[05:50] Hi there ! [05:50] Weird behavior on qastaging [05:51] https://code.qastaging.launchpad.net/~vila is timing out and the git backend is unhappy too. The bzr one is doing fine [05:52] Somehow, the fact that the bzr backend is doing fine may be the most surprising :-} /me scratches head [14:32] cjwatson: ? [14:32] Error ID: OOPS-d261f53e7f68f5ba5d4f054ac9e2c0f4 [14:32] https://oops.canonical.com/?oopsid=OOPS-d261f53e7f68f5ba5d4f054ac9e2c0f4 [14:32] when you have fixed this, we need to talk [14:33] doublehp: Again? I thought we fixed your account the other day [14:33] same issue as last time (jan 26th, 20h32, paris time) [14:33] doublehp: Did you delete an account somewhere? [14:33] yes; please fix this one, and then, we have a talk about it [14:34] not since last time [14:34] What do you need to talk about, other than "fix this account"? [14:34] i need to login to close a bug, and then, we can remove useless accounts [14:34] You seem to have a different SSO username now? [14:34] first things first. [14:34] You're clearly not just logging in again using the same account - you've done something unusual [14:35] ah yes [14:35] but for now, I need to auth as doublehp@doublehp.org [14:36] this is a different kind of error, I need to investigate a little, and before that I need to finish a report my boss's boss asked me for [14:37] so I'll get back to you when I have time [14:37] I will have time in 30s [14:37] It will take me longer than 30 seconds to finish this report [14:39] so, I created an account about 10y ago with email benoit@demaine.info ; on jan 26, I tried to reuse this account, and after loosing 2h hours on this, I created a new account with email doublehp@doublehp.org . For some reason, two accounts were created with with email (browser cache issue). [14:41] now, I would like which account holds my old nick "doublehp" because for both account, I was said the nick is already in use. Please tell me if it's used by any account like *@demaine.info *@doublehp.org or doublehp@gmail.com ; they all belong to me. [14:41] If "doublehp" user name is owned by an other email, then, it's not me ... and I will be sad someone else uses my nick, but it's not illegal and I can't complain. [14:43] Then, it would be probably make things more simple if I delete one of these two accounts; benoit@demaine.info should have been used 10y ago to get a CD shipped to me ( https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ ) ; doublehp@doublehp.org should only be related to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libtasn1-6/+bug/1745667 [14:43] Ubuntu bug 1745667 in libtasn1-6 (Ubuntu) "4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.2 vs 4.7-3ubuntu0.16.04.3 regression bug" [Undecided,Invalid] [14:44] since that bug is now closed, loosing this account would not be a problem. My preference would be to use "DoubleHP" nick with email benoit@demaine.info , and close, or turn iddle doublehp@doublehp.org [14:57] doublehp: There should be no need to lose accounts, and we'd rather not. My preference would be to merge all these accounts together, and then you can rename the account to "doublehp". Would that be OK with you? [14:58] merge them into benoit@demaine.info if you can; but, check first if "doublehp" is owned by one of my emails, and not already used by someone else [14:58] ~doublehp is not in use at all [14:58] (login.ubuntu.com may think it is, possibly, but it's not in use on Launchpad) [14:58] oh, but, why couldn't I take it last week ? [14:58] Because it was in use then [14:59] I got it merged into ~doublehpp [14:59] ; I prefer benoit@demaine.info and doublehp , thanks [14:59] Once we merge all the accounts together you can rename and set whatever email addresses you want. [14:59] (Assuming you control them, obviously) [15:00] doublehp: Can you currently sign in to ~doublehpp (i.e. as doublehp@doublehp.org)? [15:00] yes, i did 10mn ago [15:02] where would I go to get help with keyserver.ubuntu.com ? [15:04] clivejo: #canonical-sysadmin or rt@ubuntu.com [15:05] doublehp: requested account merge, will let you know [15:05] cjwatson: note that the very initial issue was, on jan 26, I could not login benoit@demaine.info ... 2h before you fixed the issue for doublehp@doublehp.org [15:06] cjwatson: thanks [15:06] doublehp: Right, that'll be the same issue whose OOPS you just reported. It's a very old and apparently slightly weird account with no preferred email address, which is broken. [15:06] Maybe something to do with being created for shipit; that stuff is all before my time as a Launchpad hacker [15:07] cjwatson: old ... like around 2005-2009 [15:07] 2006 [15:07] but yes [15:15] doublehp: OK, you should now be able to log into Launchpad as the 'doublehpp' user, rename it to 'doublehp', and add the benoit@demaine.info email address on https://launchpad.net/~/+editemails. You may have to add that email address separately on https://login.ubuntu.com/+emails as well. [15:16] doublehp: I don't think any of this should require admin intervention at this point, unless you have more accounts lying around :-) [15:23] cjwatson: all done, thanks; at last. [15:24] Excellent.