
Trevinhoduflu: mh, I've no idea in how reproducing https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/174507002:34
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1745070 in ubuntu-themes (Ubuntu) "Decorations/headerbars are broken in bionic: double bar in Xorg logins and missing in Wayland logins" [High,New]02:34
dufluTrevinho, yeah weird. It's only my desktop. Not on a fully updated laptop02:35
Trevinhoit's like it's not getting the atom from xorg02:35
dufluAlso I got it to look right *once* and then on the next login it was broken again02:35
dufluWayland works fine if I log into that one first. Then it's broken if I try again (after Xorg)02:42
dufluTrevinho, if nobody confirms it I might have to reinstall this machine. It's been hacked for mutter/gnome-shell testing in the past02:46
dufluRAOF: Do you know anything about mesa-demos/mesa-utils? I was waiting for a fix but it hasn't had any upstream releases for 2 years03:27
RAOFduflu: I'm not surprised it hasn't seen any releases; the code is super-simple.03:34
RAOFWhat bug have you seen?03:34
dufluRAOF: Remember wayland gears 40FPS?03:34
dufluThe fix landed in July03:34
RAOFOh, hah.03:35
RAOFWell, it's nobody's priority.03:41
dufluRAOF: Would it be inappropriate to snapshot git for bionic?03:50
RAOFNot at all.03:50
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:54
seb128good morning desktopers07:03
seb128salut oSoMoN, ça va bien ?07:03
oSoMoNseb128, salut! pas très bien dormi, mais on a connu pire… et toi, ça va?07:04
seb128ouais, réveillé trop tôt mais sinon ça va07:04
jibelgood morning07:05
oSoMoNsalut jibel07:06
jibelsalut oSoMoN07:07
duflusalut oSoMoN, seb128, jibel07:09
seb128hey hey hey07:09
oSoMoNsalut duflu07:14
didrocksgood morning07:30
dufluAnd hi didrocks08:30
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers08:53
didrockshey flexiondotorg!08:54
seb128hey flexiondotorg08:56
dufluMorning flexiondotorg08:58
dufluMorning Laney09:03
kozajibel, seb128, are you guys joining bt mtg?09:04
kozaand morning :)09:04
seb128koza, sorry since will is not there I assumed we were skipping09:07
seb128hey Laney09:07
jibelkoza, sorry I missed the notification. Are you still in the meeting?09:08
didrocksmorning Laney09:08
didrocks& jibel09:08
jibelhi didrocks09:08
duflujibel, for future reference, user bugs shouldn't be assigned to 'wayland'. That package just contains protocol stuff for developers really. Most wayland session bugs have nothing to do with the 'wayland' package09:34
dufluSo they are gnome-shell or mutter bugs09:35
jibelduflu, how do you tag bugs that happen only on wayland?09:56
duflujibel, 'wayland' or 'wayland-session'09:56
jibelwayland-session is automatically added by apport if the bug report is sent from a wayland session09:57
jibelso there are tons of it and it doesn't really mean anything09:57
jibelah, you were referring to the chrome bug09:57
duflujibel, yeah I noticed that so use wayland-session now. It's often helpful to explain more about the bug09:57
jibelyeah, it was assigned xorg with is not correct either09:58
duflujibel, also gnome-shell bugs are being reported against xorg and xorg-server but I ignore half of those... already subscribed to too much bug traffic09:58
andyrockgood morning10:09
andyrockseb128: I found a way to use gnome-online-accounts for sso10:10
seb128hey andyrock10:10
seb128andyrock, oh, nice, how?10:10
andyrockit requires some patches upstream (to build python bindings for goa-backend=10:11
seb128those don't exist yet?10:11
andyrocknot for goa-backend10:11
andyrockgoa-backend is required to make software-properties (or the installer) to prompt10:12
andyrockso if an account does not exists yet we can prompt a login dialog10:12
andyrockthe only major problem I see know is how to feed the keys that we in the installer into the user session10:13
andyrockapart from the fact that xenial does not have gnome-online-account10:13
andyrock*i see now10:14
seb128right, let's focus on the right solution for bionic first though10:17
GunnarHjHey seb128, did you see my ping about fcitx-libpinyin yesterday? Is it something you can help with?11:22
willcookeHi all, back home11:53
didrockswb willcooke!11:56
