
wafflejockMrVamps, not sure exactly what you're looking to try and do but maybe can just start with the ubuntu server image and add your own set of packages https://askubuntu.com/questions/31081/whats-the-difference-between-the-server-version-and-the-desktop-version  this may be of interest too https://www.linuxvoice.com/build-your-own-linux-distro/  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DerivativeDistroHowto00:03
courrierJordan_U: sorry for the delay, yeah my AP is pretty old00:13
courrieronly support 2.400:13
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mantissaIs there a way to remove the mount points left behind by removed snaps?00:30
CuriousErnestBrowhere is it sensible to install a zip file?00:31
Squarismis someone hacking the repos?00:34
Squarismi get lots of : E: The repository 'http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu zesty-security Release' does no longer have a Release file.00:34
tomreyn!zesty | Squarism00:34
ubottuSquarism: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html00:34
TJ-!eol | Squarism00:35
ubottuSquarism: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:35
Squarismouch, not even supported for a year00:35
Squarismdidnt know it was so short00:35
Squarismnever a non LTS release again then i guess00:35
TJ-Squarism: if you want to upgrade to 17.10 from 17.04 it's just a case of "do-release-upgrade", then you can upgrade to 18.04 LTS after it is released in April00:36
SquarismTJ-, what are the odds for do-release-upgrade failing?00:36
CuriousErnestBrowhere do I install jdk?00:37
CuriousErnestBroin /usr/share?00:37
tomreynCuriousErnestBro: what are you trying to do?00:37
[FreeBSD]CuriousErnestBro: you generally use the package manager over manually00:38
CuriousErnestBrotomreyn, install jdk00:38
CuriousErnestBrothere is no package manager00:38
TJ-Squarism: it's the standard path; if we had significant failures Ubuntu wouldn't exist :D00:38
[FreeBSD]i.e using the official one or using some repo00:38
CuriousErnestBroexcept for "rpm" and I don't think I have rmp00:38
tomreynCuriousErnestBro: sure there's a package manager, it's called apt.00:38
tomreynCuriousErnestBro: that's if you run ubuntu00:38
[FreeBSD]CuriousErnestBro: you generally don't need to manually download and install packages / programs on Linux00:38
CuriousErnestBrotomreyn, yes, but I can only install openjdk, but i want the real jdk00:39
SquarismTJ-, just my first time running non LTS and its my work laptop00:39
TJ-!info openjdk-9-jdk | CuriousErnestBro00:39
ubottuCuriousErnestBro: openjdk-9-jdk (source: openjdk-9): OpenJDK Development Kit (JDK). In component universe, is optional. Version 9~b181-4 (artful), package size 64 kB, installed size 107 kB00:39
tomreynCuriousErnestBro: openjdk is "the real jdk"00:39
CuriousErnestBroI also need to install another zip file: Xmind00:39
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: there's very little difference between them now, aside from some proprietary sun.* bits00:39
Squarismhmmm... it says upgrade can take "Several hours"00:39
Squarismis that the normal case?00:39
CuriousErnestBrothat one isn't in the apt00:39
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: I run xmind on openjdk00:39
CuriousErnestBroTJ-,okay but where do you have xmind saved?00:40
CuriousErnestBrolike where do i extract it to?00:40
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: hang on, I'll find it and tell you!00:41
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: OK, I did "mkdir -p /opt/xmind/8/; sudo chown -R $USER:adm /opt/xmind; sudo chmod -R g+w /opt/xmind; cd /opt/xmind/8; unzip $HOME/Downloads/xmind-8-update6-linux.zip"00:44
CuriousErnestBrowow! thank you!00:46
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: I think I then created a .desktop file in $HOME/.local/share/applications/00:47
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: the .desktop file means the GUI gets an icon and launcher entry... but strangely I can't find my file now, think it's on another PC!00:48
CuriousErnestBrothis is helpful enough, thanks!00:48
CuriousErnestBroI'll google how to make a desktop file :)00:48
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: OH! I used an installer that does it all from https://github.com/dinos80152/XMind-Linux-Installer00:50
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: So it seems I've got 2 installs - 1 I did originally and the one this tool did :D00:50
CuriousErnestBroalright, I'll use that then. it has some issues now, see if this resolves them00:53
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: there's also a proper Debian package from http://www.xmind.net/xmind/downloads/xmind-8-beta-linux_amd64.deb00:55
Sean_McGanyone tried to build linux-image-4.13.0-31 from source? All I really need is kvm-amd.ko with the NPT patch but I don't know how to build it and keep the module version the same01:02
Sean_McGI didn't have difficulty with 4.13.0-26 so I'm not sure what changed01:02
TJ-Sean_McG: NPT?01:02
Sean_McGNested Page Tables01:02
Sean_McGTJ-: basically this: https://level1techs.com/article/patch-npt-ryzen-better-performance -- which is more or less backporting a patch from 4.14.x to 4.13.x01:04
CuriousErnestBroTJ-, you aren't on 17.10 are you?01:05
TJ-CuriousErnestBro: no01:06
TJ-Sean_McG: pop into #ubuntu-kernel - I'm thinking that's something we might want to provide via the HWE kernels01:06
Sean_McGTJ-: good idea, will do01:07
iampetehey, I'm having an issue with the ubuntu PPAs. for some reason apt is ignoring some of the yakkety PPAs and 404 is returned on others. https://pastebin.com/qUiDDENa01:22
iampetehow do I fix this?01:23
ubottuUbuntu Ubuntu 16.10 (Yakkety Yak) was the 25th release of Ubuntu.  Support ended on July 20th, 2017. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/yakkety01:23
TJ-!eol | iampete01:23
ubottuiampete: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:23
iampetethanks TJ- , will upgrading have side effects? Is it safer/better to do a fresh install?01:26
iampetenvm just saw the upgrade link01:28
BillD73so I have the dafault desktop for Ubuntu 16.04 as well as installed XFCE and XUbunut, I fail to see the difference between XFCE and XUbuntu when I select a different from the menu prior to logging in, they look exactly the same. Also my login always shows a lil mouse even if I choose Unity. Am I missing something?01:37
xanguaXubuntu uses the Xfce desktop, yes01:38
[FreeBSD]BillD73: xubuntu is ubuntu base with xfce desktop01:39
[FreeBSD]if you installed xfce on normal ubuntu, you could switch between the desktops01:39
BillD73so one or the other would have been fine?01:40
[FreeBSD]is "xubuntu" an actual package?01:41
BillD73its not a space issue just was trying to find a smoother desktop for this older ASUS Eee PC laptop01:41
[FreeBSD]lxde is even lighter01:41
BillD73yes they were installed separately.01:41
BillD73ok. all the GUI programs I installed under unity, will they need to be reinstalled for XFCE/XUbuntu? to funtion in the respective GUIs?01:43
[FreeBSD]BillD73: no01:43
[FreeBSD]the only thing that will change is the actual desktop / look of it01:43
[FreeBSD]programs are seperate01:43
[FreeBSD]regardless of the desktop they will always be there01:44
BillD73ok, I mean I like this UNtiy setup and Im used to it but it just has issues with this lowend laptop lol01:44
TJ-there's not a lot of difference between xubuntu and lubuntu desktop either in terms of packages or space used01:45
InsectorxI just installed ubuntu mate 17.10 on my 1.5ghz core solo and its running slow.  Much slower than windows 7.   Is this normal.  I though linux was supposed to be faster.01:45
krytarikBillD73: As to the difference between the Xubuntu and Xfce sessions: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2188950&p=12852772#post1285277201:45
[FreeBSD]BillD73: in xfce settings, disable compositing01:46
[FreeBSD]it will be snappier01:46
Sean_McGespecially since an Eee doesn't have a GPU01:46
[FreeBSD]of if you want to get max speed go for i3, openbox, lxde or something really light01:47
TJ-BillD73: the issue with slowness may be the GPU rendering, because Unity/Gnome require hardware accelerated compositor to be usuable generally01:47
[FreeBSD]they use next to no ram / no gpu01:47
InsectorxIm new to ubuntu and my research pointed me to try mate but its running much slower than windows 7.   Should i try an older system version or what?01:47
TJ-They've all got a GPU else there'd be no video :)01:47
Sean_McGI meant it's probably not a 3D accelerator01:48
TJ-it might even have an Intel GMA450/50001:48
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: slower in what way? boot / general use?01:48
InsectorxWell the boot is a little slower, but thats ok.   The general use is like slug snot01:49
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: it's a bit vague tbh, like depends what you're running etc01:49
V7Hey all01:49
V7Do spf needs dkim ?01:49
Sean_McGaccording to Wikipedia, many of the Eee devices were Intel Atom N27001:50
[FreeBSD]there's no way it should be slower than win701:50
InsectorxIts a fresh install of ubuntu mate 17.10.  Ive only installed gimp chrome and spotify01:50
Sean_McGand yes, GMA900 or similar01:50
Sean_McGso I guess I'm wrong01:51
InsectorxShould i try xfce maybe?01:51
BillD73TJ-: yeah  this dont have a "GPU" to really enjoy Unity lol01:51
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: if it's a clean install you might as well try all the main ones01:51
rangergordHi. Does anyone here run Ubuntu GUI apps on Windows 10's WSL? I got X apps to work, but they look very blurry on my hi-DPI screen. I can't find a way to make them look nice. I tried playing with the DPI options of the X server (tried both vcxsrv and MobaXterm), to no avail.01:51
[FreeBSD]ive never used mate but afaik it was designed to be gnome2, which wasn't exactly "slow"01:52
Sean_McGrangergord: HiDPI is a big issue for some X apps, especially if they use older libraries like Qt401:52
InsectorxIs there any reason why this would happen?   Is it worth me trying the other types of linux?  Or it it still going to cause problems?  Because this is my work computer and its important that it actually works01:52
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: it won't be ubuntu, the only thing i can think of is maybe the gpu, is it nvidia?01:53
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InsectorxIts a laptop, i dont know01:53
Bashing-om!ubuwin | rangergord Better support :01:53
ubotturangergord Better support :: Windows 10 has a feature called Windows Subsystem for Linux, which allows it to run Ubuntu (and other Linux distro) userspace programs without porting/recompliation. For discussion and support, see #ubuntu-on-windows or ##windows. For installation instructions, see https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/commandline/wsl/install_guide01:53
rangergordSean_McG: even Sublime Text looks blurry. It doesn't seem to be ap-specific01:53
InsectorxSo ubuntu doesnt work with nvidia?01:54
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: try lubuntu, or lxde as it's a desktop out the box and is fast01:54
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: it does01:54
Sean_McGrangergord: I dunno... font smoothing settings in the X server?01:54
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: but uses a slower driver by default (nouveau)01:54
InsectorxGood to know.   I typically use nvidia gpus exclusively if i have the choice.   Is there an nvidia friendly distro?  Because ubuntu sounds like it cant handle it very well.01:55
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: no, the nvidia driver is the same on any distro01:56
TJ-Insectorx: Ubuntu bends over backwards to make it easy to install and use nvidia drivers01:56
rangergordSean_McG: no such option unfortunately. I guess I should ask on askubuntu, more likely to have people in this scenario, eh?01:56
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: linux is linux at the end of the day01:56
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TJ-Insectorx: try "ubuntu-drivers list"01:57
Sean_McGI'm using an nVidia GTX 550Ti on this machine with the graphics-drivers PPA01:57
InsectorxI assume the reason that one distro will work better than another is because of the hardware being used.   So, is there a list of FULLY compatible hardware for each distro?   ie-ubuntu01:57
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: the hardware will be the same01:57
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: it's built into the kernel. Distros differ mainly on their package manager, default desktop and support01:58
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: and other stuff but not major, like default settings / configs and installed packages. You will find you just like the style / way of maintaining one over the other01:59
InsectorxYou say "linux is linux", but im new to it, so i dont know what that means tbh.  Im trying to learn, but it seems unnecessarily difficult.   Is it worth the learning curve?  I feel like i practially have to go to college to use it02:00
InsectorxIm not talking smack, i just really want to know02:01
Sean_McGit doesn't coddle you like Windows does.02:01
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: stick with ubuntu as you're already on it. it's not hard, just might seem odd coming from windows. you will learn as you go. don't get headfucked by 1000 distros02:01
rangergordInsectorx: sorry, I'm new to the convo. If you're a beginner, I recommend using Ubuntu. Generally best driver support and ease of life. Also the most popular.02:01
rangergordInsectorx: as for "learning Linux": only learn what you actually need. It's an OS like any other, though for technical people it gives a huge advantage since you have more control, and it's perpetually free so you can install it wherever without violating the law (super important for working people)02:02
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: when i say linux is linux, i mean the base stuff going on is the same across, just different ways of doing stuff, like different commands for installing packages.02:02
davi_oie :302:02
rangergordI've been using Linux for years and I haven't bothered learning bash scripting. Or 95% of commands really.02:02
InsectorxThanks for the info02:02
mbrigdanHey guys, getting a weird issue with search-as-you-type in the save/open file dialog (I believe its the GTKFileChooser?) When I first type a letter to search for a file, the letter gets "repeated". Anybody seen something like this before?02:02
[FreeBSD]rangergord: oh the fun you're missing out on02:03
rangergord[FreeBSD]: how so? I just write stuff in python cause it's way easier02:03
[FreeBSD]ah right, smart answer lol02:03
rangergordI don't need "clever one-liners" that are indecipherable, I don't mind writing 5 simpler lines if it does the job :)02:03
[FreeBSD]bash scripts just make life easy02:04
rangergordInsectorx: what's your planned usage for Linux? Casual desktop use? Work? (if so, doing what)02:06
Sean_McGOK, back later. have to reboot to test something and then going to go watch some TV02:07
Sean_McGtake care folks02:07
InsectorxIm a tattoo artist and i want to be able to use gimp chrome and spotify. Thats it02:08
rangergordAre you running Ubuntu yet? Or still in the trial phase?02:09
rangergordor rather, research02:09
InsectorxAlso i sure hope it can work with my hp printer02:10
rangergordI've never used a printer, but the other 3 will run without issues02:10
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: you just have to be willing to learn and be patient.02:11
rangergordInsectorx: are you on Windows right now?02:12
InsectorxTheres a 7.5 hour course on linux on youtube.  I guess thats what ill have to do.02:12
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: you won't need to honestly02:12
InsectorxWell ive been using windows 7 for this machine.  So now i have it set up as a dual boot02:12
rangergordInsectorx: you should TRY before you install it. IIRC Ubuntu lets you run it in-memory without installing anything.  Hang on I'll look it up02:13
kk4ewtafter you use linux for a little while you will give up on windows02:13
kk4ewtrangergord,  its called a live image02:13
[FreeBSD]kk4ewt: unless you play games or need stuff like photoshop02:13
BillD73in XFCE the little panel at the bootom what that called and can you "hide" it?02:14
[FreeBSD]BillD73: right click on it02:14
[FreeBSD]i think it's under properties02:14
rangergordInsectorx: use this guide to create a Ubuntu image on a USB key: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#0   . Once you do this and boot from USB, select "Try Ubuntu without installing" or whatever the option is called. Install Chrome, install GIMP, ensure things work pleasantly.02:14
InsectorxI did run it off a live usb first, but i assumed it was running slow because it was running off usb 2.002:14
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: yes live is slower02:15
rangergordnaturally. USB 2 is limited to 30MB/s.02:15
[FreeBSD]a lot slower02:15
rangergordand yeah, the live version will constantly be decompressing02:15
InsectorxThats the only problem tho.  Is that its running slow.   So i guess live wont work to see about that, huh?02:15
BillD73got it, tis panel 2 lol  duh02:16
rangergordInsectorx: I use both Linux and Windows and speed is not specific to the OS, but the hardware it's running on. You will definitely see a huge speed increase off a real drive, and even moreso on an SSD.02:16
InsectorxOk so i installed ubuntu mate on the hard drive and its running slow.   I installed it "next "to windows 7.  Is there an easy way to reinstall another distro without affecting windows?02:17
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: so ubuntu and win 7 are on same hdd?02:18
rangergord[FreeBSD]: maybe you can advise him on something. I personally never update the kernel once Ubuntu is installed, since I'm from the "if it ain't broke, don't touch it" school of life. But I also run Ubuntu inside VMs with all important files backed up. Is disabling kernel updates something a desktop user should do?02:18
[FreeBSD]rangergord: i would always keep the kernel up to date if you care about security or new features02:19
rangergorddo you actually get new features on the same Ubuntu release? I thought it was just security updates?02:19
[FreeBSD]rangergord: no idea probably not, but there's no harm keeping it up to date02:19
[FreeBSD]takes 2 seconds02:19
InsectorxFreebsd: yes02:20
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: if they're on the same HDD, if you reinstall Ubuntu, it will overwrite the bootloader. It just means you might have to mess about putting windows on if it's not autodetected02:21
segersjerryInsectorx, I would suggest trying krita as well as gimp.02:21
rangergord[FreeBSD]: should probably link him a foolproof guide if he's a newbie02:22
rangergordInsectorx: back up all your important Windows files to an external drive just in case02:23
[FreeBSD]rangergord: yeah just warning him it might take a slight bit of messing around if you're new02:23
InsectorxHmm.   Honestly it sounds to me like im not qualified to do uninstall ubuntu if it might delete windows (not an option).   So i guess my ubuntu days are numbered02:25
InsectorxThat didnt last long lol02:25
rangergordInsectorx: it won't delete Windows unless you specifically tell it to erase an existing partition. I said this in case you mess up and do that.02:26
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: no, you won't remove windows, i meant remove windows entry from the bootloader screen02:26
InsectorxI have some software installed on windows that i dont want to have to reinstall (i dont have the serial number anymore)02:26
[FreeBSD]Insectorx: but surely you installed ubuntu after windows anyway?02:26
InsectorxYeah i installed ubuntu today.  Windows 7 has been on there for 3+years02:27
[FreeBSD]so if it's on the same hard drive, you're already using grub (which is linux02:27
[FreeBSD]s bootloader)02:27
rangergordInsectorx: regarding your license, see if one of these tools lets you view it: https://www.lifewire.com/free-product-key-finder-programs-262511902:27
rangergordI've only used Jelly Bean Keyfinder02:28
Insectorx_ (I got disconnected for a second from irc)02:30
Insectorx_Is there a way to just uninstall ubuntu completely?02:34
Insectorx_Ok nevermind.   Ill return if i need more help when im trying to uninstall this software02:37
Insectorx_In ubuntu, Can i rename folders to names that make sense?  Ie- all these bin and lib folders are a mess, can i rwname them things like "applications"  and "documents"  ?02:58
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Insectorx_Anyway i think that would make things make more sense.03:02
Insectorx_I dont want to have to remember folder 0010111003:03
Insectorx_No dice?03:04
TJ-Insectorx_: Those directories are for the system, not the user. You can rename directories inside your user $HOME directory to whatever you want (e.g. my $HOME is /home/tj/)03:06
capellaAh, magical folder $2E ... heh, I still use a "src" folder, after learning Unix @ RIT waaaaay back03:06
capella(even when I dev under Win!)03:06
Insectorx_Ok perfect.  Im glad i asked.  Because now i can rem03:08
Insectorx_...rename /usr/bin to /usr/applications.    Thanks!!03:09
capella /usr is not $HOME03:10
Insectorx_I stufi03:10
Insectorx_I studied this file structure stiff for over an hour last night.   And youre telling me i still dont get it?03:11
Insectorx_Yeah linux is super "easy"03:11
Insectorx_So what can i change???03:11
Insectorx_I thought linux was customizable03:13
Insectorx_I couldnt even install spotify today without asking for help here on irc chat03:14
Insectorx_Thats not ok03:14
Insectorx_Linux being harder would be fine if the people here to "help" didnt try to pretend that its super easy and works perfectly.  Its just different right?   No!   Its insanely difficult and the knowledable people will just talk down to you if it doesnt click immediately.03:15
Bashing-omInsectorx_: http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm <- (Linux is Not Windows) ; https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2380629 .03:17
Insectorx_I use both windows and mac.  And i know dos and cpm.  I use mac os 9 regularly, and i have a windows 98 machine for gaming.    So dont tell me that im just stick on windows like every other linux user tries to do to defend ubuntu.  Because its mot true.   I want to learn!!!   But good info that actually HELPS a new user is scarce03:17
Insectorx_I know linux is not windows.  Once again i ise many many os's and thwy ALL make sense with mi imal research.   The " youre just used to windows or mac"  analogy doesnt work with me03:18
