tgBot1 | <wayneoutthere> @Stereofont, do it joe. | 01:08 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> I,all | 04:10 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> I,all | 04:11 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> Hi | 04:11 |
tgBot1 | <sudanisayfree> @ignorare, Right | 04:30 |
tgBot1 | <Michael Liu> Article: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Will Default To The X.Org Stack, Not Wayland … | 04:43 |
tgBot1 | <Michael Liu> Article: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Will Default To The X.Org Stack, Not Wayland … | 04:44 |
tgBot1 | <Michael Liu> " No Wayland, maybe default to | 04:47 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> hi | 04:47 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> Got the installer working.using ubuntu touch now on my BQ Aquaris E 5 HD Ubuntu Edition.😊 | 04:49 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Hello Lars Goran... thats great news! | 04:49 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> You now have UBports? | 04:49 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> Has anyone used the webapp for skype lately? | 04:49 |
tgBot1 | <Michael Liu> Lars Goran is good working ? | 04:49 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> I got wrong language all the time when I try to use it. | 04:50 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> Yes, I use ubports on my phone | 04:51 |
tgBot1 | <Michael Liu> ?? | 04:51 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> @Lars Goran, Does it work correctly if you use the webbrowser app? | 04:52 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> perhaps the webapp is linking to a different url. | 04:52 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> no,thats the one from the store | 04:52 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> I know... where I'm going here... is that if it works ok using the standard web browser...then you can create you own webapp with the correct url and user agent string. | 04:53 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> how? | 04:54 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> In the open store | 04:54 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> is an app called Webapp creator | 04:54 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Its great at creating webapps for your most favorite sites. | 04:54 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> If all goes well, please publish it to the OpenStore. 👏 | 04:58 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> ok | 05:06 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> are there any attempt to get android apps to work with ubports? | 05:07 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> @Lars Goran, Yes! We have made great progress with anbox on Ubuntu Touch 16.04. | 05:08 |
tgBot1 | <Lars Goran> oh?how to use it on the phone? | 05:09 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> … Check out the most recent Community Update. | 05:09 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> | 05:10 |
tgBot1 | Santandreuvilla68 was added by: Santandreuvilla68 | 05:35 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Hello @Santandreuvilla68 and welcome! I'm part of the UBports welcoming team. To help you get started, please take a look right away at our newcomers welcome page ( and thanks again for joining us! :) | 05:36 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> hello, can you install it on a bq Aquaris e5? | 05:40 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> @Santandreuvilla68, Yes. It is listed here: … | 05:43 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Instructions are for Ubuntu Edition version. | 05:44 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> Thank you | 05:44 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> | 05:45 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> The installers an be found here. | 05:46 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> Thank you very much for the information | 05:49 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> 👍 | 06:08 |
tgBot1 | <gab11010> @Jimmie Johnsson, Hi Jimmie I followed your qt/c++ example and it was of great help. I find the documentation you generated very useful. I would suggest to structure it somehow (your blog, github...) and to get in contact with @mimecar. He has been creating a great app programming course. … There should be also a team documenting at ubports official website. | 06:20 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> @DanChapman, I've created the pull request...I logged the Issue on ubuntu touch and not in the keyboard component repository..seems to be no way to move it? I can't reference it in the pull request | 07:29 |
tgBot1 | <@kim> Good morning! | 08:01 |
tgBot1 | <@kim> I'm trying to install on my e4.5. The installer is in a loop for ages it asks me to connect the phone via usb, the phone is in fastboot mode... | 08:04 |
tgBot1 | <@kim> can anybody help? | 08:04 |
tgBot1 | <peternerlich> @@kim, Can you come to the Newcomers Room for this? @WelcomePlus | 08:14 |