oSoMoNhey willcooke11:57
* willcooke needs to have 6 teeth out. 4 wisdom teeth, and 2 bottoms ones next to the wisdom teeth because they've been wrecked by the wisdom teeth.11:58
willcookeGo to the dentists more than once every 20 years kids!11:58
didrockswillcooke: urgh on the extra 2 bottom ones :/12:01
didrockswillcooke: do you have an appointment for extracting them?12:01
Laneythat's a hospital one I guess?12:07
willcookeThis was a consultancy to talk through whats going on12:08
willcookeand now I just wait for an appointment12:08
willcookesome months I expect12:08
willcookeThe Dr said it should be fairly straight forward though12:08
willcookefingers crossed12:08
Laneystring + door12:08
chrisccoulsonI'd have my bottom ones out again if I could. Just for the drugs12:09
willcookeI opted for local only, perhaps that wasnt wise12:10
chrisccoulsonwillcooke, I had local only, but they pumped me fullof midazolam12:10
chrisccoulsonso I didn't care too much12:10
willcookewoot, hope I get some of that too12:10
didrocksjust ask for one tooth per visit :p12:15
didrocksand space them with few days in between12:15
seb128hey GunnarHj, I saw but didn't have time to look at that yet12:47
GunnarHjseb128: Ok, no urgency, but can you please put it on your list.12:48
seb128did you check if those binaries have rdepends or if they can be removed without more work?12:48
GunnarHjseb128: No.. Will get back about it.12:49
GunnarHjseb128: We are talking about fcitx-libpinyin and fcitx-libpinyin-dbgsym in bionic ppc64el/s390x. No reverse depends as far as I can see.13:01
seb128GunnarHj, thanks for checking13:01
jbichadidrocks: could you promote orca to main and remove source gnome-orca?14:40
jbichaalso you can try promoting fonts-noto-color-emoji to main now14:40
didrocksjbicha: was there a source rename for orca? (something to track/get the details ?)14:41
jibelkenvandine, everything's good with gnome-software in xenial-proposed14:44
GunnarHjseb128: I opened translations for and changed focus to bionic. Hope that's ok.14:50
GunnarHjI see that a full language pack has been built:14:50
seb128GunnarHj, you have the power to open translations? I though that was done by the launchpad team?14:54
seb128GunnarHj, in any case sure, sounds good to me, we discussed langpacks yesterday on this channel14:55
didrocksmissed opportunity seb128, you should have said: "oh, ensure you ping sil2100 about it, he's the new langpack master victim" ;)14:56
seb128didrocks, that's right :)14:57
kenvandinejibel, awesome, thanks!15:03
sil2100heh ;)15:07
sil2100Yeah, will get to that soon15:07
GunnarHjWell, I have the power to "unhide" it here:15:10
GunnarHjThink it's because I'm member of ~ubuntu-translations-coordinators.15:10
GunnarHjReviewed yesterday's IRC log. Has sil2100 taken over it from you?15:10
GunnarHjseb128: ^15:11
* Laney cries15:12
Laneyxnox: do you know how to spy on messages on systemd's private bus?15:12
sil2100I didn't want to, I did that by accident15:12
LaneyI want to look at what systemd-run does but it doesn't use the normal session/system bus15:12
seb128GunnarHj, seems so yes15:13
seb128didrocks, sorry about the trello board, dnd has been unreliable for me for some reason, dropping the card I was moving on the way and picking the one which was under at this time to finish the dnd15:14
didrocksseb128: no pb :)15:19
Laneyah maybe xnox is off15:30
Laneypitti: ^--- don't suppose you've ever done that before?15:30
Laney& hey :-)15:30
pittiLaney: hey! ah, I'm afraid not, other than "strace" - the normal dbus-monitor wouldn't work15:31
Laneyjust wondered if there was some trick15:32
pittiI think systemd-run needs some extra API that the normal dbus doesn't provide; it's not just an accident/bug15:32
Laneylooking at the code it feels like normal dbus15:32
* Laney sucks and can't get StartTransientUnit to work15:32
LaneyError: GDBus.Error:System.Error.ENXIO: No such device or address15:32
Laneyback in a minute, mexican three bean wrap is calling15:34
seb128kenvandine, do you know what's the status of https://trello.com/c/Taa8Urjo/63-bug1661590-support-multiple-apps-in-a-snap ? it feels like the card could deserve an update, it's "in progress"  for a long time with no activity15:37
