
chiluk /o\16:01
* slangasek waves16:02
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Feb  1 16:02:42 2018 UTC.  The chair is slangasek. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.16:02
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick16:02
Odd_Bloke\ / o16:02
slangasek[TOPIC] Lightning round16:02
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Lightning round
slangasek$ echo $(shuf -e slangasek bdmurray xnox tdaitx doko sil2100 rbalint infinity cyphermox mwhudson rcj philroche Odd_Bloke tribaal fginther juliank)16:03
slangasekdoko rcj mwhudson tdaitx cyphermox infinity Odd_Bloke tribaal bdmurray philroche juliank xnox slangasek fginther rbalint sil210016:03
slangasekdoko: hello!16:03
dokoI go last ...16:04
gaughendoko, we're saving the best for last16:04
rcj* made clouds faster16:04
rcj* went first in meeting16:04
rcj* CVE builds for cloud-images16:05
gaughenno mwhudson16:05
tdaitx* OpenJDK 8 security update:16:06
tdaitx  - still massaging armhf hotspot16:06
tdaitx* Ran tests with openjdk 9 and 10 as default jdk on bionic16:06
tdaitx  - 24 reverse build-depends on default-jdk + default-jdk-headless16:06
tdaitx  - 8 failures using jdk 9, 10 failures using jdk 1016:06
tdaitx* Investigating maven-archiver ftbfs (Debian #886875)16:06
ubottuDebian bug 886875 in src:maven-archiver "maven-archiver FTBFS: test failure" [Serious,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/88687516:06
tdaitx* Backporting OpenJDK 8 fixes to OpenJDK 716:06
cyphermox- MIR16:06
cyphermox - argos2 review16:06
cyphermox - discussing mtd-utils MIR with rbalint, triggered by flash-kernel16:06
cyphermox- juju-core review for SRU to xenial, from balloons' code branch16:06
cyphermox- reviewed subiquity keyboard code16:06
cyphermox- netplan:16:06
cyphermox - implement 'netplan ip leases'16:06
cyphermox - refactoring for private python lib16:06
cyphermox - coverage/ci fixes16:06
cyphermox - field kernel team questions about netplan16:06
cyphermox- debugging grub net timeout/retransmit/repeated RRQs of files it already received16:06
cyphermox- shim/grub:16:06
cyphermox - validating grub2{,-signed},shim{,-signed} SRU in xenial, artful16:06
tribaal* Snapping part of the build infrastructure for cloud images.16:07
tribaal* Partner work16:07
tribaal* Work on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/squid-deb-proxy/+bug/1456238 (on my spare time)16:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1456238 in squid-deb-proxy (Ubuntu) "Rewrite urls to mirror" [Wishlist,In progress]16:07
tribaal(out of order \o/ My battery is almost dead)16:07
Odd_Bloke* Vacation, travel and catch-up16:07
bdmurraytribaal: any more?16:07
tribaalbdmurray: nope16:07
bdmurrayInvestigation into non-unique whoopsie ids (LP: #1636954)16:08
bdmurrayDiscussed non-unique whoopsie ids at some length16:08
bdmurraySwitched rabbitmq charm in mojo spec so nagios check passes16:08
bdmurrayUpdates to mojo spec for nagios changes / recommendations16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1636954 in Whoopsie "Whoopsie should use something else if non-unique uuid" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/163695416:08
bdmurrayDocumented how to setup whoopsie to send crashes to daisy w/ self-signed cert16:08
bdmurrayModified whoopsie to respect an env var to not check ssl cert of daisy server16:08
bdmurrayReviewed and merged jibel's apport branch fixing ubiquity package hook (LP: #1582950)16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1582950 in apport (Ubuntu Artful) "broken apport hook: TypeError: a bytes-like object is required, not 'str'" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/158295016:08
bdmurrayFixed apport bug re: recommending python-apport (LP: #1729879)16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1729879 in apport (Ubuntu Bionic) "apport-collect is still requesting python-apport installation" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172987916:08
bdmurrayInvestigation into and resolution of apport-test-crashes creation failure16:08
bdmurrayConfirmed apport-test-crashes are good - had them retraced in devops ET16:08
bdmurrayWas on holiday last week16:08
Odd_Blokephilroche is out today.16:09
juliankmerged lvm216:09
juliankfixed some ubuntu-release-upgrader stuff (bug #1744722)16:09
juliankcryptsetup 2.0 transition16:09
juliankrsyslog merge16:09
ubottubug 1744722 in ubuntu-release-upgrader (Ubuntu Artful) "Unknown bad source brings up during 'zesty' to 'artful' upgrade and It break the process" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174472216:09
juliankapt test suite fix16:09
juliankfiled argos2 (for cryptsetup) MIR16:09
juliankfastjson (for rsyslog) MIR16:09
juliankworking on lscpu xenial fix now (bug 1732865) (done)16:09
ubottubug 1732865 in util-linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "[LTCTest][OPAL][FW860.20] lscpu failed to list cpu max and min frequencies" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173286516:09
juliankok, the (done) should have been its own line16:09
xnoxWork on migrating 1.0.2n (upgrade from g release), openssl migrated16:09
xnoxWorking on completing migration of my uploads (ppc/s390x)16:09
xnoxFix a couple of easy 1.1.0 openssl compatibilities16:09
xnoxMerged systemd v23716:09
xnoxBack from japan on sunday, off to brussels for fosdem tomorrow.16:09
slangasek * working through maas+grub netboot regression possibly triggered my meltdown mitigations (LP: #1743249)16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743249 in MAAS "Failed Deployment after timeout trying to retrieve grub cfg" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174324916:10
slangasek * sort out livecd-rootfs regression in bionic (LP: #1746631)16:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1746631 in livecd-rootfs (Ubuntu) "livecd-rootfs 2.496 needs a PROPOSED=1 build test before release to bionic" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174663116:10
slangasek * proposed-migration work16:10
slangasek  * digging into the arm64 runner slowdown over the past week (but not getting very far)16:10
