
lotuspsychjeon unity lightdm handles the boot times from login to desktop, anyone knows how i can see what happens on gdm/gnome?06:05
lotuspsychjevalorie: well i was looking for just gdm to desktop, normal boot times are good to me06:15
lotuspsychjevalorie: seems like bionic takes a bit long to load to desktop06:15
lotuspsychjeand i want to investigate06:15
valorieI'm not running it yet06:16
lotuspsychjevalorie: should be the same on 17.1006:16
valorieI have the kubuntu backports already so I'm not expecting much change06:16
lotuspsychjeah cool06:17
valorieI hope the new kernel is already getting tons of testing06:17
flocculantlotuspsychje: does systemd-analyze blame do it ?06:17
lotuspsychjeflocculant: let me try, but unity/xenial also have systemd right, and there i could see lightdm logs to desktop06:18
flocculantvalorie: btw - kubuntu's tracker for artful .1 tracker is still wrong06:18
lotuspsychjeflocculant: https://hastebin.com/etuxiqezap.go06:19
flocculantso apt is taking an age06:19
valoriesupposedly they were *all* changed06:20
flocculantlotuspsychje: 8.992s here06:20
flocculantvalorie: ack06:20
lotuspsychjeflocculant: what does apt daily do exactly06:20
valorieI've not been very successfully messing around with the qatracker site06:20
flocculantlotuspsychje: well I'm guessing here - but do you have it set to check for updates daily?06:21
flocculantcoupled with lp being down still06:21
flocculantvalorie: ping jibel in -release 06:21
lotuspsychjeflocculant: yes i got unattended upgrades, but that is now default in ubuntu right?06:22
flocculantno idea whhat's default in ubuntu06:22
flocculanttry changing that and seeing what the boot's like06:22
lotuspsychjehmm optional06:23
flocculantthat said - I have it set to do daily and ~9s here06:23
lotuspsychje!info unattended-upgrades06:23
ubottuunattended-upgrades (source: unattended-upgrades): automatic installation of security upgrades. In component main, is optional. Version 0.98ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 35 kB, installed size 344 kB06:23
flocculantlotuspsychje: re gdm - no log for it in /var/log ?06:24
lotuspsychjelets c06:24
* flocculant runs out of time quickly 06:24
lotuspsychje./var/log/gdsm4 folder empty06:25
lotuspsychjeflocculant: ok i set auto updates to never now06:26
lotuspsychjegonna reboot & test06:26
lotuspsychjeflocculant: its out of the blame list now, but doesnt feel faster yet06:29
lotuspsychjei had a plymouth crash this week, does plymouth still load after login?06:31
flocculantnot sure tbh - but you've a plymouth service there taking 20s almost06:33
* flocculant has to wander off into the day now 06:34
lotuspsychjekk mate tnx anyway06:36
lotuspsychjei already trimmed services down and fast ssd..06:38
lotuspsychjeim gonna bug this06:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,New]07:03
iceyany idea when Bionic's kernel will get the fixes fopr Meltdown/Spectre?08:26
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic08:26
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB08:27
lotuspsychjenot sure icey 08:29
lotuspsychjethey still in progress atm08:29
valorieicey: as I understand it, when they are thoroughly tested08:29
valorieand not until08:29
iceyvalorie: agreed, I understand that, I also understand that they are targeted at today across the board :-/08:29
iceylotuspsychje: looks like I installed that kernel version on 2017-12-1808:30
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=== albert is now known as albert23
AnonnymanAnyone here? XD16:33
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:34
=== albert24 is now known as albert23

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