[05:35] good morning to all [05:36] big bionic update === lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje [05:54] * lotuspsychje doesnt like ping timeout [05:54] !wayland [05:54] Wayland is a display server protocol that can be used instead of X. Ubuntu 17.10 uses Wayland by default on systems that support it. For more info, see https://wayland.freedesktop.org/ [05:55] bah.. [07:19] good morning, all [07:36] hey ducasse [07:40] morning lotuspsychje [07:40] all well? [07:46] yeah and you mate [07:46] !info linux-image-generic artful [07:46] linux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (artful), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB [07:50] i'm fine, thanks - quiet morning here. [07:50] cool [07:50] im about to breakfast and work [07:51] in 2 weeks, 1 week holiday :p [08:45] Good morning [08:58] hi lordievader - good morning to you, all well? :) [09:02] Hey ducasse [09:02] Doing allright. You? [09:05] fine here, thanks. not doing much yet, about to upgrade my mikrotik gear to the latest routeros. [09:06] Have fun with that 😉 [09:07] hehe, it's usually a painless thing :) [09:12] Usually 😋 [11:23] Hi folks [11:32] hi [11:34] hi LtWorf [12:03] Good day y'all. [12:04] hey jimb_ [12:59] Hey BluesKaj [12:59] How are you? [13:06] Hi lordievader. fine here, and you? [13:06] Doing good here :) [13:07] right :-) [19:08] ugh, DO droplet, with only xenial-security enabled and then all 3rd party stuff [19:09] ;_; [19:09] DO's lovely though :D === nacc_ is now known as nacc [23:24] * TJ- has steam coming out of his ears [23:26] something is fubar [23:26] dunno what :) [23:26] I do!! [23:26] * nacc is busy doing the PHP7.2 migration [23:27] But I'm too polite to day [23:27] heh [23:27] I'm not sure who's got the better task here :D [23:29] TJ-: you. a thousand times you :) [23:29] manual bootstrapping of phpunit is a PITA [23:34] o0 [23:35] daftykins: looped dependencies :) [23:35] phpunit is used to test all of its own dependencies, which phpunit in turn depends on [23:36] i upgraded my ZFS test box to 18.04 for fun, that got stuck with plymouth text depending on lsb-release being configured, which depended on plymouth text being configured - that was fun [23:37] daftykins: was that the ping loop? [23:37] *a ping loop, i mean [23:37] not sure how you mean 'ping' in the context of packages [23:38] daftykins: the plymouth --ping bug [23:38] it wasn't an important machine - and i only upgraded for fun, so i just nuked it :) [23:38] i have no idea what that is [23:39] TJ-: oh you'd love this, it seems subiquity fails to even nuke a disk that isn't already blank, to install to [23:39] plymouth gets stuck in a loop ping-ing itself [23:39] it was only trying to configure it at upgrade time, so i have no evidence to that [23:40] daftykins: Yes, I saw that bug too when I was going through the list [23:40] ah i didn't see anything along those lines earlier with a quick glance [23:40] essentially every feature of that installer doesn't work [23:40] oh and what's with this netplan rubbish? [23:41] daftykins: that's why i's called _sub_iquity :) [23:41] netplan isn't rubbish! [23:41] well it sure looks it when you have to write silly format config files [23:45] The point is that they can be written in a single syntax and deployed to systemd-networkd, network-manager, ifupdown or anything else at boot-time without the admin needing to learn different net configs [23:45] yeah instead they just have to learn a ridiculous format judging by what i've seen :/ [23:46] also what's cloud-init about? sounded like it was going off online to do something [23:46] daftykins: http://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html [23:46] It's YAML format [23:47] it has a quirky mix of new lines and square braces for comma separated lists and ugh [23:48] doubt i'll learn to write out of those out from memory versus the lovely simple /etc/network/interfaces :) [23:48] daftykins: that's YAMLL [23:48] you can either use a [] list or a newlined, - started list [23:49] :| [23:49] and if you have to do anything even reasonaby compilcated (thinnk cloud) with eni, you'd know why it's terrible :) [23:49] ifupdown is about 20 years old! [23:50] yeah [23:50] well age isn't a very good argument [23:50] in that it has't changed in 20 years while the entire industry has [23:50] it is *an* argument, at lelast [23:52] can't see why this cloud-init junk needs to be on by default but ho-hum [23:54] Because the massive majority of ubuntu-server deploys are now virtual machines or containers [23:57] extra junk to purge then