[02:11] I need help with my xubuntu 16.04 [02:11] Can anyone please help me [02:14] my xubuntu only boots on recovery mode [03:00] hello [03:00] is there a way to use wifi direct on xubuntu ? [04:58] Hi, does anybody know how to disable suspend to RAM on the lock screen? [05:33] someone install light-locker-settings, test that it crashes with a `ImportError: No module named gi.repository` when you try to run it? [05:33] syb0rg has this issue on 17.10, we were discussing it in another channel [13:49] Hello! As in previous versions of Xubuntu, the dropbox tray icon shows only a placeholder. Is there a way to permanently show the real icon? In old versions i used "dropbox stop && dbus-launch dropbox start" in autostart but that solution stopped workink. Only manually [20:06] How do i get accessories back in my xubuntu menu ? [21:09] config > desktop > menus