[00:01] Sorry, too much to type [00:02] * valorie[m] uploaded an image: 20180109_160114.jpg (4806KB) [00:03] Changing to telegram on other laptop [00:04] can you boot into the previous kernel? [00:06] valorie[m]: Have you tried just history.log with no extensions? [00:07] And that's because pastebinit can't deal with compressed data ;) [00:12] I'll move to #kubuntu for support, sorry about that [00:13] and I'll try to boot to previous kernel [00:13] dunno why I didn't think of that [00:13] thanks, @acheronuk [00:18] and logging into the older kernel worked [00:18] http://paste.ubuntu.com/26356535/ is interesting [00:21] http://paste.ubuntu.com/26356544/ for the log [00:21] so much easier to type when it's not so tiny I need a magnifying glass to read it [00:23] nothing nvidia in there though [00:26] you use nouveau then? [00:26] I guess? [00:27] I thought I was using nvidia but.... [00:28] I'm not using the firmware at least [00:28] apt-cache policy nvidia gives me nothing [00:29] not entirely sure with that. I've used the proprietary driver for ever I think [00:29] tsimonq2: any idea? [00:30] acheronuk: No clue, if valorie was a random person in #lubuntu I'd suggest going to #ubuntu for help because it seems to be a distro-neutral thing :) [00:31] at least you have a working session with the old kernel. that is more than can often happen with these things! [00:34] oh, driver manager [00:34] how did I forget [00:36] oh, I'm using 381.22 nvidia [00:37] how does one decide if there is a better driver? I think I just allowed driver-manager to choose, or chose what it advised [00:38] oh, it recommends upgrading to the 384 when I scroll [00:38] sheehs, what a ditz today [00:38] I always go with the newest with support for my card [00:39] upgrading [00:39] I think I'll postpone restarting until we return from or finish dinner [00:39] see if it builds a module for the new kernel as well [00:40] it's being really slow [00:40] so I imagine so [00:41] gone midnight here, so I'm going to have to say goodnight anyway [00:41] niters [00:41] and it doesn't tell me to reboot [00:41] if that new kernel hates Nvidia, there will no doubts be others shouting on IRC/forums/askubuntu soon ;) [00:41] ttyl [00:42] sweet dreams and thanks again [00:42] ZZZZzzzz.... [00:43] hope you sort it :) [00:43] me too [00:43] now to update *this* lil lappy [04:42] by the way, that update went great [04:43] I will maybe upgrade it to Bionic next week [05:01] \o/ [07:03] :D [21:41] so with the amount of testing we have, do you think our dot one images should be marked as ready to go? [21:42] gosh I miss falkon [21:50] valorie: I'm +1 on marking Kubuntu 17.10.1 as gtg [21:51] acheronuk: I'd like to hear your opinion too [21:51] I'm inclined to dooot [21:51] but we do have some bugs [21:51] Are they regressions compared to the last point release?\ [21:52] no [21:52] but gosh it would be nice to see that fix made [21:56] Right [21:56] It's doable. [21:56] weeee, he's lookin [21:56] Who is? [21:57] ā€ˇcyphermox [21:57] Ah, ok. [22:09] doubt a fix will happen for tomorrow. but I have permission to mark ready tomorrow during the day UK time, if not [22:10] Lubuntu is going to mark as ready shortly. [22:11] in fact, I think a fix is just unreasonable for this [22:11] this is a one issue re-spin [22:12] Right. [22:12] I agree with that. [22:12] any regressions = no = ready [22:12] Right, and "regression" is defined as "compared to 17.10 did anything break?" [22:13] indeed. oem was furked on that [22:15] Kool, glad we're on the same page :) [22:16] + even if possible, updating the oem stuff to fix kubuntu's issue, would likely require a round of re-tests by all flavours [22:17] lets just get this out, and deal with for 18.04 [22:18] but not forget it until too late for a release as we seem to have done since 2015! [22:18] Right [22:20] an LTS without a working OEM install for Kubuntu would be soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad [22:30] ok [22:30] I just saw an opening with cyphermox and jumped on 'im [22:31] marked as ready