slangasek  * retries, overrides, etc. of autopkgtest failures16:10
slangasek * discussions w/ server team about default behavior of cloud-init on unconfigured NICs16:10
slangasek * discussions around fixing MAAS ability to install ESM-supported precise16:10
slangasek * discussions around clean shutdown of complex storage configs (finalrd)16:10
rbalint* finish flash-kernel merge16:11
rbalint* mtd-utils MIR for flash-kernel (still needs fixing tests) LP: #174612616:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1746126 in mtd-utils (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mtd-utils (WIP)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174612616:12
rbalint* merge shadow16:12
rbalint* fix cdbs dependency on scour which broke shadow's build16:12
rbalint* fix FTBFS of libnfs16:12
rbalint* internal testbed setup16:12
rbalint* gce-compute-image-packages update, SRU-s pending LP: #174658816:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1746588 in gce-compute-image-packages (Ubuntu) "Update google compute-image-packages to 20180129" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174658816:12
sil2100- Off on Tuesday, very fragmented week in overall16:12
sil2100- SRU reviews and releases16:12
sil2100- Kernel SRU reviews and releases16:12
sil2100- ubiquity:16:12
sil2100  * Testing the ubiquity early keyboard selection branch16:12
sil2100  * Figuring out how to run the autopilot-tests locally on a VM16:12
sil2100  * Working on fixing autopilot tests16:12
sil2100- Checking edge cases of ubuntu-server installs (making sure quiet and splash aren't there)16:12
sil2100- DMB meeting16:12
sil2100- 16.04.4 discussions and slip announcements16:12
doko- came back from LinuxConf.AU, short week16:13
doko- updated mpfr/mpclib, and all GCC packages, including cross packages16:13
doko- GCC 7.3 and binutils 2.30 releases16:13
doko- glibc fix for binutils 2.3016:13
doko- gdb 8.1 release16:13
doko- and unfortunately handling a lot of unfinished transitions ...16:13
doko- build failures ...16:13
slangasekany questions over status?16:13
juliankOh, I forgot: I've been hacking around a bit on Launchpad to add Valid-Until to release files (WIP)16:13
xnoxjuliank, sounds interesting and scary. e.g. in the context of ESM and the fact that release pocket is frozen and not republished.16:14
xnoxjuliank, and esm is kind of open-eneded in end dates.16:14
juliankxnox: for -updates, -security, -proposed, and -backports I think. We'll see how it works out :)16:14
slangasekjuliank: for ESM, the -updates and -security pockets need to be usable for years after they stop being updated16:15
slangasekbut that's not a reason for LP to not support it in principle16:15
juliankslangasek: I'd imagine we can come up with something for that16:15
xnoxand ppas.... like fips, esm, cloud archive, partner archive, dbgsysms,16:15
slangasek[TOPIC] Bugs16:16
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Bugs
slangasek[LINK] http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/rls-mgr/rls-bb-incoming-bug-tasks.html#foundations-bugs16:16
slangasekanything here we should be taking?16:17
bdmurraybug 1744318 - should this move to targetted?16:17
ubottubug 1744318 in update-manager (Ubuntu) "changelogs.ubuntu.com should be using HTTPS" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174431816:17
slangasekxnox: I think we had discussed LP: #1707898 again while you were out... what should we do with this?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1707898 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd translations are not synced with upstream" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/170789816:18
slangasekbdmurray: 1744318 - yes I think so16:18
xnoxLaney, do you think we can trollo-fy the above systemd translation task, on like desktop team trello backlog? it needs a spike investigation to come up with a plan of action.16:20
gaughenslangasek, I think xnox is going to reach out to laney16:20
slangasekxnox: I think we should drop the rls-bb-incoming tag, since regardless of criticality it isn't for us to accept16:20
gaughensounds reasonable16:20
slangasekif it's another team that needs to fix it16:20
xnoxand then i am happy to tackle it, or to delegate, as long as there is agreement on how to "make translation in langpacks, and be usable by systemd, et.al and all working fine as needed"16:21
bdmurrayslangasek: So will you modify 1744318?16:21
slangasekbdmurray: yes16:21
xnoxLaney, possibly need changes to langpacks, and pkgmangler, to mangle systemd in a special snowflake way.16:21
bdmurrayI have some others but will wait for the systemd discussion to tend.16:21
* xnox is done.16:21
bdmurraytend = totally end16:21
Laneyxnox: I've not really touched langpacks, so you probably want to start with seb12816:22
bdmurraydefinitely not a typo16:22
LaneyI see I was @-ed in that bug but not subscribed to it ;-)16:22
Laneyoh no I am, wtf16:22
xnoxLaney, re:touching langpacks, me neither.... but some sensible plan / guidance, would be nice before shooting in the foot. Like choose which foot, and whoose =)16:23
slangasekbdmurray, xnox: takes 1707898 out of our incoming queue, will trust that it gets followed up w/ desktop team16:23
LaneyX-Launchpad-Message-Rational: subscribed-by @xnox: file in /dev/null :-)16:23
bdmurrayIs bug 1729491 worth targetting to the release?16:23
ubottubug 1729491 in apport (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug says that snap packages are not installed" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172949116:23
sil2100I actually took those langpacks from seb, but I guess seb might know more on the actual mechanics of how they work16:23
sil2100I just know and deal with their generation16:23
bdmurrayIt should just be a string change somewhere.16:23
sil2100hm, which reminds me, I forgot to re-enable bionic update packs, eh16:24
slangasekbdmurray: hmm yes, let's take that one16:24
juliankbdmurray: what would be the proper way to report a snap bug?16:24