Bashing-omInsectorx_: Consider how many Milions of linux users exist .. none were born knowing linux .03:19
p1l0tSo riddle me this. If I login remotely via ssh to a server back in my home country, and then from there login into another server in my same office... but loose my connection becausse the hotel wifi sucks. Are the two office computers still talking to each other or does it close automatically?03:19
Insectorx_The wiki's on the official ubuntu site suck, becaise they assume youllhave no errors or problems.   Which are numerous and constand with every move?03:19
Insectorx_Honestly please tell me how you guys learned this at all??   Did you start in the 90's and grow with it?   Or what03:20
cfhowlettInsectorx_, same way you learned windows.  a little here, a little there.  wash, rinse and repeat03:20
Bashing-omInsectorx_: This is no longer ubuntu support ; to contine please join #ubuntu-discuss .03:20
cfhowlettfawaz, state the issue03:21
eaglgenes101Read a lot, keep regular backups, experiment if you want to iterate faster03:21
Insectorx_If yall ignore me on these questions it just proves that the "community" doesnt actually want new users.  They just want the people who have a good experoence03:21
fawazi join03:21
cfhowlettInsectorx_, please continue this in #ubuntu-offtopic03:22
Insectorx_Thanks for nothing03:22
eaglgenes101...what did you ask for in the first place?03:23
eaglgenes101I wasn't here when you started ranting03:23
cfhowlettfawaz, what exactly is the problem?03:23
TJ-p1l0t: if you're not using a terminal multiplexer like 'screen' or 'tmux' then yes, when the 1st ssh login session drops it'll kill any processes started from that login03:25
fawazhello i'am new member how to join for you?03:28
cfhowlettfawaz, you already joined.03:29
cfhowlettyou're here.  ask your support question03:29
eaglgenes101If you're asking about how to be a productive member in general, I have a handful of reasonable principles, but that's probably not what you're asking for03:29
eaglgenes101We don't have telepathy over IP yet, so please, type it out03:30
TJ-lol @ eaglgenes101 ... but we do! https://telepathy.freedesktop.org/wiki/03:34
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kandinskiI'm using the au.archive.ubuntu.com archive with zesty, and a lot of packages are 404 not found.03:36
cfhowlettkandinski, try a different mirror03:36
kandinskiI don't have the time to upgrade zesty just now. Which other archive works?03:36
eaglgenes101If all else fails, just use the main repo03:37
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html03:37
Bashing-om!zesty | kandinski03:37
cfhowlett!msg ubottu zesty03:37
ubottukandinski: please see above03:37
ubottucfhowlett: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:37
cfhowlett!msg ubottu | zesty03:37
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Guest47I had a silly question and thought this channel could help03:47
cfhowletttopic is ubuntu support, Guest47.03:47
Guest47Where do you find the network installers for ubuntu?03:47
Guest47ie you boot from disk and download the files from the internet03:47
ubottuThe Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD03:48
Guest47Is that just for the Desktop or Server ubuntu? I couldn't see the options03:48
cfhowlettGuest47, either.  don't want gui?  don't download gui = server03:49
Guest47I am trying to install it on a really old computer with a serial port for context03:50
Guest47And it looks to only have a cd drive so I cannot fit the normal installers03:50
cfhowlettso long as it boots, you should be gold03:50
TJ-Guest47: is the CPU on that PC 32-bit, and if so, does it support PAE? if it doesn't you'll likely need to use a Lubuntu x86 32-bit non-PAE kernel for it to boot03:54
Guest47I think it is 32-bit03:54
Guest47Not sure about PAE03:54
TJ-Guest47: be aware then; it kernel panics almost immediately it'll likely be the reason.03:55
TJ-!pae | Guest4703:55
ubottuGuest47: Ubuntu provides only PAE-enabled kernels for 32-bit systems now. Some older CPUs may have issues with it. For more info and troubleshooting, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PAE03:55
Guest47Intel Pentium 4 m?03:55
Guest47Any recommendations on making a bootable CD-RW? I have used rufus for USB drives but doesn't appear to work for CDs04:00
Bashing-omfawaz: Ubuntu support here , as your support question .04:00
cfhowlettGuest47, startup-disk-creator or you can do it via command line04:00
eaglgenes101I imagine it's just burning your iso onto the disk04:00
eaglgenes101I might be wrong04:01
cfhowlettDrammer, greetings.  ask your support question04:09
Zenseimy god04:28
Zenseifinally updated04:28
Zenseijesus christ this is fast04:28
`danny_Copy file to your xchat config directory ?? where do I find this directory?04:34
cfhowlett`danny_, xchat?  WAY old, out of date, unsupported ... you get the idea.  https://hexchat.github.io/news/announcement.html04:36
cfhowlettreally should not still be in the repos but ...04:36
cfhowlettif you just insist on using a piece of zombie software, /home/danny/.config/xchat       should be your directory04:38
carl_anyone on ?04:40
cfhowlettcarl_, of course and always.  skip that and ask your support question???04:41
=== HairToday is now known as JPSman
JPSmanHi there.04:55
JPSmanSo, when I log in through the CTRL-ALT-1 screen, it says I have 24 updates, 10 are security updates.  But when I do sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade; it says zero upgrades needed.04:56
JPSmanWhat gives?04:56
cfhowlettJPSman, sudo apt dist-upgrade      will get them04:56
JPSmancfhowlett, will that update my ubuntu to the next rev?  I really don't want to do that04:56
cfhowlettof course not04:57
cfhowlettsudo do-release-upgrade   though ...04:57
Guest47I have just installed Ubuntu but when I boot it just shows 1 line04:57
michael2hi, if I want to replace a file which is installed via apt-get/dpkg - whats the best way to do this? specifically without it getting overwritten on updates?04:57
JPSmancfhowlett, THANK YOU for your quick answer :)  What is dist-upgrade?04:57
Guest47I can shutdown by pressing the power button but I don't appear to get any other response04:58
cfhowlettJPSman, as I recall, upgrade gets the current security updates and currently installed apps to upgrade.  dist-upgrade will upgrade to the highest number available in the repos04:58
cfhowlettJPSman, for future use          apt dist-upgrade -s         will simulate operation without executing.  notice: no sudo05:00
Guest47it shows "/dev/sda1: clean, num/num files, num/num blocks" where num are large numbers05:00
Guest47and then a cursor05:00
JPSmanNo SUDO?!! Why thats proposterous!  Anyone can just come along and upgrade my system :P05:00
cfhowlettyou didn't read05:01
cfhowlettenter the command exactly as I wrote         apt dist-upgrade -s05:01
cfhowlettyou'll get something similar    http://termbin.com/lj1a05:02
JPSmanO I C, its simulated...05:02
JPSmancfhowlett, again, thank you very much :D05:04
cfhowletthappy2help JPSman05:04
=== Shadow}} is now known as Epru
EpruSo, I do a string to update/upgrade my system in terminal ... With "-y" to all. Which brings me to security concerns, If any?05:33
cfhowlettunlikely but possible05:33
EpruSuch as, Is there a malware scanner or something I could install? In case I do install something that got slipped into the updates?05:33
cfhowlettEpru, the main repos are pretty safe in that regard. 3rd party and partner repos not quite so much05:34
EpruI only use the uh repos from the default, but also both the basic cano ones and tbh the real reason being my trying to get my graphics to work... and this unknown,unknown intel micro code thingy in propreitary drivers being...unknown05:35
EpruSo I have it on, thinking it may be from this...weird nvidia intel machine...05:36
Epru's processor.05:36
EpruFor its RAM cards are green nvidia made, the proc, the graphics card it has. And I can't get my optimal resoluton for my screen...05:36
EpruOn either drivers. Properitary or open source to the nvidia(graphics in general?)05:37
EpruOh, Unknown Display also05:37
EpruBut it has this adpater on its plug... Think thats why05:37
Guest47Hello, I am trying to connect to a switch via a serial port. I am using mincom but cannot seem to pickup the serial port05:39
EpruI tried the extended resolution resources package from the basic... um, run into by trying to update enough times on propriatary but doesn't give me high enough res for optimal, and the prahics are jacked up.. Ugh. I tried.05:40
V7Oh dear05:40
V7This roundcube05:40
V7telnet localhost 993 connects, but when trying to communicate through roundcube it says: ssl://localhost:993:Connection timed out05:40
Epru...How you do you all learn linux so well... or so much of it and remember what you read of it?...05:41
Guest47I have used "dmesg | grep tty" but do not see any results05:42
EpruI think i'm over-thinking it, and missing something. ...05:42
EpruLike tried reading --help files but, It doesn't seem like the start at all but rather the end of the help book...05:42
pil_hello, where can i find ubuntu 16.04 for 32 bit?05:43
V7pil_, on officials05:43
EpruThere's no, bot ! command for download latest page link?05:44
EpruI'm lazy... So I'd have one...05:44
EpruSorry. Nervous humor.05:44
EpruI usually lose a computer coming here for help. Doubt its anything to do with the server itself, really. Just saying...05:45
Epruxrandr says can't open display :005:46
EpruNvm, now is...05:46
EpruOkay so please. Can someone give me the line for setting my think its called DVI-I-1 output resolution to 1680x1050?...05:48
EpruOr can I not just manually enter the numbers without it having a 'profile' for what they mean yet....05:49
EpruI just want my 1080p HD no frame skip, graphics on youtube back. Lol Like on 16.04... But I uh, deleted something I thought was spyware... it destroyed the os faster than anything I've ever seen...05:50
EpruSo I made a note to self: Do Not Remove iproute205:52
EpruStill sounds fishy though05:52
EpruOH I'm on 17.10 ... Trying to get nvidia graphics force 3700(?) card to work and the os to recognize the monitor as more than unknown, and change resolution to 1680x1050 as optimal for my monitor.05:54
EpruOr is it impossible while its using this VGA chord that has an Adapter to DVI on the end of it to the computer?...05:55
EpruDo I simply need a DVI chord for the monitor? The computer has the slot... Obviously. I'm unsure why it has the adapter...05:56
Epruxrandr is working and picking it up, so cant I download a 1680x1050 resolution package for ubuntu 17.10 or something and use it to set it to it? :/05:58
* Epru waits for answers, a.k.a shuts up05:58
InsectorxLet me preface by saying that i actually want answers about linux05:59
EpruNice one... Like mine isn't~ My graphics worked fine on last version~06:00
InsectorxWhy is it that linux gives me numerous problems, but wi diws06:00
EpruOh you meant literally, sorry... -_-'06:00
Insectorx_I want to like linux but why is it so weird and diffivult to use06:01
Zenseibecause it's always a beta06:01
Zenseiits not a set it and forget it06:02
EpruBecause it's more machine than window glass stains...?06:02
Zenseiit is the equivalents of a "mechanics" car06:02
Insectorx_People say that its easy.  But i bet that spanish is easy to someone who has been speaking it their whole lives06:02
EpruOh boy06:02
* Epru leaves this one...06:02
Insectorx_Because linux so far is a mind F06:02
ZenseiDo you want to learn?06:02
Insectorx_Iyes i do want to learn06:03
EpruI do.06:03
cfhowlettInsectorx_, you were here ranting earlier.  want to learn?  read.  try things. break things.  fix them.06:03
EpruTeach me. Please. Haha...06:03
Insectorx_I vollect older computwr systems, and i have no problem learning dos or cpm.  But linux has been06:03
EpruI did all that^ and more, still only halfway done06:03
Insectorx_ ...has been bery difficult to say the least06:04
EpruOh btw, xrandr says screen 0 is uh, a xwayland0 thingy.. last guy that tried helping said he was afraid that was what my problem was, guess it is? But he said no need telling me what a wayland session is...At the time. Anyone, please?06:04
Insectorx_I feel like ive been ignored by experienced linux users because my questions are maybe too rudimentary06:05
Insectorx_But tbh i dont get how this os works06:05
Insectorx_I want to learn.   Gi06:05
Insectorx_please give me a learning resource06:05
Insectorx_Official ubuntu tutorials suck.  Because theres always some error that it doesnt cover06:06
EpruI see their point...06:06
cfhowlettalso: likely your local library has a copy of ubuntu for dummies.06:06
moussahow-to <-- is a good start06:06
HateNetPlanCan I get some help configuring netplan? I can't seem to get the routes to work the same way they did when just using /etc/network/interfaces.06:06
EpruFor real? how-to is a command?06:06
moussano is a *nix help resources06:07
InsectorxIm bacm06:07
Epruso do I need to download something or what do I open to read?...06:07
Insectorx* back06:07
naccInsectorx: you are not in a Linux general channel, if you want to ask questions generally about Linux, you may want #linux06:08
naccInsectorx: this channel is for Ubuntu support06:08
nacc!manual | Insectorx: for ubuntu, this might be a good start06:09
ubottuInsectorx: for ubuntu, this might be a good start: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:09
naccInsectorx: if you would like to ask specific questions, maybe we can helpl06:09
InsectorxI want to ask specific questions.  But what do you do if the whole installation is messed up and running slow and giving errors06:10
Eprumoussa ?06:10
naccInsectorx: what version of ubuntu?06:10
naccInsectorx: 'messed up?'06:10
InsectorxWindows 7 was running way way smoother06:10
naccInsectorx: how are you determining 'slow'?06:10
naccInsectorx: pastebin the errors.06:10
moussaepru ??06:10
naccInsectorx: it is an older computer?06:10
InsectorxI tried ubuntu based off of experiences that seemed like it was better and faster06:10
InsectorxBut so far its running way way slower than windows 706:11
EpruOh um, I asked how do I open the how-to stuff to read or if I need to download *nix or somethin?06:11
InsectorxThis is my 3rd time on This irc chat.06:11
cfhowlettalmost word for word as your last conversation here.  I suspect bot or troll.  Insectorx please comment06:11
moussajust use google to search for a how-to06:11
moussatry how-to unix for dummies06:11
HateNetPlanIf someone can help me with Ubuntu 17.10 network config with netplan, I have my old config that I don't know how to convert to the new system, and I can't access the internet with it. Here is the picture of the interface config before: https://puu.sh/z9RAL.png06:11
HateNetPlanWith a typo06:12
EpruSigh... Thanks for your initial help moussa...06:12
InsectorxHonestly if i cant figure out how to use this as a BASIC system then im just going to boot back into windows 7 regularly06:12
naccInsectorx: you hven't provided any details yet06:12
naccInsectorx: so it's very difficult to provide any assistance06:12
moussaepru good luck06:12
InsectorxWhat are the details you need06:12
naccInsectorx: I just asked you several questions and requested a pastebin06:13
InsectorxIm sorry im new to irc and dont know anything about it06:13
Eprumoussa Meh, I end up losing every comp to a hacker anyway so luck isn't going to help much. I've a graveyard... Sad par tis, Don't even go any where to warrant it and haven't in almost a decade~06:13
naccInsectorx: it's just a chat medium; do you need me to ask the questions again?06:13
InsectorxIm not a bot or troll06:14
InsectorxI just dont feel like anyone take me seriously06:14
EpruYou just said you'd been to other places though06:14
EpruNot recently.06:14
InsectorxI feel like when i have a problemit just gets written off as a troll06:14
EpruCause it seems it06:15
InsectorxIs it so hard to believe that im having trouble???06:15
EpruAnd lacks foundation or any bricks to toss at us when we ask for details...?06:15
HateNetPlanHe is trying to ask you questions and you aren't answering them06:15
InsectorxI dont mean to be a pain.   Im not used to irc06:15
HateNetPlanIt's just text chat dude06:16
EpruAm I the only one noticing the patterns?06:16
InsectorxWhich if ubuntu waned to actually help people they wouldnt use irc06:16
naccInsectorx: there are forums06:16
naccInsectorx: if you would rather do that06:16
naccInsectorx: but honestly, you've not told us anything; this isn't about being new or not06:16
naccInsectorx: in general, you have to provide details for anyone to be able to help you06:16
EpruHe's said it has three times though, I should take his word~06:16
naccInsectorx: let's start with the errors, what errors are you getting?06:16
naccHateNetPlan: you might ask in #ubuntu-server, but the folks i know who could help are offline right now06:17
InsectorxForuns assume that you'll have zero problems.  Which with linix has never been true, from my experience.   The only answer is chat06:17
InsectorxI tried to install spotify and it failed06:17
naccInsectorx: the forums take patience06:17
HateNetPlannacc: Thanks. I'll hop over and ask. Spent way more time then I care to admit trying to get it to work06:18
naccInsectorx: how did you try to install spotify?06:18
InsectorxI tried to install ubuntu mate 17.10 thru unetbootin and it failed06:18
EpruHateNetPlan ?06:18
naccInsectorx: one thing at a time.06:18
InsectorxPive tried using linux before and MOST things fail06:18
naccInsectorx: you are on ubuntu now?06:18
causativewhat is the bar at the top of the screen in 17.10 called, and how do I configure what items appear on it?06:18
EpruGot a moment if you know how to change resolutions or find packages for higher ones, specifically 1680x1050 ?...06:18
InsectorxUbuntu mate 17.1006:18
naccEpru: xrandr?06:18
naccInsectorx: so are you on mate 17.10 now or not?06:19
Epruit's like um, xrandr --mode <OUTPUT> um06:19
EpruI forgot the rest...06:19
InsectorxI want simple things from my computer.  Like gimp and chrome etc06:19
EpruAnd unsure which output it really wants, as it seems to be a 'wayland' session?06:19
InsectorxWell my computer at work has the os installed.  Im talking thru the web on android atm06:20
Mr_CyclopsHello. Need suggestions on a motion sensor based audio/video surveillance software for Ubuntu, I want to use my USB webcams for this, thank you06:20
naccEpru: ah if you're on wayland ... it might be different06:20
Mr_Cyclopsmotion does video, but no audio option I guess06:20
naccEpru: the output should be named in the xrandr output06:20
naccEpru: sorry, that was a bit ciruclar06:20
Eprunacc it says on xrandr ... *Looks*...06:20
naccInsectorx: ... gimp is not simple, but easy to install06:21
Mr_Cyclopsand zoneminder is too complex to configure and maintain for me ... hopefully someone can suggest an alternative? thanks in advance ...06:21
naccInsectorx: again, you're not stopping and answering my questions.06:21
naccInsectorx: if you want help, I need more info06:21
lotuspsychje!info zoneminder | Mr_Cyclops06:21
ubottuMr_Cyclops: zoneminder (source: zoneminder): video camera security and surveillance solution. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.30.4+dfsg-2 (artful), package size 4364 kB, installed size 27200 kB06:21
InsectorxI apologize06:21
EpruScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192 | XWAYLAND0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm06:21
InsectorxWhat is the question exactly06:21
naccInsectorx: so you have mate 17.10 on your work machine, and you tried to install spotify. how?06:21
InsectorxWell it failed thrpugh the main application installer of mate06:22
naccInsectorx: i've never used mate, so I'm not sure what that is06:22
Mr_Cyclopslotuspsychje, thanks I did try to configure it once, but that's like too much work ..... unless you've used it and you can tell me I was doing something wrong? :)06:22
naccInsectorx: spotify is only availabe as a snap or via a PPA06:22
naccInsectorx: i would suggest trying the snap06:23
naccInsectorx: from a terminal `sudo snap install spotify`06:23
EpruTo be my optimal and have correct refresh rate of 60hz, It needs to be 1680x1050 on this monitor... But, I can't make anymore sen out of it than I have already~06:23
Mr_Cyclops!info snap06:23
ubottusnap (source: snap): location of genes from DNA sequence with hidden markov model. In component universe, is extra. Version 2013-11-29-6 (artful), package size 381 kB, installed size 2752 kB06:23
InsectorxThen someone told me to try to install it trough the cli an dit then worked.  But am i going to have to ask for help here for everything that i try to install???06:23
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: there are some good tutorials online for zoneminder, think its your best bet its a professional piece of software06:23
Mr_Cyclopslotuspsychje, I see, hmm, looks like I will need to give it another try after all :-) Thanks for your feedback/help06:24
naccMr_Cyclops: not a package itself, it's an alternative way to install applications06:24
InsectorxThey say ubuntu is the easiest version.   But then why is it so hard to learn or understand whats goimg on???06:24
naccInsectorx: what have you tried to learn so far?06:24
EpruThe chord has an adapter... VGA cable, DVI adapter to cpu...06:24
lotuspsychjeMr_Cyclops: visit also #zoneminder06:24
Mr_Cyclopsnacc, looks like your message was for someone else?06:24
Mr_Cyclopssweet! tx again lo06:24
naccMr_Cyclops: i meant in references to your ubottu query06:24
InsectorxIe-  you install a program thru apt-get then it installs to some mystery location and you cant even find it06:24
naccEpru: can you pastebin te xrandr output?06:24
naccInsectorx: most 'programs' are in /usr/bin06:25
Eprunacc if you gimme the line to run... Sorry... Noob...06:25
naccEpru: i meant the whole output06:25
EpruI meant how to use pastebin heh06:25
nacc!paste | Epru06:25
ubottuEpru: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:25
InsectorxI want to learn linix.  But why does it make zero sense???06:25
naccInsectorx: ok, you are spinning a bit, it feels like, and I'm not sure how to help you.06:26
InsectorxPlease give me a link thay explains how to use linux06:26
naccInsectorx: have you read the manual?06:26
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: if you want ubuntu help, its best you try to listen to volunteers, not trolling around06:26
naccInsectorx: which I sent to you as a link earlier06:26
Epruokay so what do you want me to run in xrandr to pastebin here?06:26
naccEpru: just `xrandr`06:26
EpruI already said all that says06:26
InsectorxFyi.   Telling me to use the ubuntu wiki is like telling me to use the mac os 9 help search.   Isels06:26
naccEpru: e.g., `xrandr | pastebinit`06:26
naccInsectorx: i did not say the wiki.06:26