tgBot1 | <DanChapman> @Javacookies, Just copy the url of the issue into the pull request description somewhere | 08:48 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> 👍 | 08:52 |
tgBot1 | <Flohack> @Javacookies, You can just copy full url into your text | 09:00 |
tgBot1 | <Flohack> No you cant move issues. We can, but its not always necessary | 09:01 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> done it, thanks | 09:05 |
tgBot1 | <Jimmie Johnsson> @gab11010 thanks, Im glad you liked it. I might write another one, as I stumbled on a couple of more things that was confusing to me. Yes, I agree its a good idea with a documentation site, should have a link on the ubports site to something like whar @mimecar put together. Ill try and get in contact with @mimecar , would be great if the documentation is centralized somewhere. Again, thanks for the positive feedback! | 09:08 |
tgBot1 | <mimecar> Jimmie I use Gitbook for the doc | 09:08 |
tgBot1 | <Jimmie Johnsson> @mimecar i really liked the structure of your documentation, best i have seen out there. Yeah, thats probably a good site to use - most important though is that the docs are on same site. Maybe you could house my examples too? And perhaps someone who runs ubports site could have a link to that site? | 09:11 |
tgBot1 | <mimecar> Each page of the documentation is a separate file. A new block can be easily added. | 09:13 |
tgBot1 | <mimecar> Now I have a collaboration of @fulvius999 , if you want I can add your part as another "independent"block. | 09:14 |
tgBot1 | <mimecar> The code that generates the book is in GitHub: | 09:15 |
tgBot1 | <mimecar> Another advantage of GitBook is that you can have the same document in several languages. | 09:15 |
tgBot1 | <Jimmie Johnsson> That would be great. Im going to try to put one or two more examples together as well. Dont know who to get in contact with to get your site on a link from the ubports site but I think it should be there so others can easily find the info right of the bat. Cool, i eil | 09:16 |
tgBot1 | <Jimmie Johnsson> I will have a look at it :) | 09:16 |
tgBot1 | Me was added by: Me | 09:24 |
tgBot1 | <Me> Hey, currenlty try to instlall ubuntu touch on my fairphone, but the installer dose not detect my device. Is there any common mistake I maby mad? | 09:25 |
tgBot1 | <Walid> why there is no info about current xenial version that work in supported devices, like RIL : work, in progress, wifi : fixed, and so on | 09:25 |
tgBot1 | <unknown> @Me, You will find help at @WelcomePlus | 09:26 |
tgBot1 | <Me> @unknown, thx | 09:28 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Lars Goran, Not ready yet. It is still being built | 09:57 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Walid, I think there is just too much stuff at the moment. When the issues narrow down and some aspects become stable, documentation will be much easier. Saying 'almost everything is broken' isn't useful information | 10:00 |
tgBot1 | Радик Хисамутдинов was added by: Радик Хисамутдинов | 10:01 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Welcome Радик! Ask questions, join in. Glad to have you in our community. for lots of newcomer information 🚪 | 10:05 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> | 10:06 |
tgBot1 | <Радик Хисамутдинов> Thank | 10:07 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> @Crash_Burn, The installer doesn't work and I've done it just like the instructions says but in the last step the installer doesn't work. My mobile is a Bq E5, the installation is on Windows 10 | 10:17 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> (Photo, 1280x959) | 10:17 |
tgBot1 | Marco Aldegheri was added by: Marco Aldegheri | 10:20 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> Dopo ripetuti tentativi, ha funzionsto l'installer su E4.5; nessun risultato su M10 ne con MDt ne con stringa da terminale, ne con installer | 10:24 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> Gracias | 10:35 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Marco A, Hello Marco. Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 10:40 |
tgBot1 | Armando A. Giammarco was added by: Armando A. Giammarco | 11:08 |
tgBot1 | Dees_troy was added by: Dees_troy | 11:10 |
tgBot1 | <Turning21> anyone here who can share gc trial? … or a android build server? | 11:10 |
tgBot1 | <Marco A> @Stereofont, Thank you! | 11:11 |
tgBot1 | <Dees_troy> @Stereofont, Haven't greeted me *yet huh? 😂 | 11:11 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Armando A. Giammarco, Hello Armando and Hyper. Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 11:13 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Turning21, I am going to sound stupid asking this but what is a gc? | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Glamour Commando? | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <Turning21> @Stereofont, Google Cloud | 11:15 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Understood. Freebie intro. | 11:16 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> For Android building there probably won't be a mad rush on here. Our mission is rather different 😂 | 11:17 |
