
Bashing-omparting is such sweet sorrow ---- who knows what I will miss while I snooze \o04:44
lotuspsychjegood morning to all05:20
lotuspsychje12mb bionic updates05:20
lotuspsychje!info firefox05:24
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 58.0+build6-0ubuntu0.17.10.1 (artful), package size 45697 kB, installed size 174832 kB05:24
lotuspsychje!info firefox bionic05:25
ubot5firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 57.0.1+build2-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 45037 kB, installed size 171466 kB05:25
* lotuspsychje_ doesnt like pings05:46
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic trusty06:13
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB06:13
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic xenial06:16
ubot5linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (xenial), package size 2 kB, installed size 13 kB06:16
lordievaderGood morning07:22
ducassemorning, all07:31
jinkGoedemorgen, prutsers.07:49
lordievaderHey ducasse08:12
lordievaderHow are you doing?08:12
ducassehi lordievader - all well here, thanks, how about you?08:12
lordievaderDoing good here. Ressurected my old phone by disabeling two of the bigger cores... Thinking of  making that an Android development phone.08:15
ducassei've resurrected my old phone by using it as a remote for kodi on the rpi, the official remote app is actually quite nice08:21
lotuspsychjebbl work, have a nice day guys08:22
BluesKajHiyas all11:38
daftykinshey! \o11:41
BluesKajhi daftykins11:42
daftykinshow goes?11:42
BluesKajfine, and you?11:45
daftykinsyeah pretty good thanks :D11:50
nicomachusnacc: good luck with qb on his power issues. I tried.17:08
naccnicomachus: not helpingthem, i have no idea how to :)17:08
nicomachuspretty sure their battery is just bad.17:09
naccyeah it sounds like hardware issues17:09
lotuspsychjegood evening to all17:17
lotuspsychjehey nicomachus morning mate17:18
lotuspsychjehey nacc17:18
hggdhmoi to all17:26
lotuspsychjehey hggdh17:27
lotuspsychje!info inkscape17:37
ubot5inkscape (source: inkscape): vector-based drawing program. In component main, is optional. Version 0.92.2-1build1 (artful), package size 10686 kB, installed size 89520 kB17:37
lotuspsychjeseems like nicely maintained17:37
lotuspsychje!info roundcube17:41
ubot5roundcube (source: roundcube): skinnable AJAX based webmail solution for IMAP servers - metapackage. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.0+dfsg.1-1 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 13 kB17:41
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj18:08
BluesKajHey lotuspsychje18:12
lotuspsychjetaterots on fire again Yes or no?18:14
BluesKajdunno just got here18:15
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: he asks every user to inxi, for any issue18:18
BluesKajthe great fixer18:19
ducassehi BluesKaj18:20
BluesKajHi ducasse18:20
ducassei just leave whenever he starts his routine18:20
lotuspsychjeone day he's gonna make a mistake18:20
BluesKajstill trying to get debian running with my old nvidia gpu ...runs ok on nouveau, may have to stick with it18:21
daftykinshey all. i'm playing with ZFS today :)18:22
lotuspsychjehey daftykins18:22
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: does debian have a debian-drivers list?18:22
ducassehi daftykins - having fun? zfs <318:22
BluesKajfrankly i don't pay much attn to a lot that goes on in #ubuntu since it's become walandized and gnomed18:23
BluesKajlotuspsychje:  not a drivers list as such there is a website with suggexted packages and a deb source for contrib and nonfree sources, the kernel nvidia dkms modules in stretch build a legacy driver for my gpu , but it breaks the system18:26
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: what driver version is that18:27
BluesKajit's the 34018:27
BluesKajit's supposed towork18:27
lotuspsychjeyeah that sounds older card18:28
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-34618:28
ubot5nvidia-346 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-352): Transitional package for nvidia-346. In component restricted, is optional. Version 352.63-0ubuntu3 (artful), package size 4 kB, installed size 18 kB (Only available for i386; amd64; armhf)18:28
lotuspsychjetry that one BluesKaj ?18:28
BluesKajgeforce 21018:28
BluesKajlotuspsychje:  don't think that one fits18:40
lotuspsychjeBluesKaj: indeed18:40
daftykinswould've dropped support quite long ago i imagine18:44
BluesKajlatest driver is 340.106018:44
BluesKajthe 340 works great on kubuntu 17.10 and 18.0418:45
