
tgBot3<XavierXX> (Photo, 956x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/MZ41gtdg/file_3727.jpg02:26
tgBot3<XavierXX> (Photo, 956x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Nx4HAesp/file_3729.jpg02:26
tgBot3<XavierXX> What's this for if it wil wipe the phone anyway?02:26
tgBot3<exar_kun> Perhaps it won't wipe it anyway if Ubuntu Touch is already installed. I was able to install 16.04, and then back to 15.04 without wiping the phone.02:35
tgBot3<XavierXX> will this also install a new recovery or something?03:46
tgBot3<exar_kun> Yes, it installs Ubports Recovery04:24
tgBot3<exar_kun> @XavierXX There are some more experienced people in the Welcome&Install chat here if you like https://t.me/WelcomePlus :)04:25
tgBot3<XavierXX> thank you :)04:32
tgBot3<Javacookies> is there a plan to have 16.04 builds for Nexus 7 2013? it's collecting dust in my cabinet 😁05:08
tgBot3<morphis> @Stereofont, Anbox is by no means an emulator. All Android apps are executed natively05:18
tgBot3<RenanPrastaJenie> @morphis, Yups. Anbox is not simulator either. :)05:21
tgBot3<XavierXX> does anbox support the oneplus one and if not is there a device status list05:21
tgBot3<YougoChats> Device status list:05:25
tgBot3<YougoChats> end of list05:26
tgBot3<YougoChats> Anbox isn't ready yet, but when it is it will likely be running on all devices05:27
tgBot3<Javacookies> there's a page already for the instructions, it lsits PRO 5 and M10 as supported for now05:29
tgBot3<YougoChats> I guess that's true, but don't expect it to be easy to do at this point05:47
tgBot3<YougoChats> All very alpha05:59
tgBot3<Javacookies> yeah, I haven't seen any posts/videos about it so I was actually surprised the instructions was released already06:01
tgBot3<Jo_Led> Good morning. My browser doesnt open( waited 2 min with turbibg circle and browser icon). Already cleared cache and app data in uttweaktool. Any ideas? Bq e5hd, stable.07:22
tgBot3<samitormanen> have you tried to reboot device?07:29
tgBot3<delijati> https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-mirabook-turn-your-smartphone-into-a-laptop-mobile-android#/ they use slimport to connect to a phone07:34
tgBot3<nanu_c> @Jo_Led, Restart the phone helps in my case07:49
tgBot3<YougoChats> @delijati, slimport rules out a lot of devices. if the keyboard is also bluetooth and if there is either a built in miracast dongle, or a powered USB port right next to a HDMI input port so i could connect one myself, it's not quite there yet07:51
tgBot3<YougoChats> also someone needs to tell these guys to update their list of OS's. AFIK remix is no more and they don't list UT07:55
tgBot3<delijati> they choosed slimport but there are so many alternatives and all kind suck "MHL over USB C, HDMI over USB C, DisplayLink, SlimPort, Miracast ... " it remindes me of this https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/standards.png08:20
tgBot3<YougoChats> well, there are only a few on Ubuntu Touch. that's the ones i care about :)08:34
tgBot3<YougoChats> and wireless is the future08:35
tgBot3<Jo_Led> @samitormanen, Hrhrhhr, no. Will do now, was listening to music earlier and didnt want to stop :D08:35
tgBot3<YougoChats> also they don't have to build a full miracast  dongle into their device. just provide HDMI input and powered usb ports to a) charge the phone and b) power a separate dongle08:37
tgBot3<YougoChats> the slimport cable could already charge the phone even if the phone doesn't have slimport08:37
tgBot3<YougoChats> i have the dongle already08:38
tgBot3<XavierXX> It's a shame the oneplus one doesn't support any of this and it has to be built into the hardware right?08:45
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> yeah you need either usb-to-hdmi specific chips (MHL, slimport) or a fast enough usb 3.1 connection08:47
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> if you look at the android alternatives, samsung uses slimport for s8 dex and huawei uses usb 3.1 for the mate 10 pro08:48
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> so i guess we're stuck with slimport / nexus 5 until there's a lineageos version of the newer phones we can port08:49
tgBot3<Javacookies> HTC 10 is a good candidate and I'm hoping it'll builds will be released soon...and hopefully it'll be cheaper :D08:52
tgBot3<XavierXX> Am waiting for how the librem 5 will turn out even though i haven't backed it i hope it will turn out right08:52
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> true both - librem promised convergence, which means they'll probably be prepared for it :)08:52
