
yofel'couple corrections12:35
yofelThe KCI master server is hosted on the bytemark server today which was arranged by Rick12:35
yofelLinode is used for some dev builds, and hosts one of the KCI slaves - and really does most of the jobs for the CI12:36
yofelI have pondered setting up our own builds, but as I'm not too happy with any existent replacement that currently exists12:37
yofel- Neon does it's own builds, but has no dedicated build scheduler and just uses jenkins. Meaning nobody can do any manual uploads (which is both good and bad). Aptly is something I would use for repository management as well though12:38
yofel- I don't know of any debian-esque build schedulers that have any kind of API that jenkins could talk to. At least I know that wanna-build and debile don't have any (i.e. we need to write that ourselves, which would be a doable amount of work)12:39
yofel- OBS as hosted by OpenSuse allowes builds for Ubuntu, but not the development release when I checked last, so is kind of useless for our use case.12:40
yofelyou *can* host it yourself though, so someone might want to take a look at that12:40
yofeland IIRC ximion was working on some kind of build system himself, though I haven't heard any news regarding that, so maybe he abandoned it12:41
yofelas Rik said, there *are* solutions to our problems, but I'm not conviced that the amount of effort we have to put in is worth it in the end12:42
yofeland any more infrastructure we create for ourselves increases the maintenance costs12:43
acheronukyeah, thanks for all that yofel. I agree. if LP gets back to normal, while not perfect, that is a no-brainer to use13:38
valorieacheronuk: will the adjustments that wgrant offered help enough, do you think?21:38
valoriethanks for the clarification, yofel21:38
ahoneybunthanks yofel , also good to see you around again!22:26
valorieyofel: I think we all agonized about some of these choices before, when it looked like we might get not be able to be Kubuntu any more22:32
valoriewe thought about new names, etc.22:33
valorieI would not like to see us independent, annoying as Ubuntu/Canonical can be, because we simply are not big enough to do what needs doing by ourselves22:34
tsimonq2We ARE Ubuntu too.22:34
valoriewe are22:34
tsimonq2So we're calling ourselves annoying? :D22:34
valoriewell, I know I can be22:34
wxlin your case it makes sense @tsimonq222:34
tsimonq2Same here, lol22:35
valorienever YOU tsimonq222:35
tsimonq2wxl: XD22:35
valorieneon sort of found a crack they could settle into and that's fine with me22:35
valorieI think continuing to work with them helps everybody22:35
tsimonq2"a crack they could settle into"22:36
tsimonq2lol no :)22:36
valoriebetween Ubuntu and KDE i mean22:36
valorieI would rather see us all still together, but neon is providing a service to plasma developers in particular22:38
valorieand that ends up helping everybody22:38
valorieall of desktop and mobile linux at least22:38
valoriemaybe not a crack -- a niche23:01

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