
rk61197hi every body i need some help for you04:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:04
rk61197ok i am beginner in linux os and i want to develop a web site so how can i prepare my os for  web development04:18
tsimonq2Nothing, really.04:23
rk61197hello everybady can i go to web devlopment in lubuntu 17.10(i386)09:19
leszekrk61197: I am not sure if I understood you correctly. You want to do web development on lubuntu?09:26
leszekrk61197: of course you can do web development on lubuntu. Should be no problem09:27
zleapI think bluefish is one of web editors09:27
zleapso it has buttons for various html tas09:28
zleapyou can also set up an apache or ngnix (i think) instance and test the websie if you point the browser to localhost09:29
rk61197i have some problem on my localhost09:29
zleapwell localhost is just
zleapbut for testng html/css you can just open say /home/user/website and open index.html09:30
zleapi think you probabl;y need a web server if you're serving php, scripting etc09:31
zleapnot exactly sure09:31
rk61197after inataling mysql i have open wp_config.php on folowing a word press tutorial09:34
rk61197after enter all data giving me some error09:35
zleapwhat error do you get09:36
zleapi probably can't help but if you copy / paste to somewhere like pastebin or gist.github.com then post the link someone maybe able to help09:37
rk61197error writing, permition denide09:37
zleapso you don't have permission to write to a directory09:38
rk61197i will try09:38
zleapi know with setting up a webserver i need to add myself to the www-data group09:38
zleapthen do some other things so i can write to /var/www/ etc as my user name09:39
leszekif you add your user to www-data group your user should have write permissions for /var/www09:39
zleapit is nopt as simple as that,  i need to dig out the instructions09:40
zleapbut yeah09:40
zleapwhat are you setting up09:40
leszekrk61197: I am just asking myself why you don't use a docker image and dockerhub if you just want to do web development and not deal with setting up apache2 or nginx and so on09:42
zleapi agree there09:43
zleapi am guessing docker image will be all set up09:43
zleapif you consider the faff you need to go through to add your user to www-data then everything else, it is easier plus you are not opening your computer to potential security issues09:45
rk61197[ Error writing /var/www/html/wp-config.php: Permission denied09:45
rk61197THIS ERROR I GET09:46
zleapso yeah sounds like a permissions errror09:46
zleaptype groups are you in www-data (or similar depending on your distro)09:47
leszekrk61197: where do you get this error message? Trying to open the wordpress page in the browser maybe?09:47
zleapbut if you want a wordpress site  just go to wordpress.com and it is free or you pay for extra features09:47
zleaper ok09:50
zleap1 no need to shout (caps)09:50
rk611971 no need to shout (caps) I DONT MEAN IT09:51
zleapok right,  if you want to set up wordpress why not go for the free account on wordpress.com09:51
zleapthe issue i have with online instructions is finding the exact combination of OS and version09:55
zleapas things change and trying to follo instructions that are not exactly right for what you have causes issues09:56
zleapi generally try and write generic insructions and point people elsewhere09:56
zleapso if i point to the mysql docs you get the latest documentation for mysql09:56
zleaprk61197: i need  to go shortly but i would read upon what  you wantto do, and ask here,  but as you're dealing with wordpress see if there is an irc channel for it, there is for mysql and almost certainly for apache ngnix etc10:07
zleapgood luck,10:07
zleapback (well sort of)11:28
xaeB5is it possible to not display the application name in the window list section of the lubuntu panel? in lxqt you can set it to be icon only, rather than name and icon18:27
redwolfyes, xaeB5. look at this picture: https://forum.lxde.org/download/file.php?id=358&sid=a16c88988ad40eb542f29570c0287a5318:36
redwolfif you right-click on the panel and choose settings, look for "Task Bar (Window List)", click edit and activate "Icons only"18:37
xaeB5thanks redwolf!18:37
redwolfbut I'm not sure you can "pin" apps in the panel with that plugin. if you want to that there's another plugin, "icon-taskbar" or something like that. and it's not official18:38
xaeB5this works for me18:39
redwolfok :)18:39
xaeB5looking forward to lxqt edition of lubuntu18:39
redwolfoh, I think you're going to love it :)18:40

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