tgBot1 | <matv1> does anyone know if clickable works on a vm? | 11:25 |
tgBot1 | <Santandreuvilla68> @cominif, Ciao, ti ricordi come hai fatto l'ultima fase per avviare l'installazione? | 11:26 |
tgBot1 | <Javacookies> @matv1, if it runs python and docker, it will work … Brian said that 😄 | 11:27 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> Lo scrivevo tempo fa: unixa differenza dalle precedenti è che qyabdo procedura ha funzionato, il device mi ha chiesto di autorizzare il debug usb | 11:27 |
tgBot1 | <matv1> @Javacookies right. Lets try that then. Cheers | 11:28 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Santandreuvilla68, I am just wondering whether lots of modifications made to the 14.04 desktop and the Canonical UT on the tablet over time are creating complications. Since this install is very problematic, I would favour a clean 16.04 on a desktop and a clean Canonical on the tablet by using [warning! danger!] SPflashtool | 11:34 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Stereofont, I am not able to guide in Italian | 11:36 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I'm thinking of getting a cheap, second hand HDD to experiment with the desktop version of Unity 8/Ubuntu Touch. Is there a guide available for installing it? | 11:36 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Also, I have an HDD with standard desktop Ubuntu 17.10/Unity 7 which is capable of moving between a small desktop with Intel architecture and a bigger one with an AMD processor just fine AFAICT. Is this possible with desktop Ubuntu Touch, too. | 11:38 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> Hi! I have the ub ports 14.04 image installed on my bq E5 phone. i want to install the last 16.04 image. How is the best and easyst way to do that? | 11:50 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Jyoti, It is quite broken and you may have difficulty going back. Probably best that someone with an E5 comments | 11:54 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> Thanks | 11:55 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> just to know: may i use the ubports installer to install ubports directly in a phone with android? or i need first install the canonical ubuntu image? | 12:03 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> With Android should be fine. Just remember to open developer options, allow OEM unlock, enable USB debugging, use MTP as default mode | 12:05 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> ok 😊 | 12:07 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, Not quite sure what you're asking | 12:08 |
tgBot1 | <NotKit> are there any problems preventing UBPorts from building arm64 rootfs, or it's simply not set up? | 12:09 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Jyoti, If it's bq/meizu device, you need to use spflash tool to fix partitioning, first | 12:09 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @NotKit, The work was never finished by canonical to do it | 12:10 |
tgBot1 | <DanChapman> It's stil WIP for ubports as well | 12:10 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> to install with ubports installer, I think the UBports installer enables automatically the fast mode, right? I do not need to enable it by pressing vol+power? | 12:11 |
tgBot1 | <NotKit> which means some packages are already built, but there is no complete rootfs? | 12:12 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @dohbee, SPflashtool is very useful but it can brick your device. Handle as carefully as you would a rattlesnake! | 12:13 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> @dohbee If I install desktop Ubuntu Touch on an AMD64 machine, can I move it over to an Intel 64 bit processor (Celeron 2807 if it matters) or vice-versa, interchangably, as I can with more conventional desktop Ubuntu? | 12:13 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Jyoti, Installer needs a manual press at the first stage | 12:13 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I think perhaps I was slightly confused, it seems more like what I'm referring to isn't so much a port of Ubuntu Touch to desktops, but just an overlay of Unity 8 atop a 16.04 desktop installation? | 12:17 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, It is still just Ubuntu, yes | 12:17 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I see. Still, I may do this. | 12:17 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Is not the exact same stack as on the phone | 12:18 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> You can run it in a kvm too | 12:18 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @NotKit, Right, not everything is ready for it. Was happening as part of the snaps conversation, and moving to u8 by default | 12:19 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I've never messed around with VMs in my four year direct experience with Linux, but maybe one day. | 12:20 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Install virt-manager. It's easy to set up a 16.04 vm, and install u8 in it | 12:21 |
