with F612:30
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jpeok back from reboot. I'll open pavuctl and see what happens when i connect via bluetoothctl12:34
jpeyeah ok after getting 'Device 04:5D:4B:1C:33:50 Connected: yes' i still dont see the device in pavuctl or alasmixer12:36
SimonNL_Afkthats weird12:37
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SimonNLshows up for me as soon as I connect12:37
jpeSimonNL. That's what happened for me earlier but only once.12:38
jpeI seethis in dmesg " Bluetooth: hci0 SCO packet for unknown connection handle 0".12:40
alkisg(02:22:07 μμ) jpe: alkisg: so how do i make it work again without rebooting? ==> no no, my question is the exact opposite, after a clean reboot, what does it need to get it working12:41
jpejust weird because it worked the first time and then stopped.12:42
jpeinterestingly i can see input events on /dev/input/event17 when pressing buttons on the headset etc12:43
SimonNLjpe: built in or usb dongle ?12:44
jpeSimonNL: suing built in bluetooth12:44
SimonNLso no unplugging and plugging in easily12:45
jpei can restart the bluetooth damon or pulse, or check the config for either, or check some debug logs that im not aware of yet12:45
SimonNLjpe: maybe  completely remove and re install pavucontrol  (just guessing)12:47
jpepactl load-module module-bluetooth-discover, gives me "Failure: Module initialization failed"12:47
jsa_hello world12:47
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jpeok unloading the module 'module-bluetooth-discover' and loading it again causes the device to show in pavuctl now12:48
jpebut its in 8K and not A2DP12:49
SimonNLmmm smart command12:53
usrshvhi! in "window preferences" on control panel, i found checkbox enable software compositing window manager. If i turn it off, that will give me performance benefits?12:53
jpeSelecting the A2DP profile in pavuctl seems to fail12:53
jpefacepalm.jpg... and now the same solution won't work again13:01
nostroraHello, do you know what is the kernel of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS when it will be released ?13:02
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
jpeAs with many audio issues, fiddling with it worked. Restart pulse, restart bluetooth connect again, restart pulse, load and unlad the module, restarta again. no idea what i did but boom it works. and probably have to go through all this again later13:05
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+113:06
brainwashnostrora: kernel 4.13 (and 4.14 in -proposed)13:07
xcom169Do you guys use wayland or x.org?13:11
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brainwashxcom169: why do you ask? encountered some issue with wayland?13:41
V7Hey all :) So if I'm installing package like: "apt install mysql-server" and it installs package "mysql-server-5.7", so now this means that it asks debconf for question of "mysql-server-5.7" ?13:41
maxlatern[m]does gparted need to show the swapon partition or can a luks partition use swap space not listed on gparted..Im asking because on system monitor it does show swap space but no on gparted and that swap space does not appear to be used even when ram is used over 50%..Ive also tried to change swapiness to a higher number like 80 instead of 60 and that still does not cause swap to be used.. swap space also appears on the13:49
maxlatern[m]terminal correctly so im not sure what the issue is13:49
alkisgmaxlatern[m]: what's the output of `sudo gparted -l; sudo lsblk --fs; cat /proc/swaps` ?13:50
alkisgV7: any package can write to debconf whatever it wants, so you need to run debconf-get-selections to see what it is13:51
V7alkisg: Yes, but how to know which one is used when apt ask a dialog ?13:52
alkisgV7: run ps aux to see13:52
V7I mean: how to know which one exactly is used by each dialog ?13:52
maxlatern[m]alkisg: g: https://zerobin.net/?f783d1568dfe64b4#6k/5DLzCNDiI7YrpvG3b1uCz2PVCEYOmsRr3gv96/SA=13:52
alkisgV7: you would need to look at the postinst script, at the code13:53
alkisgmaxlatern[m]: in the first command you typed -1 instead of -l, but anyway, you have the 2 swaps that you see. If you don't see them in gparted, paste a screenshot.13:53
V7alkisg: How I would look into postinst of phpmyadmin ?13:57
V7You mean to check it executables /13:58
alkisgV7: no, the debian packaging. it's in /var/lib/dpkg/13:58
maxlatern[m]alkisg: its l and not 113:58
alkisgmaxlatern[m]: sorry, i mistype gparted -l instead of parted -l a lot of times, but anyway, the other two commands were enough13:59
alkisgV7: in /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.postinst or so13:59
maxlatern[m]alkisg: it just shows sda1 sda2 with sda5 luks encrypted and about 5mb of unallocated space13:59
alkisgV7: but you can also find it in debconf-get-selections, by checking the string that is displayed in the dialog13:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:59
alkisgmaxlatern[m]: screenshot there ^13:59
maxlatern[m]it dose not show that dm -1 dm-214:00
alkisgmake sure you select the correct device14:00
V7alkisg: Is it something like this ? cat /var/lib/dpkg/info/phpmyadmin.postinst | grep db_get14:00
V7Btw it asks a dialog when I'm purging it so will this postinst stay after removing this package to see which debconf question the purging asked ?14:01
maxlatern[m]it only allows for one device to be selected14:01
V7alkisg: What did you mean by the string which is in the dialog ? You mean the string which start with "#" symbol (aka comment) in debconf-get-selections ?14:02
maxlatern[m]anyone know why my swap is not being used14:05
alkisgmaxlatern[m]: your swap is being used, it says so in cat /proc/swaps14:05
maxlatern[m]its not showing in system monitor..it says 0 percent14:06
maxlatern[m]it does show that there is a swap space but it stays at 0 percent14:07
alkisgright, the system doesn't need it yet14:08
usrshvthanks, bye!14:10
omginawhat is the difference between C-j and C-o ? It's not mentioned in man 3 readline ?14:21
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Orvalvisjerunning ubuntu 16.04 on dual boot laptop. Just wondering, is it possible to run my windows (and thus some programs that run only in windows)from within Ubuntu? I need to switch quite often between the both, and it is very tedious always haveing to restart14:40
FuchsOrvalvisje: technically you can use a virtual machine solution (like vmware or virtualbox), but this will have an impact on performance, e.g. not terribly suited for games14:41
FuchsOrvalvisje: some applications you might be able to run directly using wine14:41
Orvalvisjefuchs, i'm really a noob. Could you elaborate a bit more about your virtual machine solution?14:43
FuchsOrvalvisje: would it be even the right solution for you? As in: are the applications you need to run performance-heavy ones,14:44
FuchsOrvalvisje: and if so, or in general: did you check whether they run with wine yet?14:44
Orvalvisjeno, they are not14:44
FuchsWine is, despite its name, a sort of emulator for Windows systems in Unix like systems (Linux, OS X etc.)14:45
Fuchsit can be used to run .exe files directly, as you would run any linux app. There is a database on the website (winehq.org) which lists what applications work well14:45
Fuchsso dpeending on your applications, this might be the best, easiest solution with the least overhead14:45
Fuchsyou can install wine as you'd install any other app (via the software / package management) and I'm rather sure there is official English ubuntu documentation for it somewhere, I just tend to use the German one, so I don't know by heart14:46
Orvalvisjebut i think the wine program can indeed run windows programs, but, as far as i have been told, the program running within wine can not alter the database that is being used in ubuntu14:47
Fuchsdepends on what database that is and how you connect to it14:48
Fuchsif it doesn't work indeed, you can look into VirtualBox, a free virtualization solution. I think it can run Windows off a disk and not an image, but so far I never used that. If you have spare disk space, you can also simply create a new Windows image14:48
Fuchsthis will allow you to run a full blown Windows inside your Linux, in a window (well, there are windowless variants, but lets ignore these)14:49
Fuchsso everything that runs in Windows does run there, but aside from USB you don't have direct hardware access, which impacts performance a bit14:49
Fuchsbasically VirtualBox  (or VMWare or others) emulate a whole PC and you can install whatever operating system (including WIndows) on that virtual hardware, so you get an operating system running inside another. You can also run Ubuntu (e.g. a different version) inside of Ubuntu. So if your application does not work with wine, that's the next best option if you don't want dual boot and performance is fine14:51
Orvalvisjecan you elaborate what you mean with "how i connect to it"?14:51
Fuchsthe database14:52
Fuchsif it runs as a separate database server, having to run that as well in wine and connecting from another wine application to it might be tricky14:52
Fuchsif it is integrated, it should™ work14:52
Orvalvisjei see what you mean14:53
Fuchsif it is an external database that can run under Ubuntu, e.g. postgresql or mysql/mariadb, my guess would be it should work as well14:53
Fuchshowever, not knowing what application you try to run (and unlikely to know that application at all) I can't really answer that, best check the appdb on the website I mentioned for your application14:53
Fuchsif it is listed, chances are that people wrote guides on how to get it to work14:53
ramsub07Hi, i got a new machine with ASUS A99 motherboard. I want to install Ubuntu first. i disabled the secure and fast boot and changed the OS preference to other OS. I select the install Ubuntu option from my USB, yet i just see black screen and nothing seems to be installing. could someone please help me out?15:03
ramsub07^ PS. : I am not dual booting and this is my first OS. the solutions that i refer to online seems to be for a system that has windows before.15:04
feedc0dehi, can somebody help me killing a process that has 100% cpu usage?15:06
feedc0dethe process was started with root and I try to kill it with root15:06
feedc0deand I get "permission denied"15:06
akikramsub07: you could try removing the kernel parameters "quiet splash" from the parameters when booting the usb stick15:06
jojnnojimonhi all gt an issue updating to more recent ubuntu from16.04 can s1 paste a link to share log file with this channel15:06
akikramsub07: that way you might get some additional info on what's happening15:06
ramsub07akik: how do i do that? after grub, i just see black screen15:06
jojnnojimonused yesterday for the first time pastebin sound right15:07
akikramsub07: you need to edit the parameters _while_ in grub15:07
Orvalvisjesorry about the delay, fuchs, but thanks for the help. I'll be looking into virtual machines a bit and see what's what15:07
hateballramsub07: if this is a machine with nvidia GPU, you may need to use kernel parameter nomodeset15:08
FuchsOrvalvisje: okay, good luck!15:08
ramsub07hateball: yes i have nvidia GPU15:09
hateball!nomodeset | ramsub0715:09
ubotturamsub07: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:09
jojnnojimoni think i just untick the cd rom option from inside software and updates does?? ur thorts guys15:10
feedc0deDoes anyone have an idea why I can't kill a process on my ubuntu machine ?15:10