nacc!manual | Insectorx06:27
ubottuInsectorx: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:27
naccInsectorx: if you refuse to read what is written, I'm sorry, I can't help06:27
InsectorxIm willing to read, but only if its useful06:27
Epru*Shrugs* Well if its give data not the same text pop up on term I got, I'll do it, but I said the only two things it says lol06:27
naccEpru: it only emits one line?06:27
EpruScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 768, maximum 8192 x 8192| XWAYLAND0 connected 1024x768+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 0mm x 0mm06:27
naccInsectorx: so you are preemptively deciding what is useful?06:27
InsectorxI will check out said manual.   Thank you06:28
naccEpru: there should be a line right after that with modelines06:28
EpruIt's also Unknown in the settings > displays ...06:28
naccEpru: h06:28
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: discussions fit in #ubuntu-discuss, try to focus on your actual issue in #ubuntu06:28
naccEpru: i need to step away, i have not had any 'unknown' displays with wayland06:29
InsectorxLinux so far seems like it takes 20 steps to do something that takes 2 steps in windows.   Am i wrong here?   Id really like to know?06:29
nacci'm assuming that is the issue06:29
naccInsectorx: you are wrong.06:29
EpruWhy do I always get the weird ghost issues~06:29
naccEpru: is your hardware properly detected?06:29
EpruI still say its the cable... it can use a real dvi one, idk why its using a vga with adapter... stupid06:30
naccEpru: does it work ok under X?06:30
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: type /join #ubuntu-discuss06:30
EpruHm idk test method?06:30
naccEpru: could easily be the cable, if it's not training properly06:30
naccEpru: should be able to logout, and change the session to with Xorg06:30
EpruOh like puppy?06:30
EpruSorry just understood06:31
EpruI'll go see06:31
InsectorxOk i guess ill go ask someone else.  I was just looking for spmeone to give me at least one reason to continue my linux adventure, but i guess no dice06:31
naccEpru: :)06:31
naccInsectorx: it's a free choice you can make06:31
naccInsectorx: our role is not to convince you to use Linux or not06:31
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: this is not linux help, but ubuntu support06:31
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: its your own choise, to argue instead of trying what volunteers suggested06:32
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: What’s up?06:32
InsectorxWindows and mac suck.  Id love to learn linux as a replacement, bit the community is too hogh and mighty to actually face the fact that their OS is F'd to use06:33
lotuspsychjeInsectorx: ok stop it now06:33
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: Agreed.06:33
naccInsectorx: ok, you refuse to actually provide any actual issues06:33
lotuspsychjeferretsatsuma: please dont feed discussions here06:33
ferretsatsumalotuspsychje: Fair enough (although he/she is right).06:33
naccInsectorx: that has little to do with us, and I was actually interested in trying to help.06:33
Shadow}}nacc | That's a big no.06:36
Shadow}}It froze immediately on purple screen before the cursor even changed from typer icon to pointer~06:36
InsectorxLitterally every linux step i make comes back woth some sort of problem.  How is this superior?  I only get back answers that are pro linux rather than answers that solve anything.    I want linix to work for me, but this supposed "community" seems mostly about satisfying linux users that are already in the know.06:36
naccInsectorx: no one said it was superior.06:36
=== Shadow}} is now known as Epru
naccInsectorx: please stick to support issues and take rants elsewhere.06:36
InsectorxIs it too late for me??   Have a already alienated myself from the linux community??06:37
lotuspsychje!ops | Insectorx doesnt understand offtopic06:37
ubottuInsectorx doesnt understand offtopic: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax06:37
InsectorxJust by adking questions06:37
Eprunacc : So what's the deal here? It think it's some sort of remote monitor?06:37
InsectorxRational questions06:37
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: Take a breath :)06:37
InsectorxOk. Sorry06:37
Eprunacc : but hard-wired in... likely cause the cable?06:37
naccEpru: sorry, I do't know06:37
InsectorxI want to use linux06:37
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: Here’s the thing.06:37
lotuspsychjeferretsatsuma: #ubuntu-discuss06:37
InsectorxBut i feel that everu question i have is met with distain06:38
lotuspsychjenot here please06:38
Eprunacc : Kay, I'll replace the cable and find out if that fixes it, Prlly will. Thank you for everything but one last thing?06:38
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: We’ve been directed to take this discussion to #ubuntu-discuss06:38
Eprunacc : whats the difference between using Ubuntu with Xorg and not?06:38
lotuspsychjeEpru: if you want your issue solved, try to re-ask with alld etails,ubuntu version, steps tryed so tohers can read06:38
naccEpru: two very different graphics servers06:38
InsectorxIm sorryfor poppin off about whats the real problem.  But i Just want to know what to do06:39
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: We’ve been directed to take this discussion to #ubuntu-discuss (not to continue here).06:39
InsectorxLast time i went to ubuntu-discuss there was noone there06:39
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: I’m there.06:39
InsectorxPlus i feel r06:39
EpruNaw. Idt they can to be honest. I'ma replace the cable that has the adapter for a real dvi cable and try to fix it myself before coming back over the graphics resolution issue.06:39
naccEpru: ok06:39
naccEpru: i would try the Xorg session06:40
Eprugraphic servers?...06:40
naccEpru: it is the easier test06:40
EpruI did06:40
naccEpru: Xorg vs. Wayland06:40
InsectorxOk i apologize.    I dont want to be a dick. Im sorry06:40
EpruIt failed. Wait. My driver may be set as the wrong one06:40
ferretsatsumaInsectorx: You aren’t, but let’s discuss this in #ubuntu-discuss06:40
Eprunacc : I'm using the x.org open source video-nouveau driver, not the proprietary,tested one06:42
EpruSwitch and try x org session again? after a reboot?06:42
Epruand update...?06:42
lotuspsychjeEpru: what did i just suggested you?06:43
Eprulotuspsychje I know but it's not something I can explain well. And there's no xrandr pastebin it really... And everyone acts like they cant help an unknown display wayland session so06:44
EpruIdk how to phrase my problem.06:44
lotuspsychje!details | Epru06:44
ubottuEpru: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.06:44
EpruOh ffs. Nvm06:44
lotuspsychjeEpru: hi, i have a problem with..ubuntu version,kernel,steps tried..06:44
hotbakedpotato[mI got a package fail on the recent kernel you guys sent out06:58
lotuspsychjehotbakedpotato[m: do you have more details?06:59
hotbakedpotato[mnot really now i may try to reinstall and see if i get the same error07:00
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lotuspsychjehotbakedpotato[m: you dont know wich package? wich ubuntu version and wich kernel you have?07:01
hotbakedpotato[mthe latest kernel release and on 16.0407:02
hotbakedpotato[mnot sure why another kernel is out..i thought there was just one released07:02
hotbakedpotato[mnow it says restart it maybe fixed now07:02
lotuspsychjehotbakedpotato[m: hastebin us: lsb_release -a && uname -a07:04
joshayy wats up fam07:23
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skraitohi all07:29
ferretsatsumaOn Ubuntu Core, why would ldconfig.real -i generate a segmentation fault? Does this indicate a bug in libc, or…?07:39
adithya_If i am using linux mint can i ask doubts in this channel?07:42
Ben64mint has their own channel07:43
vltadithya_: You can, as long you're asking about Ubuntu (while using Mint).07:43
drozdziak1_worksHi there, I've got a Ubuntu 16.04 box with an Intel Sky Lake GPU, governed by the i915 driver. Yesterday I installed the OpenCL ICD loader (the beignet-opencl-icd package), and today xrandr won't rotate one of my screens saying "Configure crtc 0 failed"07:44
drozdziak1_worksoutput from "xrandr --output DP1 --rotate left --verbose": https://pastebin.com/YhQMYstu07:45
drozdziak1_worksIn dmesg I've also get "[ 2908.637018] [drm] Reducing the compressed framebuffer size. This may lead to less power savings than a non-reduced-size. Try to increase stolen memory size if available in BIOS."07:45
adithya_does linux-mint use ubuntu?07:46
ducasseadithya_: mint is based on ubuntu, but has made changes07:46
adithya_so which ubuntu version does it use?07:53
ducasseask them.07:57
ducasse!mint | adithya_07:57
ubottuadithya_: The Ubuntu channels can only provide support for Ubuntu and its official flavors, since other distributions and derivatives have repository and software changes. So please use their dedicated support venues, for example: Linux Mint (#linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org), Kali Linux (#kali-linux), and LXLE (#lxle)07:57
hmwelHi, I'm using a script to remotly shutdown a ubuntu server ad as specified time but the shutdown command is not retuning07:58
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sud0x3hmwel: do you just have the command shutdown in your script, the shutdown command takes a parameter08:35
MouzzOn 16.04 apt-upgrade results in failure because of "No space left on device" message. df -h shows the root partition (btrfs) is only 78% used. "apt autoclean" also gives the same error08:55
EriC^Mouzz: try 'df -i'08:55
Mouzzbtrfs has no inodes08:55
EriC^are you able to create files?08:55
EriC^without apt08:55
Mouzzyes I can create files in the /08:56
EriC^try "sudo apt-get autoclean"08:57
MouzzEriC^: I've also tried "umount overflow" or "umount /tmp" but those dont exist  on my system08:58
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MouzzEriC^: I've tried autoclean, but that throws the same error: "Problem renaming the file /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin.kslwzL to /var/cache/apt/pkgcache.bin - rename (28: No space left on device)"08:58
EriC^try with apt-get instead of apt08:59
EriC^just incase08:59
MouzzEriC^: I did, same result08:59
ezra-sMouzz: but how many filesystems do you have? maybe it's not / but /var08:59
EriC^^ can you pastebin the output of 'df -h' in paste.ubuntu.com?09:00
Mouzzmount -> https://pastebin.com/yifeLqw0    df -h -> https://pastebin.com/5mV1vjLh09:01
ezra-sMouzz: have you tried "fstrim /"?09:05
ezra-sseeing as the partitions refered as ssd, it is worth checking if there some kind of issue with the ssd disk09:06
Mouzzezra-s: Just tried it. Same result for apt-get autoclean...09:06
Mouzzezra-s: smartctl -a /dec/sda returned health status as PASSED09:07
MouzzI think it's btrfs related somehow...09:09
Mouzz"btrfs fi show" shows me that all space available is somehow used. Still investigating :)09:11
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rwx777hey i want to mount a cd but get error : mount: /dev/sr0: can't read superblock . What is the problem ?09:23
RedCat27I'm using Lubuntu 17.10. I have software updater set to check for updates daily & to only notify rather than automatically install. It still seems to be install regardless and asks me to reboot. Also, how can I see what was actually updated? /var/log/apt only shows things I explicitly installed. Could this prompt to reboot be triggered by something I installed?09:24
RedCat27Er, it still installs automatically even though I have it unchecked09:24
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RedCat27I had this issue in MATE 16.04 as well, very quirky software updater.09:27
EriC^^rwx777: how are you mounting it?09:31
EriC^^RedCat27: pastebin the output of 'cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/{*periodic,*upgrades}'09:34
RedCat27EriC^^: http://termbin.com/ql0009:38
EriC^^RedCat27: what about 'cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/20auto-upgrades' ?09:40
RedCat27EriC^^: doesn't exist09:41
EriC^^RedCat27: pastebin 'ls /etc/apt/apt.conf.d'09:42
RedCat27EriC^^: http://termbin.com/myom09:44
mdlpeHi, i have some trouble to launch Ubuntu in dual boot with win 10. I need to choose linux on Windows boot loader and after I can access to grub. An idea ?09:44
EriC^^RedCat27: try 'cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/60gnome-software'09:45
EriC^^mdlpe: pastebin the results of 'sudo parted -ls'09:45
Deknoshey, whats the difference between insights.ubuntu.com and planet.ubuntu.com?09:45
mdlpeEriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1007312/09:47
RedCat27EriC^^: ## This file is provided by GNOME Software to enable the download of ## small-size 64x64px icons for use in the software catalog. ## ## The icons are required for GNOME Software to function correctly. ## Applications without an icon will not be displayed at all.  Acquire::IndexTargets {     deb::DEP-11-icons  {         DefaultEnabled "true";     }; };09:47
RedCat27that's all it contains09:47
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EriC^^mdlpe: type 'sudo efibootmgr -v' and pastebin09:52
mdlpeEriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1007313/09:54
mdlpeIf I do not choose linux by selecting boot option (F12) at startup, I will boot directly to Windows without passing through GRUB09:56
EriC^^mdlpe: try 'grub-install'09:57
EriC^^*sudo grub-install09:57
EriC^^if it doesn't work then you can try disabling the windows entry09:58
mdlpeOk, i'll do that reboot and come back soon09:59
mdlpegrub install won't work : http://paste.debian.net/1007314/10:00
mdlpesda1 --> windows : sdb --> linux10:01
EriC^^mdlpe: try 'dpkg -l | grep grub; sudo blkid /dev/sdb1'10:02
mdlpeEriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1007315/10:03
EriC^^mdlpe: try 'grep efi /etc/fstab'10:04
tomreyni'm one of the unfortunate souls who settled for a ryzon cpu and need to roll their own kernel to gain some stability (at the loss of security and power saving features). so i'd like to fully automate building a custom kernel based on a mainline git checkout. how would you do this?10:05
tomreyn(basically i'd like to automate this: http://blog.programster.org/ubuntu-16-04-compile-custom-kernel-for-ryzen)10:06
mdlpeEriC^^: # /boot/efi was on /dev/sda1 during installation10:06
mdlpeUUID=126B-B2FF  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       110:06
EriC^^mdlpe: ok ubuntu is using /dev/sda1 as the efi partition, i'd rather it used /dev/sdb1 so it's a stand alone install10:07
EriC^^are you ok with changing it?10:07
mdlpeEriC^^: I'm lost10:08
mdlpeIf I did misunderstood, Ubuntu use the efi partition of windows and do not need its own efi partition.10:09
EriC^^mdlpe: the bootloaders go in the efi partition, efibootmgr has a list of which ones to boot in order, in disk sda there's an efi partition for windows, in disk sdb there's one for ubuntu, but ubuntu is using the sda efi partition right now, so if you ever put that disk on another pc it can't boot cause it's depending on sda10:09
tomreynwhere "that disk" = sdb10:10
EriC^^it can use it, but you already have an efi partition in sdb, might as well let ubuntu use it and the install becomes independent, you see what i mean10:10
mdlpeYes, but how to do it10:11
mdlpeI have no enough room to install ubuntu on sda10:12
EriC^^mdlpe: sudo sed -i 's/UUID=126B-B2FF/UUID=410C-A72B/' /etc/fstab10:12
mdlpeEriC^^: done10:12
EriC^^mdlpe: then type 'sudo umount /dev/sda1'10:12
mdlpeEriC^^: done10:13
EriC^^mdlpe: try 'sudo mount /boot/efi'10:13
mdlpeEriC^^: done10:13
EriC^^mdlpe: try 'LANG=C sudo grub-install'10:14
mdlpeEriC^^: root@mdlpe-Aspire-VN7-792G:/home/mdlpe# LANG=C sudo grub-install10:15
mdlpeInstalling for x86_64-efi platform.10:15
mdlpeInstallation finished. No error reported.10:15
EriC^^mdlpe: ok, type 'sudo efibootmgr -v' and pastebin the results10:15
qphow to turn off wol in bios ?10:16
mdlpeEriC^^: http://paste.debian.net/1007317/10:16
pr3s4r10_i wanna make a bootable ubuntu usb drive from my hdd but it gets more than 25 gig. i don't want my files. i just want the ubuntu system10:16
EriC^^mdlpe: ok, try rebooting and see if it works10:17
mdlpeEriC^^: ok I try it and come back10:17
tomreynqp: this is bios (vendor) specific and not really an ubuntu question. try to search the web, and if that fails, try ##hardware.10:17
qpits ubuntu issue , i get around a % battery drain (switched off) after installing ubuntu10:18
=== qp is now known as s10gopal
tomreyns10gopal: again, disabling WOL is a matter of reconfiguring your bios / uefi / mainboard firmware, has nothing to do with the OS.10:23
mdlpeEriC^^: It's the same, if I do not interrup the boot by F12 i directly boot on windows10:24
s10gopaltomreyn: i get blank screen for around 30 second after ubuntu logo10:24
EriC^^mdlpe: ok, the bios must switch it back to windows first by default10:24
tomreyns10gopal: are you trying to diagnose this potential issue (which is unrelated to WOL)?10:25
EriC^^mdlpe: do you have any uefi list in the bios setup?10:25
angelfire009where did my message go that i just typed?10:25
angelfire009when i login, i get a message that:- sorry, ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error. package: systemd 229-4ubuntu2110:25
s10gopaltomreyn: yes + i want to fix battery drain too10:25
tomreynangelfire009: not here, that's all we know10:25
angelfire009got it using the up arrow. has used /help at the beginning. dont know where it leads to.10:26
mdlpeEriC^^: I need to verify. To boot on linux, i trusted Ubuntu in the bios. But I need to check. What do you want i check on my bios ?10:26
zetaI run ZFS on Linux where I had to use an unstable grub from debian to make it work. Now when Ubuntu has a new grub version I want to use that. So I purged grub, but it was unsuccessful because of unmet dependencies. And now it won't let me re-install grub (and all grub stuff has already been deleted)10:26
EriC^^mdlpe: check if there is any uefi boot order you can change10:26
mdlpeok, i come back10:27
s10gopalblack screen for around 30 second after ubuntu logo + battery drain when laptop is off plz help10:27
tomreyns10gopal: take a look at the /var/log/messages log file and the output of the "dmesg -T" command. those should hint on what, if anything, went wrong during boot. you can use the 'pastebinit' command to share those with us (if you'd like someone else to review them).10:28
tomreyn!pastebinit | s10gopal10:28
ubottus10gopal: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit10:28
s10gopaltomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26463379/10:29
s10gopaltomreyn: plz see line  111710:33
angelfire009when i login, i get a message that:- sorry, ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error. package: systemd 229-4ubuntu2110:33
tomreyns10gopal: i just lost some lines posted to this channel, can xyou repeat?10:34
s10gopaltomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26463379/10:35
s10gopaltomreyn: plz see line  111710:35
s10gopalblack screen for around 30 second after ubuntu logo + battery drain when laptop is off plz help10:35
tomreyns10gopal: you have kernel oopses triggered by the wireless module10:36
s10gopaltomreyn: how to fix it ? it is also causing battery drain when laptop is shutdown?10:37
mdlpeEriC^^: done ! I placed efi ubuntu on the first choice to boot and all is fine now10:37
EriC^^mdlpe: great!10:37
mdlpeEriC^^: Thanks a lot !10:37
EriC^^mdlpe: no problem!10:37
tomreyns10gopal: i'm not sure how to fix it. maybe a firmware update is needed, or running a non taintend kernel.10:40
s10gopaltomreyn: it prevent laptop to shut down properly ?10:42
EriC^^mdlpe: also run 'sudo update-grub'10:43
s10gopalEriC^^: plz help10:43
tomreyns10gopal: it might. am i right in that you are using a non ubuntu wireless driver?10:43
s10gopaltomreyn: idk10:44
tomreyn"wl: loading out-of-tree module taints kernel. wl: module license 'MIXED/Proprietary' taints kernel. wl: module verification failed: signature and/or required key missing - tainting kernel"10:44
s10gopaltomreyn: i didnt installed anything10:44
tomreynok, maybe those are normal with secure boot enabled10:44
s10gopaltomreyn: i disabled it10:45
s10gopaltomreyn: [Fri Jan 26 14:07:17 2018] Secure boot disabled10:46
tomreyns10gopal: okay, looks like i misinterpreted your logs then. can you run (and post the output of): lspci -vvnn | grep -A 9 Network10:49
Alex___Hey Guys! Am I right here if I need some help with my freshly installed linux?10:49
tomreynAlex___: if this linux is a a supported ubuntu distribution, yes10:49
s10gopaltomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/26463442/10:50
Alex___tomreyn: Xubuntu :)10:50
tomreynAlex___: "lsb_release -sd" will list the version number (which also matters)10:50
Alex___That would be 16.04.3 LTS10:51
Alex___tomreyn: My problem is, Im trying to mount a cifs share from my NAS via /etc/fstab to a folder on my machine. Got it all up and running, but i cant get rw acces. Whatever I try, it mounts with ro. Tried the rw option in fstab, guid and so on. Nothing changes10:53
s10gopaltomreyn: found anything?10:58
angelfire009plz help.    when i login, i get a message that:- sorry, ubuntu 16.04 has experienced an internal error. package: systemd 229-4ubuntu2110:58
tomreyns10gopal: not really, i just gave upo searching the web for similar issues. all i know is that this is probably not a well supported device. try with the non HWE kernel,10:58
tomreynAlex___: that's probably a matter of the server (samba) configuration then.10:59
parapanis this working >10:59
Alex___tomreyn: maybe. but with my last linux, kubuntu, it worked just fine11:00
zetadpkg: error processing package grub-pc (--remove): subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1011:00
tomreyns10gopal: which ubuntu release is this?11:01
s10gopaltomreyn: 16 lts11:01
s10gopaltomreyn: updated11:01
s10gopaltomreyn: fresh installed11:01
tomreyns10gopal: so 16.04 lts. here's how: sudo apt install linux-image-generic; sudo apt purge linux-image-generic-hwe-16.0411:02
zetaapt-get check: unmet dependencies: grub-pc grub2-common grub-pc-bin11:02
tomreynAlex___: i agree that's unexpected then. sorry, i would not know, maybe kde mounts them differently.11:02
s10gopaltomreyn: i tried ubuntu 17.04 but same problem and after kernel update disk went read only mode11:03
zetaI'll give $10 (Paypal) to anyone who successfully helps me re-install grub11:03
tomreyns10gopal: 17.04 is !eol, no longer supported. but it was probably using the same kernel version by the time you tried.11:03
Alex___tomreyn: ok thanks anyway!11:03
s10gopal17.10 sorry11:04
s10gopaltomreyn: tried last night11:04
tomreynwelcome, Alex, sorry i can't help11:04
tomreyns10gopal: okay, still probably the same kernel version11:05
