=== Night is now known as Guest99124 [09:04] dax: can you change !wayland plz [09:10] missed the ! the first time I read that ... [16:02] I just installed 18.04 and I have no man pages. Any ideas on fixing this? [18:18] Has anyone tested Lubuntu Bionic on actual 32-bit hardware yet? Kubuntu definitely isn't supported there anymore :/ [18:21] CoJaBo: Kubuntu's still supported there... [18:22] tsimonq2: I think it technically runs in a VM, but not on actual hardware [18:23] 32-bit basically limits you to AGP gfx cards, which are too old to run Kubuntu. So having a 32-bit version is actually futile :/ [18:24] I tried lxqt, but that hits the same problem: It won't run with the newest card I can fit in the machine. [18:55] CoJaBo: currently I'm unable to boot any *buntu 32 bit iso - and I don't believe this is suddenly my hardware as the xubuntu one at least booted fine - check this bug and these logs for thoughts from someone in #ubuntu-release [18:55] bug 1744357 [18:55] bug 1744357 in syslinux (Ubuntu) "Bionic 32 bit iso fails to boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1744357 [18:55] https://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2018/01/19/%23ubuntu-release.html [19:09] flocculant: Issue I have is that the panel/desktop processes don't start, due to shader issues [19:10] I can start Firefox/etc from terminal, but there's no way to get a taskbar [19:11] I think I'm going to try installing xfce4-panel, and seeing if something different happens [19:11] so that's actually nothing like you make it sound before ... [19:12] It just appears to hang with a black screen [19:14] be better to try the xubuntu iso rather than cherry pick bits [19:16] If it works at all, I might just reinstall with that; I did really want the KDE apps tho lol [19:16] mmm [19:18] get a working system - then install things you want [19:18] anyway - have fun with it [19:19] worst case, I can always just run Firefox in sortof a kisok mode; that's 99% of that this thing needs to do anyway [19:25] Quick one here, is there anyway to bring back the unity lockscreen? I did it (from 17.10 packages) and then accidentally override-ed it when I installed lubuntu-desktop. What was the name of the lockscreen package for unity? [21:41] after installing lightdm it says 17.01 at the lockscreen [21:41] shrug [21:41] .10 [22:27] * CoJaBo is still waiting for xubuntu-desktop to install :/ [22:39] aaand it broke everything, cool [23:01] :(