=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban [16:11] vern, were you able to get the spaces test job created on jenkins? === agprado_ is now known as agprado === frankban is now known as frankban|afk [19:09] morning people [19:15] morning thumper [19:15] howdy thumper, thuoght you were away this week? [19:16] rick_h: hi there [19:16] morning hml [19:16] rick_h: nope, just until today [19:16] back into it [19:16] short week for me [19:16] gotcha, cool [19:52] hi thumper [20:13] babbageclunk: morning [20:13] babbageclunk: how goes the sprint? [20:14] balloons or veebers, quick review? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8333 [20:28] vern: LGTM with one comment (not a blocker) [20:32] veebers: I assume your comment meant to reference .set_region? I think that's clearer... I'll update that real quick [20:33] vern: so sorry, copy and paste error and I didn't even check it :-( [20:33] vern: yes I meant to add .set_region(...) to the end of that. Sorry for the additional overhead [21:29] all checks pass. merge requested :) https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/8333 [22:52] grr... in ci the machines have ens3, not eth0... guess I need to improve the logic of that part of the network spaces test