[03:13] testing [03:13] boo [04:45] good morning to all [04:47] o/ [04:48] hey nicomachus [04:48] hey EriC^^ [04:54] hi oerheks [04:55] lotuspsychje: do you use irssi? [04:55] no sorry nicomachus want me to test something? [04:55] nah, just having some issues with a config thing [04:56] kk [04:56] im on hex [05:26] folder names with spaces, retarded [05:27] who invented that? [05:27] some nerd name Bill [05:28] he writes his directory paths with escape characters too [05:28] C:\Documents\Worst Path Naming System Ever\This works?.xlsx [05:29] but also, that person really needs to take a basics course. [05:29] crowdy in main omg [05:39] lotuspsychje: got right-aligned nicks and colors figured out in irssi: https://i.imgur.com/GeVw81q.png [05:41] nicomachus: looks neat mate [05:41] its like that solarized theme nice [05:42] the colors are just random for now, I still need to do some customization there. [05:46] i always set green on black [05:46] terminals, irc [05:48] too matrix-y for me. [05:48] I like a nice slate/dark grey with a blue-white text [05:48] and pastel colors [05:48] neat [05:49] Good morning guys :) [05:49] easy on the eyes. [05:49] good... almost midnight [05:52] hey alkisg [05:53] i want a script that searches history for ip / name /changes [05:53] :_D [05:56] lol [05:57] .find troll [05:57] ....loading up troll database [05:58] found: slagroomsoesjes [05:59] lol [05:59] i had an ubuntu box yesterday with 3.13 kernel saying it was up to date [05:59] 16.04.3 [06:00] was it connected to a network? [06:00] yes [06:01] tryed update, full-upgrade [06:02] !info linux-image-generic trusty [06:02] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB [06:03] this one i think [06:03] hey lotuspsychje [06:03] hey EriC^^ [06:04] is it a bird ?.. is it a plane? .. no it is super EriC^^ [06:04] lol [06:04] lol [06:04] hey oerheks :P [06:04] wayland and nautilus issue, grinn [06:04] saw a bitcoin docu yesterday [06:05] lotuscompu ;) [06:06] i give 14 cents for 1 bitcoin [06:06] lol [06:06] oerheks: just enough to buy a roomsoesje? [06:06] i'll give you 15 [06:07] deal! [06:07] see, that is how you make money, lotus [06:07] hahaha [06:08] * lotuspsychje dcc send bitcoin to oerheks.roomsoesje.nl === EriC^ is now known as EriC^^ === EriC^^ is now known as Guest77738 === oerheks is now known as anyone === anyone is now known as oerheks [07:07] Good morning [07:08] hey lordievader [07:08] welcome to crowdy morning [07:08] Hey lotuspsychje [07:08] How are you doing? [07:09] great here tnx [07:11] not great at all, still waiting for slagroomsoesjes :-( [07:12] hi lordievader :-D [07:12] oerheks: From whom? [07:13] from lotuspsychje [07:16] lol [07:17] its happy hour in main [07:17] soon we will have our 2000 users back [07:27] good morning, all [07:27] And there is ducasse \0/ [07:28] hi oerheks :) [07:30] hey ducasse [07:31] 2nd program that does not work on wayland, 0AD [07:31] Not even with XWayland? [07:32] its full of it [07:32] the Xorg version? not tried yet [07:32] i installed the snap version, now installing repo version [07:34] oerheks: https://wayland.freedesktop.org/xserver.html [07:36] regular 0ad works fine, it is a snap thingy [07:38] think i have seen few snaps/wayland bugs [07:39] disformed icons, launch broken,e. [08:13] Whazzaaaaaaaaaaaaah [08:19] bbl work [09:44] something wrong with the wiki, https://imgur.com/a/gsiwt [09:44] photobocket issue [09:44] photobocket sucks [09:45] Heh, why don't they upload the screenshots to the wiki itself? [09:46] does it allow that [09:46] We have a wiki that doesn't allow screenshots? Omg... [09:47] idk, haven't tried [09:47] i do have edit access though [09:47] can't seem to find a copy of the image as it was [09:48] nope :-( [09:48] well, time to make new ones :D [10:02] ew, can't open gparted on 18.04 [10:05] hmmm here too [10:05] err, on 17.10/weeehlund [10:29] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/PartitioningBasics [10:29] page 1 done [10:30] :-) [10:36] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/CreatingPartitions page 2 [10:38] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ResizingPartition 3 [10:40] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/ExtendedPartition 4! [10:46] https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition/MovingPartition done [12:13] Howdy all [12:30] 👋 [12:31] 😎 [12:37] hi everyone [12:39] heya paul [12:39] http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-shows/detroit-auto-show/a14783936/2019-ford-mustang-bullitt-debut-photos-specs-price/ [12:48] 'Morning pauljw [12:49] hi BluesKaj, oerheks :) [12:50] i miss hood-clips, are those optional, pauljw ? [12:53] nice Mustang! I don't know if Ford offers hood pins as an option or not. Dodge does for their Challenger either factory/dealer installed or a kit to do it yourself. i installed mine myself. [13:02] someone sold me bitcoins for 14 cents/each, maybe i' ll buy 2 [13:03] oh wait, i sold them for 15 ct to nicomachus :-( [13:07] :) [13:10] this one makes me happy: http://www.roadandtrack.com/car-shows/detroit-auto-show/a14783721/2019-ford-ranger-debut-release-date-specs/ [13:11] i love my '03 Ranger Edge and couldn't believe it when Ford stopped production in N. America. [13:55] Where do i buy a driving-license? [14:31] oerheks, heh, you need to pass drivers tests first [14:32] :-( [14:32] but.. i am 50+ [14:33] that's not old... [14:33] Then they start: sure, you will be soon driving ' again' [21:02] hello [21:03] hi [21:03] i want to suggest an ubuntu development code but i can't seem to edit the wiki page [21:03] is there anyone here who can [21:03] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DevelopmentCodeNames#Code_Name_Suggestions [21:03] i made an account but it says immutable page [21:04] must be they don't want help [21:04] :( [21:04] they seemed to want it until 17.04 [21:04] 17.10*