[06:40] good morning desktopers [06:40] o/ [06:47] Morning seb128, willcooke, [06:48] hey duflu, happy friday! how are you? [06:49] seb128, going well. My birth-week continues this weekend. And I'm making good progress in reducing gnome-shell's CPU usage etc [06:49] How are you seb128? [06:53] duflu, oh, happy birthday then! And nice to see you have success with shell CPU usage [06:53] duflu, I'm better, almost fully recovered for the flu and the planning week went fine, we didn't get too much new crazyness dumped on us [06:54] seb128, good to hear, although no doubt resting instead would have helped you sooner [06:54] probably yes [07:08] happy birthweek duflu! [07:08] heh, thanks willcooke. [07:12] tjaalton, Peter says he's going to try and go a libinput 1.10-rc1 around Monday. Shall we just try for that one instead of backports? [07:12] duflu: works for me [07:13] either way really [07:13] we'll get 1.10 later anyway [07:13] Well, his Monday will probably be over before yours starts. So let's see [07:15] duflu, you are happy with the state of what is landing now? [07:15] seb128, last time I checked, yes. Although there were other commits I haven't tested [07:15] k [07:16] It's easy to build libinput master and drop the binary into bionic [07:46] good morning desktoppers, happy Friday! [07:46] salut oSoMoN, happy Friday! [07:46] salut seb128, are you flying home today? [07:47] yes, "today" [07:47] flight is at 00:30 [07:47] :) [07:48] in a nearby timezone that's still today :) [07:48] right [07:48] let's see if that "night in the plane" works out [07:49] good luck! [07:55] thx [08:18] good morning [08:25] hey hey [08:26] Morning oSoMoN, didrocks, andyrock [08:26] hey didrocks, andyrock, duflu [08:30] hey andyrock, duflu, oSoMoN === kzapalowicz is now known as koza [09:03] moin [09:06] hi Laney [09:06] hey oSoMoN, happy (...checks...) friday! [09:13] I wonder why Debian hasn't updated libarchive for sid. 3.3.1 was released in March and 3.3.2 in July. Still no updates yet :/ [09:14] Morning Laney [09:30] hey duflu [09:30] what's the news [09:50] hey andyrock didrocks [10:05] morning seb128 [10:57] andyrock: when you've some time please get rid of those from the dock extension [10:57] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/ahew5ngG/ [10:58] kk [11:04] seb128: hey, I see that you are looking at the resolvconf/NM integration issue [11:05] hey bigon, not so much looking that pushing to make sure it gets looked at [11:06] ok [11:34] didrocks: hey, what you think about also shifting the workspace thumbnails when having struts (launcher)? [11:34] didrocks: i.e. [11:34] here https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/1qiuTXc2/image.png [11:35] ah [11:35] hum [11:35] In this case the window is just in this way [11:35] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/mSqCDPT0/image.png [11:35] yeah, I see what you mean [11:36] unsure about it, because it means you always have a space in every workspaces [11:36] ah [11:37] just put the STRUT on [11:37] ok, it's to remove the space taken by the dock [11:37] I would be in favor of this, indeed [11:37] focus on the content different between workspace [11:37] and the previous is basically the workarea [11:37] preview* [11:38] also, that would remove the discrepancy that a maximized application is seen, despite the STRUT, taking the whole space in the preview [11:38] and not a positioned window [11:39] Trevinho: so yeah, +1 from my side (but we need to ensure first that upstream is accepting to take the STRUT into account, like in the date panel shifting) === ogra_ is now known as ogra === jhernandez_ is now known as jhernandez [14:42] andyrock, did you do the appindicator work in the gnome-shell extension? [14:42] there's a snap that has a missing icon in the appindicator [14:43] * kenvandine is wondering if we are having the same issue with desktop file matching that Trevinho fixed in gnome-shell [14:44] kenvandine: nope I maintain that [14:44] Trevinho, oh, cool :) [14:44] https://imgur.com/a/r22Kv [14:44] kenvandine: I've actually to pusth some stuff I've done in the past weeks still... [14:44] So, for that there are various causes I think [14:44] the slack snap has a missing icon in the appindicator [14:44] is that electron then.... [14:45] yeah [14:45] mh, wehere is it saving the icon? As it it does in /tmp, then we can't do it [14:45] no idea [14:45] I guess there's the same issue in unity, there was a workaround for electron apps [14:45] TMPDIR=$XDG_RUNTIME_DIR might work [14:46] flexiondotorg, ^^ do you have access to the yaml for slack? [15:02] yeah, there is an issue with icon being saved in /tmp (we discussed it extensively in the Heidelberg sprint) [15:02] affecting all Qt apps IIRC [15:02] the issue was basically the application saving the icon in its /tmp + sending the location over dbus [15:03] i see [15:03] unsure if that's the case here or if that one was fixed ^ ;) [15:03] just a lead/idea :p [15:47] didrocks: I miss scroll wheel on launcher icon to switch between windows of the same app [15:49] mdeslaur: it's an option in DtD [15:49] you can enable the gsettings key [15:49] the issue is that DtD isn't as smart as unity for scrolling when having too many icons [15:50] like, the dock will start scrolling by shifting icons [15:50] as long as number of instance == 1 -> whole dock icons scroll [15:50] then you end up on an icon where number of instances > 1 [15:50] with the mouse wheel? [15:50] and it scrolls the window list [15:50] yes [15:51] that's the reason why I didn't enable that option [15:52] didrocks: do you remember what the option is called? /me is looking [15:52] let me have a look [15:53] mdeslaur: org.gnome.shell.extensions.dash-to-dock scroll-action [15:54] you want 'cycle-windows' [15:55] oh, but activating that then breaks switching workspaces on the applications button [15:55] that and a lot more [15:55] :( [15:56] as told, if not enough space to keep all your icons in the dock, you have a lot of puzzling interactions for the user [15:56] lack more smartness in the code for handling this [15:56] I see [15:56] (also, a bug report would be good, maybe they would fix it) [15:56] ok, let me try it with a bunch of icons in the dock when I get a minute [15:56] I guess intended behaviors, and a video of the current issues (the too many icons case and applications button scrolling) [15:57] so I understand what the behaviour is [15:57] mdeslaur: small hint: you can increase the dock size for this ;) [15:57] thanks didrocks [15:57] oh, hehe :) [15:57] mdeslaur: keep me posted if you file a bug report! [15:57] sure [15:57] probably not today, I'm a bit swamped, but I will [15:57] sure no hurry :-) Thanks! [16:25] hi .. [16:25] anyone can help look into the bug 1728354 [16:25] bug 1728354 in ntfs-3g (Ubuntu) "ntfs: unsupported reparse point" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1728354 [16:35] didrocks: FYI it was already like that, just bugged (https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=792687) [16:35] Gnome bug 792687 in general "workspaceThumbnail: only update _porthole if the overview is visible" [Normal,Assigned] [16:35] Trevinho: oh, funny