xnoxLaney, could we start a trello card for this on dekstop board and/or subscribe/add me to that card? it will need some discussion and coordination.16:24
slangasekjuliank: that's a separate question from having the bug-reporting tools giving confusing error messages16:24
sil2100xnox, Laney: could you also include me in that card?16:24
bdmurrayjuliank: I don't know if there is one.16:25
slangasekyes, unfortunately there's not a consistent story there currently16:25
bdmurraybug 1736072 seems important - I haven't dug into it at all16:25
ubottubug 1736072 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Encrypted swap does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173607216:25
slangasek1736072 is the reason xnox doesn't get a straight backport of swapfiles into 16.04 as an SRU16:26
Laneyxnox: sil2100: Chat to Seb in #ubuntu-desktop in the first instance I think16:26
xnoxslangasek, .... but i thought it was fixed by cyphermox , no?16:26
dokojuliank: I'm still doubting about another json implementation in main ...16:26
slangasekI don't know, has it been?16:26
slangasekcyphermox: does encrypted swap work in bionic? should LP: #1736072 be closed?16:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1736072 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "Encrypted swap does not work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173607216:26
juliankdoko: Well, yeah, what can we do? I don't know.16:27
cyphermoxslangasek: should be working, but we should give it another check16:27
dokojuliank: can it still be built with json-c?16:27
slangasekjuliank: yell at upstream? block at the current version of rsyslog for this cycle?16:27
xnoxah, the bug says it is now racy16:28
slangasekcyphermox: shall I assign to you to follow up?16:28
cyphermoxxnox: you're right swap should have been fixed last cycle16:28
slangasek(and claim it for the cycle, it's clearly important, just not clearly a bug)16:28
juliankslangasek: rsyslog upstream is the one who forked the json library16:28
xnoxi wonder if there are dependencies missing, and/or not specified x-systemd-after things in fstab16:28
juliankand made it incompatible and dropped their json-c compat layer16:28
xnoxjuliank, did they embed a partial tree of systemd too? like NM?16:28
juliankI don't think so16:28
* xnox says bad very very bad deal16:29
slangasekjuliank: this does not preclude yelling ;)16:29
juliankbut everything is possible :)16:29
bdmurrayThat's it for rls-bb-incoming as far as I'm concerned16:29
slangasekbdmurray: there seemed to be a lot of high incoming bugs that we skipped over16:29
slangasekI think juliank should claim LP: #1725861  :)16:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1725861 in apt (Ubuntu) "APT::AutoRemove::SuggestsImportant "false" should be the default" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/172586116:30
bdmurrayslangasek: ah, indeed16:30
juliankslangasek: Oh well16:30
slangasekjuliank: do you think it's fair to say this is something we should fix before the next LTS, even if not implemented in the way the bug title suggests?16:31
juliankslangasek: I think it might make sense with my other plan to only autoremove "new garbage"16:32
juliankI'm not convinced it's the right thing to do16:33
juliankI'm not convinced it's the wrong thing to do either.16:33
slangasekjuliank: ok, let's claim it for now and we can discuss further w/o blocking the team meeting :)16:33
bdmurrayslangasek: to be clear "claim it" also means create a card for it?16:34
slangasekbdmurray: yes, doing16:34
bdmurrayslangasek: and so every rls-bb-tracking tagged bug should have a card too correct?16:35
slangasekbdmurray: should, yes16:35
slangasekbdmurray: I have been doing those inline here16:35
slangasekxnox: your last comment on LP: #1739672 says you weren't uploading while the build farm was blocked.  Is this now fix-committed?16:36
bdmurrayslangasek: Is there a way to audit the bugs for cards? Do they get tagged during the import?16:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1739672 in systemd (Ubuntu) "Regression in getaddrinfo(): calls block for much longer on Bionic (compared to Xenial), please disable LLMNR" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173967216:36
slangasekbdmurray: they have not been getting tagged during the import; I thought they were meant to be but maybe that's a separate job; I've noticed a lot of my imported cards not being tagged. fginther?16:37
* juliank was a bit confused too about the systemd bug16:37
gaughenI didn't realize the tracking bugs you were getting automagically imported16:37
xnoxslangasek, well, but systemd is not building atm on arm64 because binutils / relocation / EFI16:37
xnoxslangasek, but i should stage that in git at least, yes.16:37
fgintherslangasek, yeah that should be happening. Let me look at logs16:38
slangasekxnox: oh. who has the baton for fixing that, and is there a bug?16:38
* juliank is checking if gnu-efi is causing the systemd FTBFS16:38
xnoxslangasek, doko / juliank / and I are on the hook for it.16:39
juliankIt might be either toolchain, gnu-efi, or systemd16:39
slangaseksystemd uses gnu-efi.16:39
slangasekbecause of course it does.16:39
xnoxslangasek, there are multiple things affected, e.g. kernel, gnu-efi, systemd.... which i guess is gnu-efi.16:39
slangasekok, so juliank is on this?16:39
juliankand I have a gnu-efi transition16:39
xnoxslangasek, re:LLMNR should it be a default for resolved.conf; .network setting for a network; or a netplan provided default?16:39
juliankslangasek: yeah, I'm on the gnu-efi part16:39
xnoxslangasek, i'm guessing we want it as default off, but not sure if that means in resolved, or on every network....16:40
slangasekjuliank: can you (create a bug and) give me a bug number so I can follow without pestering?16:40
juliankslangasek: I'm checking if sytemd builds with the new gnu-efi or not.16:40
slangasekxnox: my expectation is off in resolved by default16:40
juliankslangasek: One for gnu-efi transition, systemd FTBFS on arm64, or both?16:40
slangasekjuliank: systemd ftbfs16:40
xnoxslangasek, ok16:41
