[00:22] hola!! [00:22] Hmm does Akonadi not work when MariaDB is installed rather than MySQL? [01:17] GnadenAce [01:19] wisp [01:19] Gabrielino90 was removed by: Gabrielino90 === coder is now known as coder123 [02:26] can someone please tell me what the help channel is? I have specific question about connecting to wifi [02:27] i know what the issue is but idk how to solve it [02:28] coder123: If it's not Kubuntu-specific, might want to better ask in #ubuntu [02:32] ok not sure whether or not it is but i'll give that a shot === sean__ is now known as guest007 === himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf [07:06] Good morning === claydoh is now known as Guest37768 [08:20] hi === coder is now known as coder123 === gabriele is now known as Gaerandir90 [11:18] Howdy folks [13:03] hi everybody [13:04] I'm trying to build a customn live cd and system image based on kubuntu [13:05] I found https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Live-Build which talks about an obscure plattform and uses an undated "latest" sample configuration [13:05] is there some version control system where I can find the live-build configuration files or whatever else is used for baking kubuntu live cds? [13:07] schmeisser: probably get more replies in #kubuntu-devel [13:07] hateball: thanks for the tipp, will try [13:11] schmeisser: that said, people are likely in both channels but the other is more geared toward dev work so :) === biagio is now known as IndianFig [14:20] how would I access windows shares on the network? [14:31] schmeisser, uck is dead, maybe cubic is what you want https://askubuntu.com/questions/741753/how-to-use-cubic-to-create-a-custom-ubuntu-live-cd-image [14:38] oerheks: thanks, cubic sounds nice and will propably bring me some of the way but I'm also looking at something more automated (ie a set of text files that I can put in git/svn and that build a defined image) === JeZxLee_ is now known as JeZxLee [14:57] I want to access something like: M:\Folder\Folder from linux. How would I do that? [14:57] M: is a network share [14:59] markus_d: M is a mounted network share I suppose? For dolphin the format is `smb:///Folder/Folder`. [15:03] lordievader: Yes. Its a windows share. I don't know the ip but I checked a few minutes ago in win10 and its named somthething like: \\dc-23.bh.priv [15:04] `dc-23.bh.priv` is a hostname, so the dolphin format would be `smb://dc-23.bh.priv/Folder/Folder` === nyx is now known as Guest38489 [15:08] lordievader: Damn. It asks for username and password. I enter it and it fails. Maybe I neet the domainname somewhere? [15:09] Perhaps, I don't know how it is setup on the server side. [15:16] whats the name of the panel that shows you the currently opened applications in the taskbar? [15:17] Also Plasma's stuck at 100% CPU utilisation with any kindof loading icon spinnging out of control [15:17] :/ [15:42] Guest38489, task manager [15:46] Guest38489, click on the 3 dashes at the far right in the panel and you'll see the panel options [15:46] markus_d: just write domain/user.name as username [16:01] BluesKaj: thanks. Got it! === aj_ is now known as ajshell1 [18:45] hey [18:45] I'm trying to use kubuntu on a 2-in-1 laptop [18:45] Is there a solution to get a desktop friendly for that kind of thing? [18:46] gnome is well fitted for that but I didn't found a similar thing with KDE.. [18:46] and I didn't found "plasma-mobile" packages [18:51] 2in 1 desktop, like kde/plssma and gnome? [18:53] 2-in-1 laptop means a laptop which is also a tablet [18:53] kde apps dol run on gnome and vice-versa [18:54] hu? [18:54] in fact I'm just looking for a solution in order to get KDE usable when my laptop is in "tablet" mode (ie. without keyboard nor trackpad) [18:55] with virtual keyboard, specific look and feel etc. [18:55] GNOME does it "out of the box" when it detects that kind of device [18:55] but not KDE and I wonder if there is a simple solution for that [18:56] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMAJ0EJCK2s <- here is an example [18:58] i don't watch yourube tutorials... they're untrustworthy [18:59] youtube [18:59] i don't care about what he's talking about [18:59] i just show you what gnome fitted for tablet means and what I'm looking for under KDE [19:00] https://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma-active-three/ [19:02] it has been changed for plasma-mobile but there is no such package under kubuntu.. [19:18] where did you look ? [19:18] in the package manager [19:19] well discover isn't the best place to look, I recommend muon , it's a much better reference for packages in my experience [19:20] sorry it's where i was looking for [19:23] in the past it seems that there were a such package: https://apps.ubuntu.com/cat/applications/precise/kubuntu-active/ [19:23] but I can't find it [19:23] since the active project is over it might be the reason [19:26] titou_, 13.10 ? that's no longer suported [19:26] and hasn't been for many yrs [19:31] thus there is no solution we cannot use KDE on a tablet.. [19:31] I have to work under gnome.. [19:31] very good news :| [19:35] titou_, 13.10 with ubuntu is no longer supported either, it's also eol [19:35] !eol [19:35] End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades [19:45] Good evening. Is my irc working? [19:45] Can someone please reply if this message is broadcast? Thanks. [19:47] Anyone? [19:51] BluesKaj: I know.. that's why I'm here to find another solution [19:51] I only have the latest kubuntu version [20:01] jola [20:01] hola [21:40] Uncle Adjei was added by: Uncle Adjei === Guest37768 is now known as claydoh === miguel is now known as Guest61106