
=== ePierre__ is now known as ePierre
Jasemis LP having issues again?06:32
Jasemit was working fine for like 2 days and now everything is delayed06:32
blahdeblahJasem: what are you trying to do?06:32
Jasemblahdeblah: Make packages for my project. Users are complaining a lot now due to this since some packages that contain some fixes are not getting build for several days now06:34
blahdeblahJasem: there is definitely a build backlog06:34
Jasemblahdeblah: yeah look at this --> https://code.launchpad.net/~mutlaqja/+recipe/libsbig-daily06:35
Jasemit's been saying 1-hour for like 3 days now06:35
blahdeblahYeah - that's been happening a lot due to the backlog06:35
blahdeblahif it's important (e.g. to get out security fixes), there are possible overrides we can make06:36
Jasemit's to fix crash, not a security issue per se.06:36
wgranteverything == dailies, fwiw06:47
wgrantEverything else is building with less than two hours of latency, mostly less than 20 minutes06:50
=== CadBane_ is now known as CadBane
=== diddledan_ is now known as diddledan
dlnprslWhy is downloading package from ppa.launchpad.net really slow?11:45
dlnprslMy speed test was 7.44Mbps11:52
dlnprslBut I only got 20kBps11:52
dlnprsl20kBps to download package from launchpad ppa11:53
=== juergh_ is now known as juergh
=== Guest74281 is now known as karstensrage
=== karstensrage is now known as Guest68163
=== Guest68163 is now known as karstensrage

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