
tgBot1yin cong was added by: yin cong02:39
tgBot1<KingJamez> how to install libreoffice on UT03:50
tgBot1<KrisJacewicz> @KingJamez, 1. In a container (can b ut does not have to be libertine) … 2. Resize rootfs and install it directly … 3. Install direclty without resizing rootfs, but have to manually make some symlinks so that installation data ends up in the userspace03:57
tgBot1<sudanisayfree> (Photo, 600x339) https://irc.ubports.com/wkZJi586/file_3975.jpg05:02
tgBot1<sudanisayfree> (Photo, 720x480) https://irc.ubports.com/WadUkvzl/file_3977.jpg05:03
tgBot1<sudanisayfree> (Photo, 800x517) https://irc.ubports.com/U09rttHg/file_3979.jpg05:03
tgBot1<sudanisayfree> (Photo, 400x225) https://irc.ubports.com/yMReMFHy/file_3981.jpg05:03
tgBot1<shen feng> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/L0sIfO5v/file_398205:04
tgBot1<Aury88> (Voice, 5s)https://irc.ubports.com/ZCbnpB2Y/file_398306:03
tgBot1mjmeodmt was added by: mjmeodmt06:49
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> Good morning06:49
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> QQ about trying UT on Xiaomi MI4 ? or where can I poke for more details...06:50
tgBot1Azorvida was added by: Azorvida06:56
tgBot1<YougoChats> @mjmeodmt, good morning. i don't think that device is currently supported. check for supported devices on https://devices.ubports.com/#/   … if you are a seasoned developer, you may want to try porting the next version of Ubuntu Touch to your device06:58
tgBot1<TronFortyTwo> Welcome newcomers! … @SilvoneyMachado yin @mjmeodmt @Azorvida  … Welcome to the party!🎉 … Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome for some useful informations07:00
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> @YougoChats Right I saw that thanks :) Also checked the rest of the list. Uhm the meuzu specs/hardware are very similar apart from the cpu. But anyways were can I find the source then?07:00
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> Thanks for the welcome :) @TronFortyTwo07:00
tgBot1<TronFortyTwo> @KingJamez, Check this guide: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/userguide/dailyuse/libertine.html07:01
tgBot1<TronFortyTwo> @mjmeodmt, :)07:01
tgBot1<YougoChats> @mjmeodmt, look here for porting to new devices: https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html07:08
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> Thanks07:09
tgBot1<YougoChats> and  here for getting involved in general: https://ubports.com/community/ready-to-join-us07:09
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> @YougoChats Thanks for the infos and invite. Will check it out.07:11
tgBot1<YougoChats> @mjmeodmt, when you've read up on things, perhaps it's also good to join the Halium thread where all the porting devs share notes https://t.me/halium07:29
tgBot1<Christopher> there is not a bitcoin app in the openstore :(07:45
=== Elimin8r is now known as Elimin8er
tgBot1<Corne> @peternerlich, Thanks for they introduction, I read the faq but couldn't find if there are any specific communiction channels aimed at developers such as another telegram group or irc or similar10:14
tgBot1<peternerlich> @Corne, Yeah, we have a bit of a problem regarding that and communication in general at the moment. Until now there has been a "core team" of four developers who rather don't want to get pinged by everyone all the time, and groups in that direction got overrun with people who wanted to learn being a developer and people just wanting to peek in, so productivity quickly went towards zero. Now the community grew so large that we are in dire need 10:24
tgBot1developers, but the problem with teaching them and separating from bystanders still remains. … We recently made advances like creating some documentation and working on plans how to better shape the infrastructure of our community, but it might still take a while to get going.10:24
tgBot1<Corne> @peternerlich, I understand, I found the documentation you are referring to (the one using ReadTheDocs) haven't read through it all yet looks promising.10:28
