
markomontanaalled flstudio?01:13
=== mike_ is now known as Guest36333
Guest36333Hello.  Newb question about writing files to blank optical media.03:29
Guest36333I have a list of files in the window labeled "CD/DVD Creator"   How do I proceed with burning them?03:30
Guest36333I don't see a "write" button anywhere described in the help text.03:40
=== D68 is now known as Mikey
dewey_cant remember password to authenicate04:03
rh10guys, is it real to put windows button (minimize, maximize, close) to top of the screen? for more handy press05:59
rh10not to aim accurately шт игеещт06:00
rh10in button (sorry)06:00
rh10and if there a way to switch programs in alt+tab using mouse?06:12
mate|87831czy ten komunikator da sieprzestawic aby byl po polskiemu...09:15
=== luffy is now known as Guest17374
looksao_bonjour, je voudrais savoir si qq un utilise cyanogen sur tablette et rencontre des difficultes ? merci09:57
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.09:57
looksaoje tape ca ou svp ?10:12
alkisglooksao, I don't speak French. Only Greek and English.10:18
mate|37430Is there a keyboard shortcut to switch between windows of the current application?11:45
alkisgmate|37430: alt+`11:46
mate|37430weird. that doesn't seem to work.11:47
alkisgmate|37430: do you see those windows in alt+tab list?11:51
mate|37430alt+` is completely unresponsive tho11:55
mate|37430i'm trying on a liveCD if that make any difference11:56
alkisgmate|37430: which application is this?11:59
alkisgAlso, which ubuntu-mate live cd version?11:59
mate|37430i've tried it in eclipse and firefox12:00
mate|37430neither works12:00
alkisgmate|37430: and which ubuntu mate version is that?12:00
mate|37430ubuntu mate 17.10 live cd12:01
alkisgWith firefox, I assume that you moved a tab into a separate window, correct?12:01
alkisgAre you running compiz, or metacity? try ps aux | grep metacity12:01
mate|37430ubuntu-+ 16883  0.0  0.0  21452  1100 pts/0    S+   12:01   0:00 grep --color=auto metacity12:02
alkisgand this? ps aux | grep compiz12:02
mate|37430ubuntu-+ 16894  0.0  0.0  21452   992 pts/0    S+   12:02   0:00 grep --color=auto compiz12:02
alkisgand this? ps aux | grep marco12:02
mate|37430ubuntu-+ 16909  0.0  0.0  21452  1100 pts/0    S+   12:03   0:00 grep --color=auto marco12:03
alkisgmate|37430: this doesn't make a lot of sense, not running any window manager in mate...12:03
alkisgDo you mind if you upload your whole process list? ps aux | nc termbin.com 999912:04
alkisgmate|37430: ubuntu-+  5814  3.0  0.6 584220 53596 ?        Sl   10:40   2:31 compiz --replace ccp12:06
alkisgSo you are running compiz there12:06
alkisgMaybe you only pasted the first line of the result here and you didn't include that one12:06
alkisgmate|37430: try this: marco --replace12:06
alkisgThis will enable marco as the window manager. Then try Alt+` again12:06
alkisgIf it works... that means it only works with marco12:06
mate|37430yep thats it12:07
mate|37430is marco the software compositor?12:07
alkisgmarco and compiz are window managers. Both support composition.12:08
alkisgMaybe compiz has another key; maybe not; i'm not using it12:09
mate|37430Ah. well thanks for your help!12:12
mate|37430Much appreciated.12:12
bulkiorhello, has anyone had problems in ubuntu 16.04 with the sound? "dummy output" is shown and no hardware detected in lspci.13:07
bulkiorhello, has anyone had problems in ubuntu 16.04 with the sound? "dummy output" is shown and no hardware detected in lspci.13:09
diogenes_bulkior, aplay -l13:11
ubuntu-mateso does anyone know how to fix the mouse pad not working on lenovo ideapad 32018:15
nemooooh this sounds familiar18:16
ubuntu-mateit gets frustrating, i keep trying with different versions of linux18:18
ubuntu-matei really like matte and i might as well learn18:19
nemoubuntu-mate: no, it's just that I bought a lenovo with exact same issue18:20
nemoubuntu-mate: (also wifi but I think there's a fix for that)18:20
diogenes_omg, people, why do you buy lenovo and you just expect linux to run on it?18:21
diogenes_you have to gather information about the most linux compatible brands18:21
nemodiogenes_: I'd had pretty darn good luck w/ laptops lately.18:21
nemodiogenes_: also. ubuntu's laptop compatibility stuff is pretty dubious18:21
ubuntu-matewell i want to understand coding so its great to learn18:22
diogenes_lenovo is the least ever choice to run linux18:22
diogenes_it's just horrible18:22
ubuntu-matei dont need you to be messed up18:22
ubuntu-matesome help website18:22
ubuntu-mateany help on touchpad issues?18:23
nemoubuntu-mate: I'd collected some notes on things that could address it for my particular model18:24