akikfeedc0de: can you try killing the parent pid of 27746?15:12
jojnnojimonim a novice but could you try sudo and kill or gksudo kill process id15:12
feedc0dethe parent is a bash process15:12
akikfeedc0de: try killing that15:12
feedc0deand i already tried killing it with no success15:12
feedc0dethe parent of that bash is systemd15:13
jojnnojimonyeehaaaaaa i did it just needed to reboot before stuff worked15:14
feedc0deakik: killing the parent results in the same error message -.-15:15
ramsub07hateball: in that link you've sent the kernel enabling command seems to be missing15:15
ramsub07I am not able to load that image15:15
hateballramsub07: well, in grub menu just edit the bootline and append "nomodeset" without the ""15:15
ramsub07hateball: i didn't quite catch you, I have to do this in my grub terminal right ?15:16
hateballramsub07: you put in live media and boot it, when at the grub menu you press... I dont recall, is is F6 to edit bootline? and then you append nomodeset and press... F10? to continue booting15:17
hateballinstructions should be on screen anyhows15:17
akikfeedc0de: sorry i don't know. maybe it became a zombie which you can not kill15:17
feedc0deakik: the process was part of a died docker container15:19
alkisgramsub07: is the stick created correctly, does it work in another pc?15:19
JedeeHello Guys !15:20
akikfeedc0de: oh interesting15:20
ramsub07alkisg: yeah, everyone in my lab installed from that, apparently they all dual booted, but I don't want to install Windows first15:20
akikoh he left :)15:21
Jedeecan someone help me out with a question? i've got a new PC with a transferred old HDD, there is a new SSD i want to use, how do i install Xubuntu on it?15:21
ramsub07hateball: i appended "nomodeset" to the last line of the file, it says no such command found15:21
ramsub07oh, has hateball left? akik, could you please help me out?15:22
JackKjedee:  Clonezilla Live CD15:22
alkisgramsub07: ok, then try the nomodeset part, as the link describes15:22
ubottuA common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:22
alkisgI.e. press f6 while the stick boots15:22
Jedee@jackk it's an old install and want to upgrade to latest LTS15:23
jojnnojimoncan anyone tell me if ever its advisable to tick the cd-rom option in Software and Updates Ubuntu15:23
JackKjedee:  Oh I misunderstood.  Just download a new image, burn Disc or write image to USB, boot from installation media and install15:23
jojnnojimonwhen i try it mentions something about apt secure etc15:24
Jedeei've did that and the usb works, kinda scared to install yet...15:24
Jedeedont want to loose my data15:24
jojnnojimonor sumthin like that am in the middle of update atm so cant check15:24
JackKJedee you won't, as long as you point the installer to your SSD.  Install the bootloader there too.   But if you want to be really safe, you can disconnect your hard drive temporarily.15:25
Jedeethats a good idea !15:25
jojnnojimonid do that15:25
jojnnojimonsaved me many times15:25
ramsub07akik: yeah, i tried acpi_osi="Linux" and acpi_osi=15:26
Jedeeyeah kinda scared to loose all my data15:26
ramsub07both didn't work for me15:26
BluesKajjojnnojimon, only if you have the cd with  the OS image on it and then only under special circumstances , otherwise leave it unchecked as it should be for normal aupdates and upgrades15:26
jojnnojimontest a new version live15:26
Jedeedoes anyone know about a good external drive? WD? Seagate?15:27
JackKjedee:  just disconnect power to your HD,  when you're done installing, reconnect power.  Make sure your SSD boots first in your boot order in the bios.15:27
JedeeThanks JackK !15:27
nufcfanaticHi guys, anyone using thinkpad laptops here? I'm new to ubuntu mate and want to ask15:28
Jedeethanks !15:28
akikramsub07: nomodeset needs to be on the same line that starts with "linux"15:28
ramsub07akik: just nomodeset or nomodeset= ?15:28
akikramsub07: just like the other kernel parameters like quiet and splash which i suggested you remove15:29
akikramsub07: nomodeset15:29
nufcfanaticguys, how to make hotkeys / special keys on laptop works? I'm using thinkpad T520 here15:30
Fuchsnufcfanatic: most of these should work by default15:30
ramsub07akik: perfect15:30
ramsub07now i'm into Ubuntu15:31
Fuchsnufcfanatic: those who don't: check if  xev   (in a console) produces a key event when pressed15:31
Fuchsnufcfanatic: then map these to whatever you want15:31
ramsub07should I install nvidia drivers first or install Ubuntu first ?15:31
akikramsub07: you can now change the default boot settings in /etc/default/grub15:31
ramsub07( I think i can't get back into Ubuntu without the drivers)15:31
ramsub07akik: to what should I change to>15:31
nufcfanaticFuchs, mine, some of them works, some won't15:31
akikramsub07: afterwards, run "sudo update-grub"15:31
nufcfanaticFuchs, okay will try15:31
Fuchsnufcfanatic: I have tons of thinkpads and so far most of them work,15:32
akikramsub07: change the parameters to the ones you used in the grub boot prompt15:32
ramsub07akik: you mean adding nomodeset and removing the two of them?15:32
akikramsub07: you can see them with "cat /proc/cmdline"15:32
Fuchsnufcfanatic: in rare cases you have to give a different key mask to the hotkeys file in  /proc/acpi/ibm/hotkeys, if that is the case for your model, check the thinkwiki(.org)15:32
akikramsub07: yes15:32
nufcfanaticMy microphone mute button doesn't work15:32
nufcfanaticOnly the volume buttons work15:32
nufcfanaticFuchs, thanks will try15:33
Fuchsmic mute does trigger a key event  (se above, xev) here, which you can then just map as a hotkey in whatever mixer you use15:34
jojnnojimonBluesKaj>thanks man15:34
nufcfanaticFuchs, how to do that?15:34
Fuchsnufcfanatic: which part of it?15:34
nufcfanaticI'm completely new to linux15:34
akikramsub07: install ubuntu first now that you're able to see it :)15:35
nufcfanaticto open a console and how to re map the hotkey15:35
ramsub07akik: I'm not able to run, sudo update-grub15:35
ramsub07it says failed to get cannonical path of aufs15:36
lucidguyReading through these patch notes and it seems all patches for ubuntu1604 are not avaialable yet?  Regarding Spectre/Meltdown15:37
akikramsub07: oh sorry15:38
DevAntoineI've got a laptop (Thinkpad W550S) which have a "Fn" key. I've inversed this key with the Ctrl one (what a dump idea to put the Fn key before the Ctrl one) in the bios and it was working well. I've rebooted today and I'm now using the latest 4.4.0-104-generic kernel but now the Fn and Ctrl key have a really weird behavior: if I want to use the Fx keys I have to hold Ctrl. If I want to switch tab in a browser or an15:39
DevAntoineIDE I have to use Fn. If I want to Select All, copy, cut paste it's still Fn15:39
akikramsub07: my bad, i was thinking of the state after the installation15:39
DevAntoineI'm completely lost on this one15:39
akikramsub07: you're still in the live session15:39
ramsub07akik: yes15:39
ramsub07akik: should I go with installation first ?15:42
akikramsub07: yes15:42
alkisg(05:36:00 μμ) ramsub07: it says failed to get cannonical path of aufs ==> ubuntu hasn't been using aufs for years, which version is that?15:43
akikramsub07: the things you do in the live session don't stick15:43
ramsub07alkisg: 16.04, but live one15:43
alkisgStrange, maybe the error message is wrong there...15:44
stumper_hi, im trying to setup a temporary vsftpd server to allow anonymous upload, its running only for the duration of the upload15:46
ifohancroftHi Everyone! When using apt list --instaled how do I make apt format the output - For example show me just the name and then architecture of each package?15:46
stumper_im pulling my hair out here .. im getting: USER error: OOPS: vsftpd: refusing to run with writable root inside chroot() .. ive been at this for 30 mins .. any idea's ?15:47
ikoniapermissions on disk stumper_15:48
ikoniait doesn't like the writeable root directory inside the chroot15:48
stumper_ikonia, 777 ftp:ftp15:48
ikoniastumper_: 777 !!!15:48
ikoniastumper_: thats terrible permissions15:48
stumper_ikonia, did you read my first comment ?15:48
ikoniastumper_: which one ?15:49
ikoniastumper_: people are in different time zones15:49
ikoniastumper_: what is the summary of the comment you think I should see15:49
stumper_..hi, im trying to setup a temporary vsftpd server to allow anonymous upload, its running only for the duration of the upload15:49
daxikonia: the one where permissions allegedly don't matter because it's a quick thing15:49
daxikonia: except i'm not sure vsftpd got that memo15:49
ikoniawhat has 777 got to do with anonymous uploads ?15:50
ikoniafile system permissions and ftp daemon permissions are totally seperate15:50
ikoniadax: I maybe missing a context, but I don't like the style of that "it's ok" model15:51
stumper_ikonia, that might be , but im purging after im done15:51
ikoniaso what ?15:51
ikoniait won't start as it doesn't like crazy permissions15:51
ikoniayou have a choice of fixing it - or not using it and leaving it broken15:51
stumper_i need to get the files, and move on with my life, its not a permanent thing, and im at it for far too long.15:51
sruliifohancroft: who not use dpkg -l, "dpkg -l  | awk '{print $2, $4}'"15:52
ikoniaI'll leave you to get nowhere with it and get on with your life then15:52
stumper_fine, be that way15:52
ifohancroftsruli thank you! Will do15:52
jojnnojimonwhat does print $2... do15:52
stumper_its working ,thanks for nothing dumbass15:53
stumper_im out15:53
LangleyHelp, how do I get rid of the blasted updater notifier? It pops up doing movies, and even though I've disabled checking for updates16:01
LangleyI've tried removing update-notifier now16:05
raubSo I use KVM to run guests in my 16.04 machine. This weekend the ubuntu box rebooted (don't know yet why). When I restarted the vm guest (bridge mode), it could not reach out to network besides the linux box16:07
raubtcpdump tells me guest is sending traffice out but not getting anything in16:07
srulimeltdown and spectre, do i really need to be worried? doesn’t the attacker need user access to run their code?16:12
akiksruli: you probably don't need to be worried. just keep your packages and updates up-to-date16:14
frostschutzsruli, you should be fine as long as you keep your system up to date regularly as you should be doing anyhow16:14
srulimy systems are updated but for a system thats not up to date can this be taken advantage of without user access?16:15
sruliand from what i read there is no fix for specter16:15
akiksruli: the attacker needs to find a way to exploit your system somehow16:16
BaronesHi, How can I change the ubuntu spell checker language?16:17
frostschutzsruli, perhaps? nobody knows? there are a few PoC that "cheat" by deliberately loading cache with info they want to obtain, a viable exploit should be much harder to put into practise16:17
sruliakik: thought so, so if they find a way to exploit my system meltdown and specter become the least of my worries16:17
akiksruli: yes16:17
akiksruli: this could also happen through your web browser16:18
naccsruli: right; there have already been patches for it for the most likely targets16:18
naccsruli: as akik said, browser js engines16:18
* nacc expects to see patches for spectre for a long time going forward16:18
sruliakik: nacc: how vulnerable is my system due to my browser?16:19
lettermanhey, I have an interface em1 on my public IP space, and I have an interface em2 on my private network. I would like to move traffic for external networks from em2 to em1.16:20
