
diploMorning all07:52
SuperMattgood morning08:34
SuperMattMy study is freezing today08:34
diploI went swimming at 06:30, on my that was cold! muscles are warm now though08:45
SuperMattI did my first swim in ages on tuesday08:47
SuperMatt25 lengths of a 25m pool08:47
SuperMattI was quite proud of my slightly overweight self08:47
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:06
SuperMattWorking from home is always awesome09:06
brobostigonmorning, :)09:09
foobarryseem to have caught a company using bots to create fake bids to drive up auction prices09:28
foobarrythe evidence is overwhelming. incluiding brand new accounts and immediate retracted bids after they found the max bid price09:28
diploSuperMatt: I do 20 lengths with my boy on Wednesday mornings, don't have time for much more as I drop him back to his mums and then need to get to work, but he is loving it, bit overweight so it helps in multiple ways09:32
SuperMattfoobarry: we've found we can deal with our bot problem simply by blocking every single amazon IP at the firewall level09:44
foobarrythe problem is that this is an item we bid on09:45
foobarryand somebody has bid up the item many 100s of pounds with seemingly fake bids09:46
foobarryand a lot of their other items too09:46
SuperMattoh, it's not a site you're running09:51
diploAny of you guys use nginx ?10:29
SuperMattI do10:31
SuperMattwhen I can be bothered10:31
diploTrying to work out location, I use it on my website, but I only server one site for my vps.. but locally I want to test and I'm playing with flask, I can load the site at default ip10:32
diploBut want to load ip/diplo10:32
diploSo from what I read I should use location /diplo and that should do that for me10:32
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foobarryi didn't explain..the auction is ebay. their approach is poor at resolving this stuff11:26
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ScarecrowHi all, got this problem, wondering if anyone could shed some light? - https://serverfault.com/questions/895023/nfs-on-ubuntu-17-04-works-but-not-on-17-1011:39
daftykinsScarecrow: is that your post? have you also asked in #ubuntu ?12:13
Scarecrowdaftykins: Hi, it is my colleagues post and yes, I have asked in #ubuntu12:21
daftykinswhat's the point of you being the go-between then?12:22
ScarecrowJust trying to find a solution. I thought I'd give IRC a shot...12:26
daftykinsright but if the issue is affecting someone else...12:26
zleapScarecrow: hi12:27
zleapi agree daftykins sometimes being a go-between causes more confusion trying to get the right information.12:27
daftykinsonly the person that can test should really seek help - but if it's being used in a work context, non-LTS isn't a wise choice12:28
ScarecrowWe're a 2 man operation working on the same project. There is no confusion, just trying to get a solution between us.12:29
zleapwe cna try and help12:29
daftykinshopefully you're aware of the difference between LTS and not, then12:29
ScarecrowYes, I am aware and it is being used in a work context12:34
ScarecrowWe were advised by digital ocean to upgrade due to the recent Spectre / Meltdown issues that have arisen12:35
ScarecrowUpgrade went all to plan. It's just this nfs mount issue we are now having12:36
daftykinsno that's not what DO's mailing said, it said make sure your kernel is up to date :)12:39
daftykinsso it's a DO droplet as well, heh12:39
ScarecrowWell, yeah okay it did say to update the kernel yes, you got me ha...but, that being said, surely 17.10 should still function correctly in the same way 17.04 does right?12:45
daftykinsneither release should really be designed around at all, you should be using an LTS release on a DO droplet if you're hosting services for others12:47
daftykinsalso, upgrading droplets is wholly unnecessary, the beauty of VMs is being able to spin up another, configure it all right and test it, then switch over services and destroy the old one12:47
daftykinswhilst none of that is going to help now, have a think about it for the future12:48
zleapi take it droplet is a container system like kubernates, docker etc12:49
daftykinsnah just digitalocean's own term for a VM instance12:50
daftykinsjust to be different :D12:50
Scarecrowdaftykins: 17.10 is the most up to date droplet they provide as an option...what makes you say that upgrading the droplet is unnecessary just out of interest?12:51
lubotu3LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Xenial (Xenial Xerus 16.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.12:51
