[01:22] After I download Lubuntu Artful Aardvark, how do I launch it onto a Dell Dimension E310? [01:23] you grab the iso and stick it on some installation media, usually a usb or dvd [01:23] You mean like copying it to a USB drive? After that what do I do with it? I'm really, really new to linux [01:24] you need to do a bit by bit copy and then set your BIOS to boot to it [01:24] (actually this is how windows does things now, too) [01:25] Okay. My machine has Windows XP on it. Please pardon my ignorance, but what do you mean by "bit by bit copy"? [01:25] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0 [01:25] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-burn-a-dvd-on-windows#0 [01:25] ^^ depending on whether or not you want to do USB or DVD [01:26] Thank you. That looks like what I have been looking for all day [01:26] can i make a suggestion before you do that, though? [01:27] (this is something windows DOESN'T do with their ISOs and i DO NOT understand) [01:27] and that's verifying the download is valid [01:27] https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-how-to-verify-ubuntu#0 [01:27] ignore the GPG bit. that's not totally necessary [01:27] chksum? [01:29] also when you boot it, make sure to run the menu settting "check disc for defects" [01:30] if you do those two things you can verify that the download is good and the copy is good [01:30] which means any bugs you face are our fault not yours XD [01:33] Clayton_: one last thing— according to Dell, pressing F12 when you see the DELL logo will get you a boot menu so you can select your installation media [01:34] Thanks again [01:35] Clayton_: if you need more than that (i.e. your device doesn't show up), you can get to BIOS with F2. see page 43/52 here https://downloads.dell.com/manuals/all-products/esuprt_desktop/esuprt_dimension_desktops/dimension-3100_service%20manual_en-us.pdf [01:35] okay [01:58] hello [02:00] need a pointer to get past an install issue on a dell e6220 with lubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-amd64 [02:00] ask away :) [02:00] i get "An error occurred while configuring encrypted volumes" [02:01] Are you connected to the internet on that device? [02:01] prior to this I found i had to turn swap off and apt-get install lvm2 [02:01] both of which i've done getting me to this error which I can't seem to find much about [02:01] yes, internet connected [02:02] Could you be more specific about what it said the error was? [02:03] the dialog title is "Configuration of encrypted volumes failed" [02:04] below the error text I wrote above is "the configuration has been aborted" [02:04] that's all I got [02:04] I can get to syslog... [02:05] any preferred pastbin for this channel? [02:06] paste.ubuntu.com [02:06] k, give me a sec [02:07] ug, no curl on the install media... [02:14] syslog is https://ptpb.pw/K2CB, error near the end [02:23] so the line: Jan 23 01:51:33 lubuntu partman-crypto: Cannot format device /dev/sda5 which is still in use. [02:23] looks like a symptom [02:23] Hm, maybe unmounting things would work. [02:24] yea, but what? mount doesn't show any /dev/sda mounted [02:24] Hm, not sure. [02:24] You might try asking in #ubuntu too [02:25] k, [02:25] i can patebin the output of mount... if your willing to look [02:26] mount output: https://ptpb.pw/ywhS [04:18] salut [04:19] jaurais une question [04:19] !fr [04:19] Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci. [04:19] :) [04:50] hi [04:55] If anyone here cares, the magnet torrent link on the lubuntu.net homepage for x64, points to the old 17.10 torrent, instead of the new patched 17.10.1 [04:55] Lubuntu.net isn't our official website [04:55] It's being squatted [04:55] Lubuntu.me is [04:56] ya, I kinda figured that out. The guy supporting .net is doing his own thing [04:56] Right [04:56] Out of curiosity, how'd you figure that? [04:57] Ok, mind linking that so I know for future ref? :) [04:58] https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2360662 [04:58] Thanks [04:58] no problem [04:58] anyways. thanks. [04:58] good bye [04:58] o/ [11:42] I cannot shutdown Lubuntu 17.10. It gets stucked in Lubuntu screen with dots. Is there someone who knows how can I fix this issue? I would appreciate. [11:43] pellomik: if you press ESC, do you see the text behind? [11:43] it could hang for a ton of reasons [11:47] No, I can't do anything after I ask for switching of. No other information than the dots screen. [11:48] pellomik: if you reboot the machine, then enter grub menu and edit bootline and remove "quiet splash" then boot and try to shut down again, the plymouth splash should be gone and you should see only text output [11:49] if it's an older machine, it's probably some ACPI bug in BIOS so it wont shutdown properly [11:52] Thank you, I'll try it. [11:53] pellomik: sometimes it's even plymouth itself that hangs on shutdown so just disabling it makes things work properly... altho you miss out on the splash screen [12:10] Sorry, i'm bothering you, but I can't hardly understand nothing in this photo I send you ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/rhpnpke7vkudbvl/20180123_130313.jpg?dl=0 ) . It is the list of actions the computer does before it hangs. Do you find something I could fix? [12:14] pellomik: is that where it stops? [12:14] as you can see it says it has reached shutdown, but then does not do an actual poweroff [12:15] Yes, and I have to do it manually. [12:16] pellomik: can you try adding this to your kernel bootline "acpi=force" [12:16] just like you removed "quiet splash", you put that there instead [12:16] pellomik: also what is the model of your laptop or motherboard? [12:19] Let's see if it helps. I'm trying to set up Lubuntu in a Samsung r60 laptop. [12:23] Again, "Reached target shutdown" but without turning off. [12:27] Thank you hateball for kindly helping me. I'll give it another try later, hopefuly I'll get it. [12:30] oh well [12:30] too bad they left, found some ancient posts with the same issue [15:52] hi [16:09] hello!