
RAOFtjaalton: Aaand that's the Mir EGL patches refreshed and working.01:26
tjaaltonRAOF: great, thanks!04:47
mamarleyricotz: The 340 and 390 drivers I had in https://launchpad.net/~mamarley/+archive/ubuntu/staging/+packages have all built successfully on i386 and amd64 (armhf still hasn't been re-enabled).11:24
ricotzmamarley, did you encounter any problems with 390?11:58
* ricotz copied 384.111 from the archive to silence people not seeing it in the ppa11:59
mamarleyricotz: Nope, it runs fine for me.  I tested OpenGL, OpenGL ES, and Vulkan.12:59
ricotzcopied them all, thanks!13:03
mamarleyNo problem13:07
soeefinally have 390 driver installed from ppa16:45
soeeand works with kernel 4.15 RC :)16:45
mamarleysoee: Yeah, sorry about that.  The buildds were turned off until Meltdown was patched.17:08

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