tomreyns10gopal: the real issue will be your hardware and how the company producing it doesn't provide good linux drivers / good documentation.11:06
s10gopaltomreyn: i am using hp ay008 tx11:07
tomreyns10gopal: i was referring to the broadcom wireless chipset you have in there11:07
abdel_hello guys, I am usung ubuntu 16.04. I can't intall programs, neither can i access ubuntu software centre. kindly help please11:07
s10gopaltomreyn: and how i can solve battery drain when laptop is off ?11:08
s10gopaltomreyn: around 111:08
s10gopaltomreyn:  1% per hour ( shutdown)11:08
SimonNLremove battery while not in use.11:10
SimonNLhi gopal11:10
s10gopalif i do it daily my battery will become loose11:11
tomreynabdel_: which package are you trying to install?11:13
abdel_tomreyn: i was trying to install xpad. I doubt if anything is installing11:17
abdel_is it possible to format my ubuntu version without losing any document ? or App?11:18
tomreynabdel_: can you run this on a terminal and post its output to a pastebin? sudo apt update; sudo apt install -f; sudo apt install xpad11:18
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tomreynabdel_: if your /home directory is on a different file system (or partition) than / (the highest path) then you can reinstall ubuntu, loosing information on installed packages, but not loosing personal data (as long as it is stored in the default location, so in /home)11:21
BluesKajHowdy folks11:21
s10gopaltomreyn: ?11:24
jimb_Good day BluesKaj11:24
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tomreyns10gopal: ?11:24
s10gopaltomreyn: plz help11:25
BluesKaj'Morning jimb_11:25
tomreyns10gopal: i helped you where i could11:25
s10gopaltomreyn: thx11:26
BluesKajI prefer tight data vs loose data ;-)11:26
BluesKajyou might lose your pants if you belt is too loose11:28
fishcookerhow to install iso file to usb drive11:33
BluesKajfishcooker:  use dd , it's one method11:35
BluesKajfishcooker:  don't forget to unmount the target drive/USB before running the dd command11:43
abdel_@tomreyn-please find the link to the pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26463684/11:44
waldmeistercan i burn dvds with an ubuntu install dvd? for example, copy the contents of the dvd to hdd when booting?11:55
waldmeisterso that the ubuntu install dvd does not occupy the drive11:56
jimb_waldmeister, It sounds like you are asking if you cansort-of install Ubuntu, on a temporary basis. If this is the case, I suggest you make a Bootable USB drive, then boot from that... then you can burn DVDs from the live boot session.11:58
sud0x3waldmeister: I think you want to be able to create another dvd from the live environment without having a copy of the iso, i dont think this would be possible12:01
sud0x3If you image the iso to a usb you will still need a way to get the iso to be able to burn another disc12:02
waldmeisterthanks guys - i want to use a copy of the iso from my hard drive basically, i know that knoppix supports this, but i do not have any knoppix dvd here and can't create one because i can't create dvds :-/12:03
jimb_It's a little beyond this channel12:04
jimb_hit enter by mistake12:04
jimb_It's a little beyond this channels stopic, but you can create a drive partition and put the ISO in it, so that you have a "live" system that isn't a regular install.12:05
sud0x3waldmeister: You can directly boot iso files from grub2, you could install this to your harddrive assuming it is not holding an os and is just used for storage.12:05
ericusWhy do I have to mute either Teamspeak or Banshee to get sound output from one of them? Not both at once http://i.imgur.com/dlUopa3.png12:05
waldmeisterok thanks, this sounds good - hope it will not mess around with the system too much12:06
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sud0x3waldmeister: if there is a system on the mentioned hardrive do not play with installing grub on it12:07
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waldmeisterok, i guess i will just buy a cheap usb stick and create a live system on it12:16
waldmeisterthanks for the help12:17
ask-ygU5AP56how can I gain su, without sudo and a su password, on a current (ubuntu 17.10) running Ubuntu (lubuntu variety) install?12:19
* ask-ygU5AP56 runs i38612:20
waldmeisteryou should not be able to i guess12:20
ask-ygU5AP56waldmeister, well, what if I want to, in this particular case, justifiedly?12:20
* ask-ygU5AP56 has a /etc/sudoers syntax failure12:21
jimb_ask-ygU5AP56, Have you tried booting from a live-cd? Then you can have SU and interact with the filesystem from the 17.10 install12:21
ask-ygU5AP56ergo, no sudo. but the box runs. though it's crypted.12:21
ask-ygU5AP56I don't recall writing anything, password wise, down. and it doesn't ask currently during startup.12:22
brymhi all. got an update error. i get a 403 when apt tries to update lxc/lxd from the cache. says there's no release file. any suggestions?12:22
ask-ygU5AP56so I figure, it won't be seen via an 'external' boot & mount.12:22
jimb_ask-ygU5AP56, Sorry, I don't think anyone is going to walk you through privilege escalation steps on this channel and I don't know how to walk you through mounting an encrypted partition in rw mode via external boot, but I figure that's what you are looking for instruction on.12:25
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gordonjcpask-ygU5AP56: sounds like you've got an unrivalled opportunity to learn how to back up, wipe, reinstall and restore a machine :-)12:29
gordonjcpencrypted volume setup shouldn't be in the pointy-clicky installer12:30
gordonjcpit should require some sort of physical key to enable, that you only get after doing a proper course so you know exactly how screwed you'll be when the encrypted drive goes wrong12:30
PozzoI've a ubuntu server (in a VM) with a very weird behavior : some command line (like "top") are becoming very (very) slow to start12:31
PozzoI mean : i run start... I have to wait 10s before top displays the running process... but once top is displayed all is normal... top is refreshing the screen normally12:31
Pozzoand the CPU/RAM is normal too12:32
Pozzoany idea to explain that ? something I could track to find what is happend ?12:32
unimatrix9hi there12:40
LordDragonhey all. i always run into this problem where /boot gets 100% full with old kernels. then it becomes almost impossible to remove the old ones because /boot full causes errors12:40
LordDragoni tried apt-get purge12:40
LordDragonit fails12:40
ericusLordDragon install bikeshed12:41
ericusand then sudo purge-old-kernels12:41
LordDragonericus: im sure there is a built in way to do it. id rather not install 3rd party stuff that does who knows what12:41
akikLordDragon: if you get this problem, remove a initramfs or two and then repeat the previous command12:41
unimatrix9we use mu-editor for programming with micro python, now the latest update for ubuntu 16.04 LTS breaks the mu-editor program ( bin file from website ) , ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mesa/libGL.so.1: undefined symbol: drmGetDevices212:42
LordDragonakik: ok. i didnt want to start just rm files and breaking the proper removal process. but ill try that. thanks12:42
unimatrix9any clue' s or tips are welcome12:42
mbibrym: did you get an answer to your question?12:43
LordDragonakik: that link is really helpful. thanks :D12:43
akikLordDragon: it seems to suggest that you need to run unattended-upgrades12:44
banisterfiendhow boys, how do i add aliases for short cuts? say i want to add an alias for C-c (copy) and C-v(paste) etc12:45
akikLordDragon: it's kind of weird that the new kernel update doesn't check the available space in /boot (or /) since it's a really easy and quick check)12:51
akikLordDragon: but the problem with running out of disk space can create a multitude of problems12:51
LordDragonok even deleting some of htose files doesnt work12:53
LordDragoncuz every time i try to do a purge12:53
LordDragonwith apt-get or dpkg12:53
LordDragoni get "unmet dependencies"12:53
LordDragonit says that the kernel im trying to purge depends on the same kernel im trying t purge12:53
LordDragonit tells me to run "sudo apt-get install -f"12:54
LordDragonwhich then puts back EVERYTHING i just deleted12:54
LordDragonits like forcing me to have a full /boot12:54
brymmbi: i did not12:55
mbiand you are running a supported version of Ubuntu?12:56
mbibe aware that 17.04 isnt supported anymore12:56
ITRHey, so a few years ago I dual-booted fedora on my laptop with windows 7, then later I decided to triple-boot with ubuntu too. However, ubuntu decided to install it's own loader over the windows 7 loader, instead of over grub, which made me unable to start windows (If I choose windows 7 (loader) in grub or the ubuntu loader, it just brings me to the ubuntu loader). Earlier I tried using boot repair, but that just made me loop into the g12:58
ITRI choose windows 7 (loader) (pastebin from that: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26453861/). I also tried "Restore MBR" and selected the particion Windows 7 (loader) is on, which didn't seem to change anything (this is after getting the log). Any ideas on how to fix this?12:58
mbibrym, did you try: apt-get clean && apt-get update ?12:58
brymmbi: i usually autoclean with each update/upgrade. is this different to clean?13:00
mbitry apt-get clean && apt-get update and eventually apt-get upgrade and see if this helps you in this case.13:02
mbithere is a difference between autoclean and clean13:02
mbiclean: removes all stored archives in your cache.13:03
mbiautoclean: removes all stored archives in your cache for packages that can not be downloaded anymore (thus packages that are no longer in the repo or that have a newer version in the repo)13:03
BillD73ITR: possibly update-grub is what your after?13:03
ITRBillD73: What does that do again?13:05
brymmbi: tried it with apt and apt-get. no joy.13:05
=== beaver|idle is now known as beaver
mbistill the same 403 against the repo? .. sure the repo is avaliable? ;-)13:06
brymwell, it's canonical so i hope it is. although it is coming from a ppa, but i couldn't imagine that being an issue for something canonical-maintained.13:07
brym*shouldn't. of course i could imagine it lol13:07
mbiif it's a simple http-repo, try to see if you can access it through a browser of some sort, just to make sure it is online.13:08
ITRBillD73: Oh, if it just regenerates the grub menu it won't help. It finds the windows7 loader on sda113:08
brymmbi: ok, looks like this might resolve it. trying it now: https://askubuntu.com/questions/997943/receiving-403-forbidden-on-ubuntu-dists-xenial-main-binary-amd64-packages-unab13:09
BillD73ITR:  i dont see anything in the pastebin for a grub error13:11
BillD73ITR: actually #grub maybe more suitable to helping you solve this13:13
ITRHmm, I'll try there then13:13
brymmbi: sorted. lxd/lxc now updating without errors or interrupting the rest of the update/upgrade process.13:14
brymnow onto the next problem. i just went to dunk a biscuit into my  coffee and... well, i need more coffee :P13:16
mbiGuess that belongs in #need-more-coffee :-)13:17
brymswear i spend more time getting coffee sometimes lol. oh well.13:19
=== Jorge is now known as Guest57609
ask-ygU5AP56gordonjcp, well, it's clear some sort of 'offline' code oughta be recorded.13:22
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ask-ygU5AP56gordonjcp, then again there may have been a moment when a 'password' was entered.13:22
ask-ygU5AP56I don't recall, it's been like 2 years?13:22
ask-ygU5AP56never once have I later on entered it either during startup..13:23
=== jackNemrod_ is now known as jackNemrod
aienaI have one strange problem. I have a script which exports and adds to path for the current shell. The binary is in the PATH. I have verified this by looking at the env var. But when I try to run the binary. Ubuntu complains that the app is not installed. I want to run the thing from my custom path. WHat is making ubuntu not read the bin from path?13:23
abdel_https://paste.ubuntu.com/26463684/.......................please i need help guys13:24
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aienahmm looks like corrupted data abdel_ from one of the ppa's you have13:25
aienanot necessarily corrupt but invalid data13:25
aienaabdel_: I think you added https://launchpad.net/~am-monkeyd/+archive/ubuntu/nautilus-elementary-ppa and it is creating a mess for you13:26
aienatry and see if you can install ppa-purge13:26
akikaiena: please make a pastebin showing the commands and error messages you get. that way someone is more easily be able to help you13:26
CheezTrying to install amdgpu-pro 17.40-492261 on Ubuntu 16.04 and DKMS is failing to build the kernel module (running kernel 4.13.0-32 - as far as i know the current one offered through apt-get). Anyone encountered similar and solved it? Build log with the errors: https://gist.github.com/Cheezykins/ce3a9e3ece3ad8d648fd8572bf296d5213:31
OnkelTemHow to decrypt and mount a user directory from another HDD?13:33
ftpuser1hi there13:34
ftpuser1guys can you read this?13:35
tomreynftpuser1: yes13:35
yeatsOnkelTem: I've been there - no fun and that's why I've not done that since13:35
aienaakik: here https://paste.pound-python.org/show/gGBXnf7dP7zlHFHkTlQA/ on line one I source my vars. On line 4 I print $PATH you can see a path is prepended the "COrdova" thing. Then on line 8 I do nan ls you can see a binary "node" is in that path. On line 12 I am trying to run it but ubuntu seems to ignore the $PATH and says node is not installed. On line 17 I proove node can run from the path def13:35
ftpuser1ok cool13:35
tomreynCheez: build it against the 16.04.1 kernel13:35
aiena*defined in $PATH13:35
yeatsOnkelTem: this might help: https://askubuntu.com/questions/605538/recover-encrypted-home-folder-after-reinstallation#60563413:36
akikaiena: i remember some version of nodejs needing to create a symbolic link "node"13:36
akikaiena: oh sorry i see that it's in that long path13:36
tomreynOnkelTem: if you're referring to an ecryptfs encrypted home directory (that's what the ubuntu installer offers for encypting your home directoy) then after mounting it you should find a text file explaining how to decrypt it.13:36
yeatsOnkelTem: (see the various responses to that question - more than one approach is listed)13:36
* skraito greets everyone and shout to joy and said "Happy Sabbath Day Everyone " .13:37
akikaiena: what does "which node" tell you?13:37
aienabut why13:37
akikaiena: how about "hash -r; which node" ?13:37
keebIs anyone familiar with NVIDIA drivers? I need to install a legacy driver and ubuntu refuses to. I've already purged nvidia*, and then when I run "apt-get install nvidia-361" (Or any old version), it installs nvidia-384 instead. I've also tried to "hold" the old version in apt and either I am doing something wrong or that doesn't work either. TY13:38
geirhanot which, type. ''type node''13:38
OnkelTemtomreyn: it reminds me how I once tried to locate my phone in a browser: Google sent a confirmation to my phone that I want to log into locating service13:38
aienageirha: "type" also says not found13:38
aienait is weird bcause I did the ls from the output of echo $PATH to be sure13:38
OnkelTemI booted from a Live 17.10 image and I have my old hdd mounted. Now how can I mount my home directory?13:39
geirharemove the backslash in PATH13:39
OnkelTemyeats: thanks, I'll try that13:39
aienageirha: the starting one13:39
akikaiena: the back slash doesn't work in PATH13:39
aienaso if there are spaces how do I tell bash to keep the space?13:40
aienaI used a literal ''13:40
akikaiena: you can set the path with e.g. export PATH="/path test:$PATH"13:40
geirhaaiena: '' or \ or ""13:40
aienaso variables store spaces13:41
geirhayou had used both '' and \, use onlye one13:41
geirhathough I recommend not using paths with whitespace in PATH. There are many badly written scripts out there that may try to parse PATH and choke on spaces in it13:41
aienageirha: yes I think when I coped from path it had that thank you13:42
OnkelTemDamn it, when I try to mount my encrypted home it is asking me a lot of questions13:42
aienageirha: ok13:42
OnkelTemSo I typed: mount -t ecryptfs ./.ecryptfs/username/.Private ./username13:43
beaver@info musl13:43
OnkelTemAnd it asked my passphrase (typed), then the chiper (???) then the key length... and something else13:43
beaver!info musl13:43
ubottumusl (source: musl): standard C library. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1.16-3 (artful), package size 327 kB, installed size 675 kB (Only available for arm64; musl-linux-arm64; armel; armhf; musl-linux-armhf; i386; musl-linux-i386; amd64; musl-linux-amd64; mips; musl-linux-mips; mipsel; musl-linux-mipsel; mips64el; musl-linux-mips64el; s390x; musl-linux-s390x; sh4; musl-linux-sh4; ppc64el; musl-linux-ppc64el)13:43
tomreynOnkelTem: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/zesty/en/man1/ecryptfs-recover-private.1.html13:44
beavermusl-linux-ppc64el really ?13:44
OnkelTemtomreyn: oh man, that's what I need really, thanks!13:44
tomreynOnkelTem: i should actually have pointed you to http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/artful/en/man1/ecryptfs-recover-private.1.html (artful, not zesty)13:46
aienaabdel_:  maybe ask your question again incase it got lost. Try to install ppa-purge and see if you can remove that ppa and fix your lists13:46
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anddamwhat's the difference between dia (dia-normal executable) and dia-gnome? I'm running both and I cannot spot a difference14:11
yeats!info dia-gnome | anddam14:14
ubottuanddam: dia-gnome (source: dia): transitional dummy package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.3+git20160930-6 (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 20 kB14:14
OnkelTemtomreyn: thanks, it worked14:22
OnkelTemFolks, one more question thought it's probably KDE related. I've just installed 17.10 and it's asking me about encryption of my home dir14:22
OnkelTemSo it showed a message and asked for my passphrase14:23
yeatsOnkelTem: yep, that will be required every time you mount your home dir (at boot)14:24
yeatsOnkelTem: and not just on KDE - that's the way the encryptfs feature works14:25
OnkelTemyeats: no, that's another thing. I've installed a new system and want to encrypt my home dir again.14:26
OnkelTemSo it's the first time it asks for a passphrase14:26
OnkelTemSO basically it asked me to type a passphrase and stopped14:27
yeatsOnkelTem: so what's the question?14:27
OnkelTemwhat it is assumed to happen next?14:27
OnkelTemWhat is it doing?14:27
yeatsit's been long enough since I used that feature that I probably shouldn't pretend to know - I'll step back and let others respond :-)14:27
OnkelTemyeats: np :)14:28
s10gopallaptop battery drain when laptop is off(shutdown) + black screen after boot for 30 seconds14:33
s10gopaldisabled wol too14:34
anddamyeats: I'm on xenial tho', I see dia-gnome is different from dia-normal14:36
anddamyeats: and the libs linked by dia-gnome are wayh more14:36
vistefanHello! In lens menu, when i press "Windows" key and search "sublime" I see SubimeText icon twice and with wrong name (starting with "untitled"). This is because I re-insatlled sublime as a package several times when it cought some glitch. But in /usr/share/application there is only one *.desctop file. ST also is not listed in Nautilus "open with" list. How can I remove wrong icons and fix the thing.14:39
MouzzEriC^^: In case you wanted to know what my "No space left on device" problem was, it was btrfs related. See https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/FAQ chanpter 414:40
backnforthHow do I install php7.0-pgsql on Ubuntu 17.10? I don't see it with my package manager14:43
yeatsanddam: if you do 'apt-cache showpkg dia' and 'apt-cache showpkg dia-gnome' you'll see the differences in dependencies - I don't know the answer to your original question, but you might direct it to the package maintainer(s): https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/gnome/dia-gnome14:44
deembacknforth: it's called php7.1-pgsql in 17.1014:44
oerheksbacknforth, 7.114:44
Cheezhmm, i've got further now thanks to tomryn. Back on the old kernel and the dkms module builds, but when I log in via lightdm i see a black screen then get thrown back to the lightdm login. https://gist.github.com/Cheezykins/2a1a6ee80e850526b8408d92648a0305#file-xorg-0-log-L129 link to relevent logs including a link to the lines in the Xorg logs showing what i think is probably the cause, but i don't know how14:46
Cheezto fix it >_>14:46
backnforthdeem: oerheks But I need PHP7.014:47
oerheksbacknforth, unlikely you have 7.0 on artfull14:48
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s10gopaloerheks: plz help me14:48
deemis there this much difference between 7.0 and 7.1?14:48
uwjesqHello. In 16.04 I am trying to set a default password for mariadb but it does not seem to work I have tried this https://dba.stackexchange.com/questions/35866/install-mariadb-without-password-prompt-in-ubuntu#4988014:48
uwjesqIt is an interactive script.14:48
uwjesqI mean non-interactive14:49
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec14:49
Cheezbacknforth: you can probably grab 7.1 out of the ondrej PPA14:49
FederatedJamWhy are all the links here: https://packages.ubuntu.com/zesty/amd64/libwayland-client0/download  404s? I need to downgrade libwayland-client0, but the only versions available on 17.10 in the default sources are incompatible with the install libwayland-client14:49
backnforthCheez: I'm not looking to grab 7.114:50
Cheezi meant 7.014:50
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec tried this "http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/disabling-wake-on-lan-in-ubuntu-might-save-a-tiny-bit-of-power-on-your-laptop/" too but no result plz help me14:50
backnforthok, I never heard of that source before14:50
uwjesqI have tried all kind of variations like this https://gist.github.com/hhirsch/47957a87a367387ff1866bd4257e0bcc14:50
oerheksbacknforth,  what you ask for, is unsupported14:51
ppfin a shell script, is there away to _parse_ another shellscript14:51
Cheezbacknforth: it's worth bearing in mind that support for php7.0 is ending this year, if you have stuff that can't work on PHP 7.1 it's worth updating it to work on 7.114:51
yeats!zesty | FederatedJam14:52
ubottuFederatedJam: Ubuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html14:52
backnforthCheez: I'm looking to use a Drupal distributiont that I think is stuck on php7.014:52
Cheezits already out of feature support, just security fixes.14:52
backnforththanks for the note though14:52
backnforthok, I'll test php 7.1 with it14:52
calimero_82hi guys, i`ve installed ubu in jumper ezbook 3 pro, but when i reboot, ubuntu doesn t work and starts again windows1014:53