juliankslangasek: xnox: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/systemd/+bug/174676516:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1746765 in systemd (Ubuntu) "systemd FTBFS on arm64" [Undecided,New]16:42
juliankI assigned it to gnu-efi, systemd, and binutils and we can figure out what's doing it16:42
slangasekjuliank: thanks16:42
slangasekanything else on bugs?16:43
dokobdmurray: please could you have a look at the apport autopkg test failures?16:43
juliankslangasek: Should we add a card for systemd FTBFS and mark it in progress?16:43
slangasekjuliank: done16:44
bdmurraydoko: oh sure, I wonder why I haven't gotten an email about that16:44
dokoautopkg test failures, not build failures16:45
bdmurrayI thought we were supposed to get emails about both.16:46
slangasekjuliank, xnox: my $.02 is that we should disable any use of gnu-efi in our systemd packages as we are certainly not using the EFI artifacts in the distro and have no plans to16:46
juliankslangasek: I use them :/16:46
slangasekbdmurray: we email about stuck packages after a grace period16:46
slangasekjuliank: but that should not block systemd distro development in 18.0416:46
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB16:47
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: AOB
slangasekanything else?16:47
juliankwe could also just enable them on arm64, though, as that's where it fails, then I'm happy too :)16:47
slangasekjuliank: indeed16:48
xnoxslangasek, when i saw it fail to build, i was like "why the hell is _that_ enabled?"16:48
xnoxjuliank, you use them - systemd-efi-boot? you wrap apt in an initramfs, with a kernel image, wrapped as a UEFI binary and then you sign it and only boot that? =)16:50
dokotransition mess again ...16:50
slangasekI haven't been giving the transitions much attention because I've been focused on autopkgtest16:51
juliankxnox: I use systemd-boot to boot my system instead of grub, and I do wrap an initramfs with a kernel into one image which I sign16:51
dokoI'm doing unfinished transitions for the past four days ...16:51
slangasekdoko: do you have a pointer to where you think people should start on the transition mess?16:51
dokoit's now getting autopkg test failures fixed for involved packages16:51
juliankxnox: I can't really get grub to work since everything except the ESP is in my LUKS->LVM partition16:52
slangasekdoko: I see you've been demoting packages to proposed again, which again makes the bottom of update_excuses less useful16:52
dokoso everything which depends on mpfr4, mpclib, gdbm, perl, php, and more which I don't have yet identified16:52
slangasekdoko: we've discussed that these packages should be removed instead of demoted if they are going to require sourceful fixes16:52
dokoslangasek: ok, I can do that again. that were the packages still depending on python-imaging and not in debian testing16:53
slangasekyes, those are good candidates for removal if they depend on python-imaging directly16:53
dokoand I'd like to proposed to push perl into the release pocket to disentangle it from other transitions16:54
xnoxjuliank, well, maybe we should fix that.16:54
xnoxjuliank, imho kernel should drop and load modules off ESP, and or /boot/grub should be on ESP too16:54
slangasekdoko: there was at least one autopkgtest regression against perl which looks legitimate, which is why I haven't skiptest'ed yet16:54
juliankxnox:Well then you have to put it in machine-id specific directories like I do for kernels in sicherboot16:55
juliankbecause multiple OS share the ESP16:55
slangasekxnox: /boot/grub on ESP> yes please, though the migration of existing systems would be rough16:55
slangasekjuliank: we own /efi/ubuntu on the ESP16:55
juliankslangasek: What about systems with 2 ubuntus?16:55
cyphermoxwe'll always find corner-cases16:56
slangasekjuliank: you still only have one entrypoint via /efi/ubuntu/bootx64.efi, so it doesn't change the character of the problem if we move more stuff into /efi/ubuntu16:56
xnoxjuliank, we still own /efi/ubuntu, so we can add machine-id subfolders. plus ubuntu's can boot each other.16:56
juliankI just add machine-id directories directly to the root of the ESP16:57
slangasekanyway, interesting discussion, but I think we're done16:57
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Feb  1 16:57:32 2018 UTC.16:57
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-02-01-16.02.moin.txt16:57
slangasekthanks, folks :)16:57
bdmurrayI had some AOB - Happy February!16:59
* wxl drops a pin19:57
* wxl listens carefully19:57
* neothethird thinks he heard it hit the ground19:58
* sarnold *pong*19:58
wxltime to get this party started, Wild_Man ?19:59
wxlhold on. collecting bodies.20:01
diddledanpopey is coming, not sure if he's here yet20:01
popeyI am always here ;)20:01
diddledanfairy snuff20:01
Wild_Man#startmeeting 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting20:03
meetingologyMeeting started Thu Feb  1 20:03:44 2018 UTC.  The chair is Wild_Man. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology.20:03
meetingologyAvailable commands: action commands idea info link nick20:03
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic:
Wild_ManHello and welcome to the Membership Board meeting!20:04
popeyHello one, hello all!20:04
Wild_ManThe wiki page for the Review Board is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/Boards. We will attempt to get through all of the applicants that have added themselves to that list before today's meeting.20:04
davecoreHi everyone20:04
Wild_ManIf we are unable to make it through the entire list due to time constraints, then at the next meeting we will pick up where we left off. The format for the meeting is as follows: We will go through the list of applicants one by one, by date of application (FIFO).20:05
neothethirdhey everyone \o20:05
Wild_ManEach applicant should introduce themselves (1-5 sentences) and provide links to their Ubuntu Wiki page. After the introduction the members of the Membership Review Board will review the pages and, if needed, ask the applicant further questions.20:05
