[10:04] morning boys and girls. [10:04] o/ [10:07] morning [10:13] o/ [10:14] top of the morning to you all [11:20] Morning all [12:44] ali1234: looked at OBS over the weekend, looks really powerful [12:45] bit of a learning curve, but certainly looks decent [12:48] Morning [13:49] https://twitter.com/Bouletcorp/status/952899749992165376 [18:57] what sad news for all Cranberries fans, Dolores O'Riordan passing at 46 [18:57] i nearly caught a gig early last year but she cancelled it due to 'doctors orders' [19:03] What's a 1150 socket motherboard I can still get that's any good? Need to go from ITX to ATX because more pcie slots. [19:04] I want to reuse everything, inc CPU/RAM, etc. [19:07] just look for H chipsets for middle o' the road and Z if you wanna get premium features / overclock [19:16] m0nkey_: how'd it die? [19:19] nothing died. just need more pcie slots. figured it'll be cheaper to just replace the board/case than buying into a whole new system [19:20] especially since ram prices are ridiculous. [19:24] diddledan: today's little physicist proceeded to knock the empty amazon box off the desk, then leap into it ;) https://i.imgur.com/ylTggiU.jpg [19:25] <3 [19:27] my sister lost her kitty before xmas - she jumped into a delivery van while nobody was looking and was only discovered as the driver stopped for a delivery a couple miles down the road. unfortunately she leapt out at that point and into the woodlands. someone found her yesterday and she's finally home after over a month in the wild. she's thin and tired but ok *phew* [19:27] crikey! [19:28] hope she's locking the little devil in for several weeks for recovery [19:29] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/GmNEuau9/misty.picture [19:30] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/C3qjwZX8/misty.picture2 [19:30] she's totes adorbs [19:31] are those both prior? [19:31] nope, they're today and yesterday resp [19:32] ah-ha [19:32] oh have a bonus Mischief enjoying more of her premium toys - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrfZoNpYNyo [19:32] she's a classy lady [19:33] gotta love a bit of paper [19:40] OK, so I've been informed my work cell phone is due for renewal/upgrade [19:40] I got a chose of Galaxy S7 or iPhone 7. What should I take? [19:40] *choice [19:42] Before any asks, it's just for work. Will not be used for music, photos, etc. just voice calls & email. [19:49] i avoid both xD [19:50] i think the most sensible decision would be based around what you own at home for use of charger sharing etc [19:54] S7 in that case [19:54] vewy gewd [19:54] And it's done. S7 [19:54] Order is awaiting approval by management [19:55] manglement [19:55] Indeed [19:59] I think someone just threatened the Trumpet: https://twitter.com/kerbito/status/952993320887816194 [20:00] it's all a bit voodoo to me [20:00] haha the voodoo who do what you won't dare do, people [20:13] wtf did I just watch..? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tGZDIv7qKPA [20:14] oh dear tux [20:15] i don't quite know, but i want no part of it!