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec tried this "http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/disabling-wake-on-lan-in-ubuntu-might-save-a-tiny-bit-of-power-on-your-laptop/" too but no result plz help me14:53
Cheezfwiw we have more than a few drupal installs running fine on 7.1 and 7.214:53
BudgiiIs caffiene running?14:53
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec14:54
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec tried this "http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/disabling-wake-on-lan-in-ubuntu-might-save-a-tiny-bit-of-power-on-your-laptop/" too but no result plz help me14:54
Budgiisl0gopal, is the caffiene app running?14:54
ducasse!patience | s10gopal14:54
ubottus10gopal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/14:54
s10gopalBudgii: ?14:54
backnforthCheez: Is the support ending only for Ubuntu and for php7.0 in it's entirety?14:55
ppfi have a file which is basicly shell syntax, but contains declarative information that i would like to read14:55
Budgiisl0gopal, i don't know if you have the program called caffeine, but i do and it keeps your computer active14:55
s10gopalBudgii: i dont think it is installed14:55
ppfi.e. it contains # comments and a single line of files, which might be broken up terminating with \14:56
backnforthCheez: IS the support ending only for Ubuntu or for php7.0 in it's entirety?14:56
Budgiisl0gopal: Alright. Not sure what's going on then. is the machine truly turned off?14:56
ppfhow best to parse this?14:56
s10gopalBudgii: yes i think so , laptop led are off when i shutdown it14:56
s10gopalBudgii: tried sudo poweroff too14:56
Cheezbacknforth: php 7.0 in its entirity. http://php.net/supported-versions.php14:57
Budgiisl0gopal, I don't know what to tell you. if the battery is easily removed, try taking it out overnight and then reinstalling it in the morning. See if it's the battery14:57
s10gopalBudgii: tried no drain , it only happen when i install ubuntu14:58
tomreynppf: you could use some programming or scripting language to do so, such as python, awk, sed.14:58
s10gopalBudgii: not happen when i install windows 10 , i am using ubuntu only now14:58
ppftomreyn: of course, but i'd prefer not to :)14:59
jimb_s10gopal, It sounds to me, like the poweroff command isn't actually completely powering off the laptop... it sounds like it's leaving the board powered up. I had seen that long ago, not recently.14:59
ppftomreyn: parsing is hard14:59
aienas10gopal: one thing you can do to be sure its not ubuntu is after shutting dowm remove the battery then press the laptop power button for 15 seconds at this point there will be no power to anything in the circuitry. Then place the battery back into the laptop and see if it is still draining at 1% per hour. Then it is the battery/the circuit but not ubuntu.14:59
Budgiisl0gopal, curious. Does the machine sound like it's running when its off?14:59
s10gopalBudgii: no15:00
tomreynppf: you asked for a way to parse it, now you don't seem to want to parse it. i don't see the logic in this. ;)15:00
aienawell if it were running too there would either be a light indicator or some vibration from atleast a fan/HDD15:00
Budgiisl0gopal i'm out of ideas15:00
s10gopalaiena: tried battery is good and it dont happen when i install windows 1015:00
ppftomreyn: i ask for a parser, i don't wanna write one myself ;)15:00
aienas10gopal: did you try my steps.15:00
ppftomreyn: i will if i have to, but i don't want to15:00
tomreynppf: unless it'S a standard format, it's unlikely that one exists,15:01
s10gopalaiena: yes i am messign with it from 4 days15:01
yeatsuwjesq: you should ask in #maria15:01
ppftomreyn: well it's posix shell syntax15:01
tomreynppf: can you show an example?15:01
s10gopalaiena: it dont happen when i hard power it off15:01
uwjesqyeats: I'll do that, too.15:01
aienas10gopal: because if the battery is removed and you press power for 15 seconds ubuntu has absolutely no chance to start and any remnant process will die. If after 24 hours from that point your battery hasnt depleted 24% assuming 1% per hour then lets see.15:02
s10gopalaiena: yes it don't drain15:02
aienathen it is ubuntu15:03
ppftomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26464581/15:03
bluesmonkif you press the meta key, and type startup applications there is a gui that helps you define which software runs at startup. I had four entries, and dumb me removed one that I think was important15:03
s10gopalaiena: what can i do ?15:03
aienas10gopal: just try installing another linux distribution e.g. opensuse and see if it drains still15:03
bluesmonkbut I did not get to see it, something about GNOME15:03
Budgiisl0gopal, do you have lenova or a really new computer?15:04
bluesmonkwould some please share with me what entry they have?15:04
s10gopalaiena: tried , but they dont work with my laptop , only ubuntu works good15:04
aienaif it does then it could indicate a wider problem e.g. maybe in the linux kernel or something.15:04
tomreynppf: this is the source format (or haystack), i ssume? what's the target (needle)? also, i don't see how that's posix shell syntax.15:04
aienas10gopal: which laptop is this?15:04
s10gopalaiena: hp ay 008tx15:04
ppftomreyn: it's the haystack; i want to grep all the .tex files out of this list15:05
ppfgranted there is non in the sample ... say all the .tfm files15:05
aienahmm this is skylake other distros should work. I had trouble with skylake but when it was really really new.15:06
aienas10gopal: Core i5 6200U/4 GB DDR4/1TB/DOS/2 GB Dedicated Graphics are the specs?15:06
s10gopalaiena: i tried dos windows 10 windows 7 and no drain15:06
s10gopalaiena: yes15:06
Budgiisl0gopal, read this: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=235996615:07
tomreynppf: so just the file names, not their paths?15:07
=== allizom1 is now known as allizom
gt8ost4lcan anybody help me install drivers for my video card?15:07
ppftomreyn: including the paths15:07
s10gopalBudgii: http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/disabling-wake-on-lan-in-ubuntu-might-save-a-tiny-bit-of-power-on-your-laptop/ is same15:07
Budgiigotcha. sorry, I didnt read your original link15:07
BudgiiDid the commands work?15:08
s10gopalaiena: how i can i fix linux ?15:08
bluesmonknvm, found this https://askubuntu.com/questions/831215/what-are-the-default-startup-applications-preferences-in-ubuntu-16-0415:08
s10gopalBudgii: yes but still drain , output show d15:08
aienas10gopal: I dont understand the problem yet so I cannot help yet.15:08
aienaI mean untill we find the root coause it is still a mystery15:08
s10gopalaiena: lets find it15:09
Budgiisl0gopal, does this sound like anything you've tried? "hwclock --systohc --local"15:09
s10gopalBudgii: no15:09
BudgiiI don't know what you ahve and haven't tried but here is another link https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/battery-drains-while-off-acpi-related-4175429035/15:09
s10gopalaiena: how i can take battery drain log ? or log when my laptop shutdown ?15:11
aienahmm not sure you can unless the thing that does the logging is still running.15:11
aienathere is "journalctl" but that is for running systems15:12
jimb_s10gopal, do you have an ammeter and wire? That's how I would be checking the power draw on the battery when the laptop is off15:12
tomreynppf: grep '^    /.*\?$' haystack | sed -e 's#^    ##' -e 's#\\$##'15:12
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s10gopaljimb_: no , but it only happen when i install ubuntu , it dont happen when i install windows15:12
s10gopaljimb_: and battery dont drain when i remove it15:13
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ppftomreyn: what about multiple files per line15:13
tomreynppf: i have not seen such in your haystack15:13
Budgiisl0gopal, incase you missed it: https://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-laptop-and-netbook-25/battery-drains-while-off-acpi-related-4175429035/15:13
ppftomreyn: i do know how to hack this together. i'm looking for a way to not do it myself.15:14
s10gopalBudgii: read15:14
tomreynppf: well, you'll need to.15:14
s10gopalBudgii: i am using ubuntu 16.04ts15:14
s10gopalaiena: jimb_ Budgii plz help me15:15
Budgiisl0gopal. we are..15:15
anddamyeats: thanks15:15
aienas10gopal: did you see the link posted by Budgii15:16
s10gopalaiena: yes15:16
aienawell everyone is trying to the best of their abilities to help15:16
Budgiisl0gopal, did it work?15:16
s10gopalaiena: how he identified this ? "I finally found the cause of the issue: the command "hwclock --systohc --local" causes the battery to drain when the laptop is off."15:16
aienas10gopal: that we do not know15:16
aienaevery path to an investigation is a different one15:17
BudgiiThats right aiena. :(15:17
ppftomreyn: sad.15:17
ppftomreyn: matter of fact, grep+sed is a nightmare. python's shlex is probably the nicest way to go15:18
s10gopalaiena: Budgii it dont work in ubuntu 16.0415:18
tomreynppf: that's why i listed it first. i also think this is kind of off-topic for ubuntu support. maybe try the respective language channels or ##bash15:19
aienas10gopal: it dont work is not very useful. What is the command output15:19
aienaare you in a root shell15:19
aienawhat is the terminal output15:20
s10gopalaiena: i cant find the file which it says15:20
ppftomreyn: building the parser or looking for one?15:20
aienaI need to go for dinner be back later tc15:20
ppftomreyn: the former i tend to agree with, but i won't be needing support for that15:20
dingirhow i wish logitech would support their stuff on linux15:20
dingirvery sad very tears15:20
tomreynppf: right. what does it say when you run 'file' on the haystack file15:20
Budgiidingir, what do you have that is logitech15:20
ppftomreyn: ASCII text15:21
dingira g810 keyboard15:21
BudgiiIt won't let ya type?15:21
dingirfigured out logigsk/g810-led programs...15:21
tomreynppf: so i guess its not a well known format.15:21
dingirits rgb man15:21
dingiri want the bleep bloop colors working15:21
tomreynppf: and i doubt a parser package exists.15:21
BudgiiI have logtitech g502 and the rgb works15:21
s10gopalBudgii: i cant find the file15:21
dingirthe template doesnt exist for linux15:22
Harm133Hey guys, someone threw an really old ubuntu machine my way... It was setup on a hyperv host and is now also running on a hyperv host. Seems to be lucid 10.4... I can´t it to boot tho15:22
dingiri can only have fixed colors or the boring wave effect15:22
s10gopalBudgii: gopal@gopal-HP-Notebook:~$ sudo gedit /etc/conf.d/hwclock and hwn i click save gedit cant find the file15:23
Harm133getting the error: atkbd serio0: unknown key pressed15:23
Harm133and my caps/scroll lock keep blinking15:23
auronandaceHarm133: you don't want to run such an old release15:24
ppftomreyn: fair enough15:25
Harm133auronandace, I want to move the data on it, but want to boot it first tho :) no network connection, just watn a fix to boot15:25
Budgiisl0gopal, did you try the other methods in the thread?15:25
sweinon 16.04 why would apt-get install work, yet apt install not work? It was for a third party added repo (sublime-text)15:28
rpi[work]i cant get ubuntu to install on this hp machine. No matter what i try it doesnt touch the internal drive15:29
rpi[work]i disabled secure boot15:29
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off after installing ubuntu (laptop is shutdown and drain 1% per hour ), tried 16.04 and 17.10 , + black screen after boot for around 30 sec tried this "http://www.hecticgeek.com/2012/09/disabling-wake-on-lan-in-ubuntu-might-save-a-tiny-bit-of-power-on-your-laptop/" too but no result plz help me15:29
rpi[work]and fst boot15:29
gt8ost4ldoes anyody know hoe to restart x server15:29
sweingt8ost4l: easily googled15:29
Budgiisl0gopal, try posting on the forums. We've exhausted our efforts here15:29
gt8ost4lswein i tred gdm but the restart command wasent found!15:31
ducasse!google | swein15:31
ubottuswein: While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.15:31
ducassegt8ost4l: which release is this?15:31
backnforthHi, I'm doing to do an `ln -s file link` but my link file is showing as empty15:32
gt8ost4l17.10 has the commands changed15:32
ducassegt8ost4l: try 'sudo systemctl restart gdm'15:33
jon5000hi.  i am trying to use ADB for something specific, related to getting ubuntu to recognize my android in a certain state..  Ask here? or somewhere else?15:33
Budgiijon5000: ADB, i've not heard of, but sounds pretty cool. what does it do?15:34
tomreynbacknforth: maybe the target is also empty (or does not exist)?15:34
backnforthtomreyn: is exist and has content15:35
ducassejon5000: questions about adb would be better asked in #android15:36
jon5000Budgii,  android development bridge.  allows you to interact with and control android devices through a computer, such as pushing files, installing OS, getting to bootloader etc.15:36
tomreynbacknforth: which file system is it? can you provide output of "ls -l /path/to/symlink" and "readlink -f /path/to/symlink" and "ls -l $(readlind -f /path/to/symlink)" ?15:36
jon5000ducasse, thanks15:37
Budgiijon5000, awesome!15:37
backnforthtomreyn: got it15:38
backnforthI was using the wrong file it link15:38
tomreynbacknforth: i can't parse what you just wrote, but am glad i could help :)15:38
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Dave_Elechey guys i was working on an industrial machine control and user interface and i wanted to use an ubuntu and only boot to a single application how can i do that?15:39
backnforthtomreyn: sorry, I was using the wrong file to** link15:39
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tomreynbacknforth: oh i see15:40
backnforthhad the wrong directory for it15:40
backnforthI wasn't even using a file15:40
paulomy mozila firefox doesn`t want to work...15:43
paulocan someone help me w15:43
backnforthpaulo: what error are you getting?15:43
pauloBuildID: 2018010411361915:43
pauloCrashTime: 151698140415:43
postry starting ff in safe mode or delete your profile (/home/$user/.mozilla/firefox/xxx.profile)15:43
paulostill crashed.15:44
posyou killed ff, deleted your profile, restarted ff and it still crashes?15:45
pauloow.no...hst a sec15:45
paulocan i guide me  w15:45
paulohow do i kil lit15:45
posclose it, "killall -9 firefox ; killall -9 firefox-bin"15:46
pauloon prompt?15:46
posyou could try the calculator15:47
mertlhow are you guys15:48
mertlam almost new in ubuntu15:48
Richard_CavellHi everyone. I'm on Ubuntu 16.04. I'm trying to learn the "cal" command. Yet the man page doesn't seem to match the cal installed on my system.  What's happening?15:48
mertlam type the command "man cal" now15:49
mertlso i get response15:50
mertli dont know what is happening but try this command15:50
Richard_CavellIt doesn't appear to like the options -w or -J for example, even though they are in the man page15:50
mertlsudo apt-get install cal15:50
Richard_CavellE: Unable to locate package cal15:51
orgasmixmertl: your system must have the POSIX cal (man 1p cal) while your manpages default to an implementation with extensions that aren't on your system15:52
orgasmixmertl: try sudo apt install bsdmainutils_9.0.12+nmu1ubuntu1_amd6415:52
Richard_CavellE: Unable to locate package bsdmainutils_9.0.12+nmu1ubuntu1_amd6415:53
oerheksthe -w option if for ncal only, iirc15:55
WacomNoobI have been trying to get my Ubuntu 16.04 to detect my Wacom Intuos 2, but have so far been unsuccessful... Can anyone help me figure that out?15:56
orgasmixjust bsdmainutils?15:56
oerheksbsdmainutils are standard installed, he had cal15:56
Richard_Cavellorgasmix, similar response15:56
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gt8ost4ldoes anybody know how to install the intel drivers for ubuntu 17.1016:04
oerheksgt8ost4l, no need to, intel is already installed16:06
oerheksdriver in use >> lspci -nnk | grep -i vga -A3 | grep 'in use'16:07
ciurlinican someone help me16:09
ducasse!ask | ciurlini16:10
ubottuciurlini: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:10
ciurlinimy mozilla firefox keep crashing and i dont konw what to do..i`m new in unbuntu16:10
ciurliniBuildID: 2018010411361916:12
ciurliniCrashTime: 1516983110 this is what it shows.16:12
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s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off (shutdown) only happen when i install ubuntu , disabled wol16:20
oerhekss10gopal, time to file a bugreport, or put your question on askubuntu.com16:21
s10gopaloerheks: lets file a bug report16:21
oerheksit sounds like an ACPI + hp issue, not an Ubuntu sisue to me16:21
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.16:21
s10gopaloerheks: plz help me , plz try to troubleshoot it16:21
_BIGSHOT_i have 16.04LTS i want to install 17.10 how can i save my home folder, bookmarks ... i want minimum fuss16:22
oerhekss10gopal,  troubleshoot? tons of people tried i have no clue there16:22
oerheksnot sure what part you need to adress the bugreport to, i think acpi16:23
s10gopaloerheks: plz see this http://paste.ubuntu.com/26465020/16:24
s10gopaloerheks: 120716:24
_BIGSHOT_oerheks, can you tell me bud how to do that?16:25
_BIGSHOT_can it be done automatically16:25
oerheks_BIGSHOT_, back it up on an external hdd/usb stick?16:26
s10gopaloerheks: can you plz help me in reporting a bug ? i dont know what to write16:27
oerheksyou *could* choose to install and keep the /home/ folder, but no guarantee ,it can get lost16:27
ducasse_BIGSHOT_: boot a live image, copy what you want to save to a usb stick16:28
oerhekss10gopal, just follow the bug url from ubottu;  ubuntu-bug acpi # or something else?16:28
s10gopaloerheks: i dont know what to write , which log should i ost16:28
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off (shutdown) only happen when i install ubuntu , disabled wol16:29
oerhekss10gopal, that should do fine, it sends system info with the logs too16:31
ducasses10gopal: then you write that - describe the problem and what you have tried to solve it16:31
s10gopaloerheks: i am unable to understand it16:35
s10gopal battery drain when laptop is off (shutdown) only happen when i install ubuntu , disabled wol16:35
Justushi, I'm trying to upgrade clamav but apparently the latest version in the repos for trusty is 0.99.2, any suggestions what to do while that zero day is still rampant?16:35
s10gopal battery drain when laptop is off (shutdown) only happen when i install ubuntu , disabled wol16:38
oerheksJustus, sudo freshclam # should get the latest defs16:38
aienaIn ununtu suppose I install a deb which is not from the distro e.g. say the official Brackets deb how do I track it?16:38
oerheksaiena, you could get some info: apt-cache policy <name.deb>16:41
aienaI am guessing with dpkg too you may be able to find out how to remove it16:43
Justusoerheks: I'm not aware that a definition file update can fix the zero day exploits of clamd16:45
JustusI've disabled it for now anyways, but it is worrying that there's no patch :/16:45
oerheks" fix the zero day exploits of clamd" ... really?16:47
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off(shutdown ) tried disable wol16:47
Justusoerheks: http://blog.clamav.net/2018/01/clamav-0993-has-been-released.html16:48
brainwashJustus: bug 174493016:50
ubottubug 1744930 in clamav (Ubuntu) "Please merge with debian's 0.99.3~beta2+dfsg-1" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174493016:50
auronandaceJustus: that was yesterday, I think it may need a little time to filter through to updating clamav in the repo16:50
brainwash>In progress16:50
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off(shutdown ) tried disable wol , dont happen when i install windows16:50
Justusthanks brainwash amd auronandace I'll leave it disabled for now and update as soon as possible :)16:51
s10gopalbrainwash: plz help me16:51
oerhekss10gopal, repeating over and over does not work, did you file a bugreport yet/?16:52
s10gopaloerheks: i dont know how to do it16:52
s10gopaloerheks: plz help me16:53
brainwashhow can it drain the battery when it's powered off?16:53
oerhekss10gopal, take a read first https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs16:53
Justusbrainwash: that doesn't look right, that's the merge request for the 0.99.3beta, clamav did change the versioning scheme because of this vulnerability, 0.99.3beta is now 0.100.0beta and 0.99.3 is the bugfix for the 7 DoS attacks against it16:54
oerheksbrainwash, my idea too, but maybe that laptop keeps wireless up16:54
brainwashJustus: yeah. I should have linked this one bug 174563516:54
ubottubug 1745635 in clamav (Ubuntu) "Fix Jan 2018 security vulnerabilities in CLAMAV" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174563516:54
Justusah, ok, then it is already being adressed16:55
Justusalright, thank you :)16:55
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Nice_ManFrom what i have read and understood linux is better without av or with one but in disabled mode and for scanning once a month...what do u think about that guys?16:56
s10gopalbrainwash: oerheks tried to disable wifi before shutdow , but it didnt solve the problem'16:56
brainwashoerheks: my only guess would be that the system enters a different state, like suspend16:56
Nice_Mannice idea brainwash16:57
s10gopalbrainwash: oerheks tried sudo poweroff too16:57
Nice_Manmaybe problem with the hardware and not ubuntu16:58
brainwashNice_Man: I think that AVs on linux are mainly used to scan windows files16:58
ZombieThey are.16:58
Nice_Mani see brainwash16:58
ZombieClamAV can detect some Linux Virii.16:59
brainwashdoes clamav even offer a realtime scanner?16:59
s10gopala user in debian is also getting the same issue16:59
oerheksstatic antivirus patterns are useless these days, heuristic scanning on file and process changes is more usefull.16:59
Zombiebut if you want to actually check for a compromoised system, you use rkhunter.16:59
Nice_Manmaybe he should try run a live cd and then power off17:00
ZombieSome things that happen to Linux are like, motherboard ACPI issues.17:01
Zombieand people think they are virusees.17:01
ZombieAnother thing.17:02
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ZombieLinux incurs alot of "combat Damage" from automated bots scanning for public facing services17:02
JonelethIrenicushow can you see why a package was held back?17:03
codingquarks10gopal: since you insisted.17:04
brainwashJonelethIrenicus: even when running "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"?17:04
s10gopaloerheks: brainwash codingquark is also facing the same issue17:04
JonelethIrenicusbrainwash: dont know haven't tried that, but I want to know what the issue is before moving forward17:04
codingquarkThis guy wants me to report a problem, but I'm using Debian. Not sure if you guys can help, but my issue is similar.17:05
codingquarkI have http://support.hp.com/my-en/document/c0491981917:05