tgBot3<XavierXX> And they also promised being able to run any linux distro08:53
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> i did back it out of principle, but they said early 201908:53
tgBot3<rogieroudshoorn> so next year if they manage to stay on track08:53
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/UmkRBEVt/file_373009:08
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @XavierXX, With you on that one @XavierXX09:09
tgBot3<Stereofont> @morphis, This implies that every function of every Android app will run. That was not my understanding.  A clarification of why it is not an emulator would be helpful09:26
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Javacookies, Not supported. Published in very early test form09:28
tgBot3<nanu_c> Is there a qr-code reader for ut09:29
tgBot3<morphis> @Stereofont, An emulator emulates something but Anbox is only abstracting hardware access and adapt things from Ubuntu into the Android system. You can call it an adapter if you want a name for it.09:30
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Jo_Led, Sounds like it went into a loop last time it was used and is refusing to close properly?  It can't start until it closes. Just a thought09:32
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Jo_Led, Try to listen on UTmedia. That may solve your problem09:34
tgBot3<Stereofont> @morphis, So it is like a cousin of Halium?09:37
tgBot3<morphis> Halium works in the other direction. It provides hardware access to Ubuntu where Anbox consumes it from Ubuntu.09:39
tgBot3<morphis> But otherwise they are similar09:39
tgBot3<Javacookies> @nanu_c, https://open.uappexplorer.com/app/com.ubuntu.developer.mzanetti.tagger09:41
tgBot3<Javacookies> @Stereofont, yeah, but I'm hopeful, it's quite powerful with 820 and 4GB of ram and slimport support09:41
tgBot3<nanu_c> I need a possibillity to scan qr codes inside the signal app to link devices. :)09:43
tgBot3<Stereofont> @morphis, Cousins 😎09:44
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Javacookies, I meant Anbox is is not supported anywhere.There are just early builds for a couple of devices09:46
tgBot3<Stereofont> @nanu_c, We have Tagger. Can you link them?09:46
tgBot3<Stereofont> If they cannot be used in parallel,  maybe the two developers can discuss?09:47
tgBot3<Javacookies> @Stereofont, oh I see, I was talking about the convergence regarding the Mirabook,LOL09:48
tgBot3<nanu_c> It  would be nice to tell the tagger "hey scan this and give me the answer"09:49
tgBot3<Jo_Led> @nanu_c, It did. I wonder what went wrong.10:48
tgBot3<YougoChats> random browser weirdness11:28
tgBot3<Javacookies> (Photo, 1075x130) https://irc.ubports.com/SCPvYudY/file_3732.jpg11:37
tgBot3<Javacookies> comparing UT apps vs X apps … they're more than double! 😱 … not sure though if these are accurate11:37
tgBot3<Javacookies> I mean memory usage...forgot to say that LOL11:37
tgBot3<tydell> Someone tried to port Ubuntu Touch on Amazon Fire 7 tablet? Is it possible or not?11:43
tgBot3kevit was added by: kevit11:43
tgBot3<Stereofont> @kevit, Welcome Kevit! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for lots of newcomer information πŸšͺ11:53
tgBot3<Stereofont> @tydell, Pretty much impossible11:53
tgBot3<kevit> Hello all, just started to play around with ubports11:56
tgBot3<kevit> is there openvpn guide somewhere? looks like networkmanager bit broken11:57
tgBot3<kevit> looks like known issue https://askubuntu.com/questions/754878/how-to-setup-openvpn-provided-with-ota10-on-ubuntu-touch12:08
tgBot3<tydell> @Stereofont, I thought that too, good that already LineageOS and AOSP is working on this thing :) but unfortunately it is only 5.1.x Lollipop :(12:13
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> question: which is more developed/current β€” stable v3 or development  r285?13:07
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> for nexus 5...  sorry13:09
=== Trevinho_ is now known as Trevinho
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> ε•ŠοΌŒhey gays13:22
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> lol13:22
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/F60ar2VN/file_3734.mp413:22
tgBot3<Schyken> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, Well that's awkward13:22
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> sorry13:22
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> πŸ™Š13:23
tgBot3<UniversalSuperBox> Please do not13:23
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> Opps13:24