tgBot1<peternerlich> @Corne, But I think it's still very much work in progress, too. And that Canonical also didn't have full perfect documentation on their code (obviously) still requires us to even understand some parts. But as far as I heard, we might be closer to having at least this mapped out10:31
tgBot1<peternerlich> But yeah, I guess the advice I can give is to be patient, try to find whether you can help somewhere already and not to give up when you're rejected or something. Every now and then, try to poke us UBFR about that and we'll hopefully see something useful emerge to take care of new devs10:33
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @Christopher, this i did not know...  wasnt there one in the Ol' Store?10:46
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @peternerlich, yes except that there are many more than 4 'core' developers since its a community project.  there are some of the original community founders who are still getting pinged a lot because there were not others around to support so much10:49
tgBot1<peternerlich> @wayneoutthere, But you don't really hear a lot of others, do you?10:50
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> now we have a big community and a quickly growing list of focus groups.  as peter said we are working hard to improve community and communications10:51
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @peternerlich, this is a deeper problem in tech culture10:51
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> joe and i are discussing this in the audiocast soon10:51
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> there are a lot of skilled developers in particular who code like 'ninjas' becaus perhaps they havent worked in an organized open group before10:52
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> a lot of them view open as 'do whatever hacking you want' which is fine in some context but in ours we are trying to excel to excellence with as quickly as possible10:53
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> and so, in short i thinkk we are breaking ground here like pioneers10:53
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> patience, understanding, and flexibility are a must... something i often lack10:54
tgBot1dirmanhero was added by: dirmanhero11:22
tgBot1<milkor73> @dirmanhero, Hello Dragos. Welcome! Check https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome … Not-a-bot™ Ask, chat, explore!11:24
tgBot1<dirmanhero> thanks a lot :D I got a Nexus 5 due to be repaired soon and I'll try ub touch on it11:24
tgBot1<milkor73> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/aPVujZnF/file_3988.webp11:25
tgBot1<milkor73> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/ZI0zMnUX/file_3989.mp411:26
tgBot1himaanshu24 was added by: himaanshu2411:30
tgBot1<technicalbird> @himaanshu24, Welcome11:31
tgBot1<himaanshu24> @technicalbird, Thanks Vijay. Looking forward to awesome journey of Ubuntu Touch OS11:32
tgBot1<Vijaypraj> kiya he ns11:43
tgBot1<himaanshu24> can some one confirm if I can flash my Le Max 2 phone with ubuntu touch11:49
tgBot1<himaanshu24> https://www.gsmarena.com/leeco_le_max_2-8051.php11:49
tgBot1<Flohack> No you cant :)11:51
tgBot1<Sconio> can you bring it to Halium to get started11:56
tgBot1<Sconio> on model, bootloader is it unlocked?11:57
tgBot1<Sconio> https://t.me/halium11:59
tgBot1<peternerlich> @Sconio, You probably have to try it yourself if you are the only one currently interested. https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/introduction.html12:05
tgBot1<vanyasem> @peternerlich, the guide you linked is outdated and deprecated12:07
tgBot1<vanyasem> please refer to halium docs instead12:08
tgBot1<peternerlich> @vanyasem, oops. should be updated then12:08
tgBot1<vanyasem> well it was updated, but it still start with the link to halium docs12:10
tgBot1<vanyasem> better give a direct link to halium12:10
tgBot1<vanyasem> I kinda missed when it was updated and thought its still old12:10