brainwashJonelethIrenicus: usually you can do apt-get install <package>, and see why it fails17:05
JonelethIrenicusbrainwash: oh thanks17:05
nacccodingquark: which guy?17:05
codingquarkHP AC179TX17:06
s10gopalnacc: me17:06
codingquarknacc: s1017:06
codingquarkOops, s10gopal17:06
nacccodingquark: sorry, i'm a bit confused, if you're on debian, you should report your bug to debian17:06
s10gopalcodingquark: our laptop is same just gfx is diff but it have same gfx drivers17:06
codingquarknacc: of course! But s10gopal *really* wanted me to come here and say this.17:07
brainwashthen contact HP17:07
s10gopalthey dont support linux17:07
naccs10gopal: codingquark: what is the issue again?17:07
brainwashmaybe new firmware is available for your systems17:07
s10gopalnacc: battery drain when laptop is off (shutdown)17:07
s10gopali am on latest bios17:07
naccs10gopal: right, did you test with wol disabled?17:08
FrjdEverytime when I shutdown or reboot my 17.10 laptop it hangs during shutdown. Changing to another virtual terminal usually let's the system shutdown. Have anyone else experienced this and do you know of a fix?17:08
s10gopalnacc: yes17:08
codingquarkIn fact I've given up all hopes. I'm out people. Thanks for listening.17:08
naccs10gopal: and you verifie dwol is actually off?17:08
naccs10gopal: for your machine, the simplest solution maybe to just remove the battery17:08
s10gopalnacc: yes17:08
s10gopalnacc: but i cant do it daily and it drain 1% per hour17:09
s10gopalnacc: can you please help me in reporting it17:10
brainwashFrjd: google gives me quite some results when searching for that issue17:10
Nice_Mantry to power off from live cd or usb so u will  rule out the  hardware side17:10
s10gopalNice_Man: it dont happen when i install windows ,17:11
Nice_Manso maybe bug report or some googling for updates17:11
s10gopalNice_Man: can you plz help me in reporting a bug?17:11
Nice_Mani dont know17:12
Nice_Manhow yet :]17:12
Frjd_Saw that there's been a patch so nvm17:12
ducasses10gopal: read the wiki page on reporting bugs first17:12
Frjd_I'll try and download it and see if it gets better17:12
s10gopalducasse: read it17:12
oerheksubuntu-bug acpi # and hit enter and follow instructions, how hard could that be?17:13
s10gopaloerheks: acpi package is not installed , still report it ?17:16
doublehphttp://paste.debian.net/1007368/ does this mean an update of some package was done ? can I revert to old version of the package ?17:16
oerhekss10gopal, then no, it is not an acpi issue, though i would have guessed it was17:17
s10gopaloerheks: then what should i do ?17:18
kostkon!info acpi17:18
ubottuacpi (source: acpi): displays information on ACPI devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.7-1 (artful), package size 13 kB, installed size 69 kB (Only available for i386; ia64; amd64; mips; mipsel; mipsn32; mipsn32el; mips64; mips64el)17:18
oerhekss10gopal, then i have no clue what package to file a bug against17:19
ducasseoerheks: the kernel, i would think?17:19
s10gopalinstall acip ?17:19
nacci woudl start with the kernel17:19
naccand then it will get triaged around17:19
s10gopalwhat log should i post ?17:19
naccs10gopal: `ubuntu-bug linux` and it will ldo the right thing on its own17:20
s10gopalnacc: plz give me more info , what should i post17:22
oerhekssame line as you kept repeating for days? the bug tool collects the logs already17:23
naccs10gopal: you don't need to 'post' anything17:26
naccs10gopal: runt hat command17:26
tewards10gopal: you don't need to post anything.  Go into your computer, and run this command on the terminal: ubuntu-bug linux17:26
tewardit'll ask you to describe the issues you're seeing17:26
s10gopalit ask for summary and desc too17:26
tewardso describe the issue you're seeing yourself.17:26
tewardthe exact way you explained the issue here.17:26
anononacan Ubuntu 17.10 be installed without creating a swap partition?17:26
oerheksanonona, 17.10 uses swap-file now, standard17:27
tewardanonona: yes, but you need to do a custom partition setup and specify what partition is what17:27
ducasseanonona: yes, it creates a swapfile17:27
tewardahh, didn't know about swapfile :)17:27
anononateward: please elaborate.17:27
oerheksteward, only with a fresh install17:27
s10gopalany other files to upload ?17:27
tewardoerheks: indeed.17:28
tewards10gopal: not that *you* have to upload, the bug filing tool will grab the other files it needs17:28
tewardand then include that in the bug.17:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]17:29
s10gopaloerheks: nacc teward ducasse       https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564617:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]17:30
oerhekss10gopal, good, now wait17:30
tewards10gopal: now you wait for the issue to be seen, addressed, etc.17:30
s10gopalshould i keep posting it in irc too ?17:31
tewards10gopal: if there are any additional requests for information they'll be specified in the bug and then you provide that information in the bug.  Patience will now be required.17:31
tewards10gopal: under no circumstances should you keep posting it here17:31
tewardto do so generates noise17:31
tewardand causes us all grief.17:31
anononais ubuntu 17.10 stable enough for beginners?17:31
s10gopalonce in 30 min ?17:31
tewardat this point, you now sit on your hands and wait for the bug to get triaged and looked at.17:31
tewards10gopal: ^17:31
tewards10gopal: no.17:31
tewardyou just *sit back, relax, have a cup of tea, and don't even mention this issue here again.*  just wait for the relevant teams to look at the bugs and triage them.17:32
naccanonona: beginners should probably use 16.04.317:32
anononanacc: ok17:33
s10gopalhow i can learn linux ?17:33
naccs10gopal: take classes onlinne, read documentation, etc.17:33
naccs10gopal: not really an ubuntu support topic17:33
anononawhen I try to connect my android smartphone to my laptop in ubuntu mate, through an usb cable, it disconnects often and makes it difficult to transfer files. What could be the problem?17:34
anononais there any way I can navigate the files on my phone without using the usb cable?17:35
oerheksanonona, maybe the screenlock kicks in ?17:35
oerheksnavigate, no, android is protected against that, IIRC17:35
gbcis this a good place to ask for help with the juju ceph charm? is there a juju or openstack-charmers channel somewhere?17:36
naccgbc: probably #ubuntu-server17:36
nacc!alis | gbc: there is also probably a juju channel17:36
ubottugbc: there is also probably a juju channel: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"17:36
oerheksgbc, #juju and #openstack-charms17:36
anononaoerheks: even when the screen is on.17:36
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oerheksanonona, no clue why that happens then ..17:37
sud0x3anonona: what do you mean navigate files on the phone, with an application on the phone or useing a seperate computer?17:37
gbcoerheks, thx17:37
gbcubuttu ... thx17:38
sud0x3anonona: by navifate do you mean send input like keyboard and mouse? or literally navigate files and folders.17:38
anononasud0x3: navigate the files on the phone using my laptop while it is connected to the phone.17:39
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sud0x3anonona: you said without using USB so how is the phone connected to you machine?17:39
anononasud0x3: can I do that using bluetooth?17:40
anononaany package in ubuntu to do that?17:40
sud0x3im not sure why cant you use the cable?17:40
sud0x3there are a few methods of access overusb that i know of, one should generally just be mounted as a flash drive would be. The other more common one nowaday is using mtp (media transfer protocol) and failing that you can use adb.17:42
anononasud0x3: while using cable the phone disconnects often, I am not able to locate the reason for that. Both laptop and phone are new.17:42
sdfsdf   which app created this group i2psvc in passwd ?17:43
sud0x3anonona: what phone is it?17:43
sud0x3sdfsdf: i2p17:44
anononasud0x3: an android phone. Panasonic.17:44
sdfsdfsud i didn't have that17:45
sud0x3anonona: model so i can check the way they provide storage over usb17:45
sud0x3sdfsdf: im not certain but when i saw it i thought i2p service17:45
sdfsdfhow to i check if i got i2p installed ? what's its name in command line17:45
anononasud0x3: panasonic eluga ray x17:45
anononaI am using ubuntu mate 16.04.317:46
s10gopalhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/1745646 plz help me17:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]17:47
sud0x3anonona: Yeah i think its using mtp, you want to look for "mount mtp device"17:48
troubledGreetings! Anyone have any luck uploading any of the Ubuntu "iso" files to Dell iDRAC vFLASH? Nothing made by Ubuntu seems to be accepted as a valid image17:48
anononasud0x3: ok.17:48
oerhekss10gopal, stop repeating, thanks.17:48
ducasses10gopal: please stop asking that here and wait for a response to the bug report17:48
troubledMy assumption is that Canonical makes incompatible iso's, but doesn't care to fix them?17:48
sud0x3last time i played with mtp was not on ubuntu so i cant be of much help there17:49
sud0x3anonona: ^17:49
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anononasud0x3: ok17:49
sud0x3anyone use mtp to mount thier phones? could help anonona17:50
troubledAnyway, whenever I try I get "RAC0237: An error occurred while uploading the vFlash image." and "RAC0236: Invalid image: Upload failed"17:50
beaverhello, where I can find the present value of vblank_mode ?17:51
troubledand aparently i'm the only person on the planet with dell vflash that uses non windows iso's :p17:52
BluesKajnot just troubled, but lonely18:05
troubledBluesKaj: I'm sorry, was that an attempt at an answer?18:05
troubledgt8ost4l: no pm please18:06
gt8ost4ltroubled oh sorry18:06
BluesKajnope, merely a comment18:06
troubledgt8ost4l: the problem is idrac doesn't like any iso's except MS image or FreeBSD memstick. it thinks iso/img files are not correct and rejects the upload18:07
ephemerhello good people. currently having some issues with nvidia / vlc / vdpau. more precisely, when i'm playing a movie (mkv) and skipping through it, vlc freezes. EACH TIME! i'm currently in 16.04.3 & nvidia-390. do you guys suggest anything i could try ?18:07
doublehpis https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/ broken ATM ? when I try to reach https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtasn1-6/+filebug/4ffd812c-02c3-11e8-9dd0-d485646cd9a4? after auth, I am said " Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad. We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. (Error ID: OOPS-f4e90e393c993b8fbe9f8c763fdf35f0) "18:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in Launchpad itself "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released]18:07
ephemerinb4, disabling hw decoding from vlc has no effect18:07
gt8ost4ltroubled last time i checked freedsb is commandline18:08
troubledgt8ost4l: do you know what a Dell iDRAC is?18:09
gt8ost4ltroubled its hard talking here pm me18:10
ikoniawhy is it hard talking here18:10
ikoniaif you chat in open people can contribute and keep you safe18:10
gt8ost4lits cluttered people coming in and out18:11
ikoniayou can remove joins / parts from the screen18:11
gt8ost4li have a hard time to think18:11
troubledanyway, anyone that actually knows what a iDRAC and vFlash are, have any insight?18:11
ikoniatroubled: I use the IDrac from dell18:12
troubledikonia: do you have vFlash? and have you had any luck uploading isos to it? I've never been able to get most os's other than MS or memsticks to upload18:13
gt8ost4ltroubled:what was the default os installed?18:13
funabashihey guyys how can i monitor every command a user on my server type?18:13
ikoniatroubled: I have used it, you may want to use the ##hardware channel, as it's a bit out of scope for #ubuntu18:13
ikoniafunabashi: shell history files18:13
funabashiok if he do history -c ?18:14
ikoniafunabashi: ?18:14
troubledikonia: to put it more into scope: do you have any idea if there are "memstick" or "usb" compatible images to install from?18:14
ikoniatroubled: as in ubuntu images ?18:14
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troubledikonia: yes. i've had success with such images, so I suspect the vflash upload is checking the file type and being too strict. but hoping to avoid remastering the iso18:15
troubled(an entire day better spent installing os heh)18:15
ikoniatroubled: so I've used older ubuntu images on it I've not tried with current 17 and maybe 16 images, but earlier ones worked just fine18:16
doublehphow do I login in https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security-proposed/ ?18:16
ikoniadoublehp: you don't18:16
ikoniadoublehp: launchpad.net is a website, that is just a repo18:16
doublehpikonia: I am asked to loging to interact with my bugreport https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtasn1-6/+filebug/4ffd812c-02c3-11e8-9dd0-d485646cd9a4?18:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in Launchpad itself "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released]18:16
troubledikonia: meh, probably easier to just use virtual cd and mount the image, but man what pita. almost bug report worthy, but tbh, it sounds like its really dell being anal wrt file mime detection18:17
ikoniadoublehp: so you need a launchpad account18:17
doublehpikonia: so how do I login ?18:17
ikoniatroubled: I've not seen that problem, it's worked fine for me18:17
ikoniadoublehp: you need a laundhpad account that you can register for on launchpad.net18:17
troubledikonia: you actually uploaded an iso to it? or just booted virtual media you had locally attached? cause that works fine for me18:18
ikoniatroubled: the earlier versions, uploaded18:18
doublehpikonia: I have creted two accounts, and always get "           Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.                             We’ve recorded what happened,           and we’ll fix it as soon as possible.           Apologies for the inconvenience.                             (Error ID:           OOPS-c91273204ab279aef4c6ef62ea214d86)         "18:18
doublehpon both18:18
ikoniadoublehp: just logged in fine18:18
troubledikonia: well thanks for the insight18:19
doublehpikonia: how ?18:19
ikoniadoublehp: I typed in my username and password into the login box18:19
doublehpikonia: can I interact with my bugreport without logging in ?18:19
ikoniadoublehp: you can't18:20
doublehpikonia: I have tried two accounts, on Firefox using IPv6 and Chrome using IPv4 ... this bug report is critical18:21
doublehpthere is a critical bug in a security update; the security update must be patched ASAP18:21
doublehpand it's automatically installed18:21
ikoniaI've just created a new account, and that worked too18:22
ikoniaI guess I have to figure out how to delete that account as it's a wate18:22
sadakoI keep getting an error like [some source] "does not have a release file".  I even get it when doing do-release-upgrade18:22
doublehpikonia: wait, can you give me access to your account ?18:23
ikoniadoublehp: no18:23
doublehpikonia: can you update the bug report for me ?18:23
gt8ost4ldoes anybody know whats in the mozilla folder?18:23
ikoniadoublehp: sorry, no18:24
ikoniadoublehp: see if you can login via https://community.ubuntu.com/18:24
doublehpso, a security update automatically installed, is going to break thouthands of machines, bugs prevent me from reporting it, and, that's it ?18:25
ikoniawhats it ?18:25
doublehpI had not tried Ubuntu since 11 years, I think I need to return to Debian ...18:25
ephemerhey, guyz, where does 16.04 stores its Xorg.conf file ?18:26
ephemerby default18:26
ikoniaephemer: doesn't create one by default18:26
ikoniaephemer: it's dynamic now, you can create one if you want18:26
ephemerwhen .. where does nvidia setting saves the config ?18:26
ikoniaephemer: where you tell it to, but the default is the xorg config file18:26
ephemerwhich is .. where? :P18:27
ikoniaephemer: you create it18:27
oerhekssadako, are you on zesty 17.04?18:27
doublehpikonia: yes, I was able to login the community site, but, still have the problem in launchpad18:28
ikoniadoublehp: if you've logged in via the communicty site, the session in that browser will allow you to use launchpad18:28
ikoniadoublehp: it's the same SSO18:28
sadakoYes, oerheks18:29
oerhekssadako, ah, then upgrade, 17.04 is dead, EOL18:29
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:29
sadakoEr I'm trying to upgrade. is sudo do-release-upgrade not correct?18:29
doublehpikonia: no, and no, and I can proove it. While registering in the community, I have updated my "full name" from "Demaine" into "Demaine Benoit"; and when I am asked to share my full name, launchpad is still using "demaine"18:30
oerhekssadako, yes, after you install update-manager-core update-manager ..18:30
ikoniadoublehp: if it's showing your name in launchpad - you are logged in18:30
ikoniait can only show your name after the login18:30
sadakoI also tried using the software updator, but it fails to reach the server or something18:31
sadakohm okay18:32
oerhekssadako, follow the eolupgrade wiki, old-release etc18:32
doublehpikonia: I start again. I have auth correctly into the community. When I try to go on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtasn1-6/+filebug/4ffd812c-02c3-11e8-9dd0-d485646cd9a4? , the first page I see (after some automatic redirection to https://login.launchpad.net/FooBar/+decide ) asks me if I accept to share some personnal data "full name" and "email adress" ; I click on "yes log me in", and then, I got the error.18:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 4 in Launchpad itself "Importing finished po doesn't change progressbar" [Medium,Fix released]18:33
sadakoYeah I'll do that.18:33
doublehpon that  https://login.launchpad.net/FooBar/+decide page the top right bar says "Demaine My Account | Lgout" , so, yes i am logged in Ubuntu1, but, sharing personnal details bug, and prevent me reaching my bug report18:34
ikoniadoublehp: can you login from "login.ubuntu.com"18:34
iratedON ubuntu 17.10 I can't switch audio outs. It keeps switching back to built-in18:34
iratedIs there away to manually switch this via cli?18:34
iratedOr see why its switching back18:35
oerheksdoublehp, if you marked it as security, i guess it is normal.18:35
doublehpikonia: when i visit your link, it immediately says I am in18:35
ikoniadoublehp: intersting18:35
doublehpoerheks: I did not mark anything yet; I have just run ubuntu-bug, and press S ...18:35
oerheksikonia, or should one see his own security bug reports?18:35
ikoniaoerheks: you should be able to see your own comments/bugs18:36
ikoniadoublehp: looks like you may need to engage canonical support for launchpad18:36
doublehpwhich is ? where ?18:36
akikirated: you can switch outputs with pacmd, e.g. pacmd set-card-profile 018:37
akikirated: pacmd set-card-profile 0 output:analog-stereo+input:analog-stereo18:37
ikoniadoublehp: try #launchpad channel for starters18:37
akikirated: you can get the different outputs with: pacmd list-cards (look for profiles)18:38
doublehpubuntu is still as bad as I was said 12y ago18:38
BillD73how long does it normally take to get a PGP key made available to launchpad?18:38
ikoniadoublehp: you already said that18:38
doublehpnow, how do I disable automatic security updates ? they seem to be in cron.daily, but I don't understand if it's done by apt, aptitude or dpkg18:40
BillD73irated: when I built my ubuntu tower I disabled the onboard audio in the gigabyte bios18:40
ikoniadoublehp: disable the repo ?18:40
ikoniadoublehp: pin the package you're worried about ?18:40
doublehpno; i don't want any further breakage; so, I want to disable them completely, forever18:41
ikoniadoublehp: so diable the repo then18:41
BillD73or better question how do I verify my key is registered with the ubuntu keyring server?18:41
doublehpeven if I pin the package of the day, tomorow, an other package may break my system again18:41
ikoniadisable the repo then18:41
oerhekshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticSecurityUpdates edit  /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/10periodic and change to 0: APT::Periodic::Update-Package-Lists "0";18:43
cpinedhello, I have a weird SSH issue.  I have port 22 and 443 open on my router.  Both ports are listening on Ubuntu, I am able to ssh to both ports using my public ip address from inside my home network.  I can only access port 22 from outside my network.  Does SSH 443 require more settings?18:47
ikoniayou don't ssh to port 44318:48
ikoniathats for SSL on a web server18:48
cpined@ikonia, somehow I was able to get that working on cygwin so I thought I should also work on Ubuntu.18:49
ikoniassh won't listen on 443 unless you configure it to18:49
jimb_You can alter the /etc/ssh/sshd_config to run on ports other than 22. Your ISP may be blocking 443 from outside traffic though as they may not want people running web servers18:49
cpined@jimb, ok I'll give it a shot.18:50
xdbboze debilskog servera18:51
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564618:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]18:52
ikoniaand ?18:52
res22hey, i have upgrade ubuntu from 16.10 to 17.10 but in my terminal stay "root@Ubuntu-1610-yakkety-64-minimal:"18:53
ikoniares22: uname -n18:53
res22uname -a Linux Ubuntu-1610-yakkety-64-minimal 4.13.0-32-generic #35-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 25 09:13:46 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux18:54
ikoniathere you go18:54
ikoniathat's your hostname18:54
res22but lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description:    Ubuntu 17.10 Release:        17.10 Codename:       artful18:54
=== root is now known as Guest44165
ikoniares22: yes ?18:54
oerheksres22, what gives: hostnamectl status18:55
ikoniaPS1 is your hostname18:55
ikoniayour hostname is what you are seeing, the prompt is correct18:55
Guest44165where are you from18:56
res22hostnamectl status    Static hostname: Ubuntu-1610-yakkety-64-minimal          Icon name: computer-vm            Chassis: vm         Machine ID: xxx            Boot ID: xxx     Virtualization: kvm   Operating System: Ubuntu 17.10             Kernel: Linux 4.13.0-32-generic       Architecture: x86-6418:56
Guest44165where are you from18:56
oerheksGuest44165, this is international ubuntu support :-)18:57
jimb_I was assembled in various cities over the course of months.18:57
oerheksres22,  if you want to change that, follow !hostname18:58
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.18:58
res22i will try thanks18:58
=== Ezriilc_ is now known as Ezriilc
res22i have changes with "sudo hostname your-new-name" to "@Ubuntu-1710-artful-64" it works, thanks19:04
