
lubot<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne Please take a look at fixing this, this is two machines now I'm seeing this on: https://paste.ubuntu.com/26503108/00:17
lubot<tsimonq2> Hey wxl, take a look at this! https://lubuntu.me/downloads/00:28
lubot<tsimonq2> Scroll down00:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> 🙂00:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> To the very bottom00:28
tewardRedwolf: too much color at the bottom :P  (just kidding xD)00:50
lynorianredwolf, yes arc theme looks really nice01:01
tewardgod i pinged out >.<  ^ that.01:01
teward*has been lurking for some time now for all this theme discussion :P)01:02
lubot<VikingRedwolf> teward, sadly I agree. I couldn't find better icons for that plugin. or simply a better plugin.01:02
lubot<VikingRedwolf> theme discussion? what theme discussion? :$01:02
tewardredwolf: i'm tired sue me01:02
tewardi've been following everything secretly :)01:02
lubot<tsimonq2> Riiight, what theme discussion? :P01:02
lubot<Jacob Kim> Lubuntu.me is a registered trademark. Ubuntu is a registered trademark of Canonical Ltd. Content is licensed by .01:02
tewardi'm also confusing three things it seems... off for me!01:03
lubot<tsimonq2> @teward, I won't sue you, I'll give you coffee :D01:03
lubot<tsimonq2> @Jacob Kim, Yes.01:03
lubot<VikingRedwolf> with NO sugar .___.01:03
lubot<VikingRedwolf> what three things?01:03
redwolfit does, lynorian :)01:04
lubot<tsimonq2> What theme? ;)01:05
lubot<tsimonq2> Anyways, super early bed for me tonight01:08
lubot<tsimonq2> Baii01:08
wxlwhere's the matrix, @VikingRedwolf?01:08
lynorianI do have trouble seeing the removeable media icon though01:09
wxland you're doing this on ubuntu?01:11
wxlwrong channel bah01:11
wxlshuttup teward01:11
lubot<Jacob Kim> xD01:11
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Not everything is in that footer, wxl01:20
lubot<VikingRedwolf> You know what? I think it's a bit stupid to have that footer01:24
lubot<Jacob Kim> it's cuz they're nervous01:24
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Who?01:25
lubot<Jacob Kim> they want a "clear" proof01:25
lubot<Jacob Kim> whoever made the website01:25
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Clear proof for what?01:25
lubot<Jacob Kim> idk probably license stuff01:26
lubot<Jacob Kim> idk what's going on with lubuntu.me and lubuntu.net01:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Ah, no, I mean the icons01:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @Jacob Kim, I do :(01:26
lubot<Jacob Kim> oh i thought u meant the footer of the website 😆01:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> We'll, those things are on the footer :)01:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> But teward is right. I hate when teward is right.01:27
lubot<Jacob Kim> lol01:28
wxlthat's weird01:37
wxlit looks to me like checking the non-free box in ubiquity will result in installing ubuntu-restricted-addons01:37
wxlnot lubuntu01:37
wxland not extras either01:37
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Huh?01:40
wxlthere's a lubuntu-restricted-extras package which lubuntu-restricted-addons is based on01:41
wxlthis is also true with ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu01:41
wxlit appears that the only ones that ever get used are ubuntu and kubuntu01:41
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Addons is no longer used, right?01:42
wxlit seems extras isn't used.. by some01:42
lubotAlissonLB was added by: AlissonLB11:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @AlissonLB, o/11:41
lubot<tsimonq2> @AlissonLB, Welcome!12:19
lubot<Jacob Kim> 👋12:27
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-default-settings] tsimonq2 pushed 3 new commits to master: https://git.io/vNN8V14:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/master 9e44e9a Julien Lavergne: Add specific settings for openbox on LXQt session14:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/master 1563fa1 Julien Lavergne: Update default applications on openbox shortcut, and disable the ones without lxqt application14:25
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-default-settings/master aaec86b Julien Lavergne: Update debian/changelog14:25
lubot<tsimonq2> \o/14:26
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @lugito, yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes14:31
lubot<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne I thought lubuntu-default-settings was a native package 😉15:23
lubot<tsimonq2> (you added ubuntu1 to the end)15:23
wxl@VikingRedwolf please update the website repo with whatever's in wp-content/uploads18:07
lubot<VikingRedwolf> -___-18:11
lubot<julienlavergne> @tsimonq2, dch -i doesn't do it correctly :-)18:54
lubot<VikingRedwolf> O.o18:57
lubot<tsimonq2> @julienlavergne, Can you fix it? :)19:12
lubot<julienlavergne> No rush, I'll fix it just before the upload19:36
lubot<tsimonq2> OK :)19:36
lubot<julienlavergne> I'm busy with beers right now :-p19:36
lubot<VikingRedwolf> BEER!! WANT!19:37
lubot<Wolfenprey> (Document) http://vps.tsimonq2.net//file_3689.mp419:37
lubot<julienlavergne> @VikingRedwolf, Come to Bruxelles ;-)19:38
krytarik"<command>pcmanfm-qtr</command>" - woop.. (https://github.com/lubuntu-team/lubuntu-default-settings/commit/1563fa1a78d037087ec53a950c53b4af8cb59058#diff-2b93db96146af40784b847f47f64747fL477)20:07
lynorianthat would be a typo20:08
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @julienlavergne, what the hell are you doing there? 😁20:13
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [lubuntu-artwork] tsimonq2 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vNN8w20:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- lubuntu-artwork/master 4846ab4 Julien Lavergne: lubuntu-next plymouth : fix location of files20:14
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [cdimage-css] vikingredwolf pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vNAI920:15
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- cdimage-css/master 1577954 Redwolf: Update README.md20:15
lubot<tsimonq2> There :)20:15
lubot<julienlavergne> @VikingRedwolf, FOSDEM !20:16
lubot<VikingRedwolf> 😊20:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [cdimage-css] vikingredwolf pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vNALv20:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- cdimage-css/master 630de2b Redwolf: Update style.css20:16
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [cdimage-css] vikingredwolf pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vNALL20:17
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- cdimage-css/master ab9c064 Redwolf: Add Lubuntu logo PNG20:17
lubot<VikingRedwolf> lugito, shut up20:17
lubot<tsimonq2> Then do it in one push :P20:18
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @julienlavergne, Boss! take me with you! these people are making me behave like a dev! they forced me to use git, and ssh, and scp and all that sh*t!!20:20
lubot<julienlavergne> Welcome to the dark side of the code ;-)20:21
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [cdimage-css] tsimonq2 pushed 1 new commit to master: https://git.io/vNAt320:22
-lugito:#lubuntu-devel- cdimage-css/master 4fcb9bf Simon Quigley: Update the README with the repo name changes, and make it more descriptive.20:22
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @julienlavergne, 😒20:38
lubot<tsimonq2> Lol20:47
* agaida offers redwolf a Windows with Photoshop, Freehand and all the nice things20:51
lubot<tsimonq2> Thanks to efforts from @VikingRedwolf, Lubuntu's cdimage ISO listings (for lack of a better term) now have custom CSS21:12
lubot* VikingRedwolf blushes21:28
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @lubuntu_bot, eeewwwww21:28
redwolfbut you know what, agaida? I loved Freehand :)21:31
* agaida add a QuarkExpress21:32
redwolfoww yeah!!21:32
redwolfawesome SPARTAN interface :)21:33

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