Wild_ManDuring this time it is encouraged for other members of the community to show their support for the applicant. Do not be alarmed if the members of the Membership Review Board are quiet during this time; they are most likely reading wiki/launchpad/forum/other pages and deciding how they are going to vote.20:05
neothethirdShould I start then?20:07
popeyGo for it.20:07
Wild_Man#topic neothethird20:07
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology | 20 UTC Membership Board Meeting | Current topic: neothethird
neothethirdHey everyone, my name is Jan Sprinz (neothethird), i'm a 20 year old informatics student from Germany currently living in Munich. I only really started using Ubuntu on the desktop in 2016. Having the power of an actual GNU/Linux terminal (not the crippled experience you have on macOS) was a real eye-opener to me, and the Unity user experience turned out to be everything I ever wanted from my desktop.20:07
neothethirdI started to contribute by reporting bugs and giving support on askubuntu, and came accross the Ubuntu Phone project. The concept of convergence blew my mind and decided i wanted to help making it a reality. Since the commercial devices were very hard to come by at that time, i started exploring other options.20:07
neothethirdI discovered Marius Gripsgard and his UBports project, who were trying to port to the Fairphone 2, the phone I was using. Porting was beyond my ken, but I tried to help in other parts of the project, like the websites, PR, organizational stuff, and of course testing and reporting bugs. With the Fariphone port becoming more mature, i also started to look into qml app-development.20:07
neothethirdI was studying game engineering at that time, sounds interesting, but it's really not. I was bored out of my mind and Ubuntu Touch was a welcome distraction. When Canonical announced the end of their support for phones, the whole community was in shock. It was clear pretty quickly that if someone was going to take it over, it would be UBports, since we already had the infrastructure. So we did, and the response in th20:08
Wild_Manneothethird , please introduce yourself to the board, and share a link to your LP and wiki20:08
neothethirde community was overwhelmingly positive! I took up a lot of tasks related to the takeover and was later elected for the first Board of Directors of the soon-to-be-active UBports Foundation.20:08
neothethirdMy current areas of contributions are listed on my Wiki page (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JanSprinz). I love the Ubuntu community, and I hope you will look favorably upon my application for Ubuntu Membership. Ubuntu is a big part of my life, even though UBports is technically not an official Ubuntu project. If you want me to elaborate on20:08
neothethirdUbuntu-Wiki page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/JanSprinz20:08
neothethirdLaunchpad page: https://launchpad.net/~neothethird20:08
neothethirdGitHub page: https://github.com/neothethird20:08
neothethirdUBports Foundation members list: https://ubports.com/foundation/ubports-foundation/foundation-boardmembers20:08
popeyneothethird: how has the reception of ubports taking over from canonical in ownership of the ubuntu phone projects?20:09
neothethirdReception by whom specifically?20:10
popeyThe wider community :)20:11
popeyIn general, nobody specifically.20:11
neothethirdI would say it was mixed. The already present UBports community on telegram was very positive about it, some people who did not know us before were a little sceptical at first. Not only because they did not know us, also because it takes a lot of faith to trust someone with something as personal as your mobile phone operating system.20:12
neothethirdAnd some people may have had the impression that it was a "grab for power" by UBports, but i think that feeling is no longer there. (at least i don't hear it any more)20:13
popeyYeah, it seems you've handled that weell20:14
neothethirdthank you20:14
Wild_Manneothethird, how often do you help out on Ask Ubuntu?20:14
popeyWith updates coming out too, which is always good to see.20:14
neothethirdWild_Man: less today, unfortunately, because i am so tied in in Ubuntu Touch, and Ubuntu Touch questions are not welcome on askubuntu any more.20:14
popeyReally? Shame. Do you have an alternative Q&A site?20:15
Wild_ManOkay that makes sense. Thanks20:15
neothethirdpopey: we have forums.ubports.com, but most technical support goes through Telegram or GitHub.20:16
tsimonq2neothethird: So I see on your wiki you want to help UBPorts become a better part of Ubuntu. What do you see as the differences and how do you plan to help achieve that goal??20:16
* tsimonq2 is on mobile, excuse typos 20:16
tsimonq2(I'm looking at "Future Goals" if anyone wants to follow along :))20:17
neothethirdtsimonq2: Some former Ubuntu Phone users still have not heard about us, i hope that will change in the future. I still see "Oh, i thought it was dead" at least once a week.20:18
tsimonq2neothethird: And how do you plan on getting that info out? (And how can the Ubuntu community help you?))20:19
neothethirdtsimonq2: How do I want to help achieve that goal? That's a difficult one. It also depends on what the Ubuntu community will like and not like.20:19
wxlis there someway that could be advertised through an OTA or something of the sort?20:19
neothethirdtsimonq2: With the switch of base to xenial coming along, i could imagine starting a process of making Ubuntu Touch an official flavor, for example. That might be one option.20:20
tsimonq2neothethird: I would be curious to see if that's possible :D20:21
wxlan official flavor would be great!20:21
wxli wholeheartedly support that20:21
tsimonq2I totally agree20:21
neothethirdwxl: We released three OTAs already, the next one (as it's planned) will introduce the new xenial base. For that we want to definitely spin up PR20:21
tsimonq2Anyways, that's all I have to ask :)20:21
popeyI have no more questions20:21
