
elgamer334hi guys i have a problem03:04
elgamer334how i can configure a graphic tablet g430 xp-pen03:05
letmutxhow do i install xubuntu on raspberry pi?07:08
=== Linlz_ is now known as Linlz
sorinelloHello. Is Xubuntu stopping apps improperly when restarting/shutting down ? Because each time I restart the system, Firefox wants to restore tabs, thus indicating an improper application closing.11:48
roseshi, why is thunar the default file manager and not nautilus?12:56
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
koolkalangWill Ubuntu using wayland in 18.04 affect xubuntu at all?15:35
=== rud0lf is now known as test
=== test is now known as rud0lf
sorinelloHello. Is Xubuntu stopping apps improperly when restarting/shutting down ? Because each time I restart the system, Firefox wants to restore tabs, thus indicating an improper application closing.22:54

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