daftykinsScarecrow: 14.04 and 16.04 are the current long term support editions, if you and your colleague are providing services running from these, you should stick to LTS releases so that you know when they're going to get dropped... 17.04 and 17.10 are only good for a few months, which is wholly impractical to keep atop of12:53
diploBetter suited fort hings like NFS shares where you don't want things to go wrong12:53
diploinbetween are newer less tested releases12:53
ScarecrowAhhhhhh okay - apologies! Thanks a lot, lesson learned haha!!12:54
ScarecrowCheers all :)12:54
diploBut, NFS is voodoo i find, iot works or doesn't12:54
diploGetting past the issues is so pain staking, I try not to use it :/12:54
diploWhich is so unhelpful12:54
daftykinsi've been having a laugh at the new installer on 18.04, subiquity, right now it fails to apply network config you enter into the installer, failed to wipe a disk prior to install, so stopped... and fails to install to virt technologies where disks don't have serial numbers12:58
daftykinsgot a loooong way to go :D12:58
diploBugs already there for all those things ?13:12
diploOnly run ubuntu on servers atm on my machines13:12
daftykinsyeah, or i seconded them13:12
daftykinssame - i don't use desktop Linux at all13:12
diploOh I do like a linux desktop, run windows and linux, been using Solus for about 8 months now13:13
SuperMattI've been running Ubuntu since I realised that all I need these days is a browser and a terminal13:16
SuperMattUbuntu provides that13:16
SuperMattDon't need any more fluff13:16
daftykinswell, hate to say it, but *buntu sure comes with enough fluff :P13:17
SuperMattIt does, but it's fluff which means I don't have to think about anything else.13:26
daftykinserr ok13:31
SuperMattI just like it because once it's installed I have no configuring to do13:54
diploI just didn't want to go back down the gnome route14:53
zmoylan-piyou... had no gnome to go to? :-P15:04
diddledanSkype is now available as a snap published directly by MS16:37
zmoylan-pipeople still use skype?!16:37
diddledanYes. 😋16:38
zmoylan-pihaven't they learned how much better irc is?! :-D16:38
Laneyit's light at 16:3916:39
Laneysummer is coming16:39
zmoylan-pifor variable levels of summer...16:39
Laneytoday is 3:32 longer than yesterday in nottingham16:40
Laneywhen that happens again (+3:32) it'll be may 7th/8th!16:41
daftykinsseemed pretty light at plenty past 5 here last night16:41
zmoylan-piwasn't there a huge flippin moon?16:41
Laneydaftykins forgets to mention that he works in a lightbulb testing laboratory16:41
diddledanIt's light at 8:40 I guess murrica works differently16:42
zmoylan-piwhen they find out he eats light bulbs there's gonna be trouble...16:42
Laneyhelps with weight loss16:42
daftykinsLaney: drat you got me!16:42
zmoylan-pionly light meals...16:42
czajkowskidoes anyone know can you install Telegram on the desktop any more?16:43
czajkowskiI usedt ot have it16:43
czajkowskithen it stopped16:43
daftykinslittle person with the morse code clicker must have gone AWOL16:44
daftykinsis it not just a case of googling ubuntu + version + telegram?16:44
czajkowskidaftykins: was more wondering in here before I went there16:45
czajkowskiin case here had a better solution than there16:45
czajkowskiso here before there you see16:45
daftykinsthere appears to be a - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/artful/+source/telegram-desktop16:46
daftykinsassuming you're on 17.1016:46
czajkowskiaye indeed16:46
czajkowskidaftykins: cheers16:47
czajkowskisee here > there16:47
czajkowski<----------- very tired16:47
daftykinsi just ran the same google16:47
daftykinsi don't even use ubuntu16:47
ali1234is the skype snap new?16:48
daftykinsapparently it's the same version as the deb16:49
ali1234of course16:49
ali1234skype is currently broken for me anyway16:49
daftykinsi always thought MS were taunting Loonix users with an ancient version16:49
ali1234but i prefer snaps for nasty binary only crud16:49
ali1234no they have moved linux to the electron version, it's even worse16:49
diploczajkowski: You can get it via snaps as well16:50
diddledanczajkowski: there's an unofficial snap called telegran-sergiusens16:52
diddledanBah I spelt that wrong16:52
* daftykins phones diddledan's gran16:52
diddledanso. apparently I'm now an Ubuntu Member21:12
diddledanit's all @popey 's fault21:16
daftykinsoh dear oh dear21:18
diddledanso do I get a cloak on freenode now?21:19
daftykinsmore of a blanket21:32
diddledandoes that mean you're gonna smother me with it?!21:50
zmoylan-piand waste a blanket?!21:52
daftykinsi'd have to ask the cat22:01

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