diogenes_ubuntu-mate, If I were you I'd return and ask for refund.18:24
nemoubuntu-mate: but I'd put it off since main thing I wanted to do was upgrade kernel18:24
nemoI'm waiting for devuan ascii to be released18:24
nemodiogenes_: https://certification.ubuntu.com/hardware/201606-22367/  checkout this one18:25
nemo"hibernate is not working on system"18:25
nemoreally should say "if you close your laptop lid or accidentally click suspend in default ubuntu desktop your system will crash and your HD will be corrupted"18:25
nemoat least, in ubuntu 16.04+  - he finally installed 14.04 which worked perfectly18:25
diogenes_nemo, shit happens now and then every time, nothing is perfect but none and I stress it out, NONE of the brands has ever had so many issues with linux that lenovo had and still has and will always have because they support windows only and nothing else.18:27
diogenes_and I'm telling this not because I've read in in the newspaper, I've had tons of different laptops to install linux on and none of them were so much trouble some but lenovo, that's why I don't advice it for people who intend to use linux.18:30
nemodiogenes_: I was referring to that specifically because the ubuntu certification is no protection18:31
nemodiogenes_: so "doing research" is not really that sufficient18:31
nemoanyway. in this particular case it is a synaptic touchpad that I just need to get working, and those have given me trouble under linux since the very first time I bought a laptop with a touchpad18:31
nemothey all are subtly different18:31
nemoaaaaand a wireless card that is doing something stupid, but that again has not much to do w/ lenovo18:32
nemoI know how to fix it, and I just want to see if the fix is already incorporated upstream18:32
nemootherwise I'll just patch the kernel module18:32
nemo01:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8821AE 802.11ac PCIe Wireless Network Adapter18:32
nemothat one...18:32
nemorealtek is its own nightmare under linux too18:33
nemoso none of this is much of a shock to me18:33
nemodiogenes_: oh. I forgot to mention... the UEFI is also running into a bug too, but appears to be fixed upstream and isn't lenovo specific either18:33
nemois just that UEFI is also a pile of s***18:33
diogenes_nemo, I understand, it comes with no warranty of whatsoever and it's good that you know how to fix, patch and so on, but what can a newbie do? if a newbie who wants to try linux will have much more luck with an HP an Asus or Dell than with lenovo18:34
diogenes_and will definitely have an excellent experience with the system7618:34
nemowell system76 obv18:35
nemojust skeptical about the dell18:35
diogenes_system76 actually even disables the intel management engine18:35
nemodiogenes_: my point was mostly that my linux laptop exp has been uniformly bad UNLESS that exact model was also shipped in a linux flavour18:35
mate|21003i am installing mate18:35
nemodiogenes_: well thankfully disabling it is default most of the time on non-corp installs, although making it completely inactive by selectively wiping it out is relatively rare. maybe they do that?18:36
nemodiogenes_: which is definitely the route I'd rather go18:36
nemodiogenes_: I mostly bought this laptop 'cause it was super cheap, and yeh.  If I wanted to be totally safe, I'd probably search for linux laptop, get the exact model and shop around for that (or pay for the preinstall)18:37
nemowhich is probably a good move for noobs18:37
diogenes_nemo, I'll give you a link where they explain how they do it.18:37
nemodiogenes_: something I used to do in the past, that Best Buy was remarkably cool with, was bring a ubuntu on a thumb drive to the store 😃18:37
nemodiogenes_: got some people interesting in linux that way too18:37
diogenes_nemo, here they explain everything: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MujjuTWpQJk&t=2284s18:39
nemoyoutube ☹18:40
nemoeh. will check that out later18:40
mate|21003does someone has experience on vmware18:40
nemomate|21003: I use vmware-view on ubuntu...18:41
nemowith a piv card even ☺18:41
mate|21003want to install vmware player18:41
mate|21003i am just installing u mate18:42
nemounfamiliar w/ player sorry - only ever used VirtualBox for linux personally18:42
nemohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Player  I see this...18:43
nemomate|21003: IMO virtualbox does better at linux support18:43
mate|21003virtualbox was not my favorite, since so many problems with usb, sharing and so on18:43
nemomate|21003: did you install the virtualbox extensions? the non-free stuff?18:44