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> Do you know Chromebook?13:24
tgBot3<jeffangelion> Yeah13:29
tgBot3<jeffangelion> I have one13:29
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> the os is not good13:30
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> so。。。13:30
tgBot3<jeffangelion> Yeah, ChromeOS sucks13:30
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/FT377DtE/file_3736.jpg13:30
tgBot3<jeffangelion> Nah, I prefer Ubuntu13:30
tgBot3<jeffangelion> ;)13:31
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> UbuntuπŸ‘πŸ‘13:31
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @jeffangelion, I like the UI13:40
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, nice dp13:40
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @jeffangelion, it's good actually13:40
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> πŸ˜‚13:43
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> ui is nice13:43
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> it really is, and the boot time is impressive13:44
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> It can run Android by the way13:44
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> it certainly can13:44
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> yearπŸ˜‚13:44
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> and Chrome OS' stability is good too (as per the design)13:44
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, bot really :P13:44
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> *not13:45
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> what about pixel book?13:45
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, what about it?13:45
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> the new one13:45
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> emm,i am not good at English...13:46
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> (Photo, 630x315) https://irc.ubports.com/itNSs1Ej/file_3738.jpg13:47
tgBot3<θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•> This13:47
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, the hardware looks good, thr OS looks good. But the OS ia not as powerful as other options available to be installed on it13:51
tgBot3<arudy> Anyone has a OPO with: … - Recovery working … - no way to fastboot … I'm trying to put ubuntu on it, but mdt doesnt detect it (can't fastboot) … https://forum.xda-developers.com/oneplus-one/help/opo-boot-fastboot-mode-t3732208#post7517238214:13
tgBot3<wayneoutthere> @Javacookies, I've always had good experience with HTC hardware... they seem not as popular these days... hmm.. I'm going to guess one of these hardware guys is going to have someone smart on their team and work with us... that's my 2018 prediction.14:15
tgBot3<Javacookies> @arudy, have you tried ubports-installer? MDT doesn't work on my Nexus 7 as well14:17
tgBot3<Javacookies> ubports-installer did it, just use --devmode when using snap14:17
tgBot3<arudy> Going to give it a try, but it seems i can't fastboot, only recovery still14:19
tgBot3<Javacookies> try adb reboot fastboot when in recovery14:24
tgBot3<vanyasem> (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/22bsA4x1/file_3740.jpg14:25
tgBot3<vanyasem> topaz gold is awesome14:26
tgBot3<Javacookies> 😍 you're the on working with halium, right? … do you have UT on your HTC 10? … my eyes on that device if ever we get official UT support :D14:27
tgBot3<Sebastian R.> @arudy, had the exact same problem with my Nexus 5. Try "Install using system-image server" from the installation site: https://devices.ubports.com/#/bacon  β€¦ This worked perfectly well for me14:28
tgBot3<vanyasem> @Javacookies, yes, I am the one who initially ported HTC 10. Yes, UT works on it (not everything ready, but we're working on it). I'm also working with Nexus 5x14:28
tgBot3<vanyasem> Both Nexus 4 and Nexus 5 on the picture also run UT (the ones that have stickers applied)14:29
tgBot3<vanyasem> HTC 10 supports Slimport via Type-C, but I can't really test it, as I don't have an adapter14:30
tgBot3<vanyasem> feel free to send me one lol14:30
tgBot3<vanyasem> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, no support atm, but we might play with chromeOS devices at some point. it could be possible to run chromeOS on top of Halium14:32
tgBot3<vanyasem> they are expensive as hell and not available worldwide what makes it hard for us to get ahold of one14:33
tgBot3<vanyasem> if that makes sense to you14:33
tgBot3<vanyasem> @θ”‘ θ£θ― πŸ•, please don't off top in this chat, we have a dedicated Supergroup for these kinds of discussions: @ubports_ot14:34
