
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:22
dufluHey oSoMoN07:23
oSoMoNhey duflu07:27
dufluTrevinho, are you awake? :)07:28
Trevinhoduflu: hey, yes07:28
didrocksgood morning07:28
dufluTrevinho, morning... What's the process for mutter commits? Jonas approved a patch of mine but who lands it?07:28
Trevinhohi didrocks07:28
dufluHi didrocks07:28
Trevinhoduflu: if it's under commit-now, he can land it or I can too...07:29
Trevinhoduflu: anyone with gnome git push can...07:29
Trevinhoif I get the "commit-now" flag I generally just go ahead, otherwise I wait for a maintainer07:29
dufluTrevinho, how would I know if I have such powers?07:30
Trevinhoduflu: you know if you have them :-D07:30
* didrocks is still waiting for patch reviewing for 2 months on the Shell, lucky duflu ;)07:30
Trevinhoduflu: I mean you need to follow a registration process...07:30
dufludidrocks, I have one older than that :/07:30
Trevinhobut not it's on invitation or sort off07:30
dufluTrevinho, OK, please: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79030907:30
ubot5Gnome bug 790309 in wayland "Wayland shell surface doesn't capture cursor or keyboard input" [Normal,New]07:30
Trevinhodidrocks: I'm in the same boat too.. with maaaany commits. Only Jonas is the one who really reviews so far :-(07:31
duflu(master and 3.26)07:31
Trevinhoduflu: ok I'll do it soon07:31
didrocksTrevinho: yeah, quite frustating. Good that Jonas is on top on the wayland side at least :)07:32
didrocksstarted with 200 lines of patch, dep on the dock & gsettings + duplicated code to:08:37
didrocks panel.js |   18 +++++++++++++++++-08:37
didrocks 1 file changed, 17 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)08:37
willcookemorning all08:42
didrocksgood morning willcooke08:42
willcookehey didrocks08:43
andyrockgood morning08:47
willcookehihi andyrock08:47
didrockshey andyrock08:47
willcookeThe power is going off here at some point today, don't know when exactly.  I'll switch to 3G so it should be fine08:48
willcookebut if I vanish, that's why08:48
seb128good morning desktopers, hey willcooke didrocks andyrock08:50
didrockshey seb12808:55
seb128hey didrocks :)08:56
didrocksTrevinho: do you think you can review https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792354? (as this one is small and self-contained)08:59
ubot5Gnome bug 792354 in general "panel: center date entry with workarea" [Normal,New]08:59
andyrockhey Laney09:05
andyrockLaney: do you mind taking a look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/httmock/+bug/1735160 ?09:05
ubot5Launchpad bug 1735160 in python-nacl (Ubuntu) "[SRU] Please backport python3-macaroonbakery 0.0.6-1 [universe] from bionic" [Undecided,New]09:05
seb128hey Laney, how are you?09:06
Laneyhey andyrock seb12809:08
Laneyseb128: i'm alright, was just looking at the christmas tree which is still up09:09
* Laney is receiving bad luck now09:09
Laneyandyrock: yeah ok09:09
seb128is that bad luck to keep those after the new year?09:09
LaneyI'll comment on the bug with feedback?09:09
seb128I'm good thanks :)09:10
Laneyafter the 12th night which is jan 609:10
didrockshey Laney09:21
Laneyyo didrocks09:32
Laneyyou ok?09:32
didrocksI'm okish ;) yourself?09:37
andyrockwho's willing to review some software-properties code?09:42
* duflu thinks Laney is probably answering didrocks, not andyrock09:52
andyrockahah :D09:52
* Laney already signed up to some review :-)09:54
seb128andyrock, I can try to have a look if nobody steps up (though week is going to be busy for me catching up post holidays and preparing next week), but could you try to ping bdmurray in case he would be wanting to do that?  I think he did look at some of the changes there in the past and software-properties is foundations-maintained iirc10:12
willcookeAnyone had a play with this: https://github.com/lestcape/Gnome-Global-AppMenu ?10:42
dufluNot to be rude, but instead; good night10:43
didrockswillcooke: unsure if this is the popular one, but I got mixed reviews from users on the appmenu extension (only partially working and so on)10:45
willcookeah right, I expected it wouldnt be a great experience10:46
didrockscould work quite well for gtkapplications, but most of them have migrated to headerbar anyway10:47
didrocksthe only one which would have been great is gnome-terminal, which isn't supported under wayland from the README10:48