tgBot1<vanyasem> eh12:10
tgBot1<BrisPete> Not being a dev I have no idea what this means for UT, but I thought someone else might know. http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2018/02/tdlib-build-unofficial-telegram-apps13:07
tgBot1<delijati> uhh nice .. an official upport telegram lib ... sound like a looot of work to replace the one ubport current uses13:19
tgBot1<popescu_sorin> https://telegram.org/blog/tdlib13:21
tgBot1<peternerlich> nice13:26
tgBot1<garrogarri> @Flohack did you see this? https://github.com/tdlib/td13:31
tgBot1<garrogarri> @popescu_sorin, Oh 😆13:33
tgBot1<garrogarri> @BrisPete, oh2 😂 all thinking about this 😆13:35
tgBot1<DiogoConstantino> https://community.ubuntu.com/t/get-together-fosdem-2018/376713:50
tgBot1Viktor Below was added by: Viktor Below13:51
tgBot1<delijati> @DiogoConstantino, got my hotel + train ticket but now i catched the flu ... so no fosdem this year ;(13:55
tgBot1<DiogoConstantino> 😩((13:56
tgBot1<delijati> i hope some ubports people are there to show some unity8 to people to get more dev into it ;)13:56
tgBot1<delijati> ahh btw. i updated the https://github.com/delijati/fosdem-qml for this year13:57
tgBot1<DiogoConstantino> At least some users will be for sure13:57
tgBot1<nanu_c> What can I do when adb doesn't find my device anymore14:03
tgBot1<nanu_c> ?14:04
tgBot1<nanu_c> Bus 001 Device 092: ID 2a47:200814:04
tgBot1<nanu_c> But I can access it with filebrowser as mtp14:04
tgBot1<nanu_c> Aquaris e5 at host ubuntu 17.10?14:05
tgBot1<DiogoConstantino> have you turned on developer mode?14:06
tgBot1<nanu_c> Yes14:07
tgBot1<nanu_c> Okey restart then turn dev mode off and on  again...14:08
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> Anyone here have an idea of the actual GB amount for the halium-5.1 branch?14:29
tgBot1<mjmeodmt> Limited as I'm on my ssd (laptop) atm only having 17GB left....14:30
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> After a build of 7.1, I'm sitting at 29G.15:24
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> You have to account for `out` taking 8G or more.15:24
tgBot1<peternerlich> Anyone here who did some GnuCash report programming by any chance?16:01
tgBot1<peternerlich> Or anyone comfortable with scheme in general?16:07
tgBot1<dohbee> @peternerlich, now that would be a totally appropriate topic for the OT channel16:08
tgBot1<peternerlich> but I'm not in there anymore and didn't want to join just for asking someone to pm16:09
tgBot1ZatenatskiyDenis was added by: ZatenatskiyDenis16:19
tgBot1<dohbee> i wasn't specifically suggesting you do; just making a general comment as an aside :)16:20
tgBot1<technicalbird> Skype now available as a snap for Linux users | Ubuntu Insights … https://insights.ubuntu.com/2018/02/01/skype-now-available-as-a-snap-for-linux-users/16:38
rahhow does UBports use telepathy?17:00
rahaudio gets routed in hardware17:00
rahso I'm wondering how come there's a telepathy-ofono plugin?17:01
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> https://github.com/ubports/telepathy-ofono17:04
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> Sure is!17:04
rahUniversalSuperBox: I'm asking why?17:06
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> Ah, sorry17:07
tgBot1<peternerlich> Hi @himaanshu24 and @ZatenatskiyDenis! I'm part of the Welcoming Team. To get started, please read https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome and feel free to ask any question, especially in the NNewcomers Room!17:12
rahcan anyone say what telepathy-ofono actually does?17:37
tgBot1<dohbee> @rah, telepathy is not an audio routing framework. that's what pulseaudio does.17:48
tgBot1<dohbee> @rah, SMS at least17:48
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
tgBot1<ahoneybun> I am now a Patreon18:00
tgBot1<dohbee> and i'm pretty sure that call audio also gets routed through pulseaudio18:01
tgBot1<dohbee> if there was no software involved in audio routing, why would there ever be "no audio in voice call" type of bugs in ubuntu?18:02