nemothat's normally required for usb18:44
nemootherwise no problems w/ that personally - was even able to do, oh, phone updates with it18:44
mate|21003yes but installation was not succesful18:44
nemomate|21003: did you install as root?18:45
nemohmmm you weren't using ubuntu software manager were you?18:45
nemoit does some stupid things18:45
nemohow long ago was this anyway?18:45
mate|21003i was using the software center. had the problem yesterday and today18:46
nemomate|21003: yeah. software centre is broken on packages that have software license agreements - at least last time I used it18:47
nemobroke on MS core fonts. I use synaptic for that18:47
nemomate|21003: also I'd recommend using the packaging on their downloads page18:47
mate|21003ok i will try18:47
mate|21003thanks and good by18:48
nemomate|21003: not gonna let me finish sentence? ☺18:48
nemoapparently not18:48
nemoif it fails for him again, the other possibility is missing dkms18:49
nemowhich might be an unspecified dependency18:49
nemobut OH WELL18:49
tueftler_hi there! i have a problem mounting a disk from a synology raid1 to a ubuntu mate19:13
tueftler_i'm a linux noob, but hoping you can help me mount that on my PC19:14
nemowhat's w/ all these web gateway folks19:34
greg__no matter what i do Skype will not install on mate keep getting wrong architecture error20:14
seniamy laptop is running super slow20:31
sixwheeledbeastYou probably have the wrong architecture then.20:35
greg__i have a 64 bit lenovo desktop computer also running skype ,but not on mate on same computer. is there a bug in mate? thank you.20:39
diogenes_greg__, why you have to download it?20:49
diogenes_you can use it as a web app20:49
greg__when i use it as a web app through outlook it always say it's busy.20:53
diogenes_greg__, who says about outlook? all you need is chrome or chromium and it will work just great.20:53
mate|73313Hi All. I can't seem to get the Win+A, Win+S or Win+Shift+S shortcuts working20:57
Akulimate|73313, what are those keys supposed to do?20:57
greg__ok mate thank you for you help ,but iam still perplexed why it runs on ubuntu 16.04 but not mate.20:58
mate|73313I've enable compiz, and as per the keyboard shortcuts in the welcome guide, the Win+A shows a zoom out of all workspaces20:59
diogenes_greg__, you could try snap install skype20:59
Akulimate|73313, are you sure that compiz is actually running? open a terminal and run   compiz --replace20:59
mate|73313Win + S shows all windows on current workspace, like expose on mac20:59
mate|73313Yes, I can do the other shortcuts such as ctrl alt d to show desktop21:01
greg__ok thank you.21:01
mate|56339hello I recently installed ubunto on my Acer s7 392. However I am a bit of a noob with linux. Before my ssd had 2 disks with raid0 configuration.21:15
mate|56339As of now I have both disks separate where one disk has linux installed and the other is empty. Will I face problems in the future???21:15
mate|56339hello I recently installed ubunto on my Acer s7 392. However I am a bit of a noob with linux. Before my ssd had 2 disks with raid0 configuration.21:18
mate|56339As of now I have both disks separate where one disk has linux installed and the other is empty. Will I face problems in the future???21:18
Akuliwhat kind of problems do you expect?21:19
samboprobably not21:19
mate|56339I am expecting a boot problem. Ubuntu is booting up wierd where I have a purple screen then a white flash and eventually ubuntu boots up normally.21:20
Akuliit won't magically stop working by itself21:21
mate|56339I feel as if Somehow ubuntu wasn't installed correctly because previously I tried installing kali distro before and did all sorts of shenanigans21:22
Akulido you want us to check how your hard drive stuff looks? run on terminal:  lsblk | nc termbin.com 999921:22
Akuliit gives you a link, copy/paste it here21:23
mate|56339yes please21:23
sambowhat is a crimson tide21:24
sambogoogle search crimson tide421:25
Akulilooks ok to me21:26
Akuliif you run out of space you can always move stuff, that shouldn't be a problem21:27
Akulii wouldn't be too worried about starting up weird as long as it's consistent21:27
mate|56339I also want to move my /home directory to the other 128 GB disk. Is that posibble??21:28
Akuliyes, i don't remember how but you can do that without reinstalling21:29
Akulii believe you're supposed to edit /etc/fstab and reboot21:29
Akulibut ask for someone else to give better advice :) i need to go now21:29
mate|56339It's 1 SSD but shows 2 separate disks21:29
mate|56339alright thank you21:30
mate|56339take care21:30

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