naccsruli: depends on someone actually writing an exploit; so not really possible to say16:22
naccsruli: not sure why you ask, though? install the updates as available?16:22
srulinacc: am installing updates but needed to understand this bug16:25
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naccsruli: have you read the docs?16:25
srulinacc i read many pages online, none mentioned that the attacker first needs to find a way into the system, so i needed to clarify that16:26
naccsruli: 'find a way into the system' -- what do you think javascript is?16:26
naccsruli: or perhaps you need to think about 'into the system' means16:26
naccsruli: they just need to run code on your CPU16:27
srulinacc: so if someone exploits a single popular site and adds their malicious code to the js we are all buggered?16:29
naccsruli: I believe one of the spectre attacks requires JIT, iirc. You can disable JIT at runtime, I believe16:29
naccsruli: but they are all timing attacks on the CPU, aiui16:29
naccsruli: well, it would depend on the nature of their exploit -- chrome and ff, at least, already have 'fixes' out; or just disable JS on your client machines16:31
naccsruli: i say 'fixes' because FF's is a mitigation not a fix, iiuc16:31
Exterminadorstupid question (i should know this already): where do i change the locale settings only to my account (via command line)?16:32
srulinacc thanks16:33
electricmilkDisabling javascript is a bit harsh16:33
electricmilkYou could just use "noscript" firefox addon16:33
srulineed js for banking etc16:33
electricmilkNeed JS for nearly every website16:34
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roryI can run this command from a machine behind NAT "ssh -v -N -R 1025:localhost:22 myserver.com" - so later I can ssh to myserver.com and from there ssh to localhost port 1025, and I'll end up on the NAT'd machine. It's excellent to access work laptop from home.16:39
roryMy question is can I forward X over that, as -X argument doesn't work: Bad remote forwarding specification '-X'16:39
rorynever mind I am an idiot, the -X command needs to be specified when later connecting to myserver.com (and from there to localhost) - as the tunnel itsself doesn't care what is going over it.16:41
alkisgHehe, was about to type something like that :)16:41
nicomachusrory: suggest using -C in addition to -X. Or even -Y instead of -X16:42
roryI got confused cos I happen to be tunnelling SSH over SSH16:42
jee1mrNot directly realted to ubunu. But..why is "equalize" not available in iproute on all latest kernels?16:44
kneekiIs it generally discouraged to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) for web development? I have apache up and running but the files are not being edited regardless of where I'm hosting the files from.16:46
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th0rneI tried installing this usb wlan dongle drivers, but they didn't work, so I'm trying to uninstall them. I did aptitude, and I found "rtl8812au-dkms", but doing "apt purge" says it's "not installed, so not removed".16:54
nacc!ubuwin | kneeki16:54
ubottukneeki: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide16:54
naccth0rne: how did you install them?16:54
th0rnedkms add and dkms install16:54
chaotixhello.  I am using a toshiba sattelite l55-c, and when booting from a usb to try out ubuntu and other distros, i have no use of the wifi card16:55
naccelectricmilk: noscript *is* disabling JS. Then selectively enabling it... which is exactly as vulnerable as leaving it open16:55
naccth0rne: exactly how? what parameters?16:55
naccjee1mr: might want to ask in a kernel channel16:56
TBotNikAll: 2 quick Qs! Q#1: I use Gedit, with plugins for dev with the "Cobalt" color scheme. In an HTML file "&nbsp;" and "&amp: are in dark blue and not really viewable. How do I change that color, say to yellow, so I can see all my code?  Q#2: Samba is not letting me login to my own local shares nor on remote machine.  What do I change in the smb.cnf config file to get logins to work?16:57
th0rnegit clone thing.git, dkms add ./thing, dkms install thing/1.1 (version, I assume). Or what do you mean?16:58
electricmilknacc, But you can enable JS for specific sites..wouldn't that be more safe than leaving it always open?16:58
TBotNikbrb: nature calls16:58
th0rnenacc: http://codepad.org/nPYPifC616:58
naccth0rne: not sure why you'd think that has anything to do with apt16:59
electricmilknacc, My guess is most JS attacks are going to come from sketchy sites, such as video streaming sites or porn16:59
naccth0rne: dkms remove ...16:59
th0rneI see, ok, thank you. :)16:59
electricmilknacc, Sites that allow malcious ads16:59
naccelectricmilk: in theory, you have to trust the site, and the developer of that site has to not have been hacked/infiltrated, etc.16:59
naccelectricmilk: but yes, you'16:59
naccelectricmilk: but yes, you're right, noscript is better than disable outright. but every opening is a vulnerability vector17:00
electricmilknacc,  My goal is to not be the lowest hanging fruit17:00
naccelectricmilk: i'll be frank, we don't know the exposure to spectre in the wild yet17:00
electricmilkIsn't there a specific type of AMD processor that isn't vulnerable?17:00
naccelectricmilk: spectre affects everything17:01
electricmilknacc, Guys in ##security were talking about an AMD processor that uses encryption that supposedly isn't vulnerable...but it is totally sold out.17:01
naccelectricmilk: not sure what encryption buys you against a timing attack on the L1 cache, but i lack context17:02
naccor the TLB17:02
electricmilkI'm in the market for a new laptop...going to hold off for several months though until they release processors that are secure.17:02
naccelectricmilk: the point of the vulnerabilities is that they leak data, not what data they leak17:02
nicomachusbut this is all off-topic....17:02
naccelectricmilk: tbh, spectre is a really low-level design issue. Unlikely to be fixed anytime soon, IMO17:02
naccnicomachus: ack, stopping now17:03
srulielectricmilk: those processors will be released about the same time as electric milk is released ;-)17:03
nicomachus:D take it to #ot or #security17:03
srulinacc: just ran a test using script from https://github.com/speed47/spectre-meltdown-checker the test reports VULNERABLE to all 3 variants17:04
srulinacc: tested on a vm all updates installed17:05
srulinacc: output https://paste.ubuntu.com/26347695/17:06
th0rne"shutdown -rh now" does not reboot my system, should it not?17:06
naccth0rne: uh you're saying reboot and halt17:06
naccth0rne: not sensible17:06
someone_Hi , How I can save a file from telnet to my computer?17:09
naccsomeone_: telnet is a protocol17:10
naccsomeone_: rephrase your question17:11
oerhekssruli, all updates, and the test kernels ?? https://launchpad.net/~canonical-kernel-team/+archive/ubuntu/pti/17:12
srulioerheks: did not add that ppa, any idea when those will be released into mainstream?17:14
oerhekssruli, nope, soon i guess17:15
fishcooker2 days ago i can suspend the box, but today i can't hwo to solve this?17:16
someone_nacc I used telnet via terminal and connect to my router and I'm trying to save my router configuration file from router to my computer , there is a feature in router to export  configuration file but I can't export the file to my home .17:16
naccsomeone_: telnet isn't a protocol for obtaining files, afaik17:20
nishttalhello ppl.. I'm running Ubuntu 17.10 (Gnome).. and noticing that after the machine has been idle for some time.. the monitor goes dark and the computer goes in a state taht it doesnt come back from.. only solution is a hard reboot17:21
someone_nacc what I can do to save and load file configuration from/to the router ?17:22
nishttalI've tried google and checked that auto suspend etc are all disabled17:22
nishttalany clues?17:22
raubsomeone_: every router is different. Some use web interfaces and others command line17:22
raubThe web ones expect you to login to their webpage and click on the export config button. Then it is as if you are downloading something from the internet.17:23
raubnishttal: sometimes /var/log/syslog might have clues17:24
TBotNikAll: Sorry Mother Nature doesn't wait! Now back to my post: 2 quick Qs! Q#1: I use Gedit, with plugins for dev with the "Cobalt" color scheme. In an HTML file "&nbsp;" and "&amp: are in dark blue and not really viewable. How do I change that color, say to yellow, so I can see all my code?  Q#2: Samba is not letting me login to my own local shares nor on remote machine.  What do I change in the smb.cnf config file to get logins to work?17:24
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kirankumari downloaded ubuntu desk top verstion from official website but can't install why?17:29
nishttalraub, syslog only had todays logs..17:30
nishttalraub, syslog.1 had the last date Jan 2nd17:30
nishttalraub, https://pastebin.com/f2DR4FJP17:30
th0rneI did dkms remove, but this rtl8812-dkms still shows up in aptitude search but apt purge does not find it. Any ideas?17:30
kirankumarhello sir anyone can help me17:31
alkisgth0rne: dpkg -l rtl8812-dkms17:33
oerhekskirankumar, we need more info, how are you trying to install, dvd/usb, what ubuntu version, what happens if you try?17:33
alkisgth0rne: although I think it's a different name,  dpkg -l rtl8812au-dkms17:34
th0rneNeither found anything.17:35
alkisgth0rne: then you don't have it installed. Although pasting the output here would allow us to tell you more.17:35
th0rneIf I do "aptitude search 8812", I get: > p   rtl8812au-dkms                              - dkms source for the r8812au network driver17:36
kirankumari downloaded ubuntu desktop 13.1017:36
alkisgth0rne: and? does that mean p=purged?17:36
someone_raub but How I can do the same via telnet, after I login to the router by using telenet I see in the menu save and load config but when I select save and put a file path to my home folder it shows error message that can't open the folder .17:36
alkisgUbuntu uses apt by default, not aptitude17:36
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th0rneOh, so it's gone, but just a history entry?17:37
alkisgNo idea, that's why I asked for the dpkg output17:37
alkisgWhich I do know to interpret17:37
th0rneno packages found, so all good? :)17:37
kirankumaroerheks. hello sir i downloaded 13.10  desktop version17:37
th0rneGreat, thank you :)17:37
oerhekskirankumar, 13.10 saucy salamander ... that is way old. EOL, dead. try a supported version, 16.04/17.04/17.1017:38
alkisgsomeone_: when you telnet to the router, and use things from the menu, you operate on the router, which means you "save" on the router file system, not on your ubuntu file system17:38
oerhekskirankumar, no updates, no support.17:39
alkisgsomeone_: you would need a form of remote copy command to copy it, check the router's help page17:39
someone_Ok Thank you .17:40
someone_Thank you all.17:40
naccth0rne: you never used the package to install it, i'm not sure why you insist on looking there17:40
raubalkisg: you type faster than me ;)17:41
raubnishttal: I see nothing in your syslog. Where is apache sending its logs to?17:43
nishttalraub i dont have apache on this machine17:43
raubnishttal: You original question kinda implied that. Might want to make it a bit clearer about what you have, what are you trying to do, and where it went boink17:44