tgBot1 | <NotKit> @dohbee, no, I mean not Canonical, but current effors by @mariogrip | 12:21 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> The thing is, I don't know the first thing about VMs, or why one would use them, or why one would need them to supplement their existing installations. I will look into it at some point, though. | 12:22 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @NotKit, I don't think there's any explicit effort to get arm64 rootfs yet. Need to get xenial working on armhf first | 12:23 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Besides, most all supported devices currently are only 32-bit | 12:23 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, To test things in isolation, without breaking your base system, as one example. And to not need dual boot on metal. Allows more security for if you need to run windows for example | 12:25 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Metal? | 12:26 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> HI. i am installing by ubports installer but the installer do not ask me to start the bootloader mode, just started automatically the fastboot mode without asking anything. shoud i do something? | 12:35 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> (Photo, 1280x720) | 12:44 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Ok. Yes. Part of the install is in fastboot to flash the recovery | 12:46 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, Real hardware | 12:46 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> I have setup in this mode for several minutes and nothing happens. Is there something I should do or just wait for? | 12:47 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> Il mio M10 non si muove da li | 12:47 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> Modalità fastboot senza problemi. Poi si pianta li | 12:48 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Not sure. Device already had ubuntu? | 12:48 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> yes. had ubports 15.04 | 12:48 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @cominif, Please go to @ubports_it for italiano | 12:48 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> i am trying to install 16.04 | 12:48 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> Sono già nel canale italiano | 12:49 |
tgBot1 | <cominif> anche nel canale italiano | 12:49 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Jyoti, Why not just do `system-image-cli -vvvv --switch ubports-touch/16.04/devel` ? | 12:50 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> Rodney Dawes, ho to do that? | 12:50 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> how to do that? | 12:50 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> In terminal app on phone, or via ssh | 12:50 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> ah, i did not know this possibility | 12:51 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> i will switch off and try this way... | 12:51 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Stereofont, Jose are you able to explain this in Italian? | 12:51 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> just to copy and past this command in termnal? | 12:51 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Yes | 12:52 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> thank you. i will try now | 12:52 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @cominif, @TronFortyTwo | 12:53 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Ah ok. | 12:54 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Jyoti I strongly recommend to run that command from a desktop with access to the phablet shell, rather than trying to hack it to run natively on the phablet. I had a lot of grief recovering it from a soft brick. | 12:56 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> If you haven't already run the command. | 12:56 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> i have run the command on phone but nothing happened... | 12:59 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> ? | 13:00 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> It just returned to shell? | 13:00 |
tgBot1 | Progromizd was added by: Progromizd | 13:01 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> @dohbee, I sent you a message with a picture of the process | 13:02 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Oh you have the keyring issue | 13:03 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Try running it with sudo | 13:03 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> i do not know what is this issue 😊 | 13:03 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> ok. mus i try from the desktop this time? | 13:04 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I think it can't run unless you hack it, e.g. use iperspace, due to AppArmour restrictions. But yes try from the desktop, that is easiest. | 13:04 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Well, it's easier to read the log messages via ssh | 13:04 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @TartanSpartan, There is no apparmor issue. | 13:05 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> ok. thanks for your help. i conected