[14:14] hi, i am currently banned on #ubuntu due to some verbal insults i suppose even tho they were in pm's as far as i remember and i would like to know if that ban can be lifted [14:16] even got the backlog here on hexchat. so i got banned by bazhang as it seems. and i first got quited due to some cursing against some company. but now it seems i am banned without any further actions on my side === Menzador10 is now known as Menzador [16:12] @mark #ubuntu-ops dekatch returned with no memory of what happened [17:00] Pici: ^ I cannot @mark? [17:00] eh? [17:02] hggdh: ubottu was rebooted recently, make sure that it still recognizes you (use @login) [17:15] hggdh: once you're logged in, "/msg ubottu hostmask add *!*@ubuntu/member/hggdh" may be useful [17:15] tends to cut down on ubottu randomly deciding you're not logged in [17:16] ack, thank you [17:16] @login [17:16] The operation succeeded. [17:16] @btlogin [17:16] (that command is from memory, lmk if i typo'd it but we need to do similar for staff stuff so i think it's right) [17:21] dax: works with an "@hostmask ...". Otherwise ubottu (1) complains it is not intelligent, and (2) states "The operation succeeded" [17:22] ah, right. thx. [17:24] anyway... [17:24] @mark #ubuntu-ops dekatch returned with no memory of what happened [17:24] The operation succeeded. [17:25] ah. sehr gut [17:44] dax: thanks [18:49] In ubottu, lotuspsychje said: !wayland is Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. From Ubuntu 17.10 and higher you can choose the wayland session at gdm login on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/