willcookehexchat is the biggest pain point for me atm10:49
didrocksI have a special "gnome-terminal profile" not showing the menu for weechat10:50
didrockshave you tried Polari? I heard it's crashing a lot though10:51
willcookeHaven't looked, but the idea of having to a different app just because menus don't work seems, odd ;)10:51
willcookelike, I dont want to have to10:51
didrocksyeah, just that one should be better integrated, not a fix per say :)10:52
Laneyandyrock: did you mean to have a py-macaroon-bakery task instead of a python-nacl one?11:21
andyrockLaney: sorry?11:34
andyrockthere is just one bug11:34
Laneyyes but 4 tasks on it11:35
Laneythere's no change for python-nacl there but there is a py-macaroon-bakery one11:40
Laneyanyway, I commented, thanks for the work so far11:41
willcooke_Trevinho, are you free at 1400 UTC (~ 2 hrs) for a design meeting re: themes?12:09
andyrockthanks Laney I'll take a look after lunch12:24
Trevinhowillcooke_: hey... Yes!13:02
didrocksTrevinho: have you seen my request for review this morning? :)13:03
Trevinhodidrocks: ops no, sorry... Checking13:37
willcooke_just finishing a meeting, will be a few mins for the team meeting14:29
willcooke_#startmeeting Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-0914:31
meetingologyMeeting started Tue Jan  9 14:31:53 2018 UTC.  The chair is willcooke_. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.14:31
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick14:31
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic:
didrockshey hey hey14:32
willcooke_Roll call: andyrock, dgadomski, didrocks, duflu (out), jbicha, jamesh (out), jibel/heber, kenvandine, laney, oSoMoN, seb128, tkamppeter, trevinho, robert_ancell (out)14:32
jibelhi o/14:32
willcooke_Happy new year gang!14:33
jbichaLaney: did your arm fall off?14:33
* seb128 wonders what Trevinho and Laney are drawing14:33
Laneyfloating away14:33
Trevinhoit can be a good random seed14:33
willcooke_Laney, how are you going to operate your digital watch now?14:33
willcooke_bonus points for knowing that quote ^14:33
willcooke_let's start14:34
willcooke_#topic andyrock14:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: andyrock
andyrock1. Catching up after long holidays14:34
andyrock2. Try to understand why livepatch notifications are not showed in bionic (some problem with symstemd path units)14:34
andyrock3. Still working on the py-macaroonsbakery SRU14:34
andyrock4. Some debug for possible regressions in the unity lockscreen14:34
andyrock5. EOW14:34
willcooke_thanks andyrock14:34
Laneyfraid not14:34
willcooke_#topic dgadomski14:34
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: dgadomski
dgadomskisadly, nothing desktop-releated to share this year so far14:34
willcooke_cheers dgadomski14:35
willcooke_#topic didrocks14:35
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: didrocks
didrocks* Dealing with a month of email backlog14:35
didrocks* Finally dealt with legal stuff in GNOME, we are now waiting on a new checkbox implementation on extensions.gnome.org14:35
didrocks* Mentor and guide students in Google code in (still ongoing)14:35
didrocks* Catching up with December's news. (I would like to desktop the nautilus desktop item in the AOB)14:35
didrocks* Relaunching Volume + extensions support discussion (seems no upstream movement on this though, but some suggestions from GNOME design team)14:35
didrocks* Catchup on new theme discussions and progress14:35
didrocks* MIR gnome-characters review14:35
willcooke_thanks didrocks14:35
willcooke_#topic duflue14:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: duflue
willcooke_#topic duflu14:36
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: duflu
willcooke_* BlueZ 5.48 for bionic:14:36
willcooke_  - Git setup done: https://git.launchpad.net/~bluetooth/bluez?h=ppa-bionic14:36
willcooke_  - Completed testing with a few devices. Works well here. Possibly slightly better than 5.46 does right now?14:36
willcooke_  - PPA ready (modulo blocked builds :P) for bionic: https://launchpad.net/~bluetooth/+archive/ubuntu/bluez14:36
willcooke_  - Test at your leisure.14:36