to the computer with lubuntu. how can i acess the comand to phablet? | 13:07 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> I may have been guessing. But I know it wouldn't run for me without iperspace (or perhaps On The Road would work) and it bricked my phone, for whatever reason, until I learned how to empty the cache in recovery. Hence m6 recommendation. | 13:07 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> *my | 13:07 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Try adb shell. | 13:08 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> i do not know how to try adb shell... i open the terminal on lubuntu and write something to acess this adb shell? | 13:09 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Yes type adb shell. If it doesn't work, you may have to install packages on lubuntu. | 13:09 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> retourned "no devices/emulators found" | 13:12 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Your USB cable is connected to the phone and PC? | 13:13 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> yes | 13:13 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Is your phone in dev mode, unlocked, and connected on USB? | 13:13 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> maybe the problemm is with the cable. i will try with another cable | 13:14 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> And try another USB port if changing the cable doesn't help. | 13:15 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> yes!! now the feedback was "phablet@ubuntu-phablet:~$ " | 13:16 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Boom! | 13:17 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> now, just write "system-image-cli -vvvv —switch ubports-touch/16.04/devel"? with or without sudo? | 13:18 |
tgBot1 | Anime_lubitel was added by: Anime_lubitel | 13:18 |
tgBot1 | <vanyasem> @Anime_lubitel, welcome! | 13:19 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> With sudo I think. @dohbee I forget if there's a specific flag to ensure that a wipe doesn't happen? | 13:19 |
tgBot1 | <Anime_lubitel> HELLO | 13:19 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> @dohbee, usage: system-image-cli [-h] [--version] [-C DIRECTORY] [-b BUILD] … [-c CHANNEL] [-d DEVICE] [-f FILTER] [-m MAXIMAGE] … [-g] [-i] [-n] [-v] [--progress PROGRESS] … [-p PERCENTAGE] [--list-channels] [--factory-reset] … [--production-reset] [--switch CHANNEL] … [--show-settings] [--set KEY=VAL] [--get KEY] … | 13:21 |
tgBot1 | [--del KEY] [--override-gsm] … system-image-cli: error: unrecognized arguments: —switch ubports-touch/16.04/devel | 13:21 |
tgBot1 | <Anime_lubitel> who knows when there will be a version for Wileyfox Swift 2? | 13:22 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> @TartanSpartan, system-image-cli: error: unrecognized arguments: —switch ubports-touch/16.04/devel | 13:22 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> It is two dashes, not single long dash | 13:24 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> ok | 13:24 |
tgBot1 | <Anime_lubitel> who knows when there will be a version for Wileyfox Swift 2?❔❔❔❔❔❓❓❓❓ | 13:25 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> When you port it | 13:26 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> now i think the installations is going on... | 13:26 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> For what it's worth, a first glance at that phone's specsheet doesn't suggest incompatibility with UT's requirements. Am I right? | 13:27 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> long live UBports Supergroup community! 😊 | 13:29 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Amen to that! | 13:30 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> (Video, 18s) | 13:41 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Anime_lubitel, It was discussed a lot by Turkish members but I did not hear about a port starting. There is no team of developers waiting for device suggestions. If someone wants a port, they must do it themselves | 13:41 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> how can i install android apps on turbo/16.04/anbox? adb install Fdroid.apk says: adb: error: failed to copy 'FDroid.apk' to '/data/local/tmp/FDroid.apk': remote Permission denied | 13:44 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> thank you, Rodney, thank you Seumas! I only could do the installation with your help | 13:44 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> Happy to assist :) | 13:44 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> and is there a workaround to get the openstore working on 16.04? | 13:45 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Der_Sven, Don't the anbox instructions tell you how to use it? | 13:46 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Der_Sven, It should work. What does the log say? | 13:46 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> is there another instruction site than ? | 13:47 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> True enough, I haven't been able to view apps on the Openstore on Xenial. | 