
dufluHow is it we have two versions released simultaneously in bionic? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio01:33
sarnoldone is in bionic-release and the other is in bionic-proposed01:34
jbichaduflu: that's interesting, show it to slangasek :)01:48
dufluHe seems to be uploading as of minutes ago. Maybe it will resolve soon01:49
dufluYes, it's fixed now01:51
jbichaI meant point it out to him since I think it's interesting. I've not seen publishing work like that before but maybe he has01:52
duflusarnold, at the time there were two "release (main)" version rows plus a "proposed (main)" row01:52
sarnoldduflu: oh! neat :)01:53
dufluSteve usually knows what he's doing01:53
dufluNothing to see here01:53
jbichaI would have expected it to just publish u5 and not u4 too01:54
duflujbicha, probably not. u4 has been ready for release for a while and u5 is only hours old so worth keeping in proposed02:32
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:19
kenvandinegood morning!07:19
flexiondotorgEvening desktopers07:20
dufluHello oSoMoN, kenvandine, flexiondotorg07:23
oSoMoNhey kenvandine, flexiondotorg, duflu !07:25
Laneyhi from train ^_^08:08
dufluHello trainy Laney08:08
dufluOh crap. Trainy is a real word. I didn't mean that08:10
dufluHello mobile Laney08:11
Laneyhey duflu08:28
LaneyI'm sitting close enough to first class to pick up the free wifi08:28
dufluLaney, off to Brussels perhaps?08:32
Laneythat's the badger08:39
dupondjeSomebody knows if there is some bugreport somewhere about crazy lagging on gnome-terminal and wayland? :)08:43
dupondjeor even better, if there is some fix :)08:43
dufludupondje, yes I saw that today......08:45
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1746859 in gnome-shell (Ubuntu) "gnome-shell wayland is spamming syslog with wl_ messages" [Undecided,Incomplete]08:45
dufluOh, sorry. Lagging, not logging08:46
dupondje:D lagging indeed08:46
dufludupondje, what's slow? keystrokes?08:46
dupondjeif there is alot of output on the terminal (like when you tail -f some log or so), it laggs to death :)08:47
willcookeHappy Friday!08:53
dufluMorning willcooke. Happy Friday08:54
dufludupondje, I'm not sure what you mean by "lag" then. Can you describe the problem in different terms?08:55
dufluUnless you mean the whole GUI slows down when gnome-terminal is busy?08:55
kenvandinehey willcooke08:56
dupondjewell if there is some command running that gives alot of output, it laggs the whole graphical output on the desktop. Aka real low fps :)08:56
willcookehey kenvandine, hows that jet lag?08:56
kenvandinewillcooke, i found that problem with the classic snaps08:56
willcookeafternoon dupondje08:56
kenvandinejust fine :)08:56
kenvandinei stayed up pretty late last night to force myself on schedule :)08:56
dufludupondje, yes that's a known issue. I am finding the bug for you now...08:56
willcookesorry, afternoon duflu, sorry dupondje08:56
kenvandinewillcooke, turns out snapcraft on LP and snapcraft in 17.10 is broken... they needed a rebuild with a newer snapcraft08:57
dupondjenp :)08:57
kenvandineso i built them with cleanbuild and pushed instead of using LP to build08:58
kenvandinewillcooke, but... that's only amd6408:58
kenvandinewillcooke, the snapcraft update is held up by autopkgtest failures :/08:58
dupondjeduflu: ahh, no solution yet? Cause otherwise wayland seems to be quite response, except the terminal ...08:58
dufludupondje, yes it's definitely worse in Wayland and I know why. Just let me find that old bug08:59
dupondjeWe still have a whole friday left to fix it? :P08:59
dupondjeguess its a bit harder to fix but ok ;)08:59
willcookekenvandine, erk.  thanks for digging in to it09:01
dufludupondje, I can't find it. But the reason is that (a) GTK 3.x is software-rendered so any GTK app redrawing quickly will incur high CPU in the shell; and (b) Wayland lacks 2D acceleration that Xorg has to mitigate the problem. GTK 4.0 will be the real fix. Since I can't find the old bug though, please log a new one09:11
dufluAlthough a fix may also come in gnome-shell if someone finds a way to optimize CPU-to-GPU texture uploads09:12
dufluOr some clutter bottleneck in that area, which is plausible09:13
dufluRecently I've been asking people to log separate bugs for each affected app, because sometimes the app is able to change from being software rendered to hardware rendered sooner (like Firefox did recently?)09:15
dupondjeduflu: ok great! ill log some bug then09:18
dupondjeagainst gnome-terminal?09:19
dufludupondje, yes, and we'll extend it from there09:19
dupondjehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-terminal/+bug/1746949 :)09:24
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1746949 in gnome-terminal (Ubuntu) "Terminal laggs (low fps) the whole desktop when fast output" [Undecided,New]09:24
dupondjeduflu: https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77892609:29
ubot5Gnome bug 778926 in Backend: Wayland "[gnome-terminal] Very poor scrolling performance on wayland with high DPI" [Normal,New]09:29
dupondjeguess thats related :)09:29
dufludupondje, yeah maybe09:30
* duflu context switches to cooking10:02
dupondjeThere isnt a ppa with more recent muter etc? :)10:15
didrockshey hey13:00
willcookehey didrocks13:16
didrockshey willcooke13:20
dupondjehttps://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=778926 cool! seems to have fixed like half of the speed :)14:05
ubot5Gnome bug 778926 in Backend: Wayland "[gnome-terminal] Very poor scrolling performance on wayland with high DPI" [Normal,New]14:05
dokooSoMoN: didn't see the lo upload. still planning to do it today?14:26
oSoMoNdoko, unlikely today, I'll be boarding a plane to Brussels in 30 min14:27
dokowell, then doing the no-change upload14:38
jbichadoko: FF 59 Beta builds on ppc64el and 59 is due for release in mid-March https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ubuntu/firefox-next/+packages16:31
dokoohh, nice16:32
jbichaso I guess we'll just until then?16:34
dokoI don't see anything blocking on that16:52
flexiondotorgMorning desktopers17:17
flexiondotorgwillcooke: Is there anything that can be done to get this promoted from proposed?17:18
jbichaflexiondotorg: it's already in xenial-updates https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-software17:19
jbichaand it's fully phased: https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/phased-updates.html17:20
ochosipre-fosdem greetings everyone!17:31
willcookeflexiondotorg, yeah, what jbicha said :)17:50
willcookerighty ho, weekend starts here, have a good one all17:58
stormer97Hey, does anyone here know what upower/upowerd is? `man upowerd` and `man upower` are not terribly enlightening, and some google searching tells me it’s something to do with power management, but not specifically what it’s for.23:01
sarnoldstormer97: you may get a better feel for it if you install d-feet and use that to inspect the dbus services it provides23:25
stormer97Huh, didn’t know about d-feet, that’s pretty nifty. Thank you!23:39
sarnoldit's pretty cool, but has the worst name ever, I spent five minutes searching around for "dbus socks" and similar before finally stumbling across the *right* name :)23:40

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