willcooke_* Pure Wayland apps (including mpv) not responding to the mouse (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1739625)14:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1739625 in mutter (Ubuntu) "Mouse events pass through pure Wayland windows (that use wl_shell)" [High,In progress]14:36
willcooke_  - Yes, really. I can't believe I missed this after recommending mpv to everyone.14:36
willcooke_  - Invested a couple of days and proposed a fix upstream: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79030914:36
ubot5Gnome bug 790309 in wayland "Wayland shell surface doesn't capture cursor or keyboard input" [Normal,New]14:36
willcooke_  - This was also interesting to me to learn about Wayland's WM interfaces.14:36
willcooke_  - Fix landing soon. I hope it will be in time for mutter
willcooke_* Unresponsive touchpads (https://launchpad.net/bugs/1696929)14:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1696929 in libinput (Ubuntu Bionic) "Touchpads are unresponsive and laggy for small finger movements" [High,Triaged]14:36
willcooke_  - Good news: Tested on more laptops with great success.14:36
willcooke_  - Bad news: A couple of days ago upstream changed the algorithm again, in a risky way. So now I'm going to have to restart testing all over again. Then hopefully will distro-patch this week.14:36
willcooke_* HELP: Fixes still awaiting sponsorship:14:36
willcooke_  - https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/gtk/fix-1698270/+merge/33184614:37
willcooke_  - https://code.launchpad.net/~vanvugt/totem/fix-1502476/+merge/33319514:37
willcooke_  - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/173262914:37
ubot5Launchpad bug 1732629 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "Selecting USB Amp/Dac audio output in gnome sound does nothing" [Medium,In progress]14:37
willcooke_* Daily bug management across gnome-shell, mutter, gdm3, ubuntu-themes, bluez, pulseaudio, dkms, mir, wayland, totem, mpv, libinput.14:37
willcooke_* Completed retrospective bug reviews for all new bugs logged during my vacation: pulseaudio, totem, mpv, gnome-shell, mutter, dkms, wayland, ubuntu-themes, gdm3, mir14:37
willcooke_  - Worth noting: gnome-shell needs more people answering its bugs.14:37
willcooke_  - Also worth noting: nautilus (Ubuntu) needs a massive bug clean-out.14:37
willcooke_desktoppers, please take a look at the "HELP" section and see if you can sponsor any of those ^^14:37
willcooke_#topic jbicha14:37
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: jbicha
jbichaβ€’ Finished converting most of Debian's pkg-gnome repos from svn to git14:37
jbichaβ€’ Filed bugs to help remove old GNOME2 libraries from Debian and Ubuntu14:37
jbichaβ€’ Filed a lot of GNOME bugs in 201714:37
jbichaβ€’ Uploaded the Desktop Sharing panel for unity-control-center written by robert_ancell, updated by k_alam14:37
jbichaβ€’ Uploaded up-to-date vino, leaving only vala (scheduled for late January) and gnome-terminal/vte at the 3.24 versions as the only GNOME components not at 3.2614:37
jbichaβ€’ Mozilla has announced the next ESR will be 60 instead of 59. That means 18.04's Thunderbird will probably still depend on gtk214:38
jbichasince 52 ESR still supports NPAPI plugins besides Flash.14:38
jbichaIf debconf is ported to gtk3 soon, that will make 18.04.1 the first Ubuntu release without gtk2 (since it will have Thunderbird 60)14:38
jbichaβ€’ I won't be at next week's meeting14:38
jbichaβ€’ 😎14:38
willcooke_nice work jbicha, thanks a lot14:38
willcooke_#topic jamesh14:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: jamesh
willcooke_*produced debdiff for next xenial update based on Robert's work.14:39
willcooke_*debugged font display issue for Electron based snaps using desktop14:39
willcooke_interface.  In the end a community member pointed out the issue: the14:39
willcooke_executable stack flag causes our AppArmor policy to stop fontconfig14:39
willcooke_from mmaping fonts and cache files.  I think we could do with a better14:39
willcooke_"lint" tools (or advertise the existing ones better).14:39
willcooke_* followed up on my outstanding PRs.  We're trying to organise a time14:39
willcooke_for me, zyga and niemeyer to discuss how to proceed on the user-mounts14:39
willcooke_PR this week.14:39
willcooke_* I also chatted with zyga about the status of his extended content14:39
willcooke_interface PR (a prereq for implementing theme support).  He says all14:39