wxlneothethird: well, i'm suggesting the OTA itself, when announcing itself, could also link to UBPorts info, or are you saying that's not applicable to non-UBPorts Ubuntu Phone users?20:22
wxlin any case, we can continue this conversation outside of this meeting. i have no other questions20:23
neothethirdwxl: With the Ubuntu Store being decomissioned now, i don't know if there are still non-ubports ubuntu touch users around. We support all devices that canonical supported before.20:23
popey(i still have my bq m10 running ubports :) )20:24
Wild_Man#voters wxl tsimonq2 popey pleia2 Wild_Man20:24
meetingologyCurrent voters: Wild_Man pleia2 popey tsimonq2 wxl20:24
sarnoldwxl: I'm 90% sure all that infrastructure is torn down now20:24
wxl+1 go ubports go20:24
Wild_Man#vote neothethird  membership20:24
meetingologyPlease vote on: neothethird  membership20:24
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:24
neothethirdsarnold: that is correct. Canonical was very helpful in the transition20:24
wxlah there we go20:24
meetingology+1 received from popey20:24
meetingology+1 received from pleia220:24
wxl+1 go ubports go20:24
meetingology+1 go ubports go received from wxl20:24
meetingology+1 received from Wild_Man20:25
popeyGreat work. neothethird is a lovely chap too :)20:25
tsimonq2+1 keep up the great work :D20:25
meetingology+1 keep up the great work :D received from tsimonq220:25
neothethirdthank you very much!20:25
wxlpopey: he's pretty? does that help with his application? ;)20:25
meetingologyVoting ended on: neothethird  membership20:25
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:25
meetingologyMotion carried20:25
pleia2thanks for you work keeping ubports going :)20:26
popeyOn advice of my legal representative, I'm not answering that wxl :)20:26
Wild_ManCongratulations neothethird20:26
wxlcongrats, neothethird.20:26
pleia2you're up, diddledan! please introduce yourself :)20:26
diddledanHi, I'm Dan, and have been contributing to the snapcraft community for some time, since at least the beginning of 2017. I am avidly active on their forums. I'm in my 30s, have had a computer since I was 3 (family system) and developed a love for computing through this exposure. I have been friends with Alan (popey) for many years through interaction via the UK LoCo. I am currently working freelance as a20:26
diddledanWordPress developer, contributing as much as I can to the snapcraft community in my spare time. I have used Ubuntu since the 2005 era (5.04). I was encouraged to apply for Ubuntu membership by Wimpy (flexiondotorg) who I've been getting to know well through my contributions to snapcraft. My wiki page is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/diddledan.20:26
popey(my opinion is covered by my testimonial)20:27
wxlman, you are just snapperific, aren't you?20:28
diddledanI hope so :-)20:28
pleia2wow, lots of snaps20:28
wxli must add a snap of audacity seems audacious. good work!20:28
diddledanit's on the buildd now20:28
wxlgimp, too, wow20:28
wxland of course those testimonials go a long way20:29
wxlomg you helped bring a powershell snap? jeeez20:29
wxlwow, ok, i've got no questions at all20:29
popeyI'm impressed with diddledan's involvement in the forum. getting stuck in answering technical questions and proposing fixes for challenging problems20:29
diddledanyeah, I'm at the snapcraft summit, and on the monday I spent the day with the guy from MS20:29
tsimonq2No questions here :)20:30
Wild_Man#voters Wild_Man pleia2 tsimonq2 wxl popey20:31
meetingologyCurrent voters: Wild_Man pleia2 popey tsimonq2 wxl20:31
Wild_Man#vote neothethird  membership20:32
meetingologyPlease vote on: neothethird  membership20:32
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:32
wxlwrong one20:32
meetingology-1 received from popey20:32
wxlbut maybe we can just pretend we're voting on the right applicant? XD20:32
popeyfor lulz20:32
meetingology+0.85 received from tsimonq220:33
Wild_Man#vote diddledan membership20:33
popeyok. end and restart the vote?20:33
meetingologyVoting still open on: neothethird  membership20:33
pleia2need to #endvote20:33
meetingology+0 received from wxl20:33
meetingologyVoting ended on: neothethird  membership20:33
meetingologyVotes for:0 Votes against:1 Abstentions:220:33
meetingologyMotion denied20:33
Wild_Man#vote diddledan membership20:33
meetingologyPlease vote on: diddledan membership20:33
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:33
meetingology+1 received from pleia220:33
meetingology+1 received from popey20:33
wxlah ha it parsed out the .8520:33
wxl+1 keep it snappy20:33
meetingology+1 keep it snappy received from wxl20:33
meetingology+1 received from Wild_Man20:33
tsimonq2+1 :D20:34
meetingology+1 :D received from tsimonq220:34
popey\o/ whoohoo20:34
meetingologyVoting ended on: diddledan membership20:34
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:020:34
meetingologyMotion carried20:34
popeyCongratulations diddledan20:34
* tsimonq2 adds diddledan to ~ubuntumembers20:34
Wild_ManCongratulations diddledan20:34
tsimonq2congrats :D20:34
diddledanthankyou guys :-D20:34
popeyNo, go get lunch diddledan before you waste away!20:35
Wild_Mandavecore, your up20:35
davecoreHi, my name is David Coronel and I joined Canonical in May 2016 as a Technical Account Manager in the Support & Technical Services team. I have over 12 years of sysadmin experience and am driven by new cloud technologies and platforms. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/davecore20:35
davecoreI particularly want to see Ubuntu strive in the public cloud space. I'm a member and contributor to Launchpad since April 2016.20:35
davecoreI made a contribution to the upstream sosreport hardware module and actively participate in testing of packages in -proposed. Recently in Launchpad bugs 1734983, 1742531 and 1743232.20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1742531 in Landscape Client "New Amazon AWS C5 instances are not recognised as a VM" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174253120:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743232 in Landscape Client "set vm_info to kvm for digitalocean instances" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174323220:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734983 in sosreport (Debian) "Request to backport sosreport v3.5" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/173498320:35