tgBot1<mattbel10> @ahoneybun, well done Aaron 👍 welcome to the UBports community18:03
tgBot1<ahoneybun> thanks18:04
tgBot1<ahoneybun> supporting 3 things on there now18:04
tgBot1<dohbee> @rah, there was also some working going on from Canonical, at the time when Unity/phone got cancelled, to enable SIP calling using telepathy; with plans to integrate other IM services into standard messaging/voice apps18:06
tgBot1<UniversalSuperBox> Great to see you again Aaron!18:06
tgBot1<Corne> Ubports at fosdem???18:38
tgBot1<Corne> I am their on sunday wondering if me and my new oneplus one can come say hi 👋18:39
tgBot1Christian Helling was added by: Christian Helling19:24
tgBot1<stuiterveer> @Corne, I'm there, however I have no affiliation with Ubports and have no clue what talks I will be seeing yet 😆19:40
tgBot1<developerfect> Crazy Ubports 😜19:44
tgBot1<developerfect> (Photo, 1280x1111) https://irc.ubports.com/y9whVNVz/file_3991.jpg19:45
tgBot1<developerfect> UBports hacked my ads 🤪19:49
tgBot1<Johan_k> @Crash_Burn, I've got a oneplus one right now and i've installed umatrix but how do you make videocalls?20:03
tgBot1<Michele> @Johan_k, do you use the mariogrip test verison?20:19
tgBot1CuberTuber was added by: CuberTuber20:20
tgBot1<Michele> videocalls work only in that version20:20
tgBot1<Johan_k> @Michele, Sorry, I've installed the wrong one.20:23
tgBot1<Michele> @Johan_k, np 👍🏻20:23
tgBot1<Johan_k> Is there a way to make calls with telegram?20:25
tgBot1<peternerlich> Hi Christian and @CuberTuber! I'm part of the Welcoming Team. Please take a look at https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get up to speed and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!20:27
tgBot1<Christian Helling> Thank you :)20:28
tgBot1<KingJamez> @Johan_k, Not yet.20:35
tgBot1<Johan_k> @KingJamez, Thanks20:37
tgBot1AloneRacer was added by: AloneRacer21:25
tgBot1<AloneRacer> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/6GKr03Ms/file_3995.jpg Çıkan reklama bak canım çekti21:25
tgBot1<AloneRacer> @AloneRacer, Look at this ad21:25
tgBot1<AloneRacer> Nice ad21:25
tgBot1<AloneRacer> Better than phone ads21:25
tgBot1<archi_dagac> Big brother is watching you :D21:25
tgBot1<AloneRacer> @archi_dagac, Omg!21:27
tgBot1<AloneRacer> Xd21:27
tgBot1<TronFortyTwo> @AloneRacer, switch to duckduck ;)21:28
tgBot1<archi_dagac> @TronFortyTwo, +121:28
tgBot1<archi_dagac> come in: duckduckgo.com21:28
tgBot1<Georgecloon> Or Searx21:29
tgBot1<Georgecloon> https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/wiki/Searx-instances21:30
tgBot1<AloneRacer> @TronFortyTwo, No man. That great ad21:30
tgBot1<Georgecloon> It's free :)21:30
tgBot1<YougoChats> @AloneRacer, How the heck does that happen? Did @wayneoutthere buy adspace?21:36
tgBot1<profetik777> @AloneRacer, superb tagline in that ad...become more....so good.21:44
tgBot1Gian Luca Repetti was added by: Gian Luca Repetti21:56
tgBot1<Stereofont> @Johan_k, Remember that you can have both installed at the same time, just as with Dekko and Dekko221:58
tgBot1<peternerlich> Hi Gian Luca! I'm part of the UBFR. To get up to speed, please refer to https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome and feel free to ask any question, especially in the Newcomers Room!22:06
tgBot1<Michele> Welcome Gian Luca ! wanna join the italin group @ubportsitaliano ?22:14
tgBot1<ahoneybun> @UniversalSuperBox, I'm always around. Just at a new job with System76 so busy lol.22:17
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @peternerlich, buddy!  finally!  I was hoping for years some cool people would pick this one up.  I really want gnu cash to catch up with the rest of the proprietary versions23:05
tgBot1<peternerlich> nah, I'm just poking around at the moment23:07
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @Johan_k, it's an easy mistake to make... considering that the non-officlal one is the one that... works best and has all the features :(23:07
tgBot1<wayneoutthere> @YougoChats, Wayne did not.23:09

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