willcooke_its blockers have been merged, but it has a few merge conflicts that14:39
willcooke_need resolving.14:39
willcooke_#topic jibel / heber14:39
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: jibel / heber
jibel- Testing of the Firefox snap14:39
jibel- Preparation work for bootspeed tests (automated provisioning and instrumentation of machines running bionic in the Taipei lab)14:39
jibel- Testing of 17.10.1 to fix bug 1734147. The target release date is this Thursday (Jan. 11th) Any help from someone with a spare lenovo machine is welcome.14:39
ubot5bug 1734147 in linux (Ubuntu) "corrupted BIOS due to Intel SPI bug in kernel" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173414714:39
jibel- Investigating distribution upgrade bug from 17.10 to 18.04 (bug 1742147)14:39
ubot5bug 1742147 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu) "upgrade from 17.10 to 18.04 fails with triggers looping" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174214714:39
jibel- Fixed QA CI jobs in Jenkins. Testing now.14:39
jibel- Help in #ubuntu-google with task: Automate gnome-software tests: code approved but merge pending until we can run the tests on Jenkins (some nodes are still offline due to Meltdown/Spectre situation)14:39
jibel- Adding more automated tests for gnome-software14:40
willcooke_thanks jibel14:40
willcooke_#topic kenvandine14:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: kenvandine
kenvandine* Worked on an issue with fonts not being displayed in electron apps when using the desktop interfaces, resolved now.14:40
kenvandine* Snapped the latest thunderbird beta14:40
kenvandine* Helped advocacy team with some snaps14:40
willcooke_thanks kenvandine14:40
willcooke_#topic Laney14:40
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: Laney
Laneyo bit of post-holiday catching up14:41
Laneyo snap seeding: allow specifying classic snaps as snap:foo/classic, awaiting review14:41
Laneyo systemd user session: fix for session unlocking, start pushing wip branches, need to integrate stuff in build system for g-s-d and update some scripts in gnome-session then can push that one & report to the upstream bug to hopefully get some feedback (or maybe people will try it and can chat at fosdem)14:41
Laneyo some reviews for andyrock14:41
Laneyo little bit of mitigation work for spectre stuff on autopkgtest, also block some people who were crawling the web interface14:41
Laneyo start looking at debian gnome-in-git stuff, thx jbicha for working on that14:41
willcooke_thanks Laney14:41
LaneyI can see my own emoji now that I'm on tmux14:41
Laneyit's a beautiful day14:41
willcooke_I can't see it now14:41
seb128I saw a question mark this time :/14:41
Laneyyou poor people14:42
oSoMoNit was an utf-8 question mark14:42
willcooke_I will deal with this later ;)14:42
willcooke_#topic oSoMoN14:42
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: oSoMoN
oSoMoNβ€’ firefox:Β tested snap14:43
oSoMoNβ€’ chromium14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ bug triaging14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ updated chromium beta to 64.0.3282.39 and updated snap in beta channel14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ updated chromium dev to 65.0.3298.3 and updated snap in edge channel14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ switched back to upstream desktop-gtk3 part and used DISABLE_WAYLAND=114:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ verified that the snap issue with nvidia proprietary drivers is gone with snapd 2.30, on hardware I had access to during holidays14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ next round of updates pending LP builders availability: stable 63.0.3239.132, beta 64.0.3282.71, dev 65.0.3311.314:43
oSoMoNβ€’ libreoffice14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ updated snap to 5.4.4 and successfully built locally, waiting on LP builders to produce an official build14:43
oSoMoN  βˆ˜ filed https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114915 and submitted https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/#/c/47605/14:43
ubot5bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 114915 in LibreOffice "Apparmor profiles contain invalid comments in variable assignments" [Normal,New]14:43
oSoMoNthat's it from me14:43
willcooke_thanks oSoMoN14:43