13:47 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> No, but I would expect it to specify how to get a store installed | 13:48 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> @TartanSpartan, i can see the menu with numbers how many apps there should be in the subsection, but if i select one, its empty | 13:52 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> @dohbee, what logfile? syslog? or is there a special log file | 13:54 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> The log file for the app. In ~/.cache/upstart/ | 13:57 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> This is all that I can see in the app, besides app updates which works I think: | 13:58 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Hello @Progromizd and @Santandreuvilla68 If you have any installationquestions and want to chat, please head over to @WelcomePlus room. | 13:59 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> (Photo, 2560x1440) | 14:00 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> @dohbee, seems there's no logfile for the openstore app in .cache/upstart | 14:00 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> (Photo, 2560x1440) | 14:00 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Der_Sven, There must be. | 14:01 |
tgBot1 | <TartanSpartan> And if you tap on one of those categories, "No results found. Try with a different search." | 14:01 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> @dohbee, oh yes, logname beginns with application-click... | 14:03 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Yes | 14:04 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> after opening the appstore, if you tap on the apps that seems to be empty, you can see the app and instal | 14:04 |
tgBot1 | <Jyoti> but you cant search for a specific app | 14:05 |
tgBot1 | <Der_Sven> @dohbee, | 14:05 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> That doesn't look good. Open a bug on the open store GitHub, if there isn't one yet | 14:08 |
tgBot1 | <delijati> where is currently the docs hosted aka | 14:55 |
tgBot1 | <delijati> i mean Ubuntu.Test.UbuntuTestCase | 14:55 |
tgBot1 | <delijati> found it | 14:56 |
tgBot1 | <TronFortyTwo> @Stereofont, Sorry I was offline and I haven't followed the conversation. How can I help? | 15:12 |
tgBot1 | Markus Kling was added by: Markus Kling | 15:25 |
tgBot1 | <Markus Kling> Hi folks, can someone help with flashing a BQ M10 FHD tablet? The installer seems to be stuck somehow... | 15:41 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @TronFortyTwo, Italian is needed 😎 | 15:45 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Markus Kling, Hello Markus. Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 15:46 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Markus, follow the link to the welcome and install room | 15:47 |
tgBot1 | <Crash_Burn> Markus @WelcomePlus is the shortcut. | 15:50 |
tgBot1 | <Markus Kling> Thank you | 15:50 |
tgBot1 | Orionwifi was added by: Orionwifi | 16:03 |
tgBot1 | <Orionwifi> Hello | 16:04 |
tgBot1 | <Orionwifi> I want to install Ubuntu touch on my Gionee f103 pro | 16:04 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Orionwifi, Hello Niraj. Welcome! Check … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore! | 16:14 |
tgBot1 | <Orionwifi> Chat | 16:15 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Orionwifi, Seems powerful but some sort of generic CPU? Built only for the Indian market it seems. Looks like a struggle | 16:17 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> here you may find people who know about the phone | 16:19 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Outgoing calls are not working on my OnePlus One, is that normal? | 17:34 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Georgecloon, Is it dual SIM? | 17:38 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> I don't think it is | 17:38 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Georgecloon, Was just looking for a simple solution 😁 | 17:41 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Ah, ok | 17:41 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> I found this:, but it was closed 8 months ago | 17:42 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> don't work at all, or no audio, or what? | 17:42 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> i'm pretty sure they are generally expected to work, as i'm pretty sure Marius has an OPO | 17:43 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> if you're on 16.04, maybe there are some old things that crept back in, as things are not quite all together there yet | 17:43 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> When I call someone, it the call length stays at 00:00 for a couple of seconds and then it hangs up | 17:43 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> I'm on 15.04 stable | 17:44 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Incoming calls work fine | 17:44 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Texts also work fine | 17:44 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Incoming and outgoing | 17:44 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Maybe it is not linking to Contacts data? | 17:45 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Scratch that, outgoing texts don't work | 17:45 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> They did work earlier today | 17:46 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Maybe a provider issue | 17:46 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> Worth checking the network | 17:46 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Maybe I went over my limit or something | 17:47 |
