
sasa84jou jou08:51
=== andrej is now known as Guest19605
jabuk1Elon Musk's Boring Company is selling a flamethrower10:28
jabuk1No, we're not kidding. After weeks of teases, Elon Musk has confirmed that The Boring Company is selling... a flamethrower. That's right, the same company diggi...10:28
sasa84swašta :D11:09
CrazyLemon.btc eur12:09
CrazyLemon.eth eur12:09
jabuk1Vrednost BTC v EUR: last: 9469.99, low: 8798.56, high: 9589.00, bid: 9464.41, ask: 9469.9912:09
jabuk1Vrednost Ethereum v EUR: 1012.127519 (0.106939 BTC)12:09
updfak pošiljam ripple okol, kr scary12:26
updhttps://icobench.com/ico/suncontract 18x ROI17:19
jabuk1SunContract (SNC) - ICO rating and details | ICObench17:19
jabuk1SunContract [SNC] ICO rating 4.1 out of 5.0, reviews, whitepaper, token price, start and end dates, exchanges, team, and financial data - SunContract's goal is to contribute to greater independence when it comes to energy, finance and mobility.17:19
zdobbie.eth eur17:27
jabuk1Vrednost Ethereum v EUR: 984.429745 (0.105207 BTC)17:27
zdobbieRaised $2,000,00017:28
zdobbie7,631.38753589 ETH17:28
zdobbiekar je pa zdej 7.5mio17:28
zdobbie.eth eusd17:29
jabuk1Nau šlo. Poskusi .eth eur ali .eth usd17:29
zdobbie.eth usd17:29
jabuk1Vrednost Ethereum v USD: 1223.29 (0.105422 BTC)17:29
zdobbie"The basis for token issuance is set at a ratio of 10,000 SNCs per 1 ETH "17:30
zdobbie=> je bi zej en SNC brez dodane vrednosti bil vreden 0.122317:31
updja pač ane 10k si jih dobil za en 1eth po ceni 200$ torej 0.02$ en smc zdej je 0.36$17:37
updsnc* zeh17:38
* dz0ny new bike ordered17:51
CrazyLemondz0ny oh oh17:51
CrazyLemonkaj je bilo narobe with old bike? :D17:52
CrazyLemontoo old? :D17:52
zdobbietoo not roadbike?17:52
CrazyLemonroad..in babno polje.. you funny man you17:53
dz0nyCrazyLemon: tle so sam skale18:15
dz0nyfull suspension now18:15
CrazyLemondz0ny pokaži kaj si izbral19:40
jabuk1Trance 1.5 GE (2018) - Giant Bicycles | Slovenija19:43
CrazyLemonohh.. fancy :)19:45

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