seb128tkamppeter, hey, I reviewed the common printing dialogs new packages and accepted them15:39
kenvandineseb128, i'll find out, thx15:40
jbichadidrocks: yes, gnome-orca source was renamed to orca, but there's no bug report for it15:40
seb128kenvandine, thanks15:40
jibelmdeslaur, do you know when update-notifier from xenial-proposed will be copied to the security pocket? (if it's still the plan)15:41
mdeslaurjibel: I'm not sure...I assume the SRU team is waiting the 7-day waiting period before releasing it15:42
jibelokay, one more day then15:43
mdeslaurjibel: if they don't release it in the next couple of days, ping them?15:43
mdeslaurping me if there's an issue15:43
seb128kenvandine, also https://trello.com/c/5x2jLgX0/138-support-snap-channels could do with a status update I guess?15:44
jibelmdeslaur, yes, thanks15:44
didrocksjbicha: mind filing something so that we track it?15:45
jbichadidrocks: hmm, is LP: #1739917 close enough?15:51
ubot5Launchpad bug 1739917 in orca (Ubuntu) "Please merge orca after source package rename" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173991715:51
didrocksjbicha: ah, sounds good!15:52
didrocksjbicha: the orca new binary package stays in universe, correct?15:54
didrocks"On second thought, I guess this bug is a bit unnecessary since the 'orca' binary package will need to be manually promoted to main anyway.15:55
didrocksanyway, orca binary package is already in main15:55
didrocksjbicha: done: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/orca/+bug/1739917/comments/215:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1739917 in orca (Ubuntu) "Please merge orca after source package rename" [Undecided,Fix released]15:56
seb128didrocks, yeah, I bin NEWed to main when I reviewed it since it was replacing a package in main15:57
didrocksoki, sounds good!15:57
mdeslaurargh, I keep clicking on notifications by mistake16:46
mdeslaurhaving them in the middle is a pita...on os x they appear on the right, a distance away from the window buttons, and the menu16:52
mdeslaurbut there's no place to put them where they don't get in the way when the menus are inside the window, or worse in the headerbar, and the window decorations are on the right16:52
jbichaI don't understand. Wouldn't the middle be the spot you're least likely to accidentally click?16:54
mdeslaurnot really, I have windows there16:54
mdeslaurwhen I have a window to the left of my screen, the window buttons are in the middle16:54
mdeslaurwhen I have a window to the right of my screen, the menu is in the middle16:55
jbichaI think the solution is to just make the headerbars larger! 🙃16:55
mdeslaursure, if you make them take up half the screen, then notifications will have plenty of room ;P16:56
jbichaoh and then there's a ninja edit "but wait"17:02
Laneylaney@nightingale> gdbus call --session --dest org.freedesktop.systemd1 --object-path /org/freedesktop/systemd1 --method org.freedesktop.systemd1.Manager.StartTransientUnit "laney.timer" "fail" "[('OnActiveSec', <@t 10>)]" "[]"17:20
Laney(objectpath '/org/freedesktop/systemd1/job/7505',)17:20
Laneyyay, finally17:20
Laneyit was the @t I was missing17:21
oSoMoNricotz, just FYI, the LO autopkgtest failures I mentioned the other day are due to https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=11520817:58
ubot5bugs.documentfoundation.org bug 115208 in LibreOffice "Apparmor profile doesn't allow java execution" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:58
willcookenight all, see you tomorrow18:13
ricotzoSoMoN, thanks18:21
oSoMoNgood night18:54
jdstrandkenvandine: hey, I'm not sure if you saw, but mvo and I were discussing the xdg-settings pr. I advocated on behalf of you and will to have it in 2.31, but they are trying to cut 2.31 soon (it is rc1), so you might want to chat with Will if you want it in23:02
jdstrand(with Will to chat with mvo)23:02
kenvandine[m][m]jdstrand: thx23:02
jdstrandkenvandine[m][m]: afaic, it is quite close. I just had a couple of small things23:03
kenvandine[m][m]Ok, I'll talk to him23:03

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