
Fire-Dragon-DoLthere you go! plasma-workspace00:07
Fire-Dragon-DoLlooks like starting yakuake crashes the login in some way00:12
Fire-Dragon-DoLnot sure why00:13
Fire-Dragon-DoLwell, time to fix bak everything and start the investigation! :P00:13
Fire-Dragon-DoLyes confirmed00:20
Fire-Dragon-DoLso, is it normal that if you add a startup script with `exit`00:21
Fire-Dragon-DoLit stops you from logging in?00:21
Fire-Dragon-DoLor is it a bug of new updates?00:21
Fire-Dragon-DoLI had this script running for long time, so I guess this is a new problem00:22
Fire-Dragon-DoLand it explains why the log was so quiet00:23
Fire-Dragon-DoLnow the question is00:40
Fire-Dragon-DoLwho handles the startup in KDE?00:40
Fire-Dragon-DoLI want to report the bug, but not sure where00:40
valorieFire-Dragon-DoL: good question00:44
Fire-Dragon-DoLI found this which seem to match: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-meta/+bug/144867700:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1448677 in kubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "kde plasma5 crashes on login" [Critical,Triaged]00:44
valorieif you don't get an answer here, try #kde or even #kde-devel00:44
Fire-Dragon-DoLalso the problematic file was in .config/plasma-workspace/env00:44
Fire-Dragon-DoLdoes plasma-related stuff belong to it?00:44
Fire-Dragon-DoLi guess00:45
valorieyou'll get asked to go to #plasma if that's needed00:45
Fire-Dragon-DoLok let's see there00:52
user|20208I'm a noob02:03
user|20208Want to know how can I update to the latest kubuntu.02:03
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wayne__user 20208 you still there? I can help. I'm using kubuntu.03:32
wayne__You wanted to know how you can update to the latest kubuntu.03:32
wayne__first thing is open a terminal and type: sudo apt-get update03:33
wayne__actually, scratch that. Put this into a terminal window: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y03:34
wayne__That will give you a full system upgrade.03:34
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krytarikwayne__: They left 2 mins later.04:17
krytarikAnd they meant upgrade to the latest version of Kubuntu.04:19
EoflaOENow, back to the problem. I redownloaded and the hash checksum matched.04:23
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EoflaOEAnd now I re-made a bootable USB and when I booted from it, using boot-loader trick switching ports, I got Squashfs errors about zlib decompression failed and the install started without decoration like plain X11. I selected Try, and the same problem reappeared again.05:16
lordievaderGood morning07:02
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BluesKajHiyas all12:15
Captain_HaddockSo, on this desktop, I used to have a dual boot of Windows 7 and Kubuntu 16.04. Both worked fine except for one thing. When I shut down the desktop, it shut down just fine on Windows, but restarted with Kubuntu.12:19
Captain_HaddockSo what I used to do in Kubuntu was to just suspend the system all the time, which was an acceptable stop gap solution.12:20
Captain_HaddockNow, I've installed Kubuntu 17.10 on a new SSD. The shut down problem continues to persist. What's new is that Suspend does not work either. The computer does suspend, but only for around 4 seconds after which it wakes up again.12:21
Captain_HaddockAny idea why this might be happening?12:21
BluesKajall pertitions on one drive?12:23
Captain_HaddockBluesKaj: No. The install occupies the entire SSD, but I still access the old HDD as well.12:24
Captain_HaddockBluesKaj: That said, Suspend worked just fine just now :/ It didn't work earlier today or all day yesterday.12:26
Captain_HaddockLemme try again.12:26
BluesKajthen you have to set one drive as first in your boot sequence , if you have windows on one and kubuntu on the other12:26
Captain_HaddockMissed any reply. But it worked again :|12:27
BluesKajthen you have to set one drive as first in your boot sequence , if you have windows on one and kubuntu on the other12:27
Captain_HaddockBluesKaj: In the BIOS?12:27
BluesKajyes, but if it's working now then just leave it ...uefi is finicky when it comes to booting12:28
BluesKajasuming uefi vs bios12:29
Captain_HaddockYes. Should this affect shutting down as well?12:29
Captain_HaddockI was thinking that this would be some IRQ-related issue.12:30
BluesKajI prefer to suspend12:30
BluesKajii'ss a boot sequence setting IMO12:31
Captain_HaddockI see. I'll have a tinker with the BIOS. I do remember either disabling UEFI or doing something similar to get the system to boot off a pen drive a few years ago.12:32
BluesKajbut if it's working now , why muck about12:32
Captain_HaddockMaybe that is related.12:32
martokI'm curious if any else running 17.04 is experiencing a bad superblock problem?12:33
Captain_HaddockYou're right. It's not a biggie, if Suspend is working OK :)12:33
martok*anyone else12:33
BluesKajmartok,17.04 is eol as of today I think12:34
Captain_HaddockBluesKaj: Thanks for your time.12:34
BluesKajCaptain_Haddock, np12:34
ubottuUbuntu 17.04 (Zesty Zapus) was the 26th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 13th, 2018. See !eol and https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-January/000228.html12:36
BluesKajoops support ended over 2 weeks ago martok12:36
martokBlueskaj: That I know. But why would it mess up the superblock? This is the second laptop in 2 days that I had to fix the superblock just to get back into the system to back it up12:37
BluesKajmartok, no idea. but I suggest you upgrade to 17.10 asap12:54
martokBluesKaj: Definitely. I tried upgrading one of the laptops, but that didn't work out too well. So what I'm doing is just doing a clean install. Much faster anyway. I was pretty much just courious as to why it would mess up the superblock13:10
BluesKajmartok, is windows on the laptop as well?13:12
BluesKaji had superblock problems when i was dual booting W7 and kubuntu in legacy mode on a dos table instead of gpt on my lenove laptop13:14
BluesKajso i made the switch back uefi and gpt13:15
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martokBluesKaj: sorry for the late response. Windows is on one of the laptops. Kubunu is the only OS on the other13:42
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martokBluesKaj: that's good to know. I am actually installing 17.10 on the laptop uefi and gpt13:45
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BluesKajmartok, ok , then the 17.10 install should go smoothly13:46
BluesKajI no longer need windows on any of my computers...thank God :-)13:47
martokBluesKaj: Me neither. It's client computers. LOL13:48
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elichai2hey, is it possible to reinstall kubuntu on existing system? (with luks)15:17
marcellusHi people! Everytime I try to do any updates I get following error message: "Fehler beim Laden der QML-Datei: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.discovernotifier/contents/ui/main.qml:23:1: module "org.kde.discovernotifier" is not installed"17:09
marcellusI dont know how to solve it17:10
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TiraliAfter kubuntu hwe kernel 4.13 which uses smbv3 the smb manager smb4k is not working any longer, will there be a backport soon? Or is there another solution to get this fixed?20:50
Tiralikubuntu 17.10 has already smb4k 2.0 which is supporting smbv3 i think20:51

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