
superflyGooooood morning South Africa!05:36
superflythatgraemeguy: how goes?05:57
thatgraemeguycan't complain thanks, you?05:58
superflyGood, good. Bed time for me, to be honest.05:59
thatgraemeguyjust got to work ;)06:01
superflySome say I'm living in the past ;-)06:01
paddatrappermorning superfly thatgraemeguy 07:06
thatgraemeguy'lo 'lo07:07
chesedomorning superfly thatgraemeguy paddatrapper and others07:51
thatgraemeguygreetings and salutations07:57
paddatrapperhi chesedo 08:23
pavlushkamaaz seen kilos17:27
Maazpavlushka: kilos was last seen 10 days, 22 hours, 38 minutes and 19 seconds ago in #ubuntu-za on freenode [2017-12-29 20:49:22 SAST], and has been offline on freenode since 2017-12-29 21:26:08 SAST17:27

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