tgBot3<Javacookies> @vanyasem, I don't have it too and if I have one, I'll keep it to myself LOL … good luck with the work :)14:34
tgBot3<vanyasem> @vanyasem, also, please, don't use Windows. you're not in the right place for that14:35
tgBot3<vanyasem> @Javacookies, I assume you replied to a wrong message14:36
tgBot3<Javacookies> yeah, I thought, that was one big message πŸ˜…14:39
tgBot3<lduboeuf> hi all, just to know before breaking everything on my device (this is my daily driver... :) ): … I've built messaging-app from github src and would like to launch it to the device, will it erase any existing datas or make problems with already installed messaging-app ?14:44
tgBot3<Javacookies> why did you do that? … I think it won't affect your data unless you changed something in the code that will manipulate your data14:54
tgBot3<lduboeuf> just for fun, and why not try to fix this historic issue https://github.com/ubports/messaging-app/issues/2 :)14:56
tgBot3<lduboeuf> i'm pretty sure that is not a hard issue for someone used to Qt/QML , that not the case for me ^^14:58
tgBot3<Javacookies> have you tested it already and working? … why don't you try to merge it so that we can all benefit from it ;)14:58
tgBot3<lduboeuf> no i'm afraid of testing it directly14:59
tgBot3<Javacookies> the problem with that is that I don't know how you can restore the delivered version, I don't think it's in the store14:59
tgBot3<Javacookies> do you have a click file?15:00
tgBot3<lduboeuf> yeah right, this is a system app15:00
tgBot3<lduboeuf> no it is a self executable binary15:00
tgBot3<Javacookies> I want to help to test, I can install a temporary UT but I don't have space on my nexus 5 anymore πŸ˜…15:04
tgBot3<Javacookies> I want that to be fixed as well, that's an old, overdue bug inherited even from Canonical :)15:04
tgBot3Lenny Marks was added by: Lenny Marks15:08
tgBot3<Schyken> @Lenny Marks, Welcome!15:10
tgBot3<Lenny Marks> Hi!15:11
tgBot3<Schyken> @Lenny Marks, Heyo!15:11
tgBot3Yunus B was added by: TCEYHAN15:58
tgBot3<lduboeuf> @Javacookies, yes so old bug :/ would be great if you try something ^ ^16:00
tgBot3<lduboeuf> i successfully built it on clickable docker image but 15.0416:01
tgBot3<lduboeuf> need to had some librares though to image16:02
tgBot3<lduboeuf> `libnotify-dev:armhf` `xvfb` `lcov` and `gcovr`16:05
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @wayneoutthere, let's hope for the prediction to come true :)16:12
tgBot3ch was added by: ch16:13
tgBot3<Cesar_Herrera> Could I delete the account of "Ububtu One" or it is used for something?16:14
tgBot3<DanChapman> @Cesar_Herrera, Push notifications needs it16:14
tgBot3<Cesar_Herrera> Tanks.16:15
tgBot3<wayneoutthere> Hello Lenny , @TCEYHAN , and ch and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. … To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page (https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome) and thanks again for joining us! :)16:17
tgBot3<XavierXX> What's the differnce between the 15.04 vs the 16.04 branch?16:27
tgBot3<alan_griffiths> @XavierXX, 15.04 is supported now, 16.04 will be supported once it has been finished and tested.16:32
tgBot3<TartanSpartan> Anyone familiar with using the ffmpeg command line utility to, say, convert mkv to mp4 frame by frame? Would this many writes harm a UT device's micro SD card, or is it not really a problem if it's mostly performed in RAM (and so is it mostly a memory process)?16:42
tgBot3<Flohack> @XavierXX, Well do you know how Ubuntu releases work?16:44
tgBot3<XavierXX> Yes LTS And16:45
tgBot3<Flohack> @XavierXX, See here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases 15.04 was end of life already 02/201616:46
tgBot3<Flohack> So even if @alan_griffiths says its supported, this means only the phone is stable on 15.04 and we have the Apps targeting it.16:46
tgBot3<XavierXX> Kk then i will go for 16.0416:47
tgBot3<Flohack> We urgently need to bring everything to 16.04 to get all upstream patches from Canonical builds16:47
tgBot3<Flohack> Well its not stable yet ;)16:47
tgBot3<Flohack> You cannot use it as a daily phone16:47
tgBot3<XavierXX> How easy is it to debug compared to arch ;)16:48
tgBot3<Flohack> @XavierXX, You mean to solve this issues: https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/milestone/716:48
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> @TartanSpartan, its fine, it would not ware your  storage memory more than making a copy operation of a movie clip. recompression happens in RAM. Unless u do multinpass than still ok.16:50
