[15:27] Hello, I have installed lubuntu on my old pc 512MB Memory and 56 GB HardDisk the installation did not create a swap partition - How can I using the lubuntu-live-usb stick create this missing partitions without the need of a complete re-installation ? [16:23] prince-charmant: use gparted to resize and create swap partition. or you can use swap file [16:34] JohnDoe_71Rus, I have seen that I have a 2GB swapfile - not a partition [16:35] JohnDoe_71Rus, should I need to all re-install if I create a swap partition ? [16:43] Could we found, for lubuntu, a very simple text-editor like "notepad" not "notepad++" ? [16:44] leafpad [16:45] LioneLL, thanks I will have a look [16:46] :) [16:47] prince-charmant: partition or file, no difference [16:48] use file [16:49] JohnDoe_71Rus, ok, so I will stay with my file [16:49] yes [16:51] if you need. you can make new swap file with more size and switch to it [16:54] JohnDoe_71Rus, 2 GB for a 512MB memory is not enough ? [16:58] someday you'll find out ;) [17:02] so, could you give me par example how to do this increase from 2GB to 4GB of the swapfile named "swapfile" on the root directory ? [17:05] prince-charmant: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq [17:05] JohnDoe_71Rus, I just found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/927854/how-do-i-increase-the-size-of-swapfile-without-removing-it-in-the-terminal [22:29] lubuntu alternate CD install is stuck at "running update-grub"... I had an earlier ubuntu 10.10 install on this old machine... wondering if that old installation is the issue? or something else? [22:29] any ideas? [22:31] installing version 17.10 [22:35] just installed version 17.10 :))