
ducassegood morning, all06:02
lotuspsychjehey guys06:02
ducassehi lotuspsychje, all well?06:02
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse06:02
lotuspsychjeyeah just woke up06:02
ducassesame here06:03
lotuspsychje4 new usn06:04
ubot5Please see http://www.ubuntu.com/usn for information about recent Ubuntu security updates.06:04
lotuspsychjemorning nacc06:07
nacclotuspsychje: it's 10pm :) i'm just working a bit06:08
lotuspsychjenacc: have fun :p06:08
nacclotuspsychje: but good morning to you :)06:09
lotuspsychjemorning sveta06:13
alkisgGood morning guys06:26
lotuspsychjehey alkisg06:27
lotuspsychjebrb reboot06:27
lordievaderGood morning07:03
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:03
lotuspsychjeall good there?07:03
lordievaderYes, doing good here. How are you, lotuspsychje ?07:08
lotuspsychjegreat here lordievader07:09
lotuspsychjetesting bionic07:09
lotuspsychjemy bug collections gets bigger07:09
lordievaderI'm playing with the idea of moving my test box back to Kubuntu (it currently runs Neon).07:10
lordievaderThe standby seems a bit broken, but I do not remember if Kubuntu had the same issue.07:10
lordievaderEssentially I get a black-screen on wake-up.07:11
lotuspsychjelordievader: what do you reccomend to run kde smoothly?07:12
lotuspsychjelordievader: we had 2 users installing kubuntu vanilla with bad performance07:12
lordievaderOh, for Kubuntu always add the backports.07:13
lordievaderEssentially you allways want the most recent version of Plasma you can get.07:13
lotuspsychjei see07:13
lotuspsychjehow about system specs?07:14
lordievaderWell, it runs okay on my test machine.... Which is an old core2duo....07:14
lordievaderSo, about anything. The faster the better.07:15
lotuspsychjemornin EriC^^08:00
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje08:08
EriC^^how's it going?08:08
lordievaderHey EriC^^08:10
EriC^^hey lordievader08:10
ducassegood morning lordievader, EriC^^ - all well?08:13
lordievaderHey ducasse , doing good here. How are you?08:13
ducasseall good, thanks, as long as i don't have to go out - it's freezing here.08:15
lotuspsychjegreat EriC^^ tnx08:16
EriC^^hey ducasse08:17
EriC^^good here thanks08:17
lotuspsychjealso cold here but around 008:18
* lotuspsychje doesnt like winter08:18
lordievaderSame here, way too cold outside08:28
ducasse-12°C here08:31
lordievader"only" -1C here08:34
jink-2°C here, this morning.  Not sure about now.  Probably "warmer".08:36
jinkWasn't that bad, really.  The bunnies in the backyard don't seem to mind, either.08:42
lotuspsychjelol cruel08:45
lotuspsychjebbl work08:54
TJ-Where are the chanops in #ubuntu / #ubunt-ops when you need them!? dax, you awake?10:05
daftykinsoh they don't actually DO anything :)11:39
BluesKajHiyas all12:48
pauljwhi everyone13:21
BluesKajHi pauljw, lordievader13:23
pauljwhi BluesKaj :)13:23
lordievaderHow are you doing?13:24
BluesKajfine here lordievader, and you?13:26
lordievaderDoing good here too. Fixing some issues with my shell.13:26
BluesKajwhich shells do you use , lordievader?13:29
lordievaderZsh mainly.13:29
lordievaderBash ocasionally.13:29
BluesKajzsh, looks interesting13:31
pauljwi suppose you guys have seen this: https://betanews.com/2018/01/08/microsoft-meltdown-spectre-patch-bricks-amd-pcs/13:31
pauljwwhy we can't rush to fix this issue13:32
BluesKajwife's pc isan amd, but i already have the updates set to notify first13:44
daftykinsonly hits X2s and older i think13:46
BluesKajwife's old pc has a 5200+cpu13:47
TJ-I wonder if that is because some CPUs only implement PCID but not INVPCID - Linux had some patches to deal with that13:47
daftykinsi think it was down to some CPU feature they messed up on, but i don't think it was PCID in the one i read13:48
daftykins"Same issue here, but with an AMD Sempron 3200+ processor and 32-bit Win10 Pro.  I had to do a reset to fix.... "13:49
daftykinslol using a single core thing like that in 2018, shocking13:49
BluesKajI had one for 10 yrs, an amd 64bit single core ...just gave up the ghost a few yrs ago13:55
BluesKajstarted out with Kubuntu KDE3 iirc, after dumping Win-XP13:57
daftykinsah no a sempron is even older :) 32-bit only... although they may've done a 64-bit one in the Athlon 64 era too, i forget now14:10
mans82hi guys. sry if my question might be so frequently-asked or noob-like. Do u prefer to upgrade from ubuntu 16.04 to 17.04? Why?15:05
BluesKajlooking at a Nvidia GTX 750Ti, apparently it consumes only 60 watts at full power, that'd be great for this old pc ..give my graphics some extra oomph15:37
daftykinsmmm such an old generation isn't really worth considering now16:35
daftykinsyou can get super cheap super low power nvidia 10 series cards now16:35
alkisghttps://www.videocardbenchmark.net/gpu.php?gpu=GeForce+GTX+750 => 3709 score? I never had any cards over 500 :D16:36
BluesKajyeah ,but they require a new PSU ..duuno if that's worth the extra cost16:37
BluesKajthis PSU is only 180 watts16:38