BluesKajthis Debian is the Buster testing version and it uses the 4.13 kernel by default , so maybe I'm in luck18:49
BluesKajthe debian stretch 9.3  uses the old 4.9.05 kernel18:52
naccright now th eonly supported kernel series for ubuntu are 3.13, 4.4 and 4.13, right?18:53
Ian_Corneaha BluesKaj is still around as well :)18:55
BluesKajnacc:  not sure , haen't tried any other kernels18:57
naccBluesKaj: sorry, i meant generally18:57
nacckeeping track in my head right now for what to look for in #ubuntu18:57
nacc16.04 hwe moved to 4.13 for kpti18:57
BluesKajthink the 4.13 is the latest stable18:57
naccyeah, that's my understanding too18:58
naccand 14.04 is either 3.13 or 4.4 (hwe); 16.04 is either 4.4 or 4.13 (hwe); artful is at 4.13 already, so is bionic18:58
nacci think that's all the releases we'd see in #ubuntu18:58
lotuspsychjelotuspsychje@R00TBOOK:~$ uname -a18:59
lotuspsychjeLinux R00TBOOK 4.13.0-25-generic #29-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 8 21:14:41 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:59
* BluesKaj nods19:02
ubot5Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://www.ubuntu.com/download - Release Notes: https://ubottu.com/y/artful19:06
lotuspsychjebig read :p19:27
lotuspsychjebbl guys19:46
nicomachusnacc: seems that candidate would be even more buggy, right?22:23
naccnicomachus: why would you say that?22:23
nicomachusI didn't see any mention of a candidate release on their listing22:23
naccnicomachus: candidate is the next stablle release22:24
nicomachusI just assume it's a beta still.22:24
naccwell, that would be beta :)22:24
naccbut in this case beta == candidate22:24
naccand candidate means 'next release'22:24
naccit's where bugfix testing would occur22:24
nacclike any other software proejct22:24
naccso if you hit a bug, it makes sense to test if it's already fixed :)22:24
naccsnaps make it super eay22:24
nicomachusalso, as of march 2016, spotify had no developers on linux.22:25
nicomachusmaybe that's changed, but I haven't seen any updates to the client that would make me think it has22:25
nacchttps://snapcraft.io/spotify/  afaik, spotify did the upload22:26
naccand the contact link for the snap is to spotify's site22:26
naccso i feel like maybe a bit out of date on your info :)22:26
naccnicomachus: that's the deb22:27
naccthe deb is dead22:27
naccand that post is a year old22:27
naccthe deb is dead because spotify couldn't maintain it in their free time22:27
naccthey *can* maintain the snap in their free time22:27
naccbecuase they don't need to SRU anything22:27
naccthey can just push bugfixes after they CI in house22:27
nacci would say forget whatever experience you had with the deb22:28
naccand focus on the snap22:28
naccif you want to improve it22:28
nicomachusforums seem to say that the snap is maintained by the community22:29
nicomachusidk how that works.22:29
nicomachusand the official Community Manager says "this version is unsupported" when referring to the linux client: https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/Recent-linux-client-update-changes/td-p/312142422:29
naccnicomachus: that would also be from months ago22:30
naccand says "Debian package"22:30
naccseriously, the snap came out .. 2days ago?22:30
naccso anything you read from older than that is irrelevant22:30
naccthe snap is *unrelated* to the deb22:30
naccafaik, they have nothing in commmon22:30
nacchrm, that topic (https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux/Spotify-now-has-a-Snap-package-as-well/td-p/4220931) says community mainatined as well22:31
naccbut then spotify says they maintain it :)22:31
naccso i'd trust spotify on that22:31
naccin any case, that makes me more certain to say don't use the debs and any documentationa bout debs is old and should be burned in holy fire22:32
nicomachusyea, this says they maintain it: "The snap package is maintained by Spotify, just like the debian package. We have however received lots of help from Canonical and bug reports from users here and on the snapcraft forum"22:33
nacci'm not really a snap evangelist, to be cllear22:33
nacci think for something like spotify, where some spotify folks want it to exist, it makes a lot of sense22:33
naccit doesn't fit all things, and there will be debs forever22:33
nicomachusthey're still packaging the deb though: http://repository.spotify.com/pool/non-free/s/spotify-client/22:34
nacci think they said that in the post you just quoted it22:35

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