
Energizeanyone here04:48
=== cpaelzer_ is now known as cpaelzer
gunixhey guys15:18
gunixhow mature is 18.04 beta?15:19
gunixare there a lot of bugs atm? can it be used for LXD and steam and so on?15:19
naccgunix: it's not at beta?15:44
daxit's a development release and development releases are unstable and will probably break your computer15:59
daxthat said, i've been using it since November and it's fine. I use Steam on it daily15:59
daxno idea about LXD15:59
nacci'm using LXD and it's fine16:00
naccswitch to the snap first and you won't even notice, i expect16:01
gunixisn't snap default in ubuntu 18.04 ?16:02
naccgunix: i'm not sure if lxd as a snap is the 'default' or not16:03
naccgunix: possibly through the store it is, but not through apt, obviuolsy16:03
gunixnacc: lxd repos have been removed in december16:03
gunixi never use the store, lol16:04
gunixjust apt ... and recently, snap16:04
gunixdax: what graphics card do you have?16:04
naccgunix: ... that's the PPA16:06
naccgunix: so not sure what you mean16:06
gunixnacc: there was a message on lxd install last year that the PPA for LXD will be decommissioned in december and that people should install via snap, as this will be the default way to install LXD in 201816:08
naccgunix: i understand all that; 18.04 isn't out, lxd is still in the bionic repos16:09
gunixnacc: i know that16:12
daxgunix: amd rx48016:13
gunixdax: do you have friends with nvidia who tested 18.04 ? :D16:14
daxpresumably some people in here, other than that no :P16:15
gunixnacc: do you work at canonical?17:50
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: alot of users already testing bionic atm18:24
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: pretty stable in this stage18:24
CoJaBoWhat about the Kubuntu builds, any info on them?18:25
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: http://news.softpedia.com/news/kubuntu-17-10-and-18-04-users-can-now-try-the-kde-plasma-5-12-lts-desktop-519401.shtml18:25
lotuspsychjejust new18:25
CoJaBoIs Plasma 5.12 the version that'll ship with the release version?18:26
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: not sure about that, im ubuntu-desktop user myself18:29
lotuspsychjeaka gnome in bionics case18:29
CoJaBoAh, it says so in the article18:29
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: if you like you can help testing for the community18:30
lotuspsychjeadd some bugs18:30
CoJaBoReleased to beta 1 day ago, and I'll be running the 32-bit version.. I wonder what my odds are of getting a usable system =D18:31
CoJaBoI'll probably be looking for the tracker lol18:31
naccgunix: i do18:32
gunixnacc: can i ask you stuff about how your day to day is there? :D in private? :D18:49
naccgunix: you can; i reserve the right to answer or not :)18:49
lotuspsychjegunix: there is a canonical job site also if you like18:50
gunixwhat is a canonical job site?18:50
lotuspsychjegunix: https://www.canonical.com/careers/all-vacancies18:51
gunixi don't want to join, since you don't have jobs in Bucharest, Romania, where I live :D18:55
lotuspsychjegunix: i guess there are jobs worldwide18:56
gunixnot here18:56
lotuspsychjei mean (homebased)18:56
lotuspsychjework from home, isnt it nacc ?18:57
gunixi was curious about some stuff ... what tool do you use for internal chat (screen sharing, voice chat, file sharing)?18:58
naccwell none of this is ontopic for this channel18:58
gunixok ok18:59
gunixcan you join #curiousgunix ? :D 18:59
lotuspsychje!discuss | gunix 19:00
ubottugunix: Want to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!19:00
gunixoh ok great19:00
gunixjoined #ubuntu-offtopic and none of you is there :D19:01
gunixnevermind you are on discuss19:01
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