
pavlushkazaki: Please Help this site to grow into beta, https://area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/105382/arabic-language?referrer=7U5lgW4GlMikLP2Gbw0DUw216:17
u-la-la[ Arabic Language - Area 51 - Stack Exchange ] - https://area51.stackexchange.com16:17
pavlushkazaki: Just because I am interested :p16:17
zakihello pavlushka 16:21
zakichecked 16:21
pavlushkazaki: ty, it would help more if you had 200+ repo on any stackexchange site :p16:22
zakiwhat to do now!16:24
zaki:| 16:24
zakimy reputation is just 1 :P16:24
pavlushkazaki: thanks for the help, you did what you could, that's all16:24
pavlushkaand enough16:25
pavlushkazaki: verify your email and you'll get 50+ repo16:25

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