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564619:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]19:08
tomreyns10gopal: repeatedly posting this here serves no purpose. please stop.19:09
sadakohttps://pastebin.mozilla.org/9076736 after following the instructions on the EOLUpgrade wiki page19:12
res22ubottu: in /etc/hosts i have changed too, thanks19:14
ubottures22: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:14
oerhekssadako, how does your /etc/apt/sources.list look like?19:15
tomreynsadako: i wont be able to help since i must leave now, but i suggest you make the output of "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache policy; lsb_release -ds" available here via !pastebin19:16
tomreyn!paste | sadako19:17
ubottusadako: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.19:17
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sadakoeh hang on let me get on irc on that computer19:18
texlaI have two versions of Ubuntu...14.04 on sda4 and 16.04 on sda1...14.04 has the controlling grub bootloader...As I wish to delete 14.04 how do I get 16.04 to be the controlling boot loader19:20
sadtaco-remoteThat is my sources.list19:21
res22mh after a reboot i get the old hostname19:22
xpolicemanbonsoir,j'ai un souci mon serveur apache2 sur ubuntu n'arrive pas à afficher les images comment dois je faire?merci pour votre comprehension19:25
doublehpikonia: from #launchpad : (20:23:27) cjwatson: doublehp: fixed now, sorry about that.  you ran into https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/1607242 due to an old comment from your email address that we imported from another bug tracker.19:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1607242 in Launchpad itself "Logging into a placeholder person OOPSes if email address already on another person" [Critical,Triaged]19:25
ubottuNous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.19:25
doublehpxpoliceman: essaye #ubuntu-fr , sinon, il y a des webforums en français19:26
yeatsres22: do 'cat /etc/hosts' and 'cat /etc/hostname', remove anything from the results that you don't want the world to see, then paste both here and share the link: https://paste.ubuntu.com/19:27
res22yeats: i forgot the /etc/hostname now it works, thanks19:28
sadtaco-remotehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/26466150/ output of "sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-cache policy; lsb_release -ds"19:29
eksHi community, I am traying to install or at least to desinstall completle webhttrack please see image belo and let me know how to work on this please.. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1s5L3ZYO3CLJP5W5dUI3exxWIPGJ77D1W/view?usp=sharing19:29
sadtaco-remoteTrying to upgrade to 17.10 but getting errors and unable to19:29
ioriasadtaco-remote, maybe if you change CODNAME with your release name , might work19:30
s10gopalbattery drain when laptop is off https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/1745646   plz help me19:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]19:32
doublehpikonia: they fixed my auth bug; I completed my report; and disabled /etc/cron.d/armbian-updates . All good for me; thanks, and bye19:33
sadakowoops lol19:33
sadakoso to Artful, or Artful Ardvark?19:33
ioriazesty is in old-release, not artful ('cause it's not eol)19:34
s10gopalioria: plz help me19:34
iorias10gopal, you're dual booting ?19:34
sadakoI'm on zesty now. I'm trying to upgrade19:35
iorias10gopal, you said that it's not happening with windows ...19:35
texla I have two versions of Ubuntu...14.04 on sda4 and 16.04 on sda1...14.04 has the controlling grub bootloader...As I wish to delete 14.04 how do I get 16.04 to be the controlling boot loader19:35
s10gopalyes when i install windows19:36
iorias10gopal, fastboot enabled ?19:37
iorias10gopal, try to disable it19:37
s10gopaltried both19:38
s10gopallegacy and efei19:38
iorias10gopal,  disable  fastboot19:38
s10gopaltried but didnt worked19:39
iorias10gopal,  try again and leave the pc off for almost, let's say 3 hours19:39
kostkons10gopal, you didn't manage to disable fastboot or you did, but made no difference?19:40
gopalikonia: even with fast boot enabled it takes 2.12sec to boot19:42
akikdoes disabling windows fastboot have some effect on the hardware/linux side?19:42
pal_nick pally19:42
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gopalakik: u disable fast boot in bios right?19:44
akikgopal: oh in bios? i thought they meant the option in win1019:45
sadtaco-remotehttps://paste.ubuntu.com/26466250/  Set to "artful", I still get similar errors19:45
ioriagopal, i said 3 hours19:45
gopalakik: there is option in bios to disable19:45
gopalioria: i am tying from 5 days19:46
akikgopal: what does it say?19:46
douxHi, Virtualbox kept crashing (4.13.0-31 kernel). I tried removing it and the re-installing it but now when I try to use some of the commands like modprobe -a vboxdrv, it tels me that: Module vboxdrv not found...19:46
ioriagopal, you don't get me, leaver the pc off for 3 hours19:46
gopalakik: fastboot <disable/enable>19:46
gopalioria: did it for a night19:46
user12345678Hey - Ubuntu 17.10 overriade some bios setting - i google it on the net ?19:46
user12345678This is true ?19:47
ioriagopal, do it again with fatsboot disabled, this time19:47
gopalioria: i did it19:47
ioriagopal, do it again , trust me19:47
krytarik!intel-spi | user1234567819:48
ubottuuser12345678: The original release of Ubuntu 17.10 contained a bug that makes firmware memory read-only. See https://pad.lv/1734147 for more info. This bug has been fixed in 17.10's repositories (so upgrades are safe) and new ISOs have been released (look for 17.10.1 in the filename).19:48
gopalioria: i did disable fast boot , installed linux in legacy mode , installed windows and tested my battery , removed my battery for a night too19:48
ioriagopal, good19:48
gopalioria: turned my laptop off then removed battery then again pluged it and there was no battery drain that time19:49
gopalioria: plz help me19:51
user12345678ubottu - it's rather a malware19:51
ubottuuser12345678: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]19:53
user12345678ubottu - I am only a bot, but I'm intelligent19:53
ubottuuser12345678: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:53
krytarikuser12345678: Then you didn't read properly.19:54
=== LevierMRQ1 is now known as LevierMRQ
gopalubottu:  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564619:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]19:54
user12345678it's rather a malware19:54
krytarikgopal: Why do you keep pasting this?19:54
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
gopali was testing ubottu this time19:55
sadtaco-remotewhen I  try to run software updater I get "Failed to download repository information / please check your internet connection"19:55
user12345678it's can be the same situation, as in cups drive and linux kernel server infrastructure was infected19:55
yeatsgopal: /msg ubottu and you can test without channel noise19:55
SimonNLgopal: this afternoon you have been asked to wait for response on your bug report19:55
kostkonsadtaco-remote, sudo apt-get update   in the terminal and pastebin it19:56
texla I have two versions of Ubuntu...14.04 on sda4 and 16.04 on sda1...14.04 has the controlling grub bootloader...As I wish to delete 14.04 how do I get 16.04 to be the controlling boot loader I have two versions of Ubuntu...14.04 on sda4 and 16.04 on sda1...14.04 has the controlling grub bootloader...As I wish to delete 14.04 how do I get 16.04 to be the controlling boot loader19:56
kostkonsadtaco-remote, artful aka 17.10 is still supported so why did you altered your sources.list to point to old-releases?19:58
sadtaco-remoteI keep getting this "does not have a Release file." error for all sources19:58
sadtaco-remoteI thought that's what EOLUpgrade said to do19:58
sadtaco-remotei guess I'm supposed to put what I'm currently on there19:58
ioriazesty is in old-release, not artful ('cause it's not eol) ì19:58
gopaltexla: i am not expert but i did this format sda4 use live to repair grub19:59
jilwho use fish and find it better that bash ?19:59
sadtaco-remoteI'm on zesty and trying to update to artful19:59
kostkonsadtaco-remote, are you currently on 17.04 or 17.10?19:59
ioriasadtaco-remote, so ? codname is zesty not artful19:59
kostkonsadtaco-remote, then change the codename from artful to zesty19:59
user12345678by http://www.firstpost.com/business/security-breach-hits-linux-foundation-sites-down-for-maintenance-1884869.html19:59
krytariktexla: See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing#Reinstalling_GRUB_220:00
user12345678it was discovered on September 8, 2011. The Linux Foundation20:00
kostkonsadtaco-remote, also how many times have you c/ped the lines from the wiki page. Your apt-get update output seems a bit too long20:00
sadtaco-remoteI don't get what you mean20:01
ioriasadtaco-remote, and i suggest you to remove/disable 3rd party repos20:01
sadtaco-remoteThere's 4 source lines from the eolupdate wiki20:01
kostkonsadtaco-remote, forget about it then20:01
sadtaco-remoteI copied sources.list from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades20:01
texlakrytarik, Thanks will try that info20:03
sadakoI think it's working now...20:03
mustmodifyIs it dirty to copy entries from one server's /etc/passwd file to another to prevent people from having to each login to create their own account?20:05
mustmodifyand shadow I guess.20:05
leftyfbmustmodify: you'll definitely need shadow20:06
gopalleftyfb: plz help me https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564620:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]20:07
mustmodifyI see group numbers and user numbers... so I assume I need to go into the group file and create those as well.20:07
leftyfbgopal: if the battery is draining when the laptop is off, that is 100% no the fault of Ubuntu or any other OS on the laptop20:07
leftyfbgopal: contact HP20:08
gopalleftyfb: but battery dont drain when i use windows20:08
gopalleftyfb: and it dont drain when i remove it20:08
leftyfbgopal: if the laptop is off, there is no OS running20:08
gopalTJ-: plz see this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-hwe/+bug/174564620:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1745646 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Battery drain when laptop off (shutdown) , WOL disabled , no usb device connected" [Undecided,New]20:08
yeatsgopal: nobody in this channel is going to be able to fix a kernel bug on the spot :-/20:09
ioriait's difficult draining the battery, if the battery is removed ... agree20:09
leftyfbgopal: here's a test. Remove your hard drive.20:09
leftyfbgopal: you should still be able to remove the hard drive20:10
tomreyngopal: it's not acceptable to keep highlighting random people (and bots) here in an attempt to get assistence with your issue. please stop.20:10
tomreyn(2nd warning)20:10
gopali tried shut down ubuntu , removed battery then put it again and there was no drain20:11
TJ-gopal: can you attach full logs to the report? "apport-collect 1745646"20:11
leftyfbgopal: regardless, there is no reason why Ubuntu would be the cause of the battery draining when the laptop is OFF. Ubuntu is not running, therefore is cannot do or cause anything.20:11
gopalTJ-: how?20:11
TJ-gopal: use the command I've just given you20:11
TJ-gopal: These battery issues are due to system firmware ACPI problems; we may be able to workaround them. I already see some signs of ACPI errors in the journal log you attached to the bug report20:12
gopalTJ-: it says restart your system or close firefox20:14
TJ-gopal: apport needs access to the browser to get you to log-in to Launchpad so it can attach the logs20:15
leftyfbTJ-: can you explain to me how Ubuntu can cause a battery to drain when it isn't running?20:15
gopal_TJ-: Package linux-hwe not installed and no hook available, ignoring Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.20:17
TJ-leftyfb: it isn't 'Ubuntu' it's the system firmware (ACPI) not shutting down platform devices correctly, and being tailored to Windows drivers so Linux doesn't know about it or how to manage it20:17
gopal_TJ-: and a dialog said no info collected20:17
TJ-gopal_: try again; I re-assigned the bug to "linux"20:18
leftyfbTJ-: boy, that's just .....20:18
TJ-leftyfb: ... pretty common :D20:19
gopal_TJ-: done20:19
TJ-gopal_: originally, didn't we reconfigure that system to use apci_osi= ?20:20
gopal_TJ-: other hp linux user was getting same problem he was using debian20:20
mustmodifySo... I had a script to set up a new machine. I think the timezone part of it is wrong.20:20
gopal_TJ-: yes20:20
gopal_TJ-: it is fresh install20:20
TJ-gopal_: and what did it 'kill' that meant you had to remove it?20:20
TJ-gopal_: I seem to recall you had some device not work correctly20:21
mustmodifyThe machine should be in America/New_York time. But this isn't doing what I expect: https://gist.github.com/mustmodify/40611a252f8bfbf9ab47#file-gistfile1-txt-L3-L420:21
mustmodifyit ends up saying I'm still in UTC time.20:21
mustmodifyAny thoughts?20:21
gopal_TJ-: but even driver didnt solved the problems so i reinstalled ubuntu20:21
grubquestionI have a question about eding /etc/default/grub to boot to a previous kernel20:21
gopal_TJ-: and tried ubuntu 17.1020:21
gopal_TJ-: i get black screen before boot20:22
tomreynmustmodify: sudo timedatectl set-timezone America/New_York20:23
grubquestionI use lubuntu 14.  If I edit, /etc/default/grub, <GRUB_DEFAULT=0> do I need to account for the bios as a number?20:23
tomreynmustmodify: try this, too (although i also would have expected your approach to work)20:24
mustmodifyit's weird. I expect it to work, too.20:25
grubquestionplease pm me if anybody knows about that stuff :D20:25
mustmodifyI'm setting up a machine for my clients to use for a while. So if something's wacky about it I would like to know soon. :)20:25
mustmodifytzselect tells me to put this in my .profile... but that won't work when non-interactive users are running webservers.20:26
tomreynmustmodify: why do you run dpkg-reconfigure through sudo when you run the entire thing as root already?20:28
mustmodifyI'm in root.20:29
mustmodifyNo reason I guess.20:29
tomreynmustmodify: is the change to /etc/timezone actualyl writtne to disk?20:29
mustmodifythat's what was weird.20:30
mustmodifyIt took that. Even when I rebooted, it was still there, but would show the timezone in UTC20:30
mustmodifybut then the new command worked.20:30
mustmodifySo there's something different about how this OS works than when I originally wrote this. But... even though I would like to understand, it's not worth the time.20:31
tomreynit'll be something systemd'ish20:32
mustmodify(unless it turns out time on this machine is Fd up... then it's totally worth the ... time.... AHHHH20:32
mustmodifyweird, my instructions say to add to /etc/ntp.conf... why would you not just take the default?20:33
mustmodifySeems pretty thorough...20:33
TJ-gopal_: I'd like you to dump, compress, and attach the ACPI tables to the bug report (attach manually via the web-browser). Commands: "mkdir -p /tmp/acpi; cd /tmp/acpi; sudo apt install acpica-tools; sudo acpidump-acpica -b; tar -cf ../acpi_tables.tar.gz *; cd ..; ls acpi*"20:34
john1987hello guys20:35
gopal_TJ-: ok20:35
john1987need some guidance on implementing DAC20:35
john1987do I need ACLs  of i cna manage without?20:36
gopal_TJ-: how to upload?20:36
TJ-gopal_: visit the bug report with the web-browser, log-in to Launchpad, then use the '+ Add attachment or patch" link at bottom-left of the page20:37
gopal_TJ-: update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/acpixtract-acpica to provide /usr/bin/acpixtract (acpixtract) in auto mode update-alternatives: warning: skip creation of /usr/share/man/man1/acpixtract.1.gz because associated file /usr/share/man/man1/acpixtract-acpica.1 (of link group acpixtract) doesn't exist update-alternatives: using /usr/bin/acpidump-acpica to provide /usr/bin/acpidump (acpidump) in auto mode update-alternatives: warning20:37
gopal_TJ-: i am unable to find the file20:37
TJ-gopal_: did you copy/paste the commands I gave? it should be create in /tmp/ as acpi_tables.tar.gz20:38
gluoni agree with the new decision to have xorg as the default in 18.04 lts20:39
TJ-gopal_: try the command again, but delete the "sudo apt install acpica-tools;"20:39
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ioriagluon, really ?20:39
gopal_TJ-: done20:40
gluonalthough i use wayland in 17.10 mostly without problems, it's really annoying that a shell crash brings you to the login screen20:40
gluonyou lose your session basically, whereas under xorg, you keep it, even when mutter crashes20:40
gluonioria: yes: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/01/26/bionic-beaver-18-04-lts-to-use-xorg-by-default/20:40
Guest31829ubuntu is the best20:40
ioriagluon, both ...20:41
gluonwayland is just shy of being production ready imho20:41
mustmodifyok, again, just checking for best practices... make sure I'm doing the right stuff. Software like db, webserver, redis... belongs in /etc/... right?20:41
mustmodifyI've seen it in /opt20:41
ioriagluon, agree20:41
gluonor in this case, the way gnome shell handles crashes under using wayland20:41
gluonplus other minor annoyances like screen capturing freezing some machines20:42
gluonunder wayland20:42
gluonwayland will still be there, just as the alternative session this time20:42
gluonnot the default one20:42
sadakoAlso I have a question.  Is Ubuntu 16 to 18 supposed to be pretty painless or does that tend to be an ordeal?20:42
oerhekssadako, wait and see20:43
TJ-gopal_: got it, thanks. It'll take some time to disassemble and analyse; I'll post updates to the bug report if I find anything significant over the next few days.20:44
mustmodify@oerheks You inspire genuine confidence.20:44
TJ-gopal_: For now I suggest you try re-applying the acpi_osi= workaround to determine if it helps or if we need to do more in-kernel on this issue20:45
TJ-gopal_: see http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html20:45
gopal_TJ-: you know about bios ?20:45
gopal_TJ-: i dont have windows20:45
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TJ-gopal_: so?20:46
ioriagopal_, it's not about win, it'a about your fw20:46
gopal_TJ-: when i press f10 + a i get adv menu and i am unable to understand them20:46
TJ-gopal_: You've lost me now ... press F10 why? when?20:46
gopal_TJ-: i was doing it to disable dedicated gfx and wol in bios20:47
gopal_TJ-: i have to copy paste those commands20:47
TJ-gopal_: OK, but I've not asked you to do that. Read the linked page I gave you and apply the acpi_osi= workaround, then test it20:48
gopal_TJ-: ok20:48
gopal_TJ-: done now restarting20:53
Guest31829what to do if life sux?20:55
naccGuest31829: offtopic for this channel, unfortunately. This channel is for Ubuntu support.20:55
Guest31829i am using ubuntu and i need support20:56
gopal_Guest31829: join #ubuntu-offtopic20:56
Guest31829my life is shit20:56
gopal_Guest31829: post your problem20:56
Guest31829have eye problems when using a computer screen20:56
Guest31829what are my alternatives?20:57
Guest31829are there any screens with no backlight?20:57
naccGuest31829: you may want a different channel about hardware20:57
gopal_Guest31829: then visit doctor , you can lower it20:57
Guest31829there is no cure for my condition20:57
Guest31829i love ubuntu and computers in general just the fucking monitors cause me medical problems20:58
naccGuest31829: please watch the language. It sounds like your issue is outside the scope of this channel, unfortunately20:58
nemoGuest31829: so... my father in law's vision is awful, but what helps a lot in his setup is high contrast themes20:59
Guest31829yes sorry20:59
geniiGuest31829: Please watch the profanity, we try to keep this channel family-friendly20:59
nemoGuest31829: he uses a black background with yellow text and that works very well20:59
nemoGuest31829: He's doing so in Mate20:59
nemoGuest31829: large font sizes can help as well20:59
sud0x3Guest31829: Could you try using a filter either in software or phsically?20:59
Guest31829how can do this yellow black theme on ubuntu?20:59
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nemoGuest31829: for applications like Firefox,  Dark Mode and Dark Background with Light Text extensions can force this combination as well20:59
=== ericx2x is now known as bumbumboop
nemoGuest31829: ubuntu is pretty broad - would have to know what desktop you are using21:00
bumbumboophey anyone have any idea how to setup a cron job?21:00
naccdinoshark: please don't do that.21:00
dinosharkimiunbuntumateon raspberry pi21:00
Guest31829i have the standart 16.04 LTS21:00
bumbumboopI can't get an SH script to run via a cronjob and I have no clue why21:00
naccbumbumboop: is it executable?21:00
mustmodifydoes /etc/profile.d use systemv?21:00
mustmodifyor systemd?21:00
nemoGuest31829: one nice thing about gkt2 and gtk3 apps is they tend to support theming very well - unlike on windows where I had to disable the theming because it broke too many apps21:00
mustmodifyor whatever it's called?21:00
naccmustmodify: neither?21:00
mustmodifyOr is the .d suffix coincidental?21:00
bumbumboopnacc, yea i can execute it via the terminal and I did a chmod+x on it21:01
mustmodifyok great.21:01
bumbumboopshould I do a chmod 777?21:01
gopalTJ-: my boot time decreased21:01
nemoGuest31829: I'm not sure what the default desktop is in 16.04 - possibly unity.  You could install another... unfortunately my personal familiarity with theming is limited to Mate21:01
naccmustmodify: .d has nothing to do with sysv or systemd21:01
mustmodifygood, thanks.21:01
naccmustmodify: it could be anything, it doesn't really mean anything21:01
sud0x3Guest31829: If changing the colors of application does help your vision, I would suggest trying stylish addon in firfox and using a global dark theme to style all webpages with said colours.21:01
Guest31829ok im looking into it now21:01
naccbumbumboop: ok, which crontab did you add it to and can you pastebin the script and the crontab?21:01
nemoGuest31829: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-mode-webextension/21:02
bumbumboopnacc, sure its a simple line21:02
nemoGuest31829: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/dark-background-light-text/21:02
bumbumboopafter I do crontab -e I have this: * * * * * sh /home/eric/scripts/start_script.sh21:02
bumbumboopit should run every minute but that isn't happening21:02
nemoGuest31829: in addition, I have a small bit of personal familiarity with writing custom shaders for improving visibility with the awesome Compiz colourfilter extension UNFORTUNATELY that extension lost support in newer versions of compiz ☹21:02
