[08:34] howdy all [08:42] Morning all [09:29] morning boys and girls. === lottak is now known as svea [14:30] dead channel is dead, sheesh [14:30] * daftykins pokes at the user list with a pointy stick [14:31] * brobostigon is ouchie now, :( [14:32] ah-ha, life! [14:32] * brobostigon checks, yes life. [14:34] * m0nkey_ remains dead [14:36] how cold is your corner of Canuckistan? [14:37] Not as cold [14:38] just organise a few customers in australia... 47c in sydney in last few days... [14:38] We're going to see some British weather [14:38] 5C with rain [14:38] daftykins: quiet down please! [14:38] :D [14:39] i'm busy attempting to convince clients to replace their out of warranty HDDs this week (which form parts of NASs etc) [14:39] A lot of people are on telegram and other chat clients now, I still like IRC too though [14:39] I hate having to deal with things like that [14:40] really? it's practically zero effort [14:40] and eaaaaasy money :> [14:41] We've got a customer with a failed raid1 array, we've priced him a new drive, offered him a loan server ( already copied data ) all he has to do is sign a form to say if he doesn't return the server he'll get billed, been called and emailed 4 times and still hasn't responded [14:41] Will shout when the raid1 fails :) [14:41] Been failed disk for 6~ months or so [14:41] ah that would be annoying [14:41] be more tempting to pull the plug... [14:45] should have used ZFS ;) [14:48] heh that'd be one impressive setup that chased down the folks to pay the bills for you ;D [14:53] word up y'all [14:53] uh, hi :D [14:54] :D