[19:58] valorie: falkon should no longer segfault, enjoy [21:19] \o/ [21:20] so not gonna miss chrome! [21:21] valorie: It's working, right? :D [21:22] yup [21:24] has it stopped doing certificate errors on almost every site? [21:24] last time I tried, that was really annoying [21:24] acheronuk: it is my full-time browser [21:24] works on *every* site [21:24] Niiiiiice [21:25] I used to have juggle ff/chromium/chrome [21:25] it's years ahead of my try of qupzilla about a year ago, which I quickly gave up [21:27] nope. stupid erros still there [21:27] *errors [21:29] at least on some sites [21:29] acheronuk: Have you tried with my PPA [21:29] ? [21:29] that is with your ppa. seems not quite so often. still hates github certs through [21:30] Ah ok [21:30] may be ok if it's just a case of a few manual exceptions, but it was virtually every https site a few weeks ago! [21:32] well, we hit different sites, obviously [22:17] download pages updated to remove Zesty [22:19] cool [22:38] Interesting https://twitter.com/edouardvince/status/952633981496975360 [22:38] installing kubuntu for a school somewhere [22:43] that's great! [22:43] depending on the version [22:44] I might go for lubuntu myself after trying that on someone's super-cheep old xp laptop [22:44] kubuntu would baaaaarrely run [22:44] lub might have been zippier [22:44] :3