davecoreI also made a contribution to the private project Landscape server and went through the merge request and testing process in Launchpad. I was encouraged to apply for membership by slashd.20:36
davecoreI really like to learn about and work with new technologies. I achieved the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associatem, Certified OpenStack Administrator and Certified Kubernetes Administrator in the last 2 years.20:36
markthomasI am also here to support davecore's application.20:36
pleia2I see a lot of internal work here (landscape, canonical support), is there more that you can point to that's public?20:36
davecorepleia2: I did some recent testing with sosreport , namely  https://launchpad.net/bugs/173498320:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734983 in sosreport (Debian) "Request to backport sosreport v3.5" [Unknown,New]20:38
slashdpleia2, davecore is doing some launchpad work, sosreport upstream patches, he contribute in ubuntu in various way due to the nature of his work for Canonical. I support his application too.20:38
slashdsosreport ubuntuplugin upstream work I must say ^20:38
pleia2I'm just asking because community involvement is key here, so we want to know where we would have worked with you :)20:38
davecorepleia2: I go to local events in Montreal, such as devops meetup. I used to be involved in Ansible when it wasn't acquired by Red Hat. :)20:39
slashdpleia2, As a ubuntu uploader myself I often rely on davecore skill to test and provide good testing feedback, and he is very good at identify and finding problem in ubuntu and explain them in lp20:39
slashdand fix them when possible.20:40
davecorepleia2: I hosted Ansible Meetup events and invited the Ansible VP of community to visit us in our first Montreal event20:40
davecoreAs a TAM at Canonical, I get the chance to work with some of the major public cloud vendors and strive to make Ubuntu better in the public cloud space.20:41
popeyI'd like to see more evidence of community contributions personally.20:44
popeyIt's difficult to tell if we're just not seeing them from the wiki page as is20:44
popeyor if the majority of contributions have been to commercial non-community facing projects20:45
davecoreI've been a teaching assistant for a python class in the Montreal Python community20:46
slashdpopey, here's one public contribution davecore did -> https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/26502396/20:47
slashdfor sosreport affecting lds-client for instance in this case if not mistaken ^20:47
popeyThanks, but the guidance for membership is 'sustained and significant' contributions20:47
popeynot 'here is one'20:47
davecoreI think my primary channel of working on making Ubuntu succeed is through my TAM role at Canonical, but I still work in the big picture towards making Ubuntu the best OS it can be, even though that's behind the curtains a little.20:48
Wild_Man#vote davecore membership20:48
meetingologyPlease vote on: davecore membership20:48
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)20:48
meetingology-1 received from pleia220:49
meetingology+0 received from popey20:49
meetingology+1 received from tsimonq220:49
wxl+0 i would like to see a little more clear non-commercial contribution20:49
meetingology+0 i would like to see a little more clear non-commercial contribution received from wxl20:49
meetingology+0 received from Wild_Man20:49
popeyI'd like to see you come back in a few months with a more sustained contribution to the community20:49
meetingologyVoting ended on: davecore membership20:49
meetingologyVotes for:1 Votes against:1 Abstentions:320:49
meetingologyDeadlock, casting vote may be used20:49
pleia2davecore: don't get me wrong, I appreciate the work you do behind the curtains, but I feel an important part of membership is the community side of things (that's why all Canonical engineers aren't automatically members)20:49
popeyyeah, same20:50
wxlor at least with clear documentation of what has been done20:50
wxlelaborate on where behind the curtains it is20:50
wxlprovide links, etc.20:50
markthomasSo, we will build out the documentation a bit and davecore will try again.20:50
pleia2markthomas: sounds good, thanks for coming :)20:50
davecoreUnderstood, thank you for your time and consideration. I'll work on the community aspect.20:50
tsimonq2Thanks for coming :)20:51
wxlthanks davecore!20:51
Wild_Mancboltz, your up20:51
cboltzHi, I'm Christian Boltz and live in a small village in the Palatinate, Germany20:51
cboltzThe most surprising thing first - I don't use Ubuntu ;-)20:51
cboltzI contribute to AppArmor (first bzr commit on April 1st 2011) and therefore apply (mostly) as upstream contributor20:51
cboltz(you probably know that AppArmor is an important tool to make your system in general, and especially snaps secure)20:51
cboltzThe "biggest" thing I did was leading (as mentor) a GSoC project to rewrite aa-logprof etc. Since then, I also maintain the aa-* tools etc.20:51
cboltz(before we moved the code to gitlab, I even managed to be the top contributor for AppArmor on launchpad ;-)20:51
cboltzI also maintain some of the AppArmor profiles since years, and help with AppArmor-related bugreports of Debian, Ubuntu and openSUSE.20:51
cboltzNeedless to say that I plan to continue my work on AppArmor ;-)20:51
cboltzI won't mention all the details here - just have a look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristianBoltz ;-)20:51
cboltzOh, and you should probably have a look at the newest slide from my "AppArmor Crash Course" talk which I gave at several conferences: http://paste.opensuse.org/9438a50c (did I already mention that I find each and every bug? ;-)20:51
cboltzBTW: sarnold, sbeattie - please don't tell John about this. If I get accepted, I'd like to surprise him at FOSDEM ;-)20:52