nishttalraub: i'm confused as to how i implied that17:45
nishttalraub, its a screensaver/power options issue.. idle machine blanks out displays and doesnt come out of it17:46
raubnishttal: mea culpa. I was reading two issues at the same time17:46
nishttalno worries17:47
raubI did not see in your log a screensaver entry. Which screensave are you using?17:47
raubUsually on mine it will sat something about locking the screen17:47
nishttalyeah all those settings say that DO NOT AUTOMATICALLY LOCK17:48
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ayjay_twhats the swagalicious photo manager for ubuntu?17:55
th0rneI can't get this rtl8811au usb wlan dongle to work to save my life. Any ideas?18:04
th0rneIt's "elekele" brand, but I assume that doesn't matter, since it's realtek.18:04
alkisgth0rne: what's your kernel? uname -a18:06
alkisgth0rne: is that ubuntu 16.04.3?18:07
omginahey ubuntu noobs18:08
omginaI too have become a noob18:08
omginabecause of persistently and foolishly using ubuntu18:08
alkisgth0rne: what's the output of lsusb ?18:08
omginaand having no other option18:08
V7Hey all :)18:08
omginaubuntu == noob OS18:08
omginaV7: you are a nooob18:08
th0rnealkisg: lsusb sees it: Bus 001 Device 006: ID 0bda:a811 Realtek Semiconductor Corp.18:08
oerheksomgina, thanks for the rant18:09
akikomgina: please stop the spam18:09
V7The situation: as you could see here: https://imgur.com/a/BcaXF I've tried to find out where is comming this devconf propmt|dialog from, but nothing and the command: "grep -rnw /var/lib/dpkg/info/ -e "phpmyadmin" | grep "db_get"" says http://termbin.com/y8rf, so there's nothing about " Deconfigure database for phpmyadmin with dbconfig-common"18:09
V7So how is it possible to pass this prompt by default ?18:09
omginaubuntu is best suitable for nooobs, this is not spam18:09
V7!op omgina18:09
omginaV7: don't nubuntu is what it should be callled18:09
omginaor noobuntu18:09
V7omgina: ignored18:09
alkisgth0rne: this one isn't supported by the rtl8812au-dkms package, you'd need to download and compile it from some github or realtek or manufacturer site18:11
omginaoerheks: I have lost all computer skills after using ubuntu, :(, I lost contact with systemd as well and all other arch cool things, I now feel like a noobuntu instead of an ubuntu user, what should I do? th0rne18:11
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax18:11
omginaI didn't mean to...18:12
Piciomgina: Do you actually have a support question, or do you just want to rant?18:12
omginaPici: I do forgot how to use computer, the internals of my system, since I switched to ubuntu, and this has been my problem, do other users who shifted from arch to here, not feel the same?? pl18:13
JackKomgina:  I can tell by your comments your skill level is through the roof.  So 133718:14
omginaI only remember mouse, and clicks18:14
Piciomgina: so you want to rant. This isn't the place for that.18:14
th0rnealkisg: Which one?18:15
alkisgth0rne: well since it's not in the ubuntu repositories, it's now offtopic, but have a look at https://forums.linuxmint.com/viewtopic.php?t=23839918:16
alkisghttps://github.com/abperiasamy/rtl8812AU_8821AU_linux.git probably supports it18:16
th0rneI already tried several to no avail, but I'll try this. Thanks.18:16
alkisgth0rne: the best plan would be to contact the manufacturer18:17
alkisgSome of them hire linux developers to add support for their chipsets...18:17
th0rneI'll try this one you linked, then throw the wlan dongle out the window if that doesn't work.18:17
parrotand my question is if they all chat by terminal XD18:21
BluesKajparrot, where?18:29
loopi am new ubuntu user18:30
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tsmasterIDGuest6345, hi dude welcome18:33
Guest6345what should i do first?18:34
Guest6345any suggestions?18:34
BluesKajGuest6345, depends on what you want, what are your interests or requirements18:36
Guest6345how to change my nick?18:40
EriC^^Guest6345: /nick <new nickname>18:40
nicomachus!register | also see this Guest634518:43
ubottualso see this Guest6345: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.18:43
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bnasonI read there is a new image out for 17.10 desktop but I cant find it yet. Anyone know where it is?18:55
nicomachusbnason: I believe it will be released on the 11th18:55
oerheksread again, indeed, 11th18:56
zomaarIs there any information on how many people hit the package servers each month?18:56
tsmasterIDthis may be interesting18:57
TBotNikAll: On my GTK Q: I'm editing via: "nano /usr/share/gtksourceview-3.0/styles/cobalt.xml" and trying to find the element in there I need.  There is not an HTML section, so guessing it is the XML section. Am I right, or do I need to define and HTML section?18:58
nicomachuszomaar: not sure that's public.18:59
nacczomaar: why do you want to know?18:59
zomaarI was afraid so18:59
zomaarI just want to compare with other distributions :).19:00
nacczomaar: but why does that matter?19:00
zomaarFedora and OpenSUSE were citing about 100-200k package update users per month (new IPs)19:01
zomaarbecause it's fun?19:01
nacczomaar: that doesn't explain why that matters or how it's a support topic19:01
zomaarWhy does it matter?19:01
zomaarWhy do you need to kill this topic?19:01
zomaarI am just asking a question.19:02
nacczomaar: an offtopic question for this channel19:02
zomaarWell let's say that the numbers would probably be in support of Ubuntu.19:02
nacc!ot | zomaar: still offtopic, please consider:19:02
ubottuzomaar: still offtopic, please consider:: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:02
zomaarSo basically you don't want me to know the data right.19:03
oerhekszomaar, there are no real numbers, nor download, nor updates ( as an user can have its own mirror)19:03
nacczomaar: i have no personal interest in your situation19:03
oerheksthis is the best stats available, still not the real numbers https://stats.wikimedia.org/wikimedia/squids/SquidReportOperatingSystems.htm19:04
nicomachuszomaar: this is a support channel, you aren't asking asupport questions. distro stats are not a support question and have been beaten by the dead horse himself19:04
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zomaarThanks you Oerheks, that's really all I needed to know.19:08
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rpoim new to ubuntu any recommendations on what to explore?19:26
nicomachus!man | rpo19:27
ubotturpo: The "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/19:27
naccrpo: what do you want to do?19:27
rpolearn everything19:27
nicomachussee you in 20 years.19:28
rpomy interest is programming19:28
naccrpo: ok, that's not a reasonable answer.19:28
naccrpo: (the first onen)19:28
naccrpo: do you know how to program already?19:28
rpoi know it sounds ridiculous but utilizing an open source os is a start19:29
naccrpo: then learn to do that first, which isn't really an ubuntu support topic :)19:29
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naccrpo: I don't think your OS choice has all that much to do with learning to program19:29
rpoi see19:29
rposry for such noob questions19:29
naccrpo: programming languages are not different (implementations might be, technically) between OSes. Otherwise they would not be very useful.19:30
rpoi was thinking of learning java script first19:30
naccrpo: there is a programming channel on this network, i believe19:30
naccrpo: so you want to be a web developer?19:30
rpohow about this ... i want to learn how my computer programs communicate so i can tweak with them.19:32
naccrpo: i'm sure you can find many classes online19:32
rpoany ideas of where to start19:32
naccrpo: i feel like you may want to take some basic courses, as I'm not sure even where to start to answer your question (as in, it's not a very good question)19:33
F3X0K2A4rpo: materials are all online, you can get far these days with a bit of determination19:33
akikrpo: try https://www.codecademy.com/catalog/language/javascript19:33
rpook I will do that19:33
rpothank you19:33
F3X0K2A4rpo: if you're completely new look into code academy19:33
naccrpo: but note javascript has nothing to do with the the programs on your computer19:33
jim_wyattdon't start with javascript...I would recommend python19:33
nacc(or at least, very little)19:33
F3X0K2A4rpo: i dont think it's good to start with JS...19:34
rpoi was thinking python19:34
naccjim_wyatt: +119:34
akikrpo: there's a python course there too19:34
_KaszpiR_https://github.com/kamranahmedse/developer-roadmap/blob/master/README.md rpo19:34
_KaszpiR_and I woudl recommend python19:34
F3X0K2A4rpo: with a bit of diligence and google fu, you can probably find plenty of high quality leaked courses online19:34
rpoyou guys are very helpful thnx19:34
F3X0K2A4rpo: not that im suggesting you be a pirate lol19:35
_KaszpiR_rpo this may be worth place to visit http://www.bogotobogo.com/index.php19:35
jim_wyattonce you get the language basics, I love me some koans: https://github.com/gregmalcolm/python_koans19:36
_KaszpiR_or here https://learnpythonthehardway.org/python3/19:36
rpolooks like a lot of fun, seriously..19:37
F3X0K2A4rpo: you'll spend more time smashing your head against the table19:37
V7Hey all :)19:37
rpona i like this stuff19:37
_KaszpiR_he doesn't know yet19:37
V7I've executed: "apt purge phpmyadmin && apt purge mysql-server && apt install phpmyadmin" and after that I see: Reinstall database for phpmyadmin?19:38
V7So how to remove then phpmyadmin completely >19:38
rpoi like stuff that makes my head hurt, including smashing on the table19:38
_KaszpiR_V7  --force19:39
_KaszpiR_and then rm -rf /var/lib/mysql19:39
V7purge --force ?19:39
jim_wyattV7: there are probably some data files in /var/lib or someplace that it won't get rid of even with a purge...it's for your protection :)19:39
V7Thank you very much, I'll try19:40
_KaszpiR_or drop database19:41
V7_KaszpiR_: E: Command line option --force is not understood in combination with the other options19:41
V7The command: apt -y --force purge phpmyadmin19:41
_KaszpiR_hm maybe purge does not have force19:41
Rembohello everyone, wich application is better for wiping data secure without recoverying : srm or shred?19:41
V7Rembo: dd19:42
nagyghello everyone19:42
V7Hey there nagyg19:42
_KaszpiR_Rembo physically bashing with hammer19:42
V7So _KaszpiR_ do you have an idea ?19:43
analogicalin Windows it easy to overwrite the MBR on a drive using the diskpart clean command. How do I do the same thing in Ubuntu?19:43
_KaszpiR_V7 maybe without force19:43
V7_KaszpiR_: Already tried19:43
_KaszpiR_just unstall packages, delete /var/lib/mysql19:43
_KaszpiR_and install again19:43
V7Do you know how to remove databases without sql ?19:43
V7You know ... like files19:43
_KaszpiR_you delete files19:43
Rembo_KaszpiR_: any other option than tha hammer?19:43
nagygCan I ask questions here related to Ubuntu 17.10?19:43
cfochwhat version of OpenCV does Ubuntu 17.10 include?19:43
V7nagyg: just ask19:43
nacc!info opencv artful | cfoch19:44
ubottucfoch: Package opencv does not exist in artful19:44
cfochlibopencv I think it is19:44
nacc!info libopencv artful | cfoch19:44
ubottucfoch: Package libopencv does not exist in artful19:44
rpouse dban then reinstall everything haha19:44
nacc!info libopencv-dev artful | cfoch19:44
ubottucfoch: libopencv-dev (source: opencv): development files for opencv. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.1.0+dfsg1-1~exp1ubuntu3 (artful), package size 179 kB, installed size 553 kB19:44