willcooke_#topic seb12814:43
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: seb128
seb128* just back yesterday14:43
seb128* catching up on emails and what has been going on14:43
seb128* reviewed the team plans to start getting ready for the review meeting next week14:43
willcooke_thanks seb12814:44
willcooke_#topic tkamppeter14:44
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: tkamppeter
willcooke_- GSoC 201814:44
willcooke_   o Filled mentoring org application forms for the Linux Foundation application14:44
willcooke_   o Created project idea web pages for the Linux Foundation14:44
willcooke_   o Listed the project ideas for OpenPrinting on the web pages: 14 ideas (mentors urgently needed)14:44
willcooke_- cups-filters: Improvements on the driverless printing PPD generator to use human-readable strings from CUPS14:44
willcooke_- printer drivers: Lexmark wants to make use of the new PCLm CUPS filter of GSoC 201714:44
willcooke_- Bugs14:44
willcooke_#topic Trevinho14:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: Trevinho
TrevinhoΒ· Fixed others gjs issues and make it less strict on JS memory errors14:45
TrevinhoΒ· Reviews of some gnome bugs14:45
TrevinhoΒ· Fixed the encoding of gnome-shell screencast when using scaled fb (new scaling)14:45
TrevinhoΒ· Looking at fprintd integration14:45
Trevinho Β·Β·Β·14:45
willcooke_thanks Trevinho14:45
willcooke_#topic robert_ancell14:45
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: robert_ancell
willcooke_- Back from holidays14:46
willcooke_- update snapd-glib for changes in snapd14:46
willcooke_- working on guest session support14:46
willcooke_#topic AOB14:46
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help | Desktop Team Weekly Meeting - 2018-01-09 | Current topic: AOB
willcooke_didrocks, you're up14:46
didrocksso, Nautilus…14:46
didrocksas most of you know, they are removing the desktop feature in 3.2814:47
didrocksthis leaves up for the LTS with some options (I'll had the link reference later on):14:47
didrocks- keep nautilus 3.26 for the LTS (and still enable the desktop feature in our session)14:47
didrockspro: it works14:47
* seb128 votes that one14:47
* willcooke_ seconds14:47
didrockscons: we are are not updating to latest14:47
didrocks- switch for desktop only to someting else like nemo14:48
didrockspro: upstream suggests this14:48
didrockscons: it's crazy, we are not going to support another code base for the LTS in addition to Nautilus14:48
didrocksalso, it might not integrate well14:48
didrockscreate new bugs14:48
didrocks- update nautilus to 3.28 and ship/work on the extension for G-S14:48
didrockspro: long term solution14:48
didrockscons: not enough time IMHO to deal with it14:49
didrockswill be detremendous to other options14:49
seb128does that extension exist?14:49
didrocksand other bug fixes14:49
didrocksit does14:49
didrocksit's a prototype though14:49
seb128in a working/feature complete state?14:49
didrockshave a lot of lacking feature14:49
didrocksand doesn't integrate DnD from Nautilus to desktop for instance14:49
willcooke_I say we stick with what we know works14:49
jbichahttps://gitlab.gnome.org/csoriano/org.gnome.desktop-icons < is the extension14:49
TrevinhoI guess integrating with nautilus is the hardest part, as it would probably need some new APIs14:49
didrocksI would suggest we keep Nautilus 3.26, and work on the extension in parallel14:49
Trevinhoso, not really something we could reuse easily14:49
oSoMoNis there a clear development schedule for that extension?14:50
Trevinhoyeah, agree14:50
didrocksas we will be likely be the only ones wanting this with some of the communities14:50
seb128csoriano doesn't plan to work on it14:50
didrocksthere are items to get worked out on the issue tracker14:50
jbichaI think option 1 is what upstream expected from us, although I'm sure they hoped Canonical would choose option 3 now and help make it great14:50
didrocksbut it's more a PoC14:50
didrockswe will need to work on it for keeping the desktop if it's what we want in the long term14:50
didrocksthat will give us spare time, post FF, to work on it IMHO14:50
didrocks(I'm happy to have a look after March)14:50
seb128option 1 is what I told upstream on IRC we would likely do before holidays14:50
didrockssounds like there is not surprise in this meeting, I was for option 1 as well :)14:51