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> but it will not be super fast on UT.16:50
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> this is my old project that i used for mak8ng video proxy files on Linux that is a front-end to ffmpeg … https://sourceforge.net/projects/front4ffmpeg/16:52
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> i ran it on UT it worked16:53
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> both gui and cli16:53
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> u can see the code how i call ffmeg16:53
tgBot3<KrisJacewicz> italso compiles on UT16:53
tgBot3<XavierXX> @Flohack, Still for something that's still being build and in very active development with a small team that aren't  that many issues16:56
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Lukas Wolfskin, I think this got lost? It is more that these are quite different things. One is daily driver, the other is trying stuff out to see if it works. For 15.04, it isn't really about getting early fixes anymore. Almost everyone is better off on stable17:03
tgBot3<Stereofont> @arudy, Badly performed soldering could have caused damage to nearby components17:05
tgBot3<Stereofont> @alan_griffiths, We need this as a sticker 😎17:09
tgBot3<arudy> @Stereofont, I have the device right booted to twrp, but i have no PC for few moments. Waiting the end of a meeting to try something again17:10
tgBot3<TartanSpartan> @KrisJacewicz interesting, does your work have superior performance to the standard ffmpeg? Using that it took 2-3 hours to convert and downscale a 720p mkv into a 480p MP4.17:10
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @wayneoutthere, Thumbs up!17:12
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @Stereofont, That's what I thought... but thought I might clear that up for my own state of mind, and anyone who might be bouncing beteween update channels.  Thanks!17:19
tgBot3<TartanSpartan> I see your program is compiled for x86 architecture according to the filename. Will it install on a UT device?17:20
tgBot3<TartanSpartan> Relatedly, Libertine fails to boot up as of late... take it I'm not the first to notice this?17:21
tgBot3<alan_griffiths> @Flohack, Yeah. I should have said "works", not 'is supported".17:42
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @DanChapman @Stereofont regarding the command text2ngram -n 1 -l -f sqlite β€”append -o /path/to/database /path.to.new.txt … executed on my laptop with no issue (size of the database grew, more or less, with by the size of the added .txt files), but in the adb shell the terminal tells me  β€¦ phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ whereis presage … presage: /etc/presage.xml /usr/share/presage … phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ text2ngram -n 2 -l -f sqlite17:48
tgBot3/usr/share/presage/database_en.db /home/phablet/Downloads/war_of_the_worlds.txt … bash: text2ngram: command not found …  tool isn't part of the UBports build...17:48
tgBot3<TartanSpartan> Another thing. Sailbook is a useful Facebook client as it allows access to Messenger too. But rarely, it will redirect to the irritating "install Messenger for Android!" prompt. Is there a way to route it back to a web interface for Messenger which is obviously what we UT Master-race desire?18:37
tgBot3<Xray2000> @TartanSpartan, You get this prompt ? Thats verry strange as i use have test it and my testers also and we dont get it...18:45
tgBot3<wayneoutthere> @TartanSpartan, you used 'facebook' and 'useful' in the same sentence.19:09
tgBot3<malditobastardo> 😹😹😹19:09
tgBot3<ajyotirmay> @wayneoutthere, πŸ˜‚19:12
tgBot3<Cesar_Herrera> @KrisJacewicz You said I can connect the rp3 to the phone by wifi and being it an access point too. I tried it but at last I have to say I'm not able. I ask you a detailed explanation (as for dummies). Thanks.19:13
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Lukas Wolfskin, Over to Dan. I have no clue whatever πŸ˜€19:20
tgBot3<DanChapman> @Lukas Wolfskin, yeah you would need to install the tool19:29
tgBot3<NotKit> in theory, how usable is Unity 8 desktop mode on phone (with keyboard)?19:40
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @DanChapman, Buuut, the tool is PART of presage. :-/ can't get it as a standalone. I don't want to break my UT install by installing presage  via command line. Can I copy the relevant text2ngram files from 'puter to phone?19:51