sarnoldcboltz: ha! This is awesome :)20:53
* sbeattie vouches for cboltz; he's done a lot of work upstream and responding to ubuntu apparmor bug reports.20:53
pleia2cboltz: would you say bug reports are the only way you interact with the Ubuntu community directly?20:55
sarnoldfully agreed, cboltz's contributions to AppArmor, and the AppArmor communities in Ubuntu and Debian is legendary :)20:55
wxlweird question, cboltz: as someone who seems to sort of "lives" outside the ubuntu community, why do you want an ubuntu membership?20:55
cboltzpleia2: for interaction with the Ubuntu community, helping in bugreports is probably the biggest part20:56
cboltzwxl: what about "because I can" (at least I hope so ;-)20:56
cboltzmore seriously - I'm a cross-distribution person20:56
wxli also note cboltz is very active on apparmor@lists.ubuntu.com which is not necessarily ubuntu-specific20:56
pleia2ah, a mailing list too, that's good20:57
wxli find apparmor just confusing20:58
sarnoldand apparmor tool development, apparmor profile development, apparmor documentation ..20:58
pleia2wxl: hehe20:58
wxllike, as far as where all the resources are20:58
wxllike it *SEEMS* like the launchpad project is the main source, but i'm not entirely sure20:58
pleia2sarnold: I guess I can ask you this ;) is there a lot of Ubuntu-specific work that goes into that?20:59
cboltzthe code moved to gitlab.com some months ago20:59
cboltzbugreports and releases still live on launchpad20:59
wxlright. confusing :)20:59
pleia2we have tens of thousands of people who could call themselves upstream contributors, but we're looking for ubuntu-specific work when it comes to membership20:59
sarnoldpleia2: the profiles certainly have ubuntu-specific aspects, a large amount of work goes into figuring out what is appropriate "shared" content for profiles among all distros, what is specific to ubuntu, what is specific to debian, what is specific to debian family of distributions, what's specific to suse, etc.21:00
pleia2that's the impression I had, thank you21:01
cboltzpleia2: I see your point, but - and this is probably not the answer you are looking for - the perfect work is something that is useful for *all* distributions21:01
pleia2cboltz: oh I agree :)21:01
cboltzthat of course includes Ubuntu, but it's pointless to fix a bug only for Ubuntu and keep it everywhere else ;-)21:02
pleia2indeed (I came to Ubuntu myself after doing packaging in Debian)21:02
sbeattiecboltz: have you edited anything in the ubuntu wiki besides your membership application? I have a vague recollection of you doing so, but may be mis-remembering (and I can't remember how to get the wiki to show me)21:03
Wild_Man#vote cboltz membership21:03
meetingologyPlease vote on: cboltz membership21:03
meetingologyPublic votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (for private voting, private message me with 'vote +1/-1/+0 #channelname)21:03
meetingology+1 received from pleia221:03
meetingology+1 received from Wild_Man21:03
meetingology+1 received from wxl21:04
meetingology+1 received from tsimonq221:04
* wxl pokes popey21:04
popeysorry, got distracted21:04
meetingology+1 received from popey21:04
cboltzsbeattie: IIRC my user page is the only thing I did in the wiki so far21:04
meetingologyVoting ended on: cboltz membership21:04
meetingologyVotes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:021:04
meetingologyMotion carried21:04
cboltzmaybe you remember my reviews of the AppArmor pages in the Debian wiki? ;-)21:04
popeyThanks everyone!21:04
pleia2welcome cboltz, and thank you for your patience answering my questions :)21:05
wxlcongrats cboltz21:05
wxlthx all21:05
sarnoldcboltz: congratulations :) thanks all21:05
Wild_ManCongrats cboltz21:05
pleia2thanks for coming to support, sarnold!21:05
sbeattiecboltz: congrats!21:05
pleia2err, sbeattie!21:05
wxl^^ indeed, that was helpful21:05
Wild_ManThanks to all supporters21:05
cboltzI'm really looking forward to see John's face when I tell him that I'm now an Ubuntu member ;-)21:06
=== meetingology changed the topic of #ubuntu-meeting to: Ubuntu Meeting Grounds: Please leave swords by the door | Calendar/Scheduled meetings: http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendars | Logs: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs | Meetingology documentation: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology
meetingologyMeeting ended Thu Feb  1 21:06:21 2018 UTC.21:06
meetingologyMinutes:        http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-meeting/2018/ubuntu-meeting.2018-02-01-20.03.moin.txt21:06
tyhickscboltz: hey - congrats!21:06
pleia2cboltz: if this is an elaborate troll, I'm taking it back ;)21:06
wxldo you think he'll be surprised cboltz ?21:06
cboltzhe doesn't know that I applied (unless he monitors the Membership wiki page), so my guess is yes21:07
wxlwhat i mean is, do you think he thinks you don't deserve it? :)21:07
cboltzI can't imagine that he would have voted -1 ;-)21:09
cboltzbut maybe he would be glad if I report less - and especially less scary - bugs :-P21:09
wxlyou should have got him to come!21:09
cboltzmaybe, but then I wouldn't be able to surprise him in person ;-)21:09
sarnoldhe's traveling for fossdem, right? hopefully he's asleep21:10
cboltzright, AFAIK he's in Brussels already21:10
cboltzbut it's just 22:10 there, so I'm not sure if he is asleep already21:11
sarnoldhe's gotta sleep *sometime* this week :)21:11
wxlthere's only one way to find out21:11
wxlcall him up!21:11
wxl"john! john! i'm an ubuntu member!!!"21:11
wxl"do you know what time it is?"21:11
wxl"yes but i can now email from ubuntu.com!!!!"21:11
wxl"what is wrong with you, christian? wait. dont' answer that."21:12
sarnoldhaha :)21:12
cboltzI should probably tell you that one of my hobby is to collect funny quotes for my random mail signatures21:13
wxlyes that last one would be a fitting addition XD21:14
cboltzand what you just wrote clearly qualifies for my collection *g*21:14
wxldon't bother with the context. just the last one :)21:14

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