oSoMoNsounds like option 1 is the only reasonable one14:51
oSoMoNso not much choice14:51
seb128one option we didn't list (but I don't know how doable it is) is to to distro patch revert the feature drop in 3.2814:51
didrocksFYI is what is mainly lacking ^14:51
seb128but my understanding is that they drop the code because it blocks some refactoring they want to do14:51
jbichaI think we should consider disabling desktop icons by default even though it makes sense to stay with nautilus 3.26 for 18.0414:51
seb128so probably not easy to revert14:52
didrocksseb128: basically, Nautilus will have a real backend at some point14:52
didrocks(unsure if it's for 3.28)14:52
didrocksfrom that point, reverting will be really hard14:52
oSoMoNis nautilus 3.26 going to work well with the rest of the stack being 3.28 ?14:52
Trevinhojbicha: mh, not sure... I'm not a lover of them, but still otherwise it's just an empty space to me.14:52
didrockshowever, from the extension, we need to help shaping the backend API14:52
Trevinhoand people is used to have them around14:52
didrockswhich is why it's interesting to contribute ASAP14:52
TrevinhooSoMoN: normally apps aren't broken in such cases14:53
jbichaTrevinho: I'm not saying we need to disable desktop icons; I think we should think about it though :)14:53
seb128oSoMoN, yes, it's mostly an application14:53
didrocksif people are interested in more details about the topic: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/nautilus/issues/15814:53
Trevinhoalso so far gnome 3.28 in terms of G-S/muttter changes isn't really a thing.. At least unless they won't merge the fractional branches! :-|14:53
Trevinhojbicha: yeah, sure... I just said my opinion :)14:54
jbichaalso a useful link: > https://csorianognome.wordpress.com/2017/12/21/nautilus-desktop-plans/14:54
didrockslet's focus on 18.04 for now14:54
seb128didrocks, I think it would be nice to help/work on that but that feels like post-LTS, or at least not before the features that are important for the LTS land14:54
jibelto reply to jbicha disabling desktop icons by default will be a problem for the live session which has the installer, examples and oem setup icons on the desktop14:54
* Trevinho loves working with gnome's gitlab, btw :)14:54
didrocksI think keeping the desktop drawing icons make sense, we have a big transition already for LTS users (unity -> G-S)14:54
didrocksseb128: exactly my point (this is why I envision post FF)14:54
jibelif desktop icons are disabled these links should be moved to the launcher14:55
seb128let's see post FF what is most needed14:55
didrocksso, I guess +1 for staying on nautilus 3.26 for the LTS?14:55
seb128ubiquity is already in the launcher, examples might get removed from the desktop this cycle from what willcooke was saying14:55
seb128oem setup I don't know14:55
seb128didrocks, seems we have concensus on that option yes14:56
seb128thanks for bringing the topic up :)14:56
didrocksyw ;)14:56
willcooke_anyone got anything else?14:56
jbicha(I support the nautilus 3.26 choice this cycle too)14:56
didrocksI'll put a reference on the community hub14:56
willcooke_thanks didrocks14:56
willcooke_ok, if there is nothing else, I will end the meeting14:57
jbichathe other concerned Ubuntu flavors (Budgie & Unity) should prepare for nautilus 3.28/3.30 for 18.10 though14:57
seb128what do they need to prepare?14:58
jbichamaybe something like the nemo-desktop app hack will actually work good enough for them14:58
seb128ah, to have a desktop14:58
didrocksyep, no G-S extension for them14:58
gQuigsis there a plan for what to use all that wasted space where people expect a desktop?  I can't find it in the design docs..14:58
jbichathey need to know that we don't necessarily plan to stay on nautilus 3.26 for long14:58
seb128or just switch away from nautilus to nemo14:58
didrocksI'll probably blog about it anyway on planet ubuntu (not this week, but maybe next one)14:59
didrocksthat way, they will get the memo and 6 months to prepare a plan :)14:59
jbichagQuigs: the idea is you use all that space for your running apps and don't spend time looking at an empty desktop ;)14:59
gQuigsjbicha: right, but it loads by default to an empty desktop (right?), so everyone has to look at it...15:00
seb128typical GNOME wishful thinking wanting users to behave as they expect and not as they do :p15:00