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> (Sticker, 392x512) https://irc.ubports.com/t96YGrxN/file_374619:52
tgBot3<malditobastardo> i had a dream and it was... libertine workin in the N519:53
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> And the Ubuntu keyboard has its own english database... What's that for? Hunspell has one, Ubuntu keyboard in maliit has one, and presage has one...19:53
tgBot3<Javacookies> @NotKit, Somewhat usable, some bugs like apps opening in very small size and issues switching from phone to desktop and vice versa. Indicators is not mouse or keyboard friendly, but I'd it's quite usable already, I use my Nexus 5 quite often in this setup ;)20:04
tgBot3<DC7IA> @DanChapman, Why?20:51
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Lukas Wolfskin, This is what happens when you start poking around …20:59
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @Stereofont, ??? Thing is, I'm still figuring out simple code. I have no idea how to find out why they're there, and what they're used for... πŸ€“πŸ€”πŸ˜’21:02
tgBot3<NotKit> @morphis could patches to enable musl libc support in theory be accepted in libhybris?21:08
tgBot3<NotKit> it's not very huge on its own, but lots of #ifdef GLIBC21:09
tgBot3<Stereofont> @Lukas Wolfskin, I am not even at that stage. I think you will find more sticky tape and string than you were expecting, when you take things apart 😜21:09
tgBot3<NotKit> https://github.com/NotKit/libhybris/commit/c4f64d11c8d82761d7b89f1d183de579859972f321:09
tgBot3<Lukas Wolfskin> @Stereofont, But thats the fun part about home repair, auto repair, computer repair and software tweaking!21:16
tgBot3<morphis> @NotKit, Send it as PR and we will have a look21:25
tgBot3<inchw0rm> Hello boys and girls, I am now trying to flash ubuntu on my bacon (oneplus one), I've set up ubuntu on a virtual machine (the host is arch linux), I've forwarded the usb with my bacon to the hamburger with ubuntu, and snapped ubports-installer. Now I've run into problems, ubports-intaller won't detect my phone even though I am able to see it from within my virtual machine with lsblk. Starting ubports-installer with root permissions doesn't solve t21:47
tgBot3problem. Can you guys give me some directions where to dig?21:47
tgBot3<inchw0rm> ADB debugging is enabled on the phone21:49
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, Virtual Machine doesn't play nice with USB ports. That would be my first thought21:50
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, And OEM is unlocked?21:50
tgBot3<TronFortyTwo> @inchw0rm, VM you say? Have you installed guest additions?21:51
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Stereofont, I am confident it does, I was able to start a adb shell manually21:51
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, You set default to MTP, not charge or camera21:51
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @TronFortyTwo, I did21:51
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Stereofont, k setting to MTP21:52
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Stereofont, Didn't do anything. Anyway I tried manually setting the phone model to oneplus one. This time it won't do anything if it gets into fastboot mode21:55
tgBot3<inchw0rm> When I start the phone in fastboot mode, the screen still tells me to reboot to bootloader21:56
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, Unplug and replug. Try 5x cables and 3x ports21:56
tgBot3<inchw0rm> Is there a step-by-step manual how to do stuff instead of the strange windows way of ubports-installer? I wouldn't mind getting roms and putting them on by hands21:57
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, Installer room is best. These discussions can run on a while21:57
tgBot3<Stereofont> It was linked in your welcome message21:59
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Stereofont, Thank you21:59
tgBot3<dohbee> ubports isn't an android rom. you can't grab a zip and install it with twrp like android roms22:00
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @dohbee, Alrighty, but this piece of... art, does perform something, if a program can do it, it can be done manually22:00
tgBot3<Stereofont> @inchw0rm, ubuntu-device-flash22:01
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Stereofont, Thank you22:02
tgBot3<Javacookies> @inchw0rm, don't follow the one in github, try to remove -edge when installing the snap, just -devmode23:22
tgBot3<inchw0rm> @Javacookies, Got everything working, thanks23:25

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