[00:27] back to ubuntu mate [00:27] from linux mint 18.3 cinnamon [00:31] chat in spanish ? [00:37] !es | sadac [00:37] sadac: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro. [00:37] i think that's spanish? [00:37] * teward forgets language codes sometimes [00:38] thanks !! [01:25] hello, I just installed ubuntu mate 17.10.01 [01:25] cannot install wine-stable [01:28] The following packages have unmet dependencies: [01:28] winehq-stable : Depends: wine-stable (= 2.0.4~trusty) [01:28] E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. [01:29] he following packages have unmet dependencies: [01:29] wine-stable-i386:i386 : Depends: libgphoto2-port10:i386 (>= 2.5.2) but it is not installable [01:35] i made mistake....needed to select linux mint, xenial repo [01:35] now it is installin winehq [06:03] that we shoot across the sky.... === isaagar is now known as Guest48968 [12:12] hello, how can i find out which mate version is shipped with ubuntu-mate? [14:49] hello, need help installing ubuntu-mate 16.4. once i'm on installation type window step there's nothing there for me to choose from. no options show up and the install crashes. any ideas? pretty please? === vkareh_ is now known as vkareh === ircfan is now known as ircuser === ircuser is now known as ircnutzer [22:08] hi [22:09] hi [22:10] trying out mate [22:10] we have all sizes [22:59] i think you will like it a very much [22:59] ubuntu does mate right! [23:05] hi anyone around? [23:07] If you have a window open of some program, is there a way to find out the name of the program? [23:43] Grorco__: maybe open a terminal and do: sleep 5; xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname [23:43] then focus the window you're wondering about [23:44] actually though, that'll just give you the title [23:44] not the executable path [23:44] m4t, yeah that's what I was running into lol [23:45] sleep 5; ps -fwwp $(xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowpid) [23:45] m4t, I figured out the name of it by adding it to the panel then looking at the properties, still seems like there has to be a way to do it though [23:46] ^^ that works [23:46] can I ask you a question about your panel settings? [23:47] sure [23:47] my panel crashes on start and I have to reload, I think I've narrowed it down to one line in the mate-panel.rc file [23:48] oh i don't use that [23:48] you opted for something else? [23:49] i dont use mate-panel.rc [23:50] alright thanks anyways, I'll play around with it and figure it out :) [23:50] you might try 'mate-panel --reset' to bring it back to defaults afaik [23:52] hmm doesn't seem to do anything [23:54] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [23:57] it's cool, the whole panel thing was me getting side tracked anyways lol I'm not to worried about fixing anything with 18.04 around the corner :) [23:58] thanks for your help time to eat :)