[00:04] yofel: happy new year! [00:04] * valorie is now back from the cabin [04:07] valorie: Random thought that came to me while studying: I think it would be a good idea to have an Ubuntu BoF session at LFNW talking about 18.10 plans with people like Dustin from Budgie etc. You in on the idea? :) [04:18] how many other people are gonna be there? [04:18] sure, as long as we have someone to watch the table [04:19] a bit late for some of the planning [04:19] oh [04:19] Right, if I put it on the schedule and we promote the heck out of it, we'll get people... [04:19] hm? [04:19] 18.10 [04:19] right [04:19] yeaaaah [04:19] :) [04:19] It's like two weeks after 18.10 [04:19] There's going to be a huge surge of development after the LTS polish [04:20] grr, 18.04 ;) [04:20] But yeah, I wanna take advantage of it [04:20] Maybe get some Pop folks around too; anyone that's interested in Ubuntu, really! [04:20] I'm not the most technically equipped to help, but sure [04:20] I can at least keep the meeting moving ahead [04:20] We still need community people around too ;) [04:21] You're also still a release manager, so there's that too :P [04:21] sure [04:28] valorie: Here's what I have as the abstract: [04:28] LinuxFest NorthWest comes two weeks after the release of Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, so let's do some Ubuntu 18.10+ planning! Anybody interested in the future of Ubuntu and flavors or derivatives is welcome to join! [04:28] Topics may include getting Ubuntu and flavors on new devices, coordination of cross-flavor development or social projects, and anything else that fits within the scope of "pulse of the Ubuntu community". Bring your projects and ideas to help make Ubuntu better! [04:28] Never done conference proposal abstracts before :) [04:29] maybe look at other BoF descriptions? [04:29] sounds good to me, tsimonq2 [04:29] Hm valorie, where could I find those? [04:31] Either way, submitting :) [04:34] I dunno - google? [04:34] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [04:34] I got the idea from Debian [04:34] They do these things all the time [04:34] seems like this year's website is wiped of previous year's info [04:35] which sucks [04:35] valorie: Can I add you as one of the "speakers"? :) [04:36] if it has to be a panel, sure [04:36] There's no requirementsw [04:37] That's the thing, it's a freeflow, informal discussion [04:37] right [04:37] I've been in many BoFs [04:37] I haven't :D [04:37] and held a few myself [04:39] Oh ok [04:39] So am I getting it right valorie? [04:40] yes, I think it's a great idea [04:41] I've not been thinking ahead, and now I am [04:41] so thank you for that [04:41] yw :D [04:41] oooooh I think I need to retitle my talk to "Ubuntu: Beyond the Beaver" :D :D :D [04:41] s/talk/BoF/ [04:42] oh dear god [04:42] They make that terminology confusing :P [04:42] YES [04:42] XD [04:42] NO [04:42] please [04:42] Awww :P [04:42] Fine [04:42] it's awful [04:42] hahahahahahahaa [04:43] and I like beavers [04:43] Fiiiiiiiiiiiine I'll keep with the boring old talk name "Ubuntu 18.10+ Planning" [04:44] URGH I KEEP SAYING TALK BECAUSE STUPID WEBSITE [04:44] >_< [04:44] you can use the beyond the beaver as you talk to people about it [04:44] Like, I love you site, but like... [04:44] Sure [04:44] Ok [04:44] no, the website sorta sucks [04:44] always have, still does [04:46] heh [04:46] right [04:47] is there official artwork for 18.04 already? [04:47] mmm [04:47] Don't think so... [04:47] since it is already alpha time, you would think so..... [04:51] nah [04:52] They usually wait a bi [04:52] *bit [05:09] oh yay, Linode's down [05:53] tsimonq2: when I was first involved, and there was UDS, the tshirts were out by UDS (which was about a month before release [05:53] ohh hmm [05:54] UDS <3 [05:54] I wish we could still have those... [05:54] uds was all about planning far ahead [05:54] yeah, that was what grew the community [09:46] valorie, acheronuk: happy new year :) [19:16] who owns the G+ Kubuntu community? [22:12] if you find out, put it on https://phabricator.kde.org/w/kubuntu/social-media/ [22:12] looks like you Marco and Aaron have accounts, but one should be bolded or starred or something [22:40] valorie: I can now post as Kubuntu with the brand account, but even that seems not to own it. maybe Rick does? [22:41] ah, could be [22:41] I've not been a fan or much of a G+ user for a few years [22:41] started off good! and with every change, it got worse IMO [22:43] it's main selling point is that it's NOT FACEBOOK for me. [22:43] but not my favourite [22:44] true that [22:44] but the stuff I liked about it is gone [22:48] irc is still the best social network! [22:48] me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=shoTTC3PeKg [22:48] * valorie <3s everyone here [22:48] oh wrong channel [22:48] funny regardless :D