=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban [14:32] Heya - anyone encountered a problem where a machine will PXE boot, get to the initrd step, and then immediately reboot? [14:33] my machine isn't being commissioned because it's insta-rebooting immediately after initrd loads [14:37] seems to have something to do with the minimal kernel setting. The quick reboot happens if I leave it set to "no minimal kernel". Xenial hwe-16.04 causes a hang after initrd, ga-16.04 will at least boot [14:38] problem is, it's something specific to this netbook kernel, because I have identical hardware running 16.04 HWE [14:38] *netboot, even [14:52] Karunamon: htat probably means you have a wrong kernel set in the minimum kernel for the machine [14:52] Karunamon: check the machine configuration, and go to the minimum kernel setting [14:52] Karunamon: and change that to something else === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [20:30] mpontillo: please y [20:30] update 1744765 [20:31] posted a question [20:54] xygnal: replied on the bug. wish I had a better answer for you