nemoGuest31829: because it was insanely flexible and made it easy to fix various kinds of colourblindness etc21:03
nemoGuest31829: for example: http://m8y.org/tmp/inverted-lightness.txt http://m8y.org/tmp/biased-inverted-lightness.txt   these simple ones could be applied to any window to do this21:03
nemoGuest31829: http://m8y.org/tmp/lightness1.jpeg http://m8y.org/tmp/lightness2.jpeg http://m8y.org/tmp/lightness3.jpeg21:04
nemoGuest31829: one could use the same thing to increase contrast or change colours21:04
nemoGuest31829: there is also a gnome magnifying glass tool, and there is some screen reader support - unfortunately screen readers are poorly supported in linux at the moment ☹21:04
Guest31829nemo I switched to the only standard high contrast theme in settings and it looks kinf of strange but is much easier on the eyes. it is mostly black and white21:04
nemoGuest31829: great!21:04
nemoGuest31829: for my father in law I manually restyled that theme from white to yellow21:05
naccbumbumboop: iirc, cron logs to /var/log/syslog -- do you see your script being tried?21:05
nemoGuest31829: which he said worked better for him21:05
sud0x3Guest31829: I personally use redshift to reduce eye strain at night, worky by removing the blue light from your display during night hours. You may be able to find something that will do this all the time21:05
naccbumbumboop: also, are you sure you mean `sh` ?21:05
naccbumbumboop: can you pastebin the script?21:05
nemosud0x3: oh. good point - yeah. one can screw with colours in general using that um. watchmacallit X tool21:05
dingiri ssh to my box, i type "wall test message" but nothing appears on the box itself21:05
dingirwhats wrong?21:05
nemosud0x3: it's not as powerful as the compiz colour filter, but works for some things21:05
nemosud0x3: gonna try and DDG the name of it, but feel free to spit it out if you know what I'm talking about ☺21:06
naccdingir: well, it won't appear on the waller's tty21:06
naccdingir: it will appear on all others21:06
JonelethIrenicuscan i enable vnc server from command line21:06
Guest31829It is white background with black text. I tried the dark theme mode in youtube wich is a standard feature but it gives me depression cant use the firefox extension for all sites cos of this.21:06
mustmodifyI want a script to run whether in interactive mode, non-interactive mode, some-other-mode-I-don't-know, whether the user is in space or on earth, at every opportunity. Is /etc/profile.d/file.sh an appropriate place for that?21:07
Guest31829this has been a big problem for me for the past years thats why i wanted educated help21:07
naccmustmodify: that doesn't run scripts21:07
naccmustmodify: profile *sources* scripts21:07
sud0x3nemo: I have used compiz in the past i think wobbly windows? but i wasnt aware it could do this.21:07
naccmustmodify: so it depends on what is in file.sh21:07
nemosud0x3: yeah. it's so sad that feature disappeared21:08
bumbumboopnacc, https://gist.github.com/ericjlima/8eff5d34c2133a2c2e40d82d6a36976421:08
nemosud0x3: it's 'cause ARB shaders are deprecated - but should have been rewritten to modern shaders21:08
naccbumbumboop: that's the content of the script?21:08
nemosud0x3: it's an awesome linux accessibility feature that disappeared ☹21:08
naccbumbumboop: it looks cutoff, no shebang at the top?21:08
mustmodify@nacc: yes, my fault.21:08
mustmodifyI want it sourced.21:08
nemosud0x3: right now the only fix is falling back to older compiz and hoping your graphics card still supports ARB (they usually do)21:08
gopalTJ-: thx a lot , i will check battery drain21:09
sud0x3nemo: Im not sure what application your thinking of21:09
bumbumboopwhat sa shebang? no that's the whole script file21:09
naccmustmodify: well, a user can start a shell with --noprofile; and they can run non-bash21:09
naccmustmodify: so not sure what your goal is or if it's achievable21:10
nemosud0x3: oh. xrandr I think is what I was thinking of21:10
naccbumbumboop: e.g, !#/bin/bash21:10
naccbumbumboop: on ubuntu, sh = dash which is stricter than bash21:10
nemosud0x3: it's a bit more general purpose than redshift.  playing with gamma etc can help visibility21:10
bumbumboopnacc i'm using sh and I had this script running before but I lost what I had typed in my crontab I think21:11
dingirnacc the inverse is happening21:11
bumbumboopI think I had to type in a special command or something to get this shell script to run but I go online and everyone says it is very straight forward and simple just like I wrote?21:11
dingiron my ssh remote login i see "broadcast from dingir message test" but on the box itself i dont see anything21:11
naccbumbumboop: um, your script seems rather wrong21:11
mustmodify@nacc: I'm using 'chruby' to manage what version of Ruby is available to the user. Scripts must be sourced before use. The web server and deploy scripts use a non-interactive shell.21:12
naccbumbumboop: why is it making assumptions about paths, etc.21:12
dingiroh its becasue im logged as dingir..21:12
nemosud0x3: https://askubuntu.com/questions/62249/how-do-you-change-brightness-color-and-sharpness-from-command-line21:12
bumbumboopnacc, the script is not the issue21:12
naccbumbumboop: i'm fairly sure it is21:12
mustmodifySo that needs to be available at all times.21:12
naccbumbumboop: because cron does not run from a particular directory21:12
bumbumboopthe issue is with crontab or permissions or something nacc21:12
naccbumbumboop: and your script assumes it is run from some specific directory21:12
nemoGuest31829: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/backlight#Color_correction  oh. this arch page has a nice list of applications that control colour correction21:13
dingirdoes not appear on the root terminal21:13
naccdingir: what do you mean by 'root terminal'?21:13
dingiri did a "su" in terminal21:13
naccdingir: that doesnn't log you in21:13
naccdingir: i believe it only applies to logged in users21:14
dingiri am logged.. on the desktop21:14
dingiri have a terminal opened as dingir and one as root21:14
bumbumboopnacc, so how do I get my script to run at all? do i need to reference my directory differnetly or something?21:14
dingirwhen i type "wall test" from ssh, nothing appears21:14
dingireven tho ssh session returns "broadcast message from dingir test"21:14
sud0x3nemo: Cheers i will look into that21:16
nemosud0x3: yeah, actually that arch page has xcalib - that might have been the one I was actually thinking of - read that page instead I think 😃21:16
sud0x3Shoutout to the late night linux podcast whilst were on the topic of accessability last episode has an interview with a blind user who also hosts several podcasts of his own21:17
UsbUserHey, I'm using 16.04 on my Macbook and having a lot of trouble getting USB drives to work correctly. It seems that on reboot USB works fine, but when I eject a drive and tru to use it again the system refuses to mount it automatically. Trying to mount using the terminal doesn't work and I'm at a bit of a loss to what is happining. Has anyone seen this soft of thing before?21:17
UsbUserI havent had any trouble before at it seems to have just started happening21:18
nemosud0x3: the main fail on linux is screen readers ☹ microsoft is still miles ahead of linux and OSX on that front.   where linux seems to shine is on high contrast-anything21:18
nemosud0x3: and ofc that old compiz colour filter thing which could probably be used to mostly fix any colourblindness21:19
nemosud0x3: high contrast themes in windows are basically unusable - and it's not just 3rd party apps - MS doesn't seem to worry much about it either21:19
akikUsbUser: do you disconnect the device after eject?21:19
sud0x3nemo: Yeah i tried orca after listening to aformentioned podcast and i was diappointed certainly wouldnt be able to use my setup if i became blind21:19
nemosud0x3: now. if you're a dev and tmux is your home, you'll probably be mostly fine? ☺21:19
UsbUserakik: Yes I physically disconnect the drive after ejecting21:20
akikUsbUser: you can get more information what your system sees with this command: sudo udevadm monitor --udev --subsystem-match=usb --property21:20
akikUsbUser: run that and then plug in the device21:21
UsbUserakik: ok, so nothing is coming out of the monitor. I checked dmesg and I'm getting some pretty freaky messages I wasn't earlier. Am I ok to post a few lines into this channel?21:23
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akikUsbUser: no, put them into a pastebin service21:24
akikUsbUser: not quite sure what would be the cause but you might get more info with "journalctl -xe" if you know the time that it starts happening21:26
UsbUserakik: Here is some of my dmesg output. I wasn't seeing this earlier which is interesting. https://pastebin.com/VER2PjtC21:26
akikUsbUser: do you have another usb device to test with?21:27
UsbUserYeah, tried this with a USB flash drive and a USB HDD. Both exhibit the same behaviour21:27
dingiron google i found that gnome-terminal doesnt recognize login sessions or something like that so doesnt work with wall21:29
UsbUserakik: I'm going to try booting into OSX and see whether this might be HW related. The drives work in other systems so I'm going to rule my system itself out. I'll report back21:29
thoriehello, i recently updated ubuntu and got a warning that /boot is almost full.. i see it's using 415MB of 464MB.. what should I do? do I need a bigger /boot?21:31
hggdhdingir: edit your gnome-terminal profile and, on the Command tab, check on "Run command as a login shell"21:32
hggdhthorie: you probably had some old kernels that can be removed (via the package manager, *NOT* via 'rm')21:33
BillD73thorie: I believe   sudo apt autoremove     then   sudo apt autoclean21:34
hggdhthorie: you would run 'sudo apt --purge autoremove'; check that indeed (apart from the kernel packages) there is nothing you do not want to remove, and -- if OK -- let it execute21:35
UsbUserakik: Ok, so OSX behaves normally. I'm pretty sure its not HW.21:35
akikUsbUser: you could try reloading the usb_storage module after the problem situation "sudo modprobe -r uas usb_storage"21:36
akikUsbUser: that removes the usb_storage module and you can load it again with "sudo modprobe usb_storage"21:36
dingirhggdh, i did.. still no difference21:37
naccdingir: sorry, was afk21:38
naccdingir: you need to *login* as a particular user21:38
dingirwell, i boot the computer, i login as dingir, get to the desktop, open terminal21:39
dingiri take my phone, ssh to the box, type "wall asdf", the ssh session on the phone says "broadcast message from dingir asdf"21:39
UsbUserakik: loading and unloading the kernel modules didn't make a difference. You can see this in dmesg at 242.873399 . I'm also getting a few more interesting messages.https://pastebin.com/PumepTXb21:39
dingirbut on the gnome-terminal i opened on the box, nothing shows up21:39
naccdingir: gnome-terminal sessions are not loginns21:40
naccdingir: i believe they are just spawning interactive bash shells21:40
naccdingir: you could run `bash -l` or `login` manually and i bet you'd see it21:40
naccdingir: why are you wall'ing anyways?21:40
naccbumbumboop: sorry, was afk21:41
naccbumbumboop: you need to fix your script, it's just not correct21:41
dingirso a login is like ctrl+alt+f221:41
dingiri see..21:42
dingirnacc trying wall just for fun21:42
akikUsbUser: what if you just umount the usb device, then unplug it, plug it back and try to use it again?21:43
ilmaisini am having problem when ssh'ing to a ipv6 debian stretch host from an ubuntu client machine21:44
ilmaisinsometimes the connection just hangs21:44
ilmaisinit does it after the "local version string" debug output21:44
UsbUserakik:Isnt that what Files is doing already? I can try it but i'll need to reboot21:45
naccdingir: or a login session21:46
naccdingir: (bash -l, login, etc.)21:46
bumbumboopnanever mind i got the script running21:46
naccbumbumboop: ok.21:46
naccbumbumboop: you should still fix your script if you haven't21:46
dingirnacc thank21:46
bumbumboopi had to do display:0 because it was using a script that needed to be within my main ubuntu window isntance21:46
akikUsbUser: umount and eject do two different things, umount doesn't remove the device file21:47
akikUsbUser: you can see the eject happening on line 2821:47
naccbumbumboop: makes sense21:47
naccbumbumboop: fwiw, cronning a graphics thingn is relatively uncommon21:47
UsbUserOk, i'll give it a go21:48
dsaravananHow to find which icon-theme is in present use?21:52
UsbUserakik: Yep so that didn't work either. I'm not sure what to make of this, a regression maybe?21:53
polacoI have a one question.21:53
akikUsbUser: you could try a newer kernel21:53
UsbUserI'm on the latest kernel. I'll try a few older ones21:54
polacoThe ip Is a private o public ip?21:54
UsbUseror latest for 16.04 at least21:54
akikUsbUser: there's the mainline kernels also21:54
hggdhpolaco: public21:54
polacosure because the other chat said private21:55
hggdhpolaco: meaning it is not one of the reserved, non-routable, IP addresses.21:55
dsaravananHow to find which icon-theme am I using in my machine?21:56
polacoI think that is public ip21:56
hggdhpolaco: the "private" IPv4 ranges are,, and
polacook thanks21:59
hggdhpolaco: YW21:59
argusbrhave alternative tool mtr?22:01
UsbUserakik: Hey again, I've revereted to 4.10.0-40 which is the oldest kerel I've got on my system. Suddenly USB works perfectly again. I'm going to work through my kernel and find out exactly when this broke.22:02
UsbUserakik: I'll try pull in the latest mainline and report this on Launchpad22:03
akikUsbUser: well good thing you found the temp fix22:04
UsbUserakik: Thanks for the help anyway. I'll do a bit more research and submit a bug report but you've been a great help anyway. Cheers :)22:05
sammecsHow do I boot the Ubuntu installer into Legacy mode from a Macbook?22:14
ferretsatsumaOn my Ubuntu installation, ‘ldconfig.real -i’ causes a segmentation fault. The cache is good (ldconfig runs OK) but there’s something amiss in one of the libraries. If anyone has suggestions on how I should go about troubleshooting this, I would appreciate hearing them.22:14
naccferretsatsuma: what version of ubuntu?22:14
ferretsatsumanacc: 16.04.3 LTS22:15
naccferretsatsuma: i guess you could run it in gdb and see where it is segfaultinng (and strace may also show it)22:16
ferretsatsumanacc: Thank you. Those are both good ideas.22:16
ferretsatsumanacc: Gdb said there was no debugging info in the ldconfig.real binary, but I could recompile it w/ debug enabled...22:17
naccferretsatsuma: you might need to add the debug repos22:17
energizerhaving trouble installing docker-ce https://paste.pound-python.org/raw/C3HaUe768IMbI8ByboLz/ [xpost #docker]22:20
naccenergizer: a nonn-ubuntu package22:21
nacc!crosspost | energizer22:21
ubottuenergizer: Please don't ask the same question in multiple Ubuntu channels at the same time. Many helpers are in more than one channel and it's not fair to them or the other people seeking support.22:21
nacci guess not multiple Ubuntu in this case, but still not great22:21
ferretsatsumanacc: Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but are you talking about the debug repos for the major libraries (glibc, libc, etc.)?22:21
naccferretsatsuma: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages22:21
TJ-ferretsatsuma: there's an archive server for the debug symbols :) ^^^22:21
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energizernacc: oh it was an ubuntu problem, zesty is eol22:27
degantyllHi, I'm having an error where I try to change the default Open With inside nautilus but it doesnt work. I'm trying to set xml to open with Gedit but it always opens with Firefox, if I change it in properties it doesn't even try to change it22:38
degantyllAny one has any pointers to this problem? Last hit in google is from 3 years ago22:39
degantyllI'm using Ubuntu 17.1022:39
ZajtHow can I set the size of a terminal window I open? Can I set it with any command?22:40
energizerHow can I upgrade from 17.04? https://dpaste.de/L3P522:40
nacc!eolupgrade | energizer22:40
ubottuenergizer: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:40
degantyllWhat I noticed is that it sets XML to whichever default app is set on "Default Applications" and overrides manual settings22:40
idwerrecently I upgraded from ubuntu 17.04 to ubuntu 17.10, now resuming from hibernate isn't working anymore; I have edited /var/lib/polkit-1/localauthority/10-vendor.d/com.ubuntu.desktop.pkla, and the UUID from /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume doesn't match blkid'soutput22:40
idwerwhile troubleshooting this I came across these posts: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2017/10/enable-hibernate-ubuntu-17-10/ https://askubuntu.com/questions/12383/how-to-go-automatically-from-suspend-into-hibernate and https://askubuntu.com/questions/975996/hibernate-is-not-working-on-ubuntu-17-1022:41
idwerresuming worked on 17.04 using linux-image-4.10.0-42-generic22:42
akikdegantyll: not sure about the problem you're having but you can modify the associations with xdg-mime command22:46
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degantyllakik: will read up on that, thanks for the suggestion22:47
idwerthis is on xubuntu by the way - hitting the power button shows both suspend and hibernate buttons, hibernating does write the image to disk and although the resuming process counter is shown, resume to lightdm won't finish22:53
TJ-idwer: any clues in syslog/kern.log? Can you Ctrl+Alt+F2 to get a tty when lightdm won't complete?22:58
idwerTJ-: no, this is on mobile hardware (laptop) and its keyboard nor usb ports (for ext. keyboard) aren't brought up22:58
idwerit just sits there22:59
idwerresume from s3 works22:59
TJ-idwer: if it is able to write to the log files there may be something in them, though. After a fresh boot check those using the timestamps to identify the resume-from-hibernate boot messages, if any22:59
idwer/var/log/pm-suspend.log is empty23:00
TJ-idwer: is it resuming-from-hibernate with the same kernel image that it hibernated from?23:00
idwerTJ-: heh, good question - no, that isn't the case23:02
TJ-idwer: OK, then the logs are your best bet for finding clues23:02
idweralright, now there's just linux-image-4.13.0-32-generic + linux-image-extra-4.13.0-32-generic23:05
idwer(how I hate rebooting)23:05
ferretsatsumaIs there a switch I flip if I want to use the -debug libraries?23:12
naccferretsatsuma: i believe if you install the debug symbols you shouldl be good23:13
ferretsatsumanacc: Thank you23:13
TJ-ferretsatsuma: add the ddeb repo, apt update, and install the <package>-dbsym23:13
TJ-oops, <package>-dbgsym23:14
idwerTJ-: now, I compared /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/resume against conf/conf.d/resume as the latter is included in the new initramfs image:23:15
idwer< RESUME=UUID=5fd0a2d5-e689-43ca-8c86-25af045028e223:15
idwer> RESUME=UUID=8b7e1421-c361-499d-8027-7fb6aa91222723:15
idwerthe second UUID matches what blkid tells me23:16
TJ-idwer: right, which is presumable being auto-generated then?23:17
sadakoOof. Boot and login time seems super long going from 17.04 to 17.1023:17
idwerTJ-: I guess23:17
idwerthere is no resume= directive in /proc/cmdline23:18
TJ-idwer: it's set here: /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/resume:44:RESUME=$(grep ^/dev/ /proc/swaps | sort -rk3 | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1)23:18
idwer$ grep ^/dev/ /proc/swaps | sort -rk3 | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 123:19
TJ-idwer: there's other code that touches it, try this to get an idea "grep -rn RESUME /usr/share/initramfs-tools/hooks/"23:19
idwermaybe that code doen't work well with UUIDs23:20
joefromcthi, i just switched from arch, how can i setup a systemd unit for --user to run emacs?  It worked in arch, but with ubuntu it seems my systemd --user unit isn't found... it's in ~/.config/systemd/user/emacs.service23:20
TJ-idwer: lines 46-48 handle the RESUME=UUID=23:21
joefromctn/m i found it, apparently it's in /usr/lib/systemd/user/ i need to put it.23:22
TJ-joefromct: or /etc/systemd/user/ would be better - /usr/lib/ is usually for package-supplied files23:23
brainwashjoefromct: but it should work with ~/.config/systemd/user/ also23:23
joefromctbrainwash: hmm... it doesn't find it.  I did a daemon-reload even no luck23:23
joefromctmaybe its permissions?23:23
TJ-joefromct: which release of Ubuntu is it?23:23
idwerTJ-: on line 19-20 it sources the file with the dangling UUID23:24
TJ-idwer: yes, but that'll fail since it won't find it with blkid so it'll pass on to the autodetection later23:27
idwerblkid -p -n swap $(grep ^/dev/ /proc/swaps | sort -rk3 | head -n 1 | cut -d " " -f 1)23:28
idwer/dev/sda5: UUID="8b7e1421-c361-499d-8027-7fb6aa912227" VERSION="1" TYPE="swap" USAGE="other" PART_ENTRY_SCHEME="dos" PART_ENTRY_UUID="1f720d9d-05" PART_ENTRY_TYPE="0x82" PART_ENTRY_NUMBER="5" PART_ENTRY_OFFSET="341540864" PART_ENTRY_SIZE="33552384" PART_ENTRY_DISK="8:0"23:28
degantyllakik: workes modifyng ~/.config/mimeapps.list, changing text/xml to gedit.desktop... this ofcourse gets overwritten if I change the Web Default App inside GNOME... looks like a bug23:28
degantyllor expected behavior, you never know with gnome nowadays :P23:29
TJ-Seems like joefromct was correct, "man systemd" says this commands tells you where user units should be placed: "pkg-config systemd --variable=systemduserunitdir"23:29
sadakoI'm SSH'd into another computer running ubuntu on this network.  Is there a way I for me to switch to active terminals that are running on that ubuntu desktop?23:38
idwerTJ-: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1708043 however bios/efi version or bios/efi settings haven't changed23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1708043 in linux (Ubuntu) "Lenovo X1 Carbon Gen5 fails to resume" [Critical,Fix committed]23:39
idwer(by me as the user, that is)23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743094 in linux (Ubuntu) "hibernation broken (freezes with resume) in kernel linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic" [Medium,Confirmed]23:43
doge-dogequick question: is upgrading to 17.10 still supported by 32-bit machines? my netbook is complaining that it can't update 17.04 any longer. I suppose 16.04 is still an option as well...23:46
doge-dogeI can do the in-place upgrade according to the updater23:46
idwerTJ-: going to reboot into linux-image-extra-4.13.0-21-generic23:48
idweryeah that version appears to work23:54
TJ-idwer: see my response to bug #174309423:54
ubottubug 1743094 in linux (Ubuntu) "hibernation broken (freezes with resume) in kernel linux-image-4.13.0-26-generic" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174309423:54
idwerTJ-: nopti, I'll remember that23:57

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