tgBot1 | <Mattia990> @Stereofont, How? | 18:07 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Stereofont, This | 18:19 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @cominif, In response to this. I think the weight of history on the 14.04 desktop and on the tablet is interfering with the install. Clean is best | 18:21 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @Georgecloon, I inserted my sim card in an old Android phone, called two people, inserted it in my OPO and it worked again. I couldn't figure out what the problem was, but it works again. | 18:40 |
tgBot1 | <Walid> @Georgecloon, witch version did you use ? xenial 16.04 ? | 18:43 |
tgBot1 | <Montefrio> | 18:51 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @Walid, 15.04 | 18:53 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @Montefrio, Please don't spam in here with off topic things. | 18:56 |
tgBot1 | <Montefrio> ok | 18:56 |
tgBot1 | <Stereofont> @Georgecloon, When in doubt, give it a good kick 😋 | 19:03 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @Stereofont, Haha, exactly | 19:06 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> maybe some service on the phone got interrupted, and re-inserting the sim caused it to get started again? | 19:08 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @dohbee, I reinserted the sim card a couple of times without inserting it in another phone a couple of times as well | 19:13 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> weird | 19:13 |
tgBot1 | <Walid> @Georgecloon, if you have not any importing data, try wipe your phone and reinstall UT | 19:16 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @Walid, No need to, it works again | 19:17 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> @dohbee, Yeah, pretty weird | 19:17 |
tgBot1 | <Xray2000> It seems there is a bug into 16.04 on the PRO 5 can not detect simcard.... | 19:24 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> It says that | 19:25 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> But it does | 19:26 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> It's an issue with the network settings | 19:26 |
tgBot1 | <Xray2000> @UniversalSuperBox, Ok i hope it would be solved soon ;) | 19:31 |
tgBot1 | <andreasimonetti> there is a bug i want to ask about.. i haven't found a bug report..maybe is the case i make one..often on my nexus5 type of connection menu for mobile-data (2G,3G,4G) disappear and leave me without the possibility to chose a different one until reboot. Anyone else with the same bug? i often use the phone in rndis mode and i am on vivid devel.. | 20:26 |
tgBot1 | <Xray2000> @UniversalSuperBox, It say that but i dont see any network sign above, so it would be possible tho make calls and recieve if i understand it corectly? | 20:30 |
tgBot1 | <PhoenixLandPirate> @Georgecloon are you the real George Clooney? | 20:43 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Yes I am | 20:43 |
tgBot1 | <PhoenixLandPirate> Woah | 20:47 |
tgBot1 | <Georgecloon> Would you like some Nespresso? I've got lots from the commercials | 21:00 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> @dohbee, this is a shot in the dark, but might you know if there's more information on the licensing of the Phone docs? … I'm thinking it's "All Rights Reserved" | 21:48 |
tgBot1 | <rubencarneiro> | 22:13 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, Afaik, they are all bsd. But don't quote me in court | 22:17 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> I can't find the license... | 22:17 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> Well, there's the theme, and then there's the docs, generated from doxygen or something | 22:18 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> I'm really just interested in the text. | 22:19 |
tgBot1 | <UniversalSuperBox> Dunno how long they're going to stay up, so I'm looking to move them | 22:19 |
tgBot1 | <wayneoutthere> An update with the latest Ubuntu Touch Audiocast link has just been dropped in the UBports News Channel. To learn more about this news be sure to subscribe to the News Channel here: | 22:19 |
tgBot1 | <seshpenguin> So I managed to get my hands on a DragonBoard 810 (APQ8094) dev board... | 22:36 |
tgBot1 | <seshpenguin> would it be useful for UT devs in any way? | 22:36 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, Afaik, the text is all in the libs | 22:39 |
tgBot1 | <dohbee> @seshpenguin, Not especially. Unity 8 already works ok on it, since you can just run a standard Ubuntu | 22:40 |
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