daftykinsBluesKaj: nah the 1050 and below take power solely from the PCI Express slot16:38
BluesKajmost do, but tsome still require higher power than my pc can provide the pci-e slot16:40
daftykinshmm must've been designed under spec16:41
BluesKajwell, errands to do for a couple of hrs ...BBL16:44
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:33
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-38417:43
ubot5nvidia-384 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-384): NVIDIA binary driver - version 384.111. In component restricted, is optional. Version 384.111-0ubuntu0.17.10.1 (artful), package size 43013 kB, installed size 167058 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)17:43
lotuspsychjealot of stuff getting fixxed, so users should just update their systems..17:45
lotuspsychjelets c how many exploits windows will hit around the globe..17:45
daftykinsi dislike that OS bias talk, it's going to be a problem for everyone17:45
lotuspsychjei just say this daftykins cause alot of users come here pushing it17:46
lotuspsychjeubuntu takes care of it17:46
naccwindows had to retract the fix for amd17:47
lotuspsychjeand yes, there will be always users on ALL Os that dont update their systems17:48
daftykinsmeh only old CPUs being a problem17:57
daftykinsusers come pushing what?17:58
daftykinsboth issues aren't perfectly fixed under Linux17:58
daftykinslet's not do an Apple and claim it's all sorted :)17:58
naccafaict, spectre will never be 'sorted' until the hardware is redesigend17:58
lotuspsychjei never said ubuntu was perfect17:59
lotuspsychjeusers just come ask here when its gonna happen, they dont realize how much work it is17:59
naccor that other distros .. may have made mistakes17:59
lotuspsychjeso many devices sold with huge security leaks18:00
lotuspsychjedefault l:p18:00
lotuspsychjewhat is 100% secure?18:02
daftykinsnacc: yeah that's my point18:08
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/174206318:13
ubot5Launchpad bug 1742063 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Systemd taking long time to boot into desktop 18.04" [Undecided,New]18:13
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: removed auto updates at boot and still slow enter desktop18:13
EriC^^must be some service getting things wrong or something18:14
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: check my systemd blame list18:14
lotuspsychjeon the bug18:14
lotuspsychjelaterz guys18:25
=== Guest48726 is now known as ariver
TJ-IBM is reporting "...some Red Hat Enterprise Linux servers aren’t rebooting after patching..."  - I hope the Ubuntu patches don't go the same way else we could see a lot of support requests in the next few days20:58
daftykinsruh roh!21:07
daftykinsand that's paid xD21:07
TJ-we still have a few reports of potential regressions. I suffered 1 last night but can't pin it to the KPTI patches21:09
naccTJ-: yeah, the problem is, the patches just definitionally don't have enough exposure yet22:23
daftykinsyou made up a word :D22:25
TJ-no easy way to test it, we usually have a complete alpha/beta period to do this kind of major regression hunt22:25
naccTJ-: yep22:26
naccdaftykins: http://www.dictionary.com/browse/definitionally, adverb of definition :)22:26
nacchere i'm using definition loosely, to include when the patch was created22:28
naccalso, if RHEL did release pre-embargo, then they had to be using the not-upstreamed version, it seems22:28
TJ-yes, I wondered about the sense of doing that at the time (Dec 26th)22:28
naccTJ-: *especially* for an enterprise company ... IMO seems very risky22:32
naccand they take so long to rollback patches, etc.22:32
naccI think they knew they were going to have to defend their pricing model with such a large vulnerability22:32
naccso they needed to be "first"22:32
TJ-This affects so many different hardware combinations it's impossible for 1 organisation to test all permutations though22:33
nacci think it's going to bite them long-term22:33
naccubuntu's benefit is they get a load of free testers22:33
naccdid fedora roll out the fixes at the same time as RH?22:33
TJ-How can I have forgotten to fit an internal disk in a laptop!? just been caught out by a test laptop failing to boot :)22:34
TJ-I'm not sure about Fedora22:34
TJ-I'm trying to reproduce the hardware failure I saw last night after installing the KPTI test kernel22:35
TJ-how in heck does a 16.04 debootstrap install get a 3.15 kernel image ?22:54
TJ-nacc: before I reboot to test the KPTI patched kernel, can you think of any other info I ought to collect beyond dmesg, lspci, lsusb ?23:15
nacci think that would be ennough, TJ-23:15
TJ-thanks, off we go23:16
TJ-oh! ethtool! I knew there was someinth23:16
nacci really can't tell right ow23:30
nacccould be language barrier23:31
TJ-yes, it looks that way, not verbose enough for a regular troll23:36
TJ-probably the schoolkids are running rings around them and they're heard some misleading whispers about SSH :)23:37

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