mdeslaurwho cares about users? ;)15:00
jbichagQuigs: GNOME 3 has always disabled desktop icons by default (so that's nearly 7 years now)15:00
seb128exactly, especially those who don't use the computer the way we tell them!15:00
gQuigsjbicha: yup, I was just expecting something to eventually happen with that space... oh qwll15:00
seb128willcooke_, you should wrap :)15:00
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-desktop to: Home of the Desktop Team, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam | For help or questions, try #ubuntu | Work (read-only for non-developers): https://trello.com/b/lsBmkzPY/ubuntu-desktop-1804-cycle | Amaterasu watches over you benevolently | pink killer β†’ lots of help
meetingologyMeeting ended Tue Jan  9 15:00:55 2018 UTC.15:00
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-desktop/2018/ubuntu-desktop.2018-01-09-14.31.moin.txt15:00
willcooke_thanks seb12815:00
gQuigsI'll have my launchpad triage group target nautilus this week15:00
jbichagQuigs: I mean GNOME could do like the iPhone and have the "desktop" be the same thing as the app launcher15:01
seb128at least that would be a rational for not letting files on there15:01
jbichathey might even do that, but that would make it even more difficult for people who want to override the default to have desktop icons15:02
seb128I don't think it would make sense to override the default in that case15:02
seb128the desktop would become something else, deal with it15:02
didrocksand posted15:02
seb128it's just now that they force you into wasting the space15:02
gQuigsjbicha: no reason to override it, most people just wants link to click there.. they'd get it15:02
seb128which is stupid15:02
gQuigsheh, I'll go suggest it15:04
jbichathere was talk about reworking the Activites Overview to make it feel more integrated or something15:05
gQuigsthat was what they originally did (I don't remember that), but it was more confusing apparently15:44
ubot5Gnome bug 648456 in overview "Open the Activities Overview at start (launch)" [Enhancement,Resolved: wontfix]15:44
willcooke_andyrock, was it you working on the gnome disks patch to hide loop devices?17:00
seb128willcooke_, it was him it's up for review on https://github.com/storaged-project/udisks/pull/46017:01
seb128andyrock, it's probably worth trying to give upstream a nudge about that review?17:02
andyrockyeah was checking that17:02
andyrocki'll ping them17:02
willcooke_thx seb128 andyrock17:03
willcooke_andyrock, seb128 are you aware of something that could be done at a lower level, that would apply to the whole desktop?17:09
seb128you mean?17:09
andyrockwhere is the problem?17:09
andyrocklike for nautilus we can ignore it17:10
andyrockthe provided solution is already lower enough for most uses17:10
willcooke_KDE have the same issue, and they felt that patching it out app by app was a bit of a pain17:10
willcooke_wondering if you have any clever ideas17:10
andyrockyeah that's the idea behind that patch17:11
andyrockwe use a userspace mount option17:11
andyrockkde can check for the same mount options17:11
andyrocknow I know that here gdu stands for "gnome-disk-utilities"17:11
andyrockbut that should not be an issue17:12
andyrockwe can easily change the name of the mount options17:12
andyrockif this is needed at all17:12
willcooke_andyrock, so if that goes in, would it help KDE as well?17:12
willcooke_or *could* it?17:12
andyrockthey still need to patch the apps to check if a device was mounted with that option17:13
andyrockbut at least is generic17:13
andyrockoooor we could also mount the snaps with the udiks ignore17:14
willcooke_thanks andyrock17:14
andyrockthe problem was that gnome-disk-utilies does not (and does not want) to take that flag into considerations17:14
andyrockbut I guess they already are considering that nautilus does not show them17:15
andyrockwillcooke_: ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}17:16
andyrockcheck this17:16
andyrockI guess snaps are not using this17:16
andyrockalso because I remember I wrote some rules to add this17:17
willcooke_what's the comand to show why a package is installed?18:28
* willcooke_ checks rdepends18:30
willcooke_night all19:28
tkamppeterkenvandine, hi23:52

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