nacccfoch: that should be the version --^ i think19:44
nagygsynaptic package manager does not work on a clean install of 17.10 and I tried the xhost command as a workaround (found on the bug report) but it still dies with segmentation fault19:45
_KaszpiR_Rembo try dban19:46
nagygI think I have a similar problem with remmina where I cannot see the SSH window content :)19:46
_KaszpiR_afiar most popular one19:46
F3X0K2A4Rembo: dd works too...or shred19:48
nagyganyone has problems here with synaptic package manager on 17.10? (not running)19:57
iorianagyg, xhost +si:localuser:root   worked for me19:57
nagyghi iora19:57
nagygI've tried that unfortunately but did not work19:57
iorianagyg,  then you need the Xorg session19:58
nagygioria, thanks, is that a setting that I need to use?20:02
iorianagyg,  when you get the login screen, just select the Xorg  session20:03
F3X0K2A4nagyg: make sure you're not running on wayland20:05
nagygioria, thanks20:06
iorianagyg,  you are welcome20:06
nagygF3X0K2A4, what happens if it is wayland (I'll google what that is :) )20:09
za1b1tsuHello, I'm installing ubuntu right now, I've chosen the option install along side windows 7. I think I made a mistake, does this means it will install on the same partition? I want to dual boot, but I want ubuntu on another partition?20:11
iorianagyg, wayland is the new X server used on 17.10 by default instead of the old classic Xorg ; it's said slimmer and more secure then Xorg, that's why you can't run graphic application with supe powers20:12
electricmilkza1b1tsu, It should install on a different partition20:12
iorianagyg,  synaptics, gparted, etc etc require sudo rights20:13
electricmilkza1b1tsu, You'll then have a boot loader at startup that allows you to select which OS20:13
za1b1tsuelectricmilk, I was reading online about swap partition for RAM, that should be double the RAM size, is it made automatically?20:14
nagygioria, thanks for the clarification20:15
electricmilkza1b1tsu,  Yes it makes swap space automatically...but keep in mind all modern OS's use hard drive as "puesdo-RAM"20:15
iorianagyg,  ok20:15
za1b1tsuelectricmilk the windows partition appears in media/user/something20:19
Guest6345hi iam new at linux20:22
electricmilkGuest6345,  hi20:23
electricmilkza1b1tsu,  Yes it does20:23
Guest6345what if i download from synaptic and sudo20:23
electricmilkza1b1tsu, You can mount windows partitions20:23
rpohello everyone20:23
electricmilkGuest6345,  Not understanding the quesiton20:23
F3X0K2A4rpo: hi20:24
electricmilkGuest6345,  I don't use synaptic.  I just use sudo apt-get install {PACKAGE}.  Make sure you run: sudo apt-get update first20:24
Guest6345what if i download use synaptic and terminal at same time?20:24
F3X0K2A4Guest6345: what do you mean?20:24
rpoim back lol20:24
electricmilkGuest6345, Not understanding you...you won't be able to run two pacakge managers at once though.  It will give an error20:24
rpodoes anyone know of any good sites to watch movies20:24
electricmilkrpo,  Youtube20:25
F3X0K2A4Guest6345: I dont see how it will affect...unless you're trying to download packages at the same time20:25
electricmilkrpo, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime....Anything else is illegal20:25
rpohaha, stream new movies20:25
electricmilkwell not ANYTHING else20:25
electricmilkBut those streaming sites can get your internet cut off20:25
electricmilkAlso this is an off-topic quesion20:25
electricmilkNo problem20:25
F3X0K2A4rpo: it's highly unlikely tho20:26
electricmilkI wouldn't say that20:26
rposo i should use a vpn20:26
electricmilkI recommend discussing it in ##security20:26
electricmilkEven with a VPN20:26
rpothis whole time20:26
Guest6345if i download app from synaptic, then i download the same app use sudo app , any damage i have?20:26
F3X0K2A4rpo: I don't think that falls under security. Also, off-topic. But yes, if you must, use a VPN20:26
rpogot it20:26
electricmilkGuest6345, No it will just tell you the APP is already installed20:26
za1b1tsuMy swap partition was auto made with only 3.88g, I hav 4gb RAM, should I doulbe it20:27
Guest6345oke thanks20:27
electricmilkza1b1tsu,  Probably totally unnecessary. I doubt you'd get any performance difference.20:27
electricmilkza1b1tsu,  If you want slightly faster performance I recommend switching windows managers.  Check out XFCE20:28
Guest6345what if i give the swap partition 40gb space, can my pc run faster?20:28
oerheksza1b1tsu, no, your mem is 4 gb, but i guess your videocard snoops of its memory, so that 3.88 is oke20:29
akikGuest6345: no20:29
ioriaGuest6345, you're not funny20:29
F3X0K2A4za1b1tsu, the general rule is, if you're planning to hibernate, then swap should be at least twice the size of your RAM20:29
oerheksGuest6345, yes, run faster out of diskspace20:29
oerheksF3X0K2A4, not true20:29
oerheksF3X0K2A4, ubuntu calculates the right amount for hybernate20:29
electricmilkI agree with oerheks20:30
za1b1tsuelectricmilk, I was hoping to go for a real modern desktop env20:31
F3X0K2A4oerheks: oh? thanks for correcting me, but it this exclusive to Ubuntu?20:32
ioriaza1b1tsu, what's your issue ?20:32
oerheksF3X0K2A4, i think most distos do this correctly? i have no numbers who do or don't.20:32
F3X0K2A4oerheks: oh, apparently the 2 x size of RAM is a primitive rule20:33
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oerheksi think so, for most system 1x ram is a few hundred bytes too small20:34
ubumilohi, i'm a new ubuntu user, i'd like to know if all the apps for ubuntu are those in the ubuntu soft manager?20:35
naccubumilo: all the supported ones, yes20:35
F3X0K2A4ubumilo: excluding third party software20:36
ubumilowhen you say 'supported ones' what do you exactly mean20:37
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oerheksubumilo, supported by the community, there are private repos, supported by the repo owner20:39
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge20:39
ubumilook, thanks for the answers20:40
=== Guest6345 is now known as koteka
F3X0K2A4ubumilo: you're better off with synaptic package manager tbh20:43
mburkeI subscribed to ESM on AWS today -- the role has been setup, I have an ubuntu one account, and Launchpad is setup. but how do I get a token to enable ESM on my 12.04 machines?20:49
ubumiloso... hi20:50
oerheksmburke, 12.04 ? that one is EOL, unless you pay for support, ask for a fresh 14.04/16.0420:51
mburkeso, the ESM subscription is the extended support20:52
mburkeI'm asking how to enable it on my boxes, specifically how do I get the needed token20:52
mburkefor livepatch it seems you can get it from https://auth.livepatch.canonical.com but I don't see anything similar for ESM20:53
oerheksmburke, i think you should contact canonical ? it is not a community service20:53
mburkeI can't get a hold of them20:53
mburkeall the phone numbers immediately disconnect the call20:53
mburkeI'm not getting any confirmation that the support issues I submit are being received20:53
mburke(via the website forms)20:54
naccmburke: which website form?20:54
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mburkethe ones that show up on support.ubuntu.com20:54
ubottuCanonical offers paid extended security support for 12.04 through the Ubuntu Advantage program. For more information, see https://ubuntu.com/esm . ESM is not an Ubuntu community offering; please direct questions about it to Canonical directly.20:55
naccmburke: if you can join #ubuntu-server, i can connect you to the correct folks20:56
=== mburke is now known as mburke2
kotekawhy i cant connect to ubuntu-server20:59
catphishi want to use lvm2-lockd, this package seems to exist in debian sid but not in any version of ubuntu, is there anything i could to to request its inclusion?21:01
nacccatphish: looking21:03
catphishnacc: you helped me with this earlier didn't you? i made a little more progress in so much as finding that debian seems to have a separate package21:03
lucidguyWhy is it taking so long for Ubuntu to provide official patches for Meltdown&Spectre?21:03
nacclucidguy: if you really want a rush job for a serious security issue, maybe you should be not using computers21:04
nacclucidguy: but, tbh, it's because the embargo was broken earlly21:04
nacclucidguy: also don't crosspost, please21:04
catphishlucidguy: i assume because such a major kernel change requires serious testing, and the proposed embargo was broken early :(21:04
mburke2the embargo was set to end january 9th21:05
catphishindeed, i am a little surprised nothing's been released yet21:05
mburke2and was to coincide with patches simulataneously released for all major platforms21:05
TJ-KPTI test builds were published in the kernel PPAs yesterday21:05
alkisgcatphish:  * Add lvm2-lockd package (dlm only). (closes: #879780)   -- Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>  Tue, 31 Oct 2017 15:04:08 +0100 ==> it's too new, it'll probably be in ubuntu in 18.1021:05
naccalkisg: thanks, was just updating my local cache21:05
nacccatphish: --^ what alkisg said, then21:05
naccpreusming another merge happens this cycle21:06
catphishalkisg: thanks, had no idea it was quite to recent21:06
nacccatphish: you'd want to file a bug to encourage that, though21:06
nacccatphish: against lvm221:06
TJ-nacc: catphish I wonder why it's only building the -dlm variant and not the -san21:06
catphishi was really hoping to see it in the 2018 LTS21:06
naccTJ-: the release right after added san21:06
TJ-nacc: ahhh21:06
naccTJ-: "  * Enable sanlock support in lvmlockd."21:06
catphishnb. sanlock is specifically what i want21:07
alkisgUbuntu has this:  lvm2 (2.02.168-2) unstable; urgency=medium -- Bastian Blank <waldi@debian.org>  Fri, 17 Mar 2017 17:29:47 +010021:07
alkisgSo it's 6 months behind :)21:07
* TJ- applaudes. As catphish said it'd be nice to have it in 18.04, would stop some of us having to maintain our own builds :)21:07
jk^It shows me update notice. I install them but after it says me: "Requires installation of untrusted packages: The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources."21:07
naccalkisg: pretty normal, it does require respinning install images and technically alpha1 is going on (or would be)21:07
catphishTJ-: are you using lvm with sanlock?21:07
TJ-catphish: I've been experimenting with it for VM storage21:08
alkisgcatphish: there is a process for asking a specific, newer version of some debian packages for lts releases before featurefreeze, if there's valid reasoning to do so21:08
catphishTJ-: my use case is to have a dozen linux hosts connected to a single LUN using LVM and KVM to run VMs, thus enabling live migration on my existing SAN21:08
jk^just 2 options in the dialog window: "Settings" and "Ok" what have i to do?21:08
alkisgIf it matters to you, you may file appropriate bug reports in launchpad21:09
naccalkisg: catphish: fwiw, lvm2 hasn't been merged this cycle, so it will almost certainly get updated21:09
catphishthank you both, i will file such a bug, I would really like to go ahead with this deployment this year, and i'd really like to use ubuntu LTS unmolested if possible21:10
TJ-catphish: but got sidetracked with experimenting with the ext4_lazy SMR (shingled disk) patches21:10
alkisg 19     March 1st                FeatureFreeze,  Debian Import Freeze21:10
catphishthere's a bit of time then21:10
TJ-catphish: same scenario here, I'm running 18.04 alpha and trying to ensure I've got a stable platform for 18.04 release so I can standardise21:11
catphishTJ-: i currently use xenserver, they're discontinuing support for HA in their free builds, and i've been a little unhappy with their migration reliability, so looking to bake my own KVM solution, it was really only storage standing in my way21:11
TJ-catphish: if you open a bug report I'll me-too it if you let me know the bug #21:12
catphishthanks, i'll do it now21:12
nacccatphish: subscribe me as well, and i'll follow-up that the merge catches the bug21:12
catphishah yes "Packages that have recently been added to Debian unstable will be automatically synced into Ubuntu prior to the Debian Import Freeze (DIF)." so this should happen right? but asking for it anyway is ok?21:14
max123anyone seen very slow python3-pyqt5 on ubuntu 16.04 32bit. i was using previously using the electrum bitcoin wallet for python-qt4 with no problems. maybe its 32bit since same code of 64bit ubuntu 16.04 works fine.  python3 stuck at 100%21:15
TJ-catphish: best to ask so it doesn't slip through the net21:15
catphishwill do, i'm struggling to find the "new bug" button21:16
aurielHi, it's their an issue with the luks prompt in Ubuntu 17.10 ? I'm not able to use the keyboard layout that I want. So I cannot unlock my  computer. I install the distro as usual but that definitely do not work.21:16
TJ-catphish: usually top-right of the bug-search/list page21:16
TJ-catphish:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+filebug21:17
catphishi think this is the page https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect21:17
=== Mathis|2 is now known as Mathis
nacccatphish: this isn't a new package21:20
nacccatphish: to be clear, this is a change in the *source* in Debiann21:20
nacccatphish: and since we already have delta (changes) relative to Debian, it's called an Ubuntu merge21:21
catphishthanks, i was a little confused, because its binaries end up packages as a separate package21:21
nacccatphish: right, but the importer mentioned above is for sources21:21
u0_a177ku all21:22
nacccatphish: also our build infra is current disabled, so not much is happening right now :)21:22
catphishi see21:22
u0_a177kak ono?21:22
catphishwell i'll write what i want, and hopefully someone can correct me if i'm asking for the wrong thing :)21:22
naccu0_a177: this channel is in english21:23
jsemwhat is the line length limit for the boot options for the Ubuntu 16.04 installer (ubuntu-16.04.3-server-amd64.iso), and can that differ depending on hypervisor (VMware Workstation vs VirtualBox)?21:23
ubottuTor is a program to route connections through several servers for anonymity. It is in Ubuntu's repositories, but the Tor Project recommends using their Tor packages due to past issues with Ubuntu's. For setup info, see option (2) of https://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en21:24
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catphishnacc TJ- https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/174198621:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1741986 in lvm2 (Ubuntu) "Please merge lvmlockd and sanlock support" [Undecided,New]21:27
nacccatphish: assigned to myself (I did the last merge)21:28
catphishnacc: thank you very much21:28
nacccatphish: yw21:29
=== tsmasterID is now known as tsmaster
dlamanyone know how to debug slow wifi?   on my ubuntu 16.04 laptop im getting 1mbps at speedtest.net,  but on this other windows one its getting 10mbps21:34
ZahovayHello, I tried to join the ubuntu begginers dev channel, but it forwarded me here. Can anyone help?21:39
naccZahovay: what channel is that? (the actual name)?21:40
TJ-dlam: start by checking the output of "iwconfig" for high numbers of 'retries/invalids'21:40
ZahovayWell I would like to get involved in ubuntu development as c/c++ developer, I though there I could get some help21:40
naccZahovay: *what channel*21:41
naccZahovay: you didn't actually answer my question21:41
ZahovayI found that channel on "Ubuntu begining development resources" site21:43
Zahovaymay I just write the # name of the cannel?21:43
naccZahovay: what channel!?21:43
naccZahovay: yes.21:43
Fuchsthat is +if21:44
Fuchsso it is supposed to forward21:44
FuchsI assume it was closed down at one point21:44
catphishthanks TJ-21:44
KaiForcewho would want to be a beginners dev, or to deal with beginner devs lol21:44
KaiForceforward is the right thing to do with that21:45
dlamTj-  kk thanks,   mine says  Tx excessive retries:23  Invalid misc:3916821:45
dlamdunno if thats "high" or not for 'iwconfig' output21:45
catphishZahovay: perhaps just ask what you're looking for, and someone can point you in the right direction, folks here are very helpful21:45
ZahovayWell I am a c/c++ developer from university and would like to join the ubuntu development team21:45
naccZahovay: it's a meritocracy on some level, like much of open source21:45
naccZahovay: start contributing, and then apply for membership21:46
naccthere are many bugs to work on :)21:46
TJ-dlam: that "invalid misc" is VERY high. can you show us "pastebinit <( iwconfig; lspci -nnk; dmesg )"21:46
catphishZahovay: maybe choose something you're interested in, and look for bugs to work on21:46
Zahovaywell yea that is the plan though I would need a little guide21:46
naccZahovay: why do you need a guide to work on a bug?21:46
TJ-Zahovay: as well as reading the Wiki guides for packaging and development, watching the #ubuntu-devel channel will help understand how the distro is developed21:47
ZahovayI do not need guide to work on a bug, i need guide on the road to get involved in the kernel development.21:47
naccZahovay: uh, what?21:47
naccZahovay: you didn't mention the kernel until now21:47
naccZahovay: totally different beast. Have you worked on the kernel before?21:48
ZahovayWell yea people would look at me like they look at a fool if a noname person comes that I want to develop kernels21:48
TJ-Zahovay: for the kernel start here http://kernel.ubuntu.com/  and sit in on #ubuntu-kernel21:48
naccZahovay: that's what OFTC/#kernelnewbies and #kerneljanitors is for, IMO21:48
naccZahovay: you don't start working on the kernel by working with a distro kernel, IME21:48
naccZahovay: start upstream, it's harder, but it's better21:49
catphishZahovay: also, if you haven't already, just download the kernel and play with it, you'll likely want to teach yourself a lot before you can start contributing21:49
naccZahovay: there's also upstream kernel mentoring, iirc21:49
naccZahovay: but again, you need to know what you want to do for that21:49
titouhello !21:50
ca_cabohey all, i need to process a text file. want to put something together that can search a text file for specific text, then copy x lines above and below that text and append them to a new file. Is there a tool that can do this or something like it? sed maybe?21:50
Zahovaybasically I want to join ubuntu to help it operate better on laptops. Mainly about power management21:50
ZahovayDo I have to join the upstream then?21:50
titouI have a probleme with my hybrid video ... guest what ?21:50
titoustuck with the low performance intel21:51
catphishZahovay: i'd suggest finding a bug, and working through it, see where it takes you21:51
titoucannot switch to my radeon !!!21:51
titouplease help21:51
catphishZahovay: if it takes you into the kernel, then that's where you'll be working, and probably not on ubuntu directly21:51
jim_wyattdid you install the ATI driver?21:51
jsemca_cabo: grep with -B and -A flags?21:51
jollyruggerohello everyone. I have a machine running trusty and I updated my kernel from 3.19 to 4.4, because the graphic board was not working. After the reboot the network board is not working (no ethernet, no wifi), special keys are not working, and I'm trying to restore the old kernel. How can I do that just with deb files manually passed?21:52
titouI tried... I'm about to reinstall my linux...21:52
naccca_cabo: uh, grep?21:52
catphishZahovay: good luck anyway, the more work on laptops working properly the better21:52
titoumsi cx620 with intel and radeon hd 547021:52
jim_wyattATI should be easier than the proprietary nvidia "stuff"21:52
ca_cabook ty21:52
naccoldboot: your old kernel should still be present21:53
titouyes I tried the proposed one by amd website21:53
naccoldboot: sorry, typo!21:53
naccjollyruggero: : your old kernel should still be present21:53
naccjollyruggero: although the 3.19 kernel is not supported21:53
oerhekstitou, what driver is in use ? >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'21:53
jollyruggeronacc, I see, but at least it worked =D how can I restore it?21:53
titouidealy, that would be nice to have like a software switch (low-high) ... in my dream I guest ...21:54
Zahovaycatphish: I am really passionate about it, hope to find my place with this. Though I thought I would mainly support ubuntu since thats the only one I like21:54
titou<oerheks> : let me check...21:54
naccjollyruggero: reboot to the other kernel?21:55
dlamTJ-:  ok! heres the output   https://paste.ubuntu.com/26349293/21:55
titouintel i915 and ... the radeon is "unclaimed"21:55
naccZahovay: that's rather contrary to open source...21:55
TJ-dlam: reading... give me a few minutes21:56
Zahovaynacc: Well I always though that distros do make changes to the official kernel. I made a mistake there.21:56
naccZahovay: sure they do21:56
titoumy labtop is hot when watching youtube ... and quality is pretty bad (lag)21:57
titou60 - 80c21:57
TJ-dlam: aha! Intel 7260 AC, in the 2.4GHz band, I suspected it might be, and the PC is on an older kernel (4.4). I'd suggest upgrading the kernel to the latest in the Hardware Enabledment Stack (4.13) because it fixes a lot of problems with the Intel wifi drivers.21:57
TJ-!hwe | dlam21:58
ubottudlam: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack21:58
oerhekstitou, maybe this page is any help, modprobe radeon.modeset=1 >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/791249/amd-intel-hybrid-graphics-on-ubuntu-16-0421:58
jollyruggeronacc, didn't know I could boo into another kernel, silly me! Is it safe to now remove the newer kernel, so that it boots automatically with the old one?21:58
Zahovaynacc: Then I do not understand it. If ubuntu does make changes to the kernel how did I though wrong?21:58
dlamoooo thanks thanks TJ-  :D21:59
titoumodprobe: FATAL: Module radeon.modeset=1 not found in directory /lib/modules/4.10.0-42-generic21:59
catphishZahovay: in most cases by helping any linux distro, you help all of them :)22:00
TJ-dlam: I assume the PC is using 16.04 Xenial currently?22:00
titou<oerheks> downgrade to 14.04 ?22:00
TJ-dlam: in which case I'd recommend the "linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge" kernel package22:01
naccjollyruggero: if you're nnot usinng a kernell, you can remove it22:01
jollyruggeronacc, thank you!22:01
dlamTJ-: yup 16.0422:01
oerhekstitou, no, check out your bios, maybe you can set priority there?22:01
oerheksor disable intel22:01
naccZahovay: i didn't say you did anything wrong, I tried to say it's contrary to the ethos of open source to only help one distro22:01
Zahovaycatphish: yes and I have no problem with that at all, I just understood the way ubuntu (also the community) works..22:01
naccZahovay: so improve the upstream22:02
naccZahovay: but, in any case, this is offtopic for this channel anyways (not a development channel)22:02
titouholy cra... "man radeon" cannot see my hd 5470 ?!?22:02
Zahovayalright, sorry will think about it22:02
TJ-Zahovay: we know that laptop-mode-tools needs some love, too :)22:02
ZahovayTJ-: they do :(22:03
catphishZahovay: to answer your question, distros do make custom changes to kernels, but the aim is (afaik) always to have any improvements merged upstream, you can't want things to diverge22:03
titou<oerheks> will be back, will check my bios. I can remember that there is an option winxp-win7 so I can use 3 monitor (including the labtop) ...22:04
Zahovaycatphish: I do not have any problem with other distros I just wanted to help ubuntu directly but seems I have to choose other ways for that. But will stop my offtopic22:04
titoujesus !!! hybrid crap is getting on my nerv big time22:05
naccZahovay: just work on a ubuntu bug, as we said a while ago22:05
catphishZahovay: anyway, once you start looking at fixing things, it should become clear how the process works22:05
Zahovaynacc: probably thats going to happen for now22:05
Zahovaythanks guys for help22:06
catphishZahovay: you're welcome, good luck22:07
dlamTJ-:  omg that solved it, thanks!22:08
* dlam wifi is supa fast now22:08
TJ-dlam: :)22:08
apb1963my wireless card claims to support AP ( https://pastebin.com/BH93202z ) but I'm unable to set it.  I've tried both iwconfig wlp2s0 mode master and AP instead of "master".  Both give me: Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) : SET failed on device wlp2s0 ; Invalid argument.  What am I doing wrong?  Thank you!22:12
TJ-apb1963: is something like Network Manager/wpa-supplicant already managing the device?22:14
apb1963And I should probably also mention that if I try to set it to ad-hoc or managed, it does set it.22:14
apb1963TJ-, I disabled Network Manager... not sure what wpa-supplicant is doing though22:14
TJ-apb1963: OK, that helps. Does the device need a different firmware to operate in Master mode?22:14
catphishTJ-: handy to know about that intel 11ac issue :)22:15
apb1963TJ-, that's a very good question.  How do I determine that?  manufacturer's website I guess.22:15
TJ-catphish: it used to be 802.11n was very poor on older chipsets... I get the feeling Intel just throw mud at the wall and hope it sticks :)22:16
apb1963Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros AR5418 Wireless Network Adapter [AR5008E 802.11(a)bgn] (PCI-Express) (rev 01)22:17
TJ-apb1963: I'd look in the kernel log to begin with, see if the wifi driver reports loading a firmware file, then use that as a search term to find out if there are different firmwares for STA (managed) and AP (master) modes22:18
catphishright now i have a Broadcom 11ac adapter, it works great, but only about 50% of boots, the other 50% it doesn't work at all, total mystery to me, i'm ssuming22:18
apb1963TJ-, nice22:18
TJ-apb1963: it may be the current firmware should support AP mode but it's best to be sure before wasting time trying to fix it22:18
catphish*assumig it'll be fixed in a future kernel, never reported it22:18
TJ-catphish: I see a lot of problems with BCM 802.11ac in a router too, sometimes makes 5.xGHz unusuable due to excessive retries22:19
catphishthis one's identified as "Broadcom Corporation BCM43602 802.11ac Wireless LAN SoC", when it works, it works perfectly, just seems to be some kind of race condition when it starts up, sometimes it just doesn't show up, never debugged in much detail22:20
apb1963TJ-, I'm not seeing anything in the logs...  got a keyword?22:21
apb1963I checked both kern.log and syslog22:22
catphishwhile i'm rambling about wireless issues, i'd like to mention one more thing, it's probably correct behaviour, but i sometimes do unbuffered video streaming, and i notice that the wireless disconnects for a second or so every couple of minutes (i believe scanning on different channels), setting a fixed BSSID in networkmanager fixes it, does it feel the need to maintain a list of alternative BSSIDs for fast failover purposes?22:23
TJ-apb1963: I'd expect "atheros" :)22:23
apb1963TJ-, ah.  thx22:24
apb1963TJ-, yeah.. nothing found22:24
TJ-catphish: that sounds like a wifi firmware issue22:24
TJ-apb1963: can you show us "pastebinit <( dmesg )"22:25
catphishTJ-: you think it's firmware and not networkmanager initiating those scans? i don't know much about the APIs22:25
apb1963TJ-, actually... give me a few minutes... I've been messing with a lot of stuff and this may be a self-imposed problem.  Checking...22:25
TJ-catphish: well the scans shouldn't interrupt usual business. I've seen reports over the years of some devices causing pauses/lost packets during a 'background' scan, and as I recall it was usually solved by later firmware22:26
TJ-apb1963: right - sometimes a reboot can help to ensure the system is in the state you think it is22:27
catphishTJ-: ah interesting, that's exactly what i see, packet loss for approx 1 second during the scan, i'm not really sure how a NIC could physically listen for beacons on other channels without RX loss though22:30
catphishin which case 'd be very interested to know if it can be fixed22:30
catphishit's mildly inconvenient hardcoding a BSSID and breaking roaming, but it does result in lovely video quality22:31
TJ-catphish: not directly relevant to your situation but an indication of the kind of broadcom bugs we've seen, and a very interesting story in itself: http://pof.eslack.org/2012/05/23/why-broadcom-80211-linux-sta-driver-sucks-and-how-to-fix-it/22:31
apb1963TJ-, I can probe the card... sets up in ad-hoc or managed mode no problem.  Shows a Cell address.22:32
TJ-catphish: check the syslog for wpa_supplicant messages, it may indicate some clue (as in the article above)22:32
apb1963After ifdown/ifup, dmesg now has: [336641.571193] wlp2s0: Trigger new scan to find an IBSS to join22:32
apb1963[336643.043557] wlp2s0: Creating new IBSS network, BSSID 5a:11:4d:0e:c6:3f22:32
TJ-apb1963: right, I saw that, and iw lists it as supporting AP mode, but it doesn't indicate if a different firmware is required to do that.22:33
apb1963TJ-, ok, let me google & check the man's website.22:33
TJ-apb1963: if you boot with the kernel set with "debug" on it's commmand-line, the driver should report the firmware files it loads (and those it looks for but doesn't find), which might help in figuring out if there are later firmwares too22:35
TJ-apb1963: which kernel version are you using? (uname -r)22:36
apb1963TJ-, 4.4.0-104-generic22:40
apb1963Qualcomm website was beyond useless22:40
jk^problem with the player included in this page by chromium, i can't see it well, and it doesn't work http://www.virginradio.it/sezioni/1219/virgin-radio-rock-classic22:40
TJ-apb1963: show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; dmesg )"22:41
jk^i'm looking for a chromium chan22:42
jk^excuse me22:42
ca_cabohey all, trying to have grep go through and sort contents of a file by values - what i have works but was wondering if there was a better/quicker/easier way to do it? grep -A 1 -B 3 "vacancies 10" /home/roster > /home/rostersorted && grep -A 1 -B 3 "vacancies 9" /home/roster > /home/rostersorted22:42
naccca_cabo: you're writing to the same fille twice22:43
naccwhich means only the second command matters22:43
ca_cabono, the first uses ">" the second command uses ">>"22:43
naccca_cabo: uh, no it doesn't22:44
naccca_cabo: not in what you pasted, at least22:44
ca_caboah, my bad typed it in wrong here22:44
ca_cabois there a better way to do it than just repeating the command over and over?22:45
g4lHello guys! I had ubuntu 14.04 installed and run a apt-get dist-upgrade, with only 500MB of storage. Now, X doesn't start. I've googled, but so far, no luck. Any help?22:45
michael2hi does anyone know why security updates are hosted at security.ubuntu.com? I understand that its important to highlight the difference between non-security updates - but couldn't that also be achieved by simply adding "security" to the control file metadata?22:46
naccca_cabo: i mean, you could do it with a loop22:46
naccca_cabo: you might want ##bash22:46
TJ-ca_cabo: "grep -r -A 1 -B 3 "vacancies (9|10) /home/roster"22:46
TJ-ca_cabo: oops!, missing quote mark, but you get the idea22:47
ca_caboTJ-, you're the best - thanks!22:47
TJ-ca_cabo: use an OR | operator to match 9 OR 1022:47
daxmichael2: because the normal mirroring system takes a while for updates to filter down sometimes, and security updates should go down as quickly as possible22:48
ca_cabowell what i'm trying to do is have the lines surrounding anything in the file with vacancies 10 listed first, then the lines with vacancies 9 appended after those, then vacnacies 8, etc.22:48
TJ-ca_cabo: ahhh, then I'd use awk22:48
naccca_cabo: then use a loop ({10..1})22:49
ca_cabook great, thanks - ill pull up the man page. i appreciate the help guys22:49
daxmichael2: for documentation of that, see e.g. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/FAQ#What_repositories_and_pockets_should_I_use_to_make_sure_my_systems_are_up_to_date.3F22:51
michael2dax: so by maintaining a separate sub-domain the downstream mirrors can poll  security.ubuntu.com more aggressively than archive.ubuntu.com? so security updates are fetched fast, but ubuntus archive is not burdened with the load of constant requests of mirrors?22:52
apb1963TJ-, ok, dmesg displays nothing useful.  However, there's a bunch of stuff in syslog some of which is relevant, some not.  One thing I was planning to mention was it's using ath9k, and I think it's supposed to be using ath5k... although it does have a cell address and such so... i'm not sure.  Anyway...  https://pastebin.com/1KLmpLGJ22:53
TJ-apb1963: well, good news is the ath9k doesn't require firmware22:55
apb1963TJ-, and the bad news is I should be using ath5k ?22:56
daxmichael2: security.ubuntu.com doesn't use the normal mirroring system. there are multiple servers behind that hostname (multiple A/AAAA records, if you know what that means) that use a fast way to sync updates down that is not appropriate for the general third party mirroring system used for archive.ubuntu.com and the other mirrors22:56
TJ-apb1963: I see someone else reports the same issue; their solution was to use a more recent kernel. I'd recommend the latest HWE/edge version there is22:57
daxmichael2: so if a new recommended non-security update gets published to the regular mirror network, it'll get picked up by downstreams next time they do their periodic sync, which may be a week depending on the mirror. if a new security update gets published, it's a lot quicker.22:58
apb1963TJ-  more recent?  I'm up to date - with the exception that I haven't upgraded in a few days or so.22:58
michael2dax: by multiple servers, you mean if I do $ dig +short security.ubuntu.com I get many hosts back?22:58
TJ-apb1963: is it 16.04 ? if so then I'd recommend linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge22:59
daxmichael2: yes22:59
g4lHello guys! I had ubuntu 14.04 installed and run a apt-get dist-upgrade, with only 500MB of storage. Now, X doesn't start. I've googled, but so far, no luck. Any help?22:59
TJ-apb1963: you said it was kernel 4.4  think, I'm recommending you use the 4.13 HWE kernel22:59
apb1963TJ-, ok, you're over my head at this point.  Guess I need to do some research.23:00
TJ-!hwe | apb1963: simply "sudo apt install linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge" and reboot.23:00
ubottuapb1963: simply "sudo apt install linux-image-lowlatency-hwe-16.04-edge" and reboot.: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack23:00
Bashing-omg4l: Start that there is operating head room for the system to operate in. what shows ' df -h ; df -i ' - in a pastebin site ?23:01
michael2dax: thanks. so thats basically what I said above right? by providing packages on a different channel, mirrors can effectively do more aggressive polling, which burdens the upstream more, but the urgency justifies the extra load?23:03
michael2by providing *security* packages on a different channel - i mean23:03
apb1963TJ-, cool, thx!  What about those packages that are waiting on me to do a dist-upgrade?23:03
apb1963could have sworn I posted them... here it is (again?)  libdrm-amdgpu1 libdrm2 libegl1-mesa libgbm1 libgl1-mesa-dri libwayland-egl1-mesa libxatracker223:05
apb1963  mesa-vdpau-drivers23:05
daxmichael2: pretty much. i'm unsure whether security.ubuntu.com does polling or they just fire off push mirroring whenever there's a new security update. i also think there's only one layer of indirection on security mirrors, rather than mirrors syncing from mirrors syncing from mirrors... as the regular system has23:05
TJ-apb1963: I'd do those as well first :)23:05
daxmichael2: but if you're mostly just interested in the why, then yes, it's an urgency thing23:05
apb1963TJ-, first?  well.. it's going to have to be second since I already did the other.23:06
apb1963TJ-, is that safe?23:06
apb1963or should I uninstall the new kernel, dist-upgrade and then install hwe again?23:06
TJ-apb1963: sure. I was meaning install all the packages first before rebooting23:06
apb1963o i c23:06
apb1963back after reboot23:06
g4l@bashing-om: I do have a terminal in which I can run commands (like drop to root in recovery mode). however, no network interfaces are available (no wlan, no eth), as there are less-than-before gnome packages installed. Can I, somehow, reinstall what's missing?23:07
sobersabrehi. I want to mirror several packages repositories via http. Is there something more approachable than a bunch of scripts running rsync/wget ?23:07
sobersabrea web based app to run inside nginx would be nice....23:08
TJ-g4l: what does "df -h /" report under the 'Use%' column?23:08
TJ-sobersabre: there's a squid proxy and there's apt-cacher-ng23:08
michael2dax: thanks, yes mostly interested in the why, so I can try and use apt/dpkg better, but that question bothered my for a long time - so thanks for taking the time to answer it!23:09
Bashing-omg4l: At the login screen, what results in key combo ctl+alt+F2 ?  A command line prompt to login ? 1st order of business is to get some operating headroom .23:09
TJ-!info squid-deb-proxy | sobersabre23:09
ubottusobersabre: squid-deb-proxy (source: squid-deb-proxy): Squid proxy configuration to optimize package downloads. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.8.14 (artful), package size 12 kB, installed size 64 kB23:09
sobersabreTJ-: I'm thinking at something closer to "arbitrated content management". squid is kinda webcache, IIRC. I prefer something with convenient way to mirror a state of repo.23:10
TJ-!info apt-mirror  | sobersabre23:10
ubottusobersabre: apt-mirror (source: apt-mirror): APT sources mirroring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.4-1 (artful), package size 13 kB, installed size 65 kB23:10
sobersabrebut not automatically23:10
sobersabreapt-mirror probably is a good call.23:10
TJ-sobersabre: "apt-cache show apt-mirror"23:10
g4lBashing-om there are no login screen. Just tty login. I can login with my account23:11
g4lTJ- 90%23:12
Bashing-omg4l: Good, then a positive result ' ping -c3 ubuntu.com ' ?23:12
TJ-g4l: and how about "df -ih /" under "IUse%" ?23:13
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g4lBashing-om: "ping: unknown host ubuntu.com" i have no network interface23:13
g4ljust lo23:13
MajesticFudgieanyone know the best way to handle packets in iptables depending on whether they're marked or not. Trying to do it within the PREROUTING chain on the nat table doesnt seem to have an effect23:15
sobersabreMajesticFudgie: what is the direction of these packets ?23:16
MajesticFudgieThey're forwarded between interfaces23:16
sobersabreI don't remember exactly, but the tables depend on direction. also are you sure they ARE marked ?23:17
sobersabreby "tables" I mean netfilter tables consulted by netfilter while handling a packet.23:17
MajesticFudgieThey're all my rules23:18
sobersabreI remember the whole idea of marking is so that you can later eat it marked.23:18
Bashing-omg4l: This on a wired connection of WIFI ? and on a actual TTY ? vice a recovery mode ?23:18
MajesticFudgieI mark them with a rule and attempt to handle them down the line23:18
MajesticFudgieI may be missing something23:18
sobersabrefirstly, I don't understand why are you not on firwalld yet.23:19
MajesticFudgieIdk if theres a better channel for this, Just went straight for here in the hope someone would know lol23:20
TJ-g4l: OK, so the issue doesn't appear to be a lack of space23:20
g4lBashing-om: neither wired connection or wifi. Plugged in a rj45 ethernet cable: no work. Some packages were removed while upgrading for new version. Yes, tty1, on ctrl+alt+f123:20
MajesticFudgieon an unrelated note, apt-mirror is pretty good. I've used it before23:21
MajesticFudgieThough be careful what repos you mirror, some are massive23:21
sobersabreMajesticFudgie: nowadays 'massive' is relatively harmless.23:22
someone_Hi , anyone has used "expect" ? I have problem it does not work properly when I used like this expect "[Username]" it takes longer time then send the value this problem does not appear if expect field was without bracktes   .23:22
sobersabrebut yes, thanks.23:22
MajesticFudgieI suppose :P23:22
sobersabreMajesticFudgie: have you consulted this stupid serverfault page? https://serverfault.com/questions/514116/how-to-set-mark-on-packet-when-forwarding-it-in-nat-prerouting-table23:23
sobersabreMajesticFudgie: I think your matching rule is a bit different than what's written there.23:24
TJ-g4l: does "nmcli con" list your previous network connections?23:24
sobersabrethey match it with a $mark/$mark value, not $mark as you do.23:24
sobersabreactually it's a very interesting thing you want nat by mac address. mind explaining your use case?23:25
* sobersabre curious23:25
g4lTJ-: "command not found: nmcli"23:26
sobersabreare you trying to limit what's going to be NAT'ed ?23:27
MajesticFudgiePretty much a DIY hotspot system23:28
TJ-g4l: you said you just did "apt-get dist-upgrade" on 14.04 Trusty ?23:28
MajesticFudgieDoing it myself purely for learning iptables and such23:28
g4lTJ-: yes23:28
TJ-MajesticFudgie: slight aside; I find this diagram really helpful in ensuring dependent rules are in the correct paths https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/c/ca/Diagrama_linux_netfilter_iptables.png23:29
MajesticFudgiety TJ-23:29
MajesticFudgieJudging by that diagram I may be marking my packets after they've hit prerouting23:30
MajesticFudgieSo they're not actually maked23:30
TJ-MajesticFudgie: looks like you might be setting the mark after the packet has traversed the nat/PREROUTING chain23:30
MajesticFudgieIdk how I'd reorder that23:30
MajesticFudgieAs iirc certain tables/chains dont like --mac-source23:31
TJ-MajesticFudgie: how about mangle/PREROUTING ?23:31
MajesticFudgiefor which? checking or setting the mark?23:31
TJ-MajesticFudgie: setting, it's before your nat/PREROUTING where you act on the mark23:32
MajesticFudgiemaybe so instead of mangle/FORWARD mangle/PREROUTING?23:32
TJ-MajesticFudgie: correct23:33
g4l_TJ-: any hints?23:33
TJ-g4l_: I'm hesitant to recommend anything right now because I'm concered about how the system maanged to effectively wipe itself out just using dist-upgrade.23:34
TJ-g4l_: The obvious thing would be to reinstall the desktop which should pull in all required packages. Assuming it was using the regular Ubuntu desktop then "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" should do that23:35
MajesticFudgieTJ- <323:36
MajesticFudgieThat sorted it23:37
g4l_TJ-: So, should I just get the .deb from another device, move to usb storage, move to laptop (with broken ubuntu) and then dpkg -i ? I've tried "apt-get install --reinstall ubuntu-desktop" but I have no package in cache23:37
MajesticFudgieLiterally just changing the damn chain23:37
SexytimE@search c programming23:38
TJ-MajesticFudgie: yes, that used to catch me out about 15 years ago :)23:39
MajesticFudgieI need to save that diagram23:39
MajesticFudgieI found another one but its a little too detailed23:39
MajesticFudgiethis ones a popular one http://inai.de/images/nf-packet-flow.png23:40
MajesticFudgieBut it gets a me a little confused23:40
TJ-g4l_: It'd be better to be able to bring up networking but it seems like that's been broken too. At this point I'm very tempted to suggest the best wy to fix this is to use a LiveISO on USB or DVD to boot the system and use the "Try Ubuntu" desktop option to do a repair from a stable OS boot23:41
ElPestanaHello. Is it safe to use the 17.10 on an Asus N56 regarding the BIOS issue?23:43
TJ-ElPestana: if the kernel updates have been applied and it's booting the latest kernel, yes.23:44
jim_wyattwhat kernel version has the fixes?23:44
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TJ-ElPestana: you can test if it has any kernel versions installed that are affected with: "grep 'CONFIG_SPI_INTEL_SPI_PLATFORM=m' /boot/config*"23:45
ElPestanaTJ-: according to the website it does not have the fix yet. That's why I'm asking, maybe someone tried :D23:45
TJ-ElPestana: the installer ISOs haven't been published yet, but the kernels were fixed as soon as the issue was known23:46
ElPestanaI'm running 17.04 and I want to do a clean install, that's why I'm asking.23:46
ElPestanaMaybe a few more days and it will be out23:47
g4l_TJ-: Good tip! thank you for your time. Will try it right in the morning!23:48
TJ-jim_wyatt: fix first appeared in 4.13.0-21.2423:48
Bashing-omElPestana: I have seen where the 17.10 respin of the .iso is scheduled for this Thursday .23:48
jim_wyatt:TJ- thanks!23:49
ElPestanaBashing-om: That's good news! Thanks for info :D23:49
jim_wyattElPestana: fwiw: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000227.html23:50
jim_wyattSounds like they aren't planning on releasing a patch for 17.0423:50
TJ-jim_wyatt: correct, too much work backporting for no reward23:51
someone_Anyone has used expect ?23:52
TJ-someone_: yes, but many years ago, and I don't recall the grammar now23:54
someone_TJ- How I can use expect if the word with brackets ?23:55
ElPestanajim_wyatt: I saw the bulletin today and with the EOL of 17.04 and 16.04 is too old and some months until the 18.04 LTS. That's why I'm interested in the 17.10 iso but no official release yet after the BIOS issue. Maybe on Thursday as Bashing-om said23:56
TJ-someone_: as I said, I don't recall the grammar. You'll need to read the documentation and experiment23:56
jim_wyattElPestana: respin doesn't mean it will include the patch, no?23:56
jim_wyattoh sorry, 17.10 respin, not 17.0423:57
ElPestanaexactly :D23:57
jim_wyattI read what I want :P23:58
apb1963TJ-, rebooting now :)23:58
Bashing-omjim_wyatt: watching #ubuntu-release; when the respin for 17.10 happens ( Thursaday